ACTION-35: Discuss with Shawn and EO to draft a Benefits of UAAG

Discuss with Shawn and EO to draft a Benefits of UAAG

Jeanne F Spellman
Due on:
April 19, 2011
Created on:
October 20, 2008
Related emails:
  1. Finding Owner, Clarifying and Making Progress on Section 4.9 of UAAG 2.0 (from on 2010-01-19)
  2. Action Items Due for 1/21/2010 (from on 2010-01-19)
  3. Minutes of the F2F meeting for User Agent of October 20 (from on 2008-10-20)

Related notes:

Give this text to EO to draft for a "Benefits of UAAG"

Additional benefits of accessible user agent design

In meeting the goals of users with disabilities, user agent developers will also improve access to the Web for users in general. For example, users without disabilities:

* may have a text-only screen, a small screen, or a slow Internet connection (e.g., via a mobile phone browser). These users are likely to benefit from the same features that provide access to people with low vision or blindness.
* may be in a situation where their eyes, ears, or hands are busy or interfered with (e.g., driving to work or working in a noisy environment). These users are likely to benefit from the same features that provide access to people who cannot use a mouse or keyboard due to a visual, hearing, or physical disability.
* may not understand fluently the natural language of spoken content. These users are likely to benefit from the same visual rendering of text equivalents that make spoken language accessible to people with a hearing disability.

The UAWG expects that software which satisfies the requirements of this document will be more flexible, manageable, extensible, and beneficial to all users. For example, a user agent architecture that allows programmatic access to content and the user interface will encourage software modularity and reuse, and will enable operation by scripting tools and automated test engines in addition to assistive technologies.

Jeanne F Spellman, 20 Oct 2008, 08:23:25

Postponed until we are closer to Last Call.

Jeanne F Spellman, 5 Nov 2009, 17:23:30

Discussed at EO F2F on 23 & 24 May 2011

Jeanne F Spellman, 14 Jun 2011, 17:24:57

Display change log.

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