The Web Payments Working Group meets 23-24 March in Chicago. On the agenda are these questions:
- Given progress on Payment Request API (and associated specifications) as well as Payment Handler API, are we ready to advance Payment Request API to Candidate Recommendation (CR) and Payment Handler API to First Public Working Draft?
- Do we wish to take up two new payment method specifications: Basic Credit Transfer Payment and Tokenized Card Payment?
- What is the state of the Payment Method Manifest File proposal (for payment method owners)?
- What are next steps for our test suite?
- What progress have we made on merchant adoption strategy?
We’ll hear from the Editors of the various specifications, as well as from the implementers. We anticipate demos from Alibaba, Facebook, Gemalto, Microsoft, Ripple, and Worldpay.
I anticipate summarizing our meeting the week of 27 March.