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Check if forms meet 1.4.1 Use of Color.

semi-automatable test


First Draft

Open issues

  • Consider to connect this test to the user sample.
  1. During the sampling the user is asked to select a page with a forms.
  2. Afterwards the user answers the questions of this test.
  • Web page definition: Some steps of this test are carried out after the form has been submitted, i.e. on the resulting page, which might have a different URL. How does this affect the sample? Can we model this as multi-page process? Is the resulting page added to the sample?
  • Provide a clear description of “rely on color alone”, such as: For example a text cue is used on the form field.



This test checks that there are other ways (apart from color differences) used to identify required fields, missing data, or incorrect data in a form.

Note: This test will pass if the web page does not provide any feedback at all on the submitted data. (see also: Guideline 3.3 Input Assistance: Help users avoid and correct mistakes.)


  1. This test assumes that forms are implemented with <form> elements.

Test procedure

UTT: Required user expertise and skills

1: no prior knowledge

Specify: Are there any additional requirements for the user profile?
The tester must be able to see the web page. This test can not be carried out by a blind person.

Test subject

2: DOM tree (for tool)
4: rendered page (for user)

single page

Selector (tool)


Open issue: Limit the selection to forms with multiple input fields (not counting button, submit, and hidden input fields). Can this be described by a CSS selector?

Step 1 (user)

(Identification of required fields without form submission)

Does the form (or surrounding text) contain any indication that some fields are required?

  • IF no: continue with step 2.
  • ELSE: Does the indication of required fields rely on color alone?
  • IF no: continue with step 2.
  • ELSE: Return FAILED.
Key Value
test id id
SC 1.4.1
position pos
code extract html code
result FAILED
message required_field_only_color

Step 2 (user)

(Identification of missing data after form submission)

Submit the form without filling in data. Does the resulting page contain any indication that data is missing?

  • IF no: continue with step 3.
  • ELSE: Does the indication of missing data rely on color alone?
  • IF no: continue with step 3.
  • ELSE: Return FAILED.
Key Value
test id id
SC 1.4.1
position pos
code extract html code
result FAILED
message mssing_data_only_color

Step 3 (user)

(Identification of incorrect data after form submission)

Enter incorrect data (such as letters in a field for a phone number) and submit the form. Does the resulting page contain any indication that data is incorrect?

  • IF no: continue with step 4.
  • ELSE: Does the indication of missing data rely on color alone?
  • IF no: continue with step 4.
  • ELSE: Return FAILED.
Key Value
test id id
SC 1.4.1
position pos
code extract html code
result FAILED
message incorrect_data_only_color

Step 4 (tool)

Return PASSED.

Key Value
test id id
SC 1.4.1
position pos
code extract html code
result PASSED
message form_control_visually_evident
Note, that the test also passes, if the web page does not provide any feedback at all on the submitted data.