Handle | Details | Notes and URIs | Contributor(s) |
Lotus Tools | Sueann N. | ||
Amaya | Jeanne Spellman | ||
Dreamweaver CS5 | Greg Pisocky |
Acrobat 9 | Greg Pisocky | ||
Defacto CMS | Web application | | Alastair Campbell |
TinyMCE3.2 |
Jan Richards |
Google Docs (Text) - 13Aug2010 | HTML | I looked at Google Docs but it seems to have quite a few issues (no keyboard access to menus, no ability to add alt, longdesc, no table captions, equations become images, real headings are not used, etc., etc.). | Jan Richards |
Drupal, Moodle, SAKAI ??? | ??? | ||
DreamWeaver8 | Producing HTML4 | Jan Richards | |
Flash8 | Producing Flash | Jan Richards | |
XStandard2.1 | XStandard 2.1 used to produce XHTML 1.0 | Vlad Alexander, Roberto Scano | |
WebAIM WAVE | Checking HTML4 | | Jan Richards |
AChecker | Checking HTML4 | | Greg Gay, Jan Richards |
Office2010 | | Jan Richards |
Guideline | Success Criteria | Implementations Info |
A.1.1 (For the authoring tool user interface) Ensure that web-based functionality is accessible. | A.1.1.1 Web-Based Accessible (WCAG A): Web-based authoring tool user interfaces meet the WCAG 2.0 success criteria. | @Several
A.1.2 (For the authoring tool user interface) Ensure that non-web-based functionality is accessible. | A.1.2.1 Accessibility Guidelines: Non-web-based authoring tool user interfaces follow user interface accessibility guidelines for the platform.
A.1.2.2 Platform Accessibility Services: Non-web-based authoring tools implement communication with platform accessibility services.
A.2.1 (For the authoring tool user interface) Make alternative content available to authors. | A.2.1.1 Text Alternatives for Rendered Non-Text Content: If an editing-view renders non-text content with programmatically associated text alternatives, then the text alternatives can be programmatically determined. | @Several
A.2.1.2 Alternatives for
Rendered Time-Based Media: If an editing-view renders time-based media,
then at least one of the following is true: (a) Alternatives Rendered: alternatives for the time-based content are also rendered; or (b) User Agent Option: authors have the option to preview the time-based content in a user agents that is able to render the alternatives. |
@None-confirmed | |
A.2.2 (For the authoring tool user interface) Editing view presentation can be programmatically determined. | A.2.2.1 Editing-View Status Information: If an editing-view modifies the presentation to convey status information, then that status information can be programmatically determined. Status information conveyed by modifying the presentation of editing-views may include, but is not limited to, spelling, grammar and syntax errors. | @At-least-one
A.2.2.2 Access to Rendered Text Properties: If a text property is both rendered and editable and the property can be communicated by the supported platform accessibility service, then the property is programmatically determinable. | @At-least-one
A.3.1 (For the authoring tool user interface) Provide keyboard access to authoring features. | A.3.1.1 Keyboard Access (Minimum): All functionality of the authoring tool is operable through a keyboard interface without requiring specific timings for individual keystrokes, except where the underlying function requires input that depends on the path of the user's movement and not just the endpoints.
