Quick Take 1 of Rewriting Guidelines according to new approach
Gregg Vanderheiden 3/28/2003
L1 – No constraints on presentation – Just making content accessible by (software)
L2 – Constraints on presentation of content to make it accessible to more without
needing AT
L3 – Make a duplicate Tuned version or Tuned site for specific population(s)
- FBA - Free Baseline Agent - an agent defined by W3C as the Baseline
Agent and available for free to users.
- PATS – Public Available Transcoding Server. PATS must be implemented
in ways that allow them to be localized to different languages.
- SAS – Special Agent Software= either FBA or PATS
- RTS – Reference Transcoding Server – A server that can be used to
check content for conformance. It reflects the abilities currently available
in (free) Publicly Available Transcoding Servers (PATSs) and Free Baseline
Agents (FBAs). RT servers are upgraded over time to reflect the current state
of the FBAs and PATSs. RT servers are always backward compatible. That
is, content that passed with earlier RTs would pass with later RTs.
As PATSs and FBAs are improved, Reference Transcoding servers are updated to
reflect the ability of these public technologies to handle new types of internet
RTS – would separately report ability for FBAs and PATSs to handle content and
could also report their availability in different languages and locations.
Compliance Notes
@@ insert something here from dictation?
A. Make content Perceivable
Level 1- Machine Perceivable / Translatable (by Special Agent Software)
PM 1- Content or functions of content (or aspects of content) that can be expressed
concisely in words can be presented as words by Reference Transcoding Server.
- Content or functions of content (that can be expressed in words) can be
rendered as words (text equivalents) by SAS.
- Text equivalents have been reviewed and found to provide the same function
as original content.
- When content or functions (or their result) cannot be expressed as words,
then those aspects of the content (such as name or description if present)
are renderable as words by SAS.
PM 2- It is possible for Special Agent Software (SAS) to synchronize different
available presentations
[ different forme need to exist]
PM 3- Structure (organization) of content is readable by Special Agent Software
(SAS) [1.3, 1.4]
Level 2 – Presentation of content has been designed/changed to facilitate
direct user perception using mainstream user agents without Assistive Technologies
1- Structure is emphasized enough that it is [more] easily perceived by users.
2- Foreground information can be perceived by users from background.
B. Make content operable
Level 1- Machine Operable (by Special Agent Software (SAS))
- Functionality whose name or outcome can be expressed concisely in words
is operable from basic keyboard keystrokes [2.1]
- To allow Special Agent Software (SAS) to create presentations that allow
user control of timing wherever possible at least one of the following is
true for each time limit: [2.2]
- the user is allowed to deactivate the time limits,
- or the user is allowed to adjust the time limit over a wide range which
is at least 10 times the average user's preference,
- or the user is warned before time expires and given at least 10 seconds
to extend the time limit,
- or the time limit is due to a real-time event (e.g. auction) and no
alternative to the time limit is possible,
- or the time limit is part of a competitive activity where timing is
an essential part of the activity (e.g. competitive gaming or time based
- Content is presented such that Special Agent Software (SAS) can prevent
presentation of content that would trigger seizures. [2.3]
- If "valid" response set or range is known, it is provided to SAS in SAS
Supported form. (Required for choices of 100 or less. Recommended for greater
than 100 where practical.)
Level 2 – Content has been designed/changed to facilitate direct user
operation using mainstream browsers without Assistive Technologies.
- Structure and/or alternative navigation mechanisms have been added to facilitate
orientation and movement in content. (especially documents greater than 50,000
words or sites larger than 50 perceived pages.)
- Additional hierarchical structure markup
- Table of contents
- Alternate display orders
- Content is designed with error avoidance, detection and recovery in mind.
{Vague? We decided to not have "review" as criterion – yes?"
Level 3 – Content has been tuned to work particularly well with particular
types of disabilities
- Content is designed to allow SAS to create a logical linear reading order.
- Diagrams are constructed in a fashion so that they have structure that
can be accessed by SAS.
- Documents or information collections that are divided up but generally
used as a whole can be downloaded as a unit. { Reunite them on request?
Have a way to allow SAS to re-unite them or treat them as one (e.g. searching
only the parts of this one doc)? }
- The following error prevention and recovery methods are used
- where possible, the user is allowed to select from a list of options
as well as to generate input text directly
- errors are identified specifically and suggestions for correction are
provided where possible
- checks for misspelled words are applied and correct spellings are suggested
when text entry is required.
- where consequences are significant and time-response is not important,
one of the following is true
- actions are reversible where possible
- where not reversible, actions are checked for errors in advance.
- where not reversible, and not checkable, a confirmation is asked
before acceptance
C. Make content understandable
Level 1- Machine Understandable (by Special Agent Software (SAS))
- Language of content can be unambiguously determined (by Special Agent
Software - SAS).
- The meaning of the words, abbreviations and Acronyms can be unambiguously
determined (by SAS).
- Content can be re-rendered with consistent layout and behavior (by SAS).
Level 2 – Content has been designed/changed to facilitate direct user
comprehension of content using mainstream user agents.
- Content has been written to be no more complex than is necessary
- Layout and behavior of content is consistent but not identical.
- Additional labels or descriptions are provided for content that cannot itself
be described concisely in words.
Level 3 – Content has been tuned to facilitate the ability of people
with some disabilities to Understand content.
- Content is re-written in one or more simpler forms
- Language level is controlled.
- Text has been supplemented with non-text content meaningful to the target
Make Content Robust
Level 1 – Technologies chosen to create content works well with SAS
- Technology(s) used are supported by SAS sufficiently to meet all RT-SAS
requirements and are used according to specification.
- If interface elements in content cannot be re-presented by SAS servers (as
HTML??) then either
- A second version of the content is available which does allow this,
- The content meets the Software and User Agent Access Guidelines cited
- UAAG 1.0 Level A
- {QUESTION: ALL of level A?)
Level 2 – Technologies chosen to create content…