<uiModel xmlns="http://www.usixml.org" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.usixml.org/spec/UsiXML-ui_model.xsd" id="User_Model"
    name="Exported Virtual User Model" creationDate="2012/02/02 13:52:17" schemaVersion="1.8.0">
  <version modifDate="2012/02/02 13:52:17">1.0</version>
  <authorName>Automatically generated by the VERITAS User Model Editor</authorName>
  <comment>This model has been generated using the VERITAS User Model Editor</comment>
   <disability type="hearing" name="hypoacusis">
     A condition in which the sense of hearing, although defective, is functional
     with or lacking a hearing aid. The hearing loss may affect one or both ears.
   <affectedTask id="talking_ID" type="hearing" name="talking" taskObject=""
    details="difficulty in understanding people talking in noisy environments"
    failureLevel="3" />
   <assistiveDevice type="hearing aid" name="Melody A1">
     A hearing aid is an electroacoustic device which typically fits in or behind
     the wearer's ear, and is designed to amplify and modulate sound for the wearer.
 <capabililtyModel />
Table 2: VUM representing a person with hypoacusis