A.3.1.2 No Keyboard
Traps: Keyboard traps are prevented as
follows: (a) In the Authoring Tool User Interface: If keyboard focus can be moved to a component using a keyboard interface, then focus can be moved away from that component using only a keyboard interface and, if it requires more than unmodified arrow or tab keys or other standard exit methods, the user is advised of the method for moving focus away; and (b) In Editing-Views that Render Content: If an editing-view renders content (e.g. WYSIWYG view), then a documented keyboard command is provided that moves the editing-view keyboard focus to a known location (e.g. the start of the editing-view). |
A.3.2 (For the authoring tool user interface) Provide authors with enough time. | A.3.2.1 Content Edits Saved (Minimum): If the authoring tool includes authoring session time limits, then the authoring tool saves all edits made by authors. | @At-least-one
A.3.2.2 Timing Adjustable: If a time
limit is set by the authoring tool, then at least
one of the following is true: (a) Turn Off: Authors are allowed to turn off the time limit before encountering it; or (b) Adjust: Authors are allowed to adjust the time limit before encountering it over a wide range that is at least ten times the length of the default setting; or (c) Extend: Authors are warned before time expires and given at least 20 seconds to extend the time limit with a simple action (e.g. "press the space bar"), and authors are allowed to extend the time limit at least ten times; or (d) Real-time Exception: The time limit is a required part of a real-time event (e.g. a collaborative authoring system), and no alternative to the time limit is possible; or (e) Essential Exception: The time limit is essential and extending it would invalidate the activity; or (f) 20 Hour Exception: The time limit is longer than 20 hours. |
A.3.2.3 Static Pointer Targets: Authoring tool user interface components that accept pointer input are either stationary or authors can pause the movement. | @Many
A.3.3 (For the authoring tool user interface) Help authors avoid flashing that could cause seizures. | A.3.3.1 Static View Option: Editing-views that render visual time-based content can be paused and can be set to not play automatically. | @At-least-one
A.3.4 (For the authoring tool user interface) Enhance navigation and editing via content structure. | A.3.4.1 Navigate By Structure: If editing-views expose the markup elements in the web content being edited, then the markup elements (e.g. source code, content renderings, etc.) are selectable and navigation mechanisms are provided to move the selection focus between elements. | @Several
A.3.6: (For the authoring tool user interface) Manage preference settings. | A.3.6.1 Independence of Display: Authors can set their own display settings for editing-views without affecting the web content to be published. | @Many
A.3.7 (For the authoring tool user interface) Ensure that previews are as accessible as existing user agents. | A.3.7.1 Preview (Minimum): If a preview is provided, then at least one
of the following is true: (a) Pre-existing User Agent: The preview makes use of a pre-existing user agent; or (b) UAAG (Level A): The preview conforms to the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Level A [UAAG]. |
@Many (by (a))
A.4.1 (For the authoring tool user interface) Help users avoid and correct mistakes. | A.4.1.1 Content Changes Reversible (Minimum):
For authoring actions, one of the
following are true:
A.4.1.2 Setting Changes Reversible: If
actions modify authoring tool settings, then
one of the following are true: (a) Reversible: The authoring tool setting can be reversed by the same mechanism that made the change; or (b) Warn and Confirm: The authoring tool includes a warning to authors that the action is irreversible and requires authors to confirm the action or save the current settings before proceeding. |
A.4.2 (For the authoring tool user interface) Document the user interface including all accessibility features. | A.4.2.1 Document Accessibility Features: All features that must be present to meet Part A of ATAG 2.0 (e.g. keyboard shortcuts, text search, etc.) are documented.
B.1.1: Ensure automatically specified content is accessible. | B.1.1.1 Content Auto-Generation After Authoring Sessions (WCAG A): Authors have the default option that, when web content is automatically generated for publishing after the end of an authoring session, it is accessible web content (WCAG).
B.1.1.2 Content Auto-Generation During
Authoring Sessions (WCAG A): Authors have the default option that, when web content is automatically
generated during an authoring session, then one
of the following is true:
B.1.2: Ensure accessibility information is preserved. | B.1.2.1 Restructuring and Recoding
Transformations (WCAG A): If the authoring tool provides restructuring
transformations or re-coding
transformations, then at least one of the following is true:
@None-confirmed |
B.1.2.2 Optimizations Preserve Accessibility: If the authoring tool provides optimizing web content transformations then any accessibility information (WCAG) in the input is preserved in the output. | @None-confirmed | |
B.1.2.3 Text Alternatives for Non-Text Content are Preserved: If the authoring tool provides web content transformations that preserve non-text content in the output, then any text alternatives for that non-text content are also preserved, if equivalent mechanisms exist in the web content technology of the output. | @Several
B.2.1: Ensure accessible content production is possible. | B.2.1.1 Accessible Content Possible (WCAG A): If the authoring tool places restrictions on the web content that authors can specify, then those restrictions do not prevent WCAG 2.0 success criteria from being met | @Many
B.2.2: Guide authors to produce accessible content. | B.2.2.1 Accessible Option Prominence (WCAG A): If authors are provided with a choice of authoring actions for achieving the same authoring outcome (e.g. styling text), then options that will result in accessible web content (WCAG) are at least as prominent as options that will not. | @At-least-one
B.2.2.2 Setting Accessibility Properties (WCAG A): If the authoring tool provides mechanisms to set web content properties (e.g. attribute values, etc.), then mechanisms are also provided to set web content properties related to accessibility information (WCAG):
@None-confirmed | |
B.2.2.3 Technology Decision Support: If
the authoring tool provides the option
of producing a web content technology
