% $Id: XMLSchema.html,v 1.1 2003/10/01 07:22:16 connolly Exp $


  1. XML Schema Part 1: Structures
    internal draft: Id: structures.xml,v 1999/10/26 16:23:30 ht Exp

XMLSchema: trait
        Set(Component, FiniteSet[Component] for Set[E]),
        Set(Component, FiniteSet[AttrDecl] for Set[E])

        TypeDefinition union of
             simple: SimpleTypeDefinition,
            complex: ComplexTypeDefinition

        BaseDatatype union of
            abInitio: AbInitio,
            simple: SimpleTypeDefinition

        AbInitio union of
            string: StringAIT,
            boolean: BooleanAIT,
            real: RealAIT,
            binary: BinaryAIT,
            uri: URIAIT,
            language: LanguageAIT,
            nmtoken: NMTokenAIT,
            timeinstant: TimeInstantAIT,
            timeduration: TimeDurationAIT,
            recurringinstant: RecurringInstantAIT

        SimpleTypeDefinition tuple of
            basetype: BaseDatatype
% @@others...

        ComplexTypeDefinition tuple of
            basetype: TypeDefinition,
            contentModel: ContentModel,
            attrDecls: FiniteSet[AttrDecl]

        ComplexRTypeDefinition tuple of %@@subtype of above??
            contentType: ContentType,
            attrDecls: FiniteSet[AttrDecl]

        ContentType union of
            unconstrained: Null,
            emptyCM: Null,
            simpleType: SimpleTypeDefinition,
            richModel: ContentModel

        schema_valid: ElementItem, TypeDefinition, FiniteSet[Component] → Bool
        schema_valid_string: List[Char], AbInitio → Bool
        schema_valid_content: List[Item], ComplexRTypeDefinition, FiniteSet[Component] → Bool
        effective_stype: SimpleTypeDefinition, FiniteSet[Component]→ AbInitio
        effective_ctype: ComplexTypeDefinition, FiniteSet[Component]→ ComplexRTypeDefinition
        find_component: Def_or_Decl_tag, List[Char], TargetNS,  FiniteSet[Component] → Component
        all_white: List[Char] → Bool

             eii: ElementItem,
            tyDef: TypeDefinition,
            effectiveSchema: FiniteSet[Component]

            schema_valid(eii, tyDef, effectiveSchema) =
                (tag(tyDef) = simple
                ∧ attributes(eii) = {}
                ∧ filter(children(element(eii)), element) = empty
                ∧ schema_valid_string(asString(children(element(eii))),
                (tag(tyDef) = complex
                ∧ schema_valid_attrs(attributes(eii),
                ∧ schema_valid_content(children(element(eii)),

            string: List[Char],
            ait: AbInitio

            schema_valid_string(string,ait) =
              (tag(ait) = string
% @@ \/ (tag(ait) = boolean /\ ...) ...

            content: List[Item],
            crt: ComplexRTypeDefinition,
            effectiveSchema: FiniteSet[Component]

            schema_valid_content(content,crt,effectiveSchema) =
                (((tag(crt.contentType) = emptyCM)
                  ∧ (filter(content,element) = empty)
                  ∧ all_white(asString(content)))
% @@ lots more clauses needed

             ccs: FiniteSet[Component],
             comp: Component,
             localname: List[Char],
             tns: TargetNS,
             dd: Def_or_Decl,
             ddt: Def_or_Decl_tag

             (find_component(ddt,localname,tns,ccs) = comp) ⇔
             (comp ∈ ccs) ∧ (comp.localname=localname) ∧ (comp.tns=tns)
             ∧ (comp.dex=dd) ∧ (tag(dd)=ddt)

% test the simplest case
            eii: ElementItem,
            td: TypeDefinition,
            ss: FiniteSet[Component],
            content: List[Item],
            i: Item,
            ci: CharacterItem,
            std: SimpleTypeDefinition,
            bt: BaseDatatype,
            ait: AbInitio,
            sait: StringAIT

            children(element(eii))=content ∧
            content={i} ∧
            tag(i)=char ∧
            tag(td)=simple ∧
            td.simple=std ∧
            std.basetype=bt ∧
            tag(bt)=abInitio ∧
            bt.abInitio=ait ∧
            tag(ait)=string ∧
            ait.string=sait ∧
            tag(sait.pattern)=null ∧
            tag(sait.maxLength)=null ∧
            tag(sait.length)=value ∧
            sait.length.value=1 ⇒ schema_valid(eii,td,ss)
% phew!


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