This Wiki page is edited by participants of the HTML Accessibility Task Force. It does not necessarily represent consensus and it may have incorrect information or information that is not supported by other Task Force participants, WAI, or W3C. It may also have some very useful information.
Scribe List
Scheduled Scribes
To help ensure fairer scribe rotation, this list tracks scribes for the HTML Accessibility Task Force calls. The first available person at the top of the list should be the scribe. When someone scribes a call, increment the number of times they have scribed shown in brackets beside their name, then move them down to the lowest position in the list among people who have scribed the same number of times.
- Geoff Freed
- Shilpi Kapoor
- Gez Lemon [1]
- Frank Olivier [1]
- Everett Zufelt [1]
- Jason Kiss [1]
- David Bolter [2]
- Suzanne Taylor [2]
- Shane McCarron [2]
- Cynthia Shelly [4]
- Judy Brewer [5]
- Adrian Roselli [6]
- Jon Gunderson [6]
- Silvia Pfeiffer[7]
- Char James-Tanny [7]
- David MacDonald [8]
- Joshue O Connor [9]
- Hans Hillen [9]
- Marco Ranon [10]
- Rich Schwerdtfeger [14]
- Mark Sadecki [18]
- John Foliot [34]
- Léonie Watson [38]
Scribe history
List of meetings by date and who scribed:
2014 history
- 28 August: Chaals
- 21 August: David MacDonald
- 14 August: Liam Quin
- 07 August: Adrian Roselli
- 24 July: Philippe Le Hégaret
- 17 July: Shane McCarron
- 10 July: Mark Sadecki
- 03 July: Léonie Watson
- 26 June: Shane McCarron
- 19 June: Mark Sadecki
- 12 June: David MacDonald
- 05 June: Adrian Roselli
- 29 May: Chaals
- 22 May: Mark Sadecki
- 15 May: No Meeting
- 08 May: Léonie Watson
- 01 May: David MacDonald
- 24 April: Adrian Roselli
- 17 April: Mark Sadecki
- 10 April: Adrian Roselli
- 03 April: Léonie Watson
- 27 March: Cynthia Shelley
- 20 March: No Meeting
- 13 March: Mark Sadecki
- 06 March: Mark Sadecki
- 27 February: Mark Sadecki
- 20 February: Léonie Watson
- 13 February: Mark Sadecki
- 06 February: Janina
- 30 January: Chaals
- 23 January: Mark Sadecki
- 16 January: Chaals
- 09 January: Adrian Roselli
2013 history
- 05 December: Mark Sadecki
- 21 November: Mark Sadecki
- 07 November: Chaals
- 24 October: Adrian Roselli
- 17 October: Mark Sadecki
- 10 October: Léonie Watson
- 03 October: Suzanne Taylor
- 26 September: Mark Sadecki
- 19 September: Léonie Watson
- 12 September: Suzanne Taylor
- 05 September: Léonie Watson
- 15 August: Janina Sajka
- 01 August: Mark Sadecki
- 25 July: Mark Sadecki
- 18 July: John Foliot
- 11 July: Chaals
- 04 July: Léonie Watson
- 27 June: Léonie Watson
- 20 June: Janina Sajka
- 13 June: Mark Sadecki
- 06 June: David MacDonald
- 30 May: John Foliot
- 23 May: Léonie Watson
- 16 May: Janina
- 09 May: Mark Sadecki, Chaals
- 02 May: Janina Sajka
- 18 April: Mark Sadecki, Chaals
- 11 April: Léonie Watson
- 4 April: Léonie Watson, John Foliot
- 28 March: ?
