Give me a break! CSS WG meeting

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Here I'm taking a risk. I will mention one of those discussions which seems surrealistic for most people. The CSS WG is having a F2F (physical meeting) in Cambridge, UK hosted by Microsoft R&D. As often the discussion is not only contained in the Working Group but also in the community: twitter messages about css wg, and Daniel posted photos about the meeting. The live minute discussions of the meeting are available too.

The group discussed about the br break element and its implication on style. Bruce Lawson has written a wonderful wrap-up about the issues.

Still on CSS front, Microsoft has also submitted 2524 more test cases to the W3C for inclusion into the CSS 2.1 test suite. That's just great. They also took care the opportunity of this blog post to announce testing on ARIA.

Let's hope that Anne survived to the discussion.

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