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WAI: Strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

Participating in the Indie UI Working Group

Page Contents

This page explains the requirements and procedures for becoming a participant in the Indie UI Working Group. It also explains how non-participants may contribute to or monitor activity of the Working Group. See also Participating in WAI for broader participation options throughout the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

Join the Working Group

Current participants in the Indie UI WG

Participation enables you to influence the development of the deliverables, and you and your organization will be listed as contributors to the deliverables of the Indie UI WG where appropriate. Participant status, however, requires a commitment on your behalf to support the work of the group. Participants are expected to observe the requirements of Section of the Process Document ("Good Standing in a Working Group").

Before applying to join, please read the Indie UI WG Charter to review the activity and commitments. When you join the group, you are automatically added to the public-indie-ui@w3.org mailing list.

Employees of Member organizations

  1. Complete the Member Access Request Form if you do not already have a W3C account. You should receive your W3C login name and password within 2 business days.
  2. After you receive your W3C login name, ask your W3C Advisory Committee (AC) Representative to nominate you to the Working Group.


If you do not work for a W3C Member organization, but you feel you have the expertise and availability to participate, you may apply to become an Invited Expert.

  1. Complete the Public Access Request Form if you do not already have a W3C account. You should receive your W3C login name and password within 2 business days.
  2. Ensure that you can comply with the terms in the invited expert and collaborators agreement.
  3. Complete the Invited Expert Application Form, indicating the Indie UI WG as the group you wish to join.

Candidate Invited Experts should demonstrate topic expertise and availability to participate regularly. If you work for an organization whose business is related to that of the W3C, we may instead ask your organization to join and nominate you as a Member representative.

Join the Independent User Interface Task Force

Current participants in the Independent User Interface Task Force

The Independent User Interface Task Force is the formal locus of activity on Indie UI and allows collaboration with the Web Events Working Group. People who join the Indie UI WG are automatically added to this task force. Members of the Web Events WG may request to be added to task force by contacting Doug Schepers or Michael Cooper.

It is necessary to be a member of either the Indie UI WG or the Web Events WG to join the Independent User Interface Task Force. Follow instructions above to join the Indie UI WG, or instructions on the Web Events page to join that group.

Submit public comments

The Indie UI WG will set up a process to submit public comments on its publications, when the First Public Working Draft is published. At that time we will document procedures to submit comments and how to review comments that have been previously submitted (yours or others').

Follow work on mailing lists

The Indie UI Working Group uses the following mailing lists, for which you may review the online archives:

Note: W3C mailing lists do not support self-subscription, even though automated responses to subscription attempts suggest they do. This is a known bug. Please use the above procedures to request to be added to a list.

Other ways to follow the work

In addition to the above ways to participate directly in the work, you can monitor the activity of the group using the following resources: