- Important note: This Wiki page is edited by participants of the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines working group (UAWG). It does not necessarily represent consensus and it may have incorrect information or information that is not supported by other Working Group participants, WAI, or W3C. It may also have some very useful information. Text size

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Test assertion 01: The user can set the text size of headings elements

  1. If the content does not have headings, choose [NOT APPLICABLE].
  2. Load the accessible test content file.
  3. Using the user agent user interface OR a user stylesheet, change ONLY the text size of the heading or a level of heading. Most technologies support multiple levels of headings.
  4. If the heading level changes as you set in Step 3 without undesired changes in other heading levels, choose [PASS], otherwise, select [FAIL]

Note: An example of "undesired changes" would be a change to text size to all levels so that the levels were indistinguishable.