ACTION-79: Take question of ARIA as prime accessibility solution vs as stop-gap measure to PF; consider impact on other host languages; review input from WAI-CG 2011-02-02 and 2011-01-19

Take question of ARIA as prime accessibility solution vs as stop-gap measure to PF; consider impact on other host languages; review input from WAI-CG 2011-02-02 and 2011-01-19

Michael Cooper
Due on:
April 15, 2011
Created on:
February 2, 2011
Related emails:
  1. agenda+ ARIA as stop-gap vs ARIA as prime solution (from on 2011-04-19)
  2. Minutes WAI CG 16 February 2011 (from on 2011-02-17)
  3. Minutes of WAI CG teleconference 2 February 2011 (from on 2011-02-02)

Related notes:

No additional notes.

Display change log.

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