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Action items
From Automated WCAG Monitoring Community Group
Open actions from auto-wcag Community telecons
- Hanno: Create a definition for context changes
- Hanno: Test for livestream
- Hanno: Create a proposal for reliably detecting context change
- Frank: Continue work on 1.2 test cases
- All: Contact tool vendors (as agreed during telecon on 2016-02-11)
- Wilco/All - continue migration to Github (from April 7, 2016 call).
- All, more work on tests (from April 7, 2016 call).
Closed actions
- All - work with Judy towards making auto WCAG into a formal W3C group (precise group format yet to be determined) (from April 7, 2016 call).
- Annika - Finalize dates for auto-WCAG 2016 workshop.
- Annika and Wilco: Discuss multi-page approach
- Annika: Continue work on multi-page test cases
- Wilco: Investigate migration from mediawiki to github
- Annika: Look for location for auto-wcag workshop in 2016