Outdated Content!
The Protocols and Formats Working Group is no longer chartered to operate. Its work will continue in two new Working Groups:
- https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/ Accessible Platform Architectures, to review specifications, develop technical support materials, collaborate with other Working Groups on technology accessibility, and coordinate harmonized accessibility strategies within W3C; and
- https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/ Accessible Rich Internet Applications, to continue development of the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) suite of technologies and other technical specifications when needed to bridge known gaps.
Resources from the PFWG remain available to support long-term institutional memory, but this information is of historical value only.
This Wiki page was edited by participants of the Protocols and Formats Working Group. It does not necessarily represent consensus and it may have incorrect information or information that is not supported by other Working Group participants, WAI, or W3C. It may also have some very useful information.
From Protocols and Formats Working Group Wiki
Publication process for HTML Accessibility TF documents
Note that the Task Force doesn't formally publish its own documents, but requests the parent groups to do it.
- Agreement from the TF to start work on the deliverable
- Start work in the HTML a11y task force
- Add the deliverable to http://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/Publications
- Make sure to report progress to HTML a11y, HTMLWG, PFWG.
- When ready, Call for Consensus to publish in the HTML a11y tf and send a pointer to the HTML and PF Working Groups
- Make sure to address all issues raised within the Task Force.
- TF issues a decision. If it is to publish go to next step. Otherwise, go back to 4.
- Send a request to HTML and PF Working groups to issue CFCs for publication, pointing to the documentation of the decision and resolution of issues (if there were any).
- HTMLWG and PFWG Call for Consensus to publish the document.
- If there is opposition during one of those CfCs based on new information, that HTML or PFWG chairs decide needs to be resolved before publication, return to step 4. Otherwise go to next step. (Objections based on issues already resolved in the TF need new information to sustain them). Issues which do not block publication should be returned to the TF to be resolved in future drafts.
- Once HTMLWG and PFWG have consensus to publish, work with HTML Working Group Team Contact for the publication, and WAI for announcement. Note the Status of the doc needs to make it clear it is a joint deliverable of HTMLWG and PFWG.