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EOWG Minutes, February 9, 2001



Outreach Updates

KA: Was interviewed for ZDNet on the subject of [ed: at least] pop-up windows. They are annoying. Can cause loss of control of desktop.

Upcoming schedule

JB: Every Friday at 8:30 a.m. EST (617-252-7000.) But, no EOWG meetings March 2 and March 23

JB: Face to Face all day Sunday March 25, after CSUN in Los Angeles.

More on Business Case

JB: see my email 08 Feb 2001, for later during this call.

How PWD Use the Web: Proposed rewrite of "aids not solutions" scenario

What should its Title be?

WL: Entertainment/Instruction as title

JB: Day-care participant, is there an alternative?

JB: Adult pre-reader browsing web

KA: Now she's a non-reader.

AC: Adult non-reader who browses for entertainment.

CV: Adult with reading difficulties.

KA: Adult non-reader using web for entertainment.

WL: Non-reading adult seeking alternative to literacy.

AC: Browsing has implication of independence.

HB: Illiterate?

JB: Too broad a term.

WL: Illiterate is pejorative.

CV: Non-reading vs. reading difficulty, functionally illiteracy.

HB: Near-non-reader

JB: Pre-reader suggests some recognition, not concern with speed.

SS: Reading below grade level.

JB: Working title: Adult with limited reading ability or skill using web

SS: Why "knows numbers but cannot do addition."?

WL: Clarifies condition.

Paragraph 1

HB: Click on images.

JB: Can recognize and select among symbols.

SS: Can process images, including icons and images, better than written language.

JB: Drop description of numbers.

SS: Difficulty navigating on complex page.

AC: Bothered by complexity.

WL: The Wayfinding ideas have implications:

[ed: A pertinent link: http://www.scope.gmd.de/info/www6/technical/paper180/paper180.html. Wayfinding is defined as the "purposeful, oriented movement during navigation" [Darken, R. P. and Siebert, J. L., "Wayfinding Strategies and Behaviors in Large Virtual Worlds", SIGCHI '96 Proceedings, p. 142. 6.
It asks four basic questions:
Where am I?
Where do I want to go?
Am I on the right path?
Am I there yet?]

JB: Gets lost in complexity.

WL: Drop the word "only."

Paragraph 2

JB: speech synthesis realistically?

WL: Highlight word being spoken useful for well-organized pages.

SS: Synthesized speech confuses when disorganized.

AC: Text-to-speech as screen reader.

JB: Home-page-reader and Kurzweill readers do highlight word being read.

SS: More than talking browser. pwWebspeak doesn't highlight. A program that doesn't give user control is problematic, particularly for complex layout.

JB: Describe using voice browser with highlighting on well-designed pages.

WL: Can be confusing

HB: Tabular data may be a problem for her.

AC: Unlikely to have tables for her.

WL: Could have icons in cells, used for layout.

SS: Layout tables are problematic, as they may not linearize well.

AC: On pages coded so reading technologies jump around, she has problems.

WL: We are describing how people use web, not how they are aided.

SS: Poor layout, vs complex layout

JB: The highlighting jumps around too much, and can confuse.

Paragraph 3

JB: Needn't keep bookmarks. Drop material about layout.

AC: People can send her bookmark URLs of sites she might like, so she can bookmark them to return to them.

KA: How differentiate clickable links. Trainable to save bookmarks. More than one URL in an email could be confusing. Hard to go back to the email.

WL: "sometimes she copies words from pages that interest her." How?

JB: ... and paste them into a search engine.

AC: Typing seems too complex for her, for example, Forms timing out.

JB: Title: Adult with limited abilities using web...

SS: This may not be part of the arbitrary author's audienced. This helps with awareness that there is a broader audience.

JB: Move this scenario up.

WL: Miss indication. Some sites with metadata can help finding such sites.

JB: Teen-ager with deaf blindness. We left out IR kiosk.

JB: No metadata for "reading level".

WL: Search engines find stuff in meta. Way to get irrelevant hits.

CV: Include this

HB: Get "reading level" as part of Dublin Core.

JB: ACTION: Talk to Ralph Swick about that.

JB: Summary: Close the set of scenarios. Send it out with this case.

HB: Send to Jim Rebman for critique.

Business Case


WL: Moving to "how to build a business case

JB: Simplify the first paragraph.

JB: Reworked the Contents.

JB: Some policies are not attached to laws. The government of Canada accessibility requirements are not attached to laws.

WL: Legality is more than just laws.

KA: Connecticut it isn't law, it is policy.

JB: Joint tasks. Need volunteers for detail.

JB: Need top page: how to use the resource set. "a construction set" Need a corporate one, a government one, an enducational one. We should develop a skeleton, then rework for the individual ones.

JB: Originally the demographics was a business case. Also auxiliary information. Also legal requirements. Also costs of implemention.

WL: This should be extensible. The bullets under sample case might grow.

AC: Need to do pure business case and split out the refernces. For example, some demographics. May need to localize for country.

WL: Or level of your educational institution.

AC: We to provide links to where data may exist. Or how to find information for themselves.

CV: Who will compile this info?

WL: ACTION: Interest in developing sourcing factors affecting cost.

KA: ACTION: Legal requirements and policy linkset development.

CV: ACTION: Implementation for web design business.

JB: Would like these for next week.

JB: ACTION: Will do "resources to support implementation" appendix.

[editorial: no other volunteers for next week.]

AC: Saturated next few months, not volunteering.

SS: ACTION: Implementation plan for educational institutions.

GL: ACTION: Will work with SS on education, dealing with universities.

HB: ACTION: Web design business: learn what a sample business case can do.

WL: ACTION: Will examine Lots of cost guestimates. IBM Olympics, NIST, GSA, and others.

KA: ACTION: Resource link on CT list for state information.

WL: Does Cynthia Waddell have a database on this?

CV: ACTION: Corporate web design business. Did one several years ago for Telephonica.

JB: Education has many issues, including distance learning, faculty resistance, accessible lectures, turnover, retraining, technical resources, etc.

GL: ACTION: Will work the higher education.

SS: ACTION Will work K-12 education.

WL: We are developing a business case, vs implementation plan.

JB: We agreed last time to separate these.

JB: Might be two separate implementation plans. Share developing the short educational institution business case.

SS: Harder to do business case.

WL: Business case is "why." Implementation plan is "how."

JB: Can someone have one for next week?

GL: ACTION: Aim for 21st to do education.

SS: ACTION: Ok for then.

Books on Web

HB: I note that few books about Web Design consider accessibility. I checked a dozen in the local bookstore: accessibility isn't in many of their indexes. I have permission of the store owner to more formally capture these results. I'd like to post these to EO.

WL: Suspect that few universities giving courses on writing for the web are including accessibility.

AC: Web design training misses on accessibility.

JB: Subject for future meeting.

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