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Meetings/f2f/SF Q1 2015
Web Annotation F2F, 22 April, San Francisco
Date: Wednesday, April 22nd 2015
Time: 9am - 5pm PT, with room open from 8 am, setup before 9 am. Internet not available until after 8:45 am.
Location: Fort Mason Center, San Francisco
Summary: A working group face to face meeting. All current members and invited experts are welcome, non-members wishing to attend should apply to the chairs for observer status.
Attending/Regrets: Registration Questionnnaire results
- The F2F is followed by I Annotate on the 23rd and 24th in the same location. Registration required.
- I Annotate is followed on Saturday and Sunday 24rd and 25th by Hack Days in the same location. Please RSVP for the hack days.
- The day before the Annotation WG F2F is an open meeting about the Linked Data Platform specification.
Some travel budget may still be available for active working group members. Please discuss with the chairs and/or Dan Whaley.
There will be no remote teleconference dial in access. The IRC channel is W3C #annotation, see IRC information on general Meeting Logistics page for details.
- Scribe Selection, Agenda Review, Logistics, Announcements
- Introductions (brief as needed)
- Approve previous minutes, 15 April
- Protocol - additional discussion, FPWD decision?
- Client-Side API requirements and approach
- (Break)
- Search requirements and approach
- (Lunch)
- Supporting Footnotes
- Robust Anchoring
- (Break)
- Implementation updates
- Data Model Issues (if time permits)
- Other Business
- Adjourn