
Apply the following changes to selected action items:

There are 97 actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1 (edit) closed Make sure Rick Byers knows we want him to directly add his UCs to the UC wiki Arthur Barstow 2012-06-27 Administration
ACTION-2 (edit) closed Give Brett a cookie Michael Cooper 2012-07-19 Administration
ACTION-3 (edit) closed Create a TPAC planning page Michael Cooper 2012-08-01 Administration
ACTION-4 (edit) closed Follow up with Mozilla re joining the Indie UI TF Arthur Barstow 2012-08-01 Administration
ACTION-5 (edit) closed Author draft spec. change for james craig to include place holders for agreed upon events today in Joseph Scheuhammer 2012-08-29
ACTION-6 (edit) closed Add note regarding default DOM 'click' event as the main activation event James Craig 2012-09-12 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-7 (edit) closed Notification when user pref changes (e.g. font size, enabling captions, toggle images) based on explicit user action or UA heuristics like ambient noise level changes James Craig 2012-09-14 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-8 (edit) closed User Context: Add a notification for registering a live region (might be covered by 'element changed' notification) James Craig 2012-09-14 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-9 (edit) closed Add method for preference introspection with defined and extensible keys James Craig 2012-09-14 WebApps coord: navigator interface
ACTION-10 (edit) open Find a tool to harvest WG resolutions Michael Cooper 2012-09-24 Administration
ACTION-11 (edit) closed Incorporate Andy Heath's and Rich's proposal into User Context spec James Craig 2012-09-26 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-12 (edit) closed Incorporate group change proposal (sent in and formatted by Joseph) James Craig 2012-09-26 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-13 (edit) closed Add event for moving focus to app toolbar(s), palettes, etc. James Craig 2012-10-31 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-14 (edit) closed Add directional navigations event with 8-way directional order property (e.g. n, ne, e, se, …) James Craig 2012-11-08 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-15 (edit) closed Add logical previous/next event (not tied to directional focus event) (maybe focusNextRequest and focusPreviousRequest?) James Craig 2012-11-08 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-16 (edit) closed Add spec event for play/pause toggle event (and maybe media next/prev) James Craig 2012-11-08 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-17 (edit) open Add spec event for suspend/resume (non-media playback) for example, suspend upload or suspend live region chat log updates James Craig 2012-11-08 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-18 (edit) closed Summarize important or common preferences/keys list from AfA/APIP/GPII, etc. and send to the IndieUI group for discussion and potential inclusion in the User Context deliverable. Andy Heath 2012-01-31 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-19 (edit) open Add volumeChangeRequest event with up/down and min/max James Craig 2012-11-09 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-20 (edit) open Add volumeMuteRequest event with three values (on, off, toggle) James Craig 2012-11-09 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-21 (edit) closed Add captionChangeRequest (?) with property values (on, off, toggle) James Craig 2012-11-09 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-22 (edit) closed Add zoomRequest with property zoomIn, zoomOut, or specific zoomLevel? James Craig 2012-11-09 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-23 (edit) closed Add panRequest with deltaX/deltaY James Craig 2012-11-09 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-24 (edit) closed Work in point-of-regard change request(s) with both 2-dimensional (up, down, left, right) and linear (home, end, pageup, pagedown, next previous, etc) James Craig 2012-11-09 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-25 (edit) open Add markRequest with variant properties indicating "fromLast" (like Shift+click or select range from last mark) and "retainMarks" (like Mac Cmd+click or Win Ctrl+click meaning select in addition to) James Craig 2012-11-09 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-26 (edit) open Research UI manipulation of size in graphics programs; may need a resizeRequest event with [x,y,(z?)] values and event properties "constrain proportions" and "lock centerpoint" James Craig 2012-11-09 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-27 (edit) closed Consider moveRequest in the context of scrollRequest and panRequest James Craig 2012-11-09 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-28 (edit) closed Consider show/hide details as expand/collpse or possibly ???/dismiss. James Craig 2012-11-09 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-29 (edit) closed Send list of Opera use cases and suggest requirements for mainstream events Michael Cooper 2012-12-01 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-30 (edit) closed Set up a Bugzilla products for IndieUI Events and IndieUI User Context. Michael Cooper 2012-11-14 Administration
ACTION-31 (edit) open consider column sorting events for grids James Craig 2012-11-18 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-32 (edit) closed Send suggested text about implict vs explict user settings and sending preferences even if device does not support the feature, the web app might (see minutes discussion) Andy Heath 2012-12-05 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-33 (edit) closed Propose concrete feature for combining zoom, pan, rotate thread James Craig 2012-12-05 Rotate
ACTION-34 (edit) closed List concerns re: vendor-specific keys and any information about how other groups addressing the issue Lachlan Hunt 2012-12-05 vendor keys
ACTION-35 (edit) closed Update event initializers to be more in line with DOM Level 3 James Craig 2012-12-11 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-36 (edit) closed Complete introductory explanatory text for Events Module James Craig 2012-12-19 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-37 (edit) closed Add @ui-actions attribute which declares event "receiver" (as opposed to event target and event listener) James Craig 2012-12-19 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-38 (edit) closed Address IDL feedback in James Craig 2013-02-27 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-39 (edit) closed Address comments or raise issues from James Craig 2013-02-27 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-40 (edit) open Add definitions of specific types of "implementations" to avoid vocabulary confusion within the working group James Craig 2014-08-06 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-41 (edit) open Create IndieUI Roadmap for both spec: which feature sets should go into 1.0 versions. Michael Cooper 2013-03-02 Administration
ACTION-42 (edit) closed Consolidate use cases Michael Cooper 2013-03-13 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-43 (edit) closed Reformat the proposal from Andy / Rich as key value pairs Michael Cooper 2013-03-13 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-44 (edit) closed add keys for letterspacing and linespacing James Craig 2013-03-21 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-45 (edit) open Clarify difference between "preference" and "state setting"; adopt naming convention of keys James Craig 2014-08-06 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-46 (edit) open Add preference for signLanguageDialect (preferred list of ISO-specced lang codes: ASL, etc) James Craig 2014-08-06 IndieUI: User Context (Future Release)
ACTION-47 (edit) open Change ISO-639 and ISO-3166 to BCP 47 Michael Cooper 2014-08-06 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-48 (edit) open Clarify reason for using "subtitle" superset term as opposed to "captions" subset James Craig 2014-08-06 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-49 (edit) open Review user preferences for implications of key-value pair proposal Andy Heath 2013-04-17
ACTION-50 (edit) closed Prepare a list of user context properties that might be able to be covered by media queries James Craig 2013-04-17 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-51 (edit) open Consider Patrick Harms intro text suggestions regarding lexical/syntactical/semantic layers of UI design James Craig 2013-05-08 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-52 (edit) open Review key/value pair proposal in relation to Andy Heath 2013-05-08
ACTION-53 (edit) open Add ~"activate request" event to augment default action trigger when "click" handlers are inappropriate. James Craig 2013-05-10 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-54 (edit) open Email group to resoliciting uses cases for User Context requirements; Jason White 2013-06-05
ACTION-55 (edit) closed Add DOMImplementation.hasFeature() specifics for IndieUI Events James Craig 2013-06-24 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-56 (edit) closed NTBF: Determine how to add interface for accessing interface constants, (e.g. valuechangerequest.UNKNOWN = 0; valuechangerequest.INCREMENT = 1; valuechangerequest.INCREMENT_SMALL = 2;) so authors don't have to memorize all these integers. James Craig 2013-06-24 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-57 (edit) open Consider helpfocusrequest and mainfocusrequest in addition to toolbarfocusrequest and palettefocusrequest James Craig 2013-06-27 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-58 (edit) open Add another UIEvent for point-of-regard focus and blur (separate from keyboard focus/blur) James Craig 2013-06-28 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-59 (edit) closed scrollrequest needs ability to match pageup/pagedown/home/end behavior; currently relies on deltaX/deltaY which will not work in all cases James Craig 2013-07-08 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-60 (edit) closed uiactions attr value should be a DOMTokenList James Craig 2013-07-09 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-61 (edit) open Heath to provide Use Cases Andy Heath 2013-07-17 IndieUI: User Context (Future Release)
ACTION-62 (edit) closed Define how to determine receiver property of each instance of a UIRequestEvent. James Craig 2013-07-17 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-63 (edit) closed Need a glossary section for term references Michael Cooper 2013-08-02 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-64 (edit) closed Consider using string values instead of constants. re: warning at James Craig 2013-08-06 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-65 (edit) closed Art Barstow pointed out that AbstractView is obsolete and no longer defined in WebIDL. See related: < James Craig 2013-08-25 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-66 (edit) closed Ask dom group about node.issupported is okay to use, given that hasfeature has been deprecated: James Craig 2013-08-28 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-67 (edit) closed Make a proposal for formalizing indieui requirements Michael Cooper 2013-11-08
ACTION-68 (edit) closed Check with mozilla and blink re plans to implement indieui events for cr exit timeline Janina Sajka 2013-09-11
ACTION-69 (edit) closed Inform indieui list of remaining issues/actions for events 1.0 and ask others to speak up if they need to add more. James Craig 2013-09-11
ACTION-70 (edit) closed Follow up with shawn re edits to the way indieui is discussed in w3c materials Janina Sajka 2013-09-11
ACTION-71 (edit) closed Clarify goal #3 in IndieUI events, transition path (including polyfill implementations) are a goal of the working group effort, but not of the spec itself. James Craig 2013-11-21 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-72 (edit) open Add graphic to the spec clarifying relationship of event receiver and event listener, using native scrolling versus custom scrollrequest as as example James Craig 2013-11-21 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-73 (edit) open Clarify in events spec that valuechangerequest is specific to custom numeric range widgets James Craig 2013-11-22 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-74 (edit) closed Incorporate 14 and 15 november 2013 ftf events requirements decisions into wiki Michael Cooper 2013-11-22
ACTION-75 (edit) open Ask WebApps about the DOMTokenList and reflected attributes uiactions/@ui-actions; Ted mentioned there was some pushback against DOMTokenList. James Craig 2013-11-27 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-76 (edit) closed Review Mats Palmgren's Mozilla MQ preference exposure feature James Craig 2013-11-28 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-77 (edit) closed Send jason an invite Janina Sajka 2014-02-26
ACTION-78 (edit) open Add editorial note to valuechangerequest mentioning the slider/thumb composite widget problem and pixel interface event reconciliation James Craig 2014-02-26 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-79 (edit) closed Explore @uitrigger or @uicontroller (e.g. allows continuous event control for slider thumbs; clickables for dismissrequest, etc.) James Craig 2014-03-12 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-80 (edit) closed Link notes about screenreader privacy concerns, and try to address in the screenreader section, not just the security section. Add normative statements that implementors MUST NOT implement high security interfaces like screen reader until the user security model is in place. James Craig 2014-03-12 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-81 (edit) open Ensure user context public review version solicits input on the privacy concern of at identification Michael Cooper 2014-03-12
ACTION-82 (edit) open Link existing security restrictions for cross-domain James Craig 2014-03-12 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-83 (edit) open Address whether certain additional restrictions (such as ssl) would be required for restricted prefs like screen reader James Craig 2014-03-12 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-84 (edit) closed Open coordination review with security group once we polish up our first proposal on at identification Michael Cooper 2014-03-12
ACTION-85 (edit) open Add seek forward/back in addition to previous/next (related to action-16) James Craig 2014-04-23 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-86 (edit) open Validator requirements in spec James Craig 2014-05-23 IndieUI: Events 1.0
ACTION-87 (edit) open Consider a way to query the DOM interface to determine what the key mapping is for a particular action, so that help text could be generated to include user-unique instructions. James Craig 2014-05-23 IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
ACTION-88 (edit) open Draft updated indieui charter, just in case Michael Cooper 2014-06-09
ACTION-89 (edit) closed Update the example dialog graphic to not show justification string in "trusted" ui James Craig 2014-06-18 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-90 (edit) closed Change window.settings interface to navigator.settings James Craig 2014-06-18 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-91 (edit) open Add additional keys from CSS4 Media Queries: light-level, hover, pointer, etc. James Craig 2014-09-24 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-92 (edit) open Reference as justification for reduce motion setting James Craig 2014-09-28 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-93 (edit) open Consider transparency reduction preference James Craig 2014-10-01 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-94 (edit) open Consider increased contrast setting in addition to user colors James Craig 2014-10-01 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-95 (edit) open Draft accessibility preferences from the two for accessibilityfeature and accessibilityhazard, and accessibiltyapi - based on today meeting Richard Schwerdtfeger 2014-12-22 IndieUI: User Context 1.0
ACTION-96 (edit) open Draft frontmatter for webapps relationship for indieui events Michael Cooper 2014-12-24
ACTION-97 (edit) open Consider changing navigator.usersettings to window.usersettings (security model may require it in order to limit third partiy access) James Craig 2015-01-14 IndieUI: User Context 1.0

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