
From Web of Things Interest Group
  • Name: Full WoT
  • WoT Building Blocks Used:
    • Discovery: automized discovery search for relevant TDs via SPARQL at the Thing description repository
    • Scripting: Donwload of a voter script for making 'too cold' or 'too hot' votes
    • Protocols: HTTP and CoAP
    • Encodings: JSON
    • Security:
  • Diagram of the scenario, including all the Units involved.

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  • A WoT client (e.g., script interpreter running on mobile phone) consumes a WoT script that is downloaded from a voter Thing. Based on the script, a human can make a vote (via a rendered button) for 'too hot' or 'too cold'. If the voter Thing received too many 'too hot' or 'too cold', the air conditioner is switched on or off respectively. In addition, a Smart Temperature Thing is also involved in the votes. There, the Smart Temperature Thing measures the current temperature value. If a particular kind of threshold is meet (e.g., temeperature is > 30°C) the Thing initate a semantic search at TD repository via a SPARQL query to report this circumstance 'too hot' to another Thing. If such a Thing exist, the TD repository answers the query with the relevant TD(s) which contains all information to initate a vote to such a 'Voter' Thing.