- 21 March: Janina Sajka
- 7 March: Rich Schwerdtfeger
- 21 February: Michael Cooper
- 14 February: David MacDonald
- 7 February: Léonie Watson
- 31 January: John Foliot
- 24 January: Léonie Watson
- 17 January: Léonie Watson
- 10 January: David MacDonald
2012 history
- 29 March: Janina Sajka
- 27 March (text): John Foliot
- 27 March (aapi): Jason Kiss
- 22 March: David MacDonald
- 20 March (aapi): Char James-Tanny
- 20 March (bugs): Michael Cooper
- 20 March (text): Judy Brewer, Janina Sajka
- 15 March: Janina Sajka
- 13 March (text): Janina Sajka
- 6 March (aapi): Char James-Tanny
- 23 February: Michael Cooper
- 21 February (bugs): Léonie Watson
- 21 February (text): David MacDonald
- 21 February (aapi): Char James-Tanny
- 16 February: John Foliot
- 9 February: Michael Cooper
- 7 February (bugs): Michael Cooper
- 7 February (text): Michael Cooper
- 2 February: Léonie_watson
- 31 January (text): Michael Cooper, Janina Sajka
- 31 January (aapi): Char James-Tanny
- 26 January: Léonie Watson
- 24 January (aapi): Char James-Tanny
- 24 January (text): Janina Sajka
- 19 January: Léonie Watson
- 17 January (aapi): Char James-Tanny
- 17 January (bugs): Michael Cooper
- 12 January: Janina Sajka
- 11 January: Hans Hillen
- 10 January (text): Judy Brewer
- 10 January (bugs): Hans Hillen
- 5 January: Janina Sajka
- 3 January: Hans Hillen
2011 history
- 8 December: Michael Cooper
- 1 December: Janina Sajka
- 29 November: Léonie Watson
- 29 November: Hans Hillen
- 22 November: Joshue O Connor
- 17 November: Léonie Watson
- 15 November: Hans Hillen
- 10 November: Mike Smith
- 8 November: Hans Hillen
- 27 October: Léonie Watson
- 25 October: Léonie Watson
- 25 October: Joshue O Connor
- 20 October: Steve Faulkner
- 18 October: Hans Hillen
- 13 October: Janina Sajka
- 11 October: Janina Sajka
- 11 October: Hans Hillen
- 6 October: Rich Schwerdtfeger
- 4 October: Léonie Watson
- 4 October: Joshue O Connor, Hans Hillen
- 29 September: John Foliot
- 27 September: Joshue O Connor
- 22 September: Rich Schwerdtfeger, Léonie Watson
- 20 September: Gez Lemon
- 15 September: Michael Cooper
- 8 September: Léonie Watson
- 1 September: Léonie Watson
- 25 August: John Foliot
- 18 August: Mike Smith
- 11 August: Marco Ranon
- 1 August: Greg Lowney, John Foliot, Janina Sajka
- 28 July: Marco Ranon, John Foliot, Cynthia Shelly, Michael Cooper, John Foliot, Joshue O Connor, Kelly Ford
- 27 July: Janina Sajka
- 21 July: Mike Smith
- 18 July: Janina Sajka
- 14 July: Michael Cooper
- 13 July: Janina Sajka
- 11 July: Rich Schwerdtfeger
- 7 July: Martin Kliehm
- 6 July: John Foliot
- 30 June: Léonie Watson
- 29 June: Janina Sajka
- 23 June: Léonie Watson
- 22 June: John Foliot, Jim Allan
- 20 June: Rich Schwerdtfeger
- 16 June: Steve Faulkner
- 15 June: Janina Sajka
- 13 June: Janina Sajka
- 9 June: Léonie Watson
- 8 June: John Foliot
- 2 June: Marco Ranon
- 1 June: Janina Sajka
- 26 May: Marco Ranon
- 25 May: Silvia Pfeiffer
- 23 May: Janina Sajka
- 12 May: Michael Cooper
- 11 May: John Foliot
- 9 May: Léonie Watson
- 5 May: Steve Faulkner, Gregory Rosmaita, Léonie Watson
- 4 May: Sean Hayes
- 2 May: Rich Schwerdtfeger
- 28 April: Martin Kliehm
- 27 April: John Foliot
- 25 April: Gregory Rosmaita
- 21 April: Léonie Watson
- 20 April: Sean Hayes
- 18 April: John Foliot
- 14 April: Gregory Rosmaita
- 13 April: Janina Sajka
- 7 April: Steve Faulkner
- 6 April: Janina Sajka
- 31 March: Léonie Watson
- 30 March: John Foliot
- 8 March: Gregory Rosmaita
- 7 March: Gregory Rosmaita
- 3 March: Marco Ranon
- 2 March: Silvia Pfeiffer
- 24 February: Gregory Rosmaita
- 23 February: Silvia Pfeiffer
- 21 February: Gregory Rosmaita
- 17 February: Martin Kliehm
- 16 February: John Foliot
- 14 February: Rich Schwerdtfeger
- 10 February: Steve Faulkner
- 9 February: Janina Sajka
- 7 February: Rich Schwerdtfeger
- 3 February: Marcon Ranon
- 2 February: John Foliot
- 31 January: Gregory Rosmaita
- 27 January: Léonie Watson
- 26 January: Janina Sajka
- 24 January: Gregory Rosmaita
- 20 January: Gregory Rosmaita, Steve Faulkner
- 19 January: Sean Hayes
- 17 January: David Bolter
- 13 January: Gregory Rosmaita
- 12 January: Janina Sajka
- 10 January: Gregory Rosmaita
- 6 January: Léonie Watson
- 5 January: John Foliot
2010 history
- 16 December: Léonie Watson
- 15 December: John Foliot
- 9 December: Gregory Rosmaita
- 8 December: Janina Sajka
- 2 December: Rich Schwerdtfeger
- 1 December: Silvia Pfeiffer
- 18 November: Jon Gunderson
- 17 November: Janina Sajka
- 11 November: Rich Schwerdtfeger
- 10 November: John Foliot
- 4 November: Joshue O'Connor, Martin Kliehm, Janina Sajka, Michael Cooper (in html-wg channel)
- 2 November: Stefan Schnabel
- 28 October: Martin Kliehm
- 27 October: John Foliot
- 21 October: Marco Ranon
- 20 October: Janina Sajka
- 14 October: Everett Zufelt
- 7 October: Rich Schwerdtfeger
- 30 September: Gregory Rosmaita, John Foliot
- 29 September: Judy Brewer
- 28 September: Michael Cooper
- 23 September: Martin Kliehm
- 22 September: John Foliot
- 21 September: Joshue O'Connor
- 16 September: Jon Gunderson
- 15 September: John Foliot
- 14 September: Michael Cooper
- 9 September: Gregory Rosmaita
- 8 September: Janina Sajka
- 7 September: Michael Cooper
- 2 September: Jon Gunderson
- 1 September: John Foliot, Janina Sajka
- 26 August: Ben Caldwell
- 25 August: Silvia Pfeiffer
- 19 August: Janina Sajka
- 18 August: Janina Sajka
- 17 August: Janina Sajka
- 11 August: Janina Sajka
- 5 August: Rich Schwerdtfeger
- 22 July: Martin Kliehm
- 21 July: Kenny Johar, Judy Brewer
- 15 July: John Foliot
- 14 July: Kenny Johar
- 8 July: Marcon Ranon
- 7 July: Janina Sajka
- 1 July: Steve Faulkner
- 30 June: John Foliot
- 24 June: Jon Gunderson
- 23 June: Judy Brewer, John Foliot
- 22 June: [not scribed]
- 17 June: Ben Caldwell
- 16 June: Mike Smith, Sean Hayes
- 15 June: Cynthia Shelly, Janina Sajka
- 10 June: Matt May
- 9 June: Jim Allan
- 3 June: Jon Gunderson
- 2 June: Janina Sajka
- 27 May: Cynthia Shelly
- 26 May: Silvia Pfeiffer
- 25 May: Janina Sajka
- 20 May: Martin Kliehm
- 19 May: Jim Allan
- 13 May: John Foliot
- 12 May: Silvia Pfeiffer
- 6 May: Matt May
- 5 May: Janina Sajka
- 29 April: John Foliot
- 22 April: Marco Ranon
- 15 April: Martin Kliehm
- 1 April: Kelly Ford
- 18 March: Joshue O'Connor
- 11 March: Steve Faulkner
- 4 March: John Foliot
- 25 February: Gregory Rosmaita
- 18 February: Ben Caldwell
- 11 February: Jon Gunderson, David Bolter
- 4 February: Gregory Rosmaita
- 28 January: Marco Ranon
- 21 January: Gregory Rosmaita
- 14 January: Steve Faulkner
- 7 January: Joshue O'Connor
2009 history
- 17 December: Rich Schwerdtfeger
- 10 December: Rich Schwerdtfeger, Gregory Rosmaita
- 3 December: Gregory Rosmaita
Exempt from scribing
The following people are not part of the scribe rotation for specific reasons:
- Eric Carlson - typing
- Michael Cooper [6.5] - drives meeting support tools during calls
- Paul Cotton - preparing for HTML calls
- Janina Sajka [8] - chairs calls
- Mike Smith - chairs calls
Not attending calls
The following people would be scribe candidates but do not normally attend calls:
- Jim Allan
- Denis Boudreau
- Dick Bulterman
- Sally Cain
- Laura Carlson
- Wendy Chisholm
- Jean-Pierre Evain
- Donald Evans
- Kelly Ford
- Markku Hakkinen
- Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
- Sean Hayes
- Ian Hickson
- Lynn Holdsworth
- Kenny Johar
- Martin Kliehm
- Masatomo Kobayashi
- Bruce Lawson
- Philippe Le Hégaret
- Aurélien Levy
- Bob Lund
- Matthew May
- Charles McCathieNevile
- Debi Orton
- Sam Ruby
- David Singer
- Leif Halvard Silli
- Jeanne Spellman
- Maciej Stachowiak
- Matthew Turvey
- Mark Watson