W3C WAI User Agent Test Suite Issue List: HTML 4.01
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Last updated on: Sat Aug 9 18:01:55 2003
Indexes of issues available
- Issue 9 (Working Draft): There should be tests for ONKEYPRESS, ONKEYDOWN, and ONKEYUP.
- Name: Catherine Laws
- Source URL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2003JanMar/0027.html
- Date: Thu Feb 20 12:56:16 2003
- Category of issue: ONKEY events
- Type of issue: Additional
- Resolution summary: Not resolved
- Resolution URL: Not resolved
- First working draft: No reference
- Comments: none
- Key References: none
- Issue 8 (Working Draft): ONMOUSEOVER and ONMOUSEOUT tests
- Name: Catherine Laws
- Source URL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2003JanMar/0027.html
- Date: Thu Feb 20 12:54:50 2003
- Category of issue: ONMOUSEOVER and ONMOUSEOUT events
- Type of issue: Broken tests
- Resolution summary: Not resolved
- Resolution URL: Not resolved
- First working draft: No reference
- Comments:
For ONMOUSEOVER, ONMOUSEOUT tests, the tester should be able to hear
something different as well as see something different for the mouseover
event. For example, the alt text could also change when the "Lamp is
turned on." A pop-up menu is a more common and useful example, and there
should be onmouseover event tests for some normally activatable elements
plus other types of non-activatable elements in addition to IMG, like H1,
TD, TH, or LI. There should also be a test for ONMOUSEMOVE.
- Key References: none
- Issue 7 (Working Draft): ONCLICK and ONDBLCLICK tests
- Name: Catherine Laws
- Source URL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2003JanMar/0027.html
- Date: Thu Feb 20 12:53:34 2003
- Category of issue: ONCLICK and ONDBCLICK event
- Type of issue: Additional
- Resolution summary: Not resolved
- Resolution URL: Not resolved
- First working draft: No reference
- Comments:
ONCLICK and ONDBLCLICK tests should be written for some normally
activatable elements (A, AREA, INPUT of all types, BUTTON, TEXTAREA,
SELECT, OBJECT, OPTION) plus a few other types of non-activatable elements
in addition to IMG, like H1, TD, TH, or LI.
- Key References: none
- Issue 6 (Working Draft): ONFOCUS and ONBLUR tests could be written for SELECT elements.
- Name: Catherine Laws
- Source URL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2003JanMar/0027.html
- Date: Thu Feb 20 12:52:02 2003
- Category of issue: SELECT element
- Type of issue: Additional
- Resolution summary: Not resolved
- Resolution URL: Not resolved
- First working draft: No reference
- Comments: none
- Key References: none
- Issue 5 (Working Draft): ONCHANGE attribute for SELECT elements test
- Name: Catherine Laws
- Source URL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2003JanMar/0027.html
- Date: Thu Feb 20 12:48:09 2003
- Category of issue: ONCHANGE event
- Type of issue: Broken tests
- Resolution summary: Test changed so that alt text matches the graphic changes.
- Resolution URL: http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/TS/html401/cp0102/0102-ONCHANGE-SELECT.html
- First working draft: No reference
- Comments:
ONCHANGE attribute for SELECT elements test - When the star color is
selected in the select menu, the graphic changes to the right color, but
the corresponding alt text always says "red star". The Javascript function
should also change the alt text for the test to make sense and to be an
accessible test.
- Key References: none
- Issue 4 (Working Draft): Need for additional TABINDEX testcases
- Name: Catherine Laws
- Source URL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2003JanMar/0027.html
- Date: Thu Feb 20 12:09:01 2003
- Category of issue: TABINDEX
- Type of issue: Additional
- Resolution summary: Not resolved
- Resolution URL: Not resolved
- First working draft: No reference
- Comments:
Additional TABINDEX testcases could be written for AREA, BUTTON, OBJECT,
- Key References: none
- Issue 3 (Working Draft): Additional ACCESSKEY tests
- Name: Catherine Laws
- Source URL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2003JanMar/0027.html
- Date: Thu Feb 20 12:03:11 2003
- Category of issue: none specified
- Type of issue: none specified
- Resolution summary: New cp0101 tests have been written for LABEL, LEGEND, and MAP AREAs. A new test for form control elements has been added to cp1102. The existing cp1102 test has been modified to test binding views for links and map areas.
- Resolution URL: Not resolved
- First working draft: No reference
- Comments:
Additional ACCESSKEY test cases could be written for LABEL, LEGEND, and MAP
AREAS. I have the same comment for Checkpoint 11.2 - Current author input
configuration. The same testcases could be used for both checkpoints,
especially if you combine some of the accesskey tests together.
- Key References: none
- Issue 2 (Working Draft): Frame tests
- Name: Catherine Laws, Johhny Axelson and many others
- Source URL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2003JanMar/0027.html
- Date: Wed Dec 18 11:29:58 2002
- Category of issue: Tables
- Type of issue: Broken tests
- Resolution summary: In the "Run Test" area of any test requiring a frameset document to run the test, a link has been added in the "Run Test" area that will take the user to the frameset document.
- Resolution URL: Not resolved
- First working draft: No reference
- Comments: none
- Key References: none
- Issue 1 (Working Draft): Do you think we need to lower the number of rows and columns to 2? I think the testcase should be modified to be a larger table.
- Name: Cathy Laws
- Source URL: http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA
- Date: Wed Dec 18 11:25:53 2002
- Category of issue: Tables
- Type of issue: Modify test
- Resolution summary: Not resolved
- Resolution URL: Not resolved
- First working draft: No reference
- Comments: none
- Key References: none
- Tables
- WD#1: Do you think we need to lower the number of rows and columns to 2? I think the testcase should be modified to be a larger table. (Open)
- WD#2: Frame tests (Resolved)
- Other
- WD#3: Additional ACCESSKEY tests (Resolved)
- WD#4: Need for additional TABINDEX testcases (Open)
- ONCHANGE event
- WD#5: ONCHANGE attribute for SELECT elements test (Resolved)
- SELECT element
- WD#6: ONFOCUS and ONBLUR tests could be written for SELECT elements. (Open)
- WD#7: ONCLICK and ONDBLCLICK tests (Open)
- ONKEY events
- WD#9: There should be tests for ONKEYPRESS, ONKEYDOWN, and ONKEYUP. (Open)
- Cathy Laws
- WD#1: Do you think we need to lower the number of rows and columns to 2? I think the testcase should be modified to be a larger table. (Open)
- Catherine Laws, Johhny Axelson and many others
- WD#2: Frame tests (Resolved)
- Catherine Laws
- WD#3: Additional ACCESSKEY tests (Resolved)
- WD#4: Need for additional TABINDEX testcases (Open)
- WD#5: ONCHANGE attribute for SELECT elements test (Resolved)
- WD#6: ONFOCUS and ONBLUR tests could be written for SELECT elements. (Open)
- WD#7: ONCLICK and ONDBLCLICK tests (Open)
- WD#9: There should be tests for ONKEYPRESS, ONKEYDOWN, and ONKEYUP. (Open)
- Modify test
- WD#1: Do you think we need to lower the number of rows and columns to 2? I think the testcase should be modified to be a larger table. (Open)
- Broken tests
- WD#2: Frame tests (Resolved)
- WD#5: ONCHANGE attribute for SELECT elements test (Resolved)
- No type
- WD#3: Additional ACCESSKEY tests (Resolved)
- Additional
- WD#4: Need for additional TABINDEX testcases (Open)
- WD#6: ONFOCUS and ONBLUR tests could be written for SELECT elements. (Open)
- WD#7: ONCLICK and ONDBLCLICK tests (Open)
- WD#9: There should be tests for ONKEYPRESS, ONKEYDOWN, and ONKEYUP. (Open)
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