Submission for the RDWG Symposium on Easy-to-Read on the Web

[Note to submitters: Do not add to or change the document style; styles will be removed prior to publication. Ensure that your paper is accessible — markup headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, citations, acronyms, and other document structures, and provide text alternatives for illustrations, graphics, and other images and non-text content. Refer to How To Meet WCAG 2.0 for more information. Inaccessible submissiions will not be accepted. Do not remove the following paragraph:]

This is a submission for the RDWG Online Symposium on Easy-to-Read on the Web. It has not been reviewed or accepted for publication. For more information about RDWG symposia and publications, see the RDWG Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

[Title of the Contribution]

1. Problem Description

[This section should describe the research question that the authors addressed.]

2. Background

[Breifly, what is the current state-of-the-art, including previous and related work?]

3. Approach

[How was the problem addressed; what methodologies were used; what strategies were pursued to address the problem?]

4. Challenges

[Major obstacles or difficulities found during the process or that could be encountered in the way forward.]

5. Outcomes

[The main outcomes, lessons learned, and mistakes made, or the expected outcomes and potential pitfalls from this and future research.]

6. Future Research

[What future research does this work suggest? What perspectives does it provide?]


[This section is optional. List citations as in the "References" section below.]


[Use the Harvard reference style, author-date format (Wikipedia 2012), plus the DOI where available. Link the references in the paper to the reference listing, as shown with the wikipedia link in the previous sentence. Examples below: 1. book, 2. journal article, 3. proceedings paper, 4. web page. Here's a Harvard Style Reference Generator.]

  1. Tinker, M.A. (1963) Legibility of Print. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.
  2. Calabrèse, A., Bernard, J.B., Hoffart. L., Faure, G., Barouch, F., Conrath, J., Castet, E. (2010) Small effect of interline spacing on maximal reading speed in low-vision patients with central field loss irrespective of scotoma size. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 51(2), 1247-54. DOI:10.1167/iovs.09-3682
  3. Henry, S.L. (2012). Developing Text Customisation Functionality Requirements of PDF Reader and Other User Agents. In: Miesenberger, K.; Karshmer, A.; Klaus, J.; Zagler, W., eds. Proceedings of Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 13th International Conference, ICCHP 2012, Linz, Austria, July 11-13, 2012. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 602-609. DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-31522-0_91
  4. Wikipedia. (2012) Parenthetical referencing. Available: Last accessed 1 August 2012.