Meeting Agenda Issues List
The following is a list of issues pending discussion at upcoming Thursday
Selected Issues from Public Comments
These are new, unassigned issues resulting from the recent call for
374, 377, 438, 463, 487, 488, 489, 491, 493, 494, 495, 554, 555, 556,
- Bug 370 - structure of large documents
- Bug 374 - How do AT users learn what makes structure distinct and how
these distinctions can be specified
- Bug 377 - threshhold for grayscale vs. black and white
- Bug 438 - exception for rebroadcast video needs clarification
- Bug 463 - why list "required" technologies?
- Bug 487 - are tables for layout a violation of 1.3?
- Bug 488 - does 1.5 require association of table headers and data
- Bug 489 - how to objectively measure questionable contrast?
- Bug 491 - comments and questions on navigation mechanisms
- Bug 493 - how is summary related to unambiguous presentation of
- Bug 494 - guideline for summary or context info needed?
- Bug 495 - how to evaluate complexity of content?
- Bug 554 - Questions about applying text equivalents
- Bug 555 - Clarify use of captions for music with lyrics
- Bug 556 - Clarify what is required by "separate structure and
presentation" checkpoint
- Bug 565 - Clarify the types of errors and accessibility issues
A complete
list of open issues is available as part of the WCAG Bugzilla Issue tracking
Issues Organized by Checkpoint
Checkpoint 1.1 issues:
373, 401, 404, 437, 465, 554)
- Do we require a for full text script of all movies? (Open Issue
- Interpretation of Example 4 (Open Issue 437)
Editorial and Proposals:
- add “using text-to-speech synthesis” to the end of the
first bullet under benefits (Open Issue 373)
- simplify and clarify checkpoint text (Open Issue 401)
- include examples of when, where and how to use text-equivalents (Open
Issue 404)
- suggested checkpoint rewording (Open Issue 465)
- Questions about applying text equivalents (Open Issue 554)
Checkpoint 2.1 Issues:
410, 346)
- What if something is designed so that it ONLY works on a device for
which there is no AT? (Open Issue 262)
- What is meant by "minimum" in "All functionality is operable at a
minimum..." (Open Issue 410)
Editorial and Proposals:
- Proposed Definition of Operable (Pending Issue 346)
Checkpoint 3.1 Issues:
355, 380, 417)
- checkpoint about use of standard character set (Open Issue 172 –
from June 2002)
- should 3.1 be moved to extended? (Open issue 355)
- use of the language attribute should make this checkpoint unnecessary
(Open Issue 380)
- Other mechanisms to identify primary language (Open Issue 417)
Last Updated: $Date: 2010/09/09 15:20:42 $ by