W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
Web Accessibility Tutorials Guidance on how to create websites that meet WCAG
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Full Carousel Code

Code snippet:
/* Focusin/out event polyfill (for Firefox) by nuxodin
 * Source: https://gist.github.com/nuxodin/9250e56a3ce6c0446efa

  var w = window,
  d = w.document;

  if( w.onfocusin === undefined ){
    d.addEventListener('focus' ,addPolyfill ,true);
    d.addEventListener('blur' ,addPolyfill ,true);
    d.addEventListener('focusin' ,removePolyfill ,true);
    d.addEventListener('focusout' ,removePolyfill ,true);
  function addPolyfill(e){
    var type = e.type === 'focus' ? 'focusin' : 'focusout';
    var event = new CustomEvent(type, { bubbles:true, cancelable:false });
    event.c1Generated = true;
    e.target.dispatchEvent( event );
  function removePolyfill(e){
if(!e.c1Generated){ // focus after focusin, so chrome will the first time trigger tow times focusin
  d.removeEventListener('focus' ,addPolyfill ,true);
  d.removeEventListener('blur' ,addPolyfill ,true);
  d.removeEventListener('focusin' ,removePolyfill ,true);
  d.removeEventListener('focusout' ,removePolyfill ,true);
  d.removeEventListener('focusin' ,removePolyfill ,true);
  d.removeEventListener('focusout' ,removePolyfill ,true);

/* Carousel by Eric Eggert for W3C */

var myCarousel = (function() {

  "use strict";

  // Some variables for the instance of the carousel
  var carousel,
  announceSlide = 'false';

  // Helper function for removing classes
  function removeClass(el, className) {
    if (el.classList) {
    } else {
      el.className = el.className.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\b)' + className.split(' ').join('|') + '(\\b|$)', 'gi'), ' ');

  // Helper function for detecting if an element has a class
  function hasClass(el, className) {
    if (el.classList) {
      return el.classList.contains(className);
    } else {
      return new RegExp('(^| )' + className + '( |$)', 'gi').test(el.className);

  // Initialization for the carousel
  // Argument: set = an object of settings
  // Possible settings:
  // id <string> ID of the carousel wrapper element (required).
  // slidenav <bool> If true, a list of slides is shown.
  // animate <bool> If true, the slides can be animated.
  // startAnimated <bool> If true, the animation begins
  //                        immediately.
  //                      If false, the animation needs
  //                        to be initiated by clicking
  //                        the play button.
  function init(set) {
    // Make settings available to all functions
    settings = set;

    // Select the element and the individual slides
    carousel = document.getElementById(settings.id);
    slides = carousel.querySelectorAll('.slide');

    carousel.className = 'active carousel';

    // Add the previous/next controls
    var ctrls = document.createElement('ul');

    ctrls.className = 'controls';
    ctrls.innerHTML = '<li>' +
    '<button type="button" class="btn-prev"><img src="/img/chevron-left-75c7dd0b.png" alt="Previous Slide"></button>' +
    '</li>' +
    '<li>' +
    '<button type="button" class="btn-next"><img src="/img/chevron-right-2f19bc8b.png" alt="Next Slide"></button>' +

      .addEventListener('click', prevSlide);
      .addEventListener('click', nextSlide);


    // Add list of slides and/or play/pause button
    if (settings.slidenav || settings.animate) {
      slidenav = document.createElement('ul');

      slidenav.className = 'slidenav';

      var li = document.createElement('li');

      if (settings.animate) {

        // Add Play/Pause button if the slider is animated

        if (settings.startAnimated) {
          li.innerHTML = '<button data-stop=true><span class="visuallyhidden">Stop Animation </span>■</button>';
        } else {
          li.innerHTML = '<button data-start=true><span class="visuallyhidden">Start Animation </span>▶</button>';


      if (settings.slidenav) {

        // Add button for each slide if slidenav = true
        for (var i = slides.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
          var klass = (i===0) ? 'class="current" ' : '';
          var kurrent = (i===0) ? ' <span class="visuallyhidden">(Current Slide)</span>' : '';

          li.innerHTML = '<button '+ klass +'data-slide="' + i + '"><span class="visuallyhidden">News</span> ' + (i+1) + kurrent + '</button>';

      // Register click event on the slidenav
      slidenav.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
        var button = event.target;
        if (button.localName == 'button') {
          if (button.getAttribute('data-slide')) {
            // If the button is from the slide list,
            // stop the animation and go to the slide
            setSlides(button.getAttribute('data-slide'), true);
          } else if (button.getAttribute('data-stop')) {
            // Stop animation if the stop button is activated
          } else if (button.getAttribute('data-start')) {
            // Start animation if the stop button is activated
      }, true);

      carousel.className = 'active carousel with-slidenav';

    // Register a transitionend event so the slides can be
    // hidden after the transition
    slides[0].parentNode.addEventListener('transitionend', function (event) {
      var slide = event.target;
      removeClass(slide, 'in-transition');
      if (hasClass(slide, 'current')) {
        // Also, if the global setFocus variable is set
        // and the transition ended on the current slide,
        // set the focus on this slide.
        if (setFocus) {
          // This is done if the user clicks a slidenav button.
          slide.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
          setFocus = false;
        if (announceSlide) {
          announceSlide = false;

    // Suspend the animation if the mouse enters the carousel
    // or if an element of the carousel (that is not the current
    // slide) receives focus.
    // (Re-)start animation when the mouse leaves or the focus
    // is removed.
    carousel.addEventListener('mouseenter', suspendAnimation);
    carousel.addEventListener('mouseleave', startAnimation);

    carousel.addEventListener('focusin', function(event) {
      if (!hasClass(event.target, 'slide')) {
    carousel.addEventListener('focusout', function(event) {
      if (!hasClass(event.target, 'slide')) {

    // Set the index (=current slide) to 0 – the first slide
    index = 0;

    // If the carousel is animated, advance to the
    // next slide after 5s
    if (settings.startAnimated) {
      timer = setTimeout(nextSlide, 5000);

  // Function to set a slide the current slide
  function setSlides(new_current, focus, transition) {
    // Both, focus and transition are optional parameters.
    // focus denotes if the focus should be set after the
    // carousel advanced to slide number new_current.
    // transition denotes if the transition is going into the
    // next or previous direction.
    // Here defaults are set:
    setFocus = typeof focus !== 'undefined' ? focus : false;
    transition = typeof transition !== 'undefined' ? transition : 'none';

    new_current = parseFloat(new_current);

    var length = slides.length;
    var new_next = new_current+1;
    var new_prev = new_current-1;

    // If the next slide number is equal to the length,
    // the next slide should be the first one of the slides.
    // If the previous slide number is less than 0.
    // the previous slide is the last of the slides.
    if(new_next === length) {
      new_next = 0;
    } else if(new_prev < 0) {
      new_prev = length-1;

    // Reset slide classes
    for (var i = slides.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      slides[i].className = "slide";

    // Add classes to the previous, next and current slide
    slides[new_next].className = 'next slide';
    if (transition == 'next') {
      slides[new_next].className = 'next slide in-transition';
      slides[new_next].setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');

    slides[new_prev].className = 'prev slide';
    if (transition == 'prev') {
      slides[new_prev].className = 'prev slide in-transition';
      slides[new_next].setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');

    slides[new_current].className = 'current slide';

    if (announceSlide) {
      slides[new_current].setAttribute('aria-live', 'polite');

    // Update the slidenav buttons
    if(settings.slidenav) {
      var buttons = carousel.querySelectorAll('.slidenav button[data-slide]');
      for (var j = buttons.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
        buttons[j].className = '';
        buttons[j].innerHTML = '<span class="visuallyhidden">News</span> ' + (j+1);
      buttons[new_current].className = "current";
      buttons[new_current].innerHTML = '<span class="visuallyhidden">News</span> ' + (new_current+1) + ' <span class="visuallyhidden">(Current Slide)</span>';

    // Set the global index to the new current value
    index = new_current;


  // Function to advance to the next slide
  function nextSlide() {

    var length = slides.length,
    new_current = index + 1;

    if(new_current === length) {
      new_current = 0;

    announceSlide = true;

    // If we advance to the next slide, the previous needs to be
    // visible to the user, so the third parameter is 'prev', not
    // next.
    setSlides(new_current, false, 'prev');

    // If the carousel is animated, advance to the next
    // slide after 5s
    if (settings.animate) {
      timer = setTimeout(nextSlide, 5000);


  // Function to advance to the previous slide
  function prevSlide() {
    var length = slides.length,
    new_current = index - 1;

    if(new_current < 0) {
      new_current = length-1;

    announceSlide = true;

    // If we advance to the previous slide, the next needs to be
    // visible to the user, so the third parameter is 'next', not
    // prev.
    setSlides(new_current, false, 'next');


  // Function to stop the animation
  function stopAnimation() {
    settings.animate = false;
    animationSuspended = false;
    var _this = carousel.querySelector('[data-stop], [data-start]');
    _this.innerHTML = '<span class="visuallyhidden">Start Animation </span>▶';
    _this.setAttribute('data-start', 'true');

  // Function to start the animation
  function startAnimation() {
    settings.animate = true;
    animationSuspended = false;
    timer = setTimeout(function () {
    }, 5000);
    var _this = carousel.querySelector('[data-stop], [data-start]');
    _this.innerHTML = '<span class="visuallyhidden">Stop Animation </span>■';
    _this.setAttribute('data-stop', 'true');

  // Function to suspend the animation
  function suspendAnimation() {
    if(settings.animate) {
      settings.animate = false;
      animationSuspended = true;

  // Making some functions public
  return {

var carousel = new myCarousel();
  id: 'carousel',
  slidenav: true,
  animate: true,
  startAnimated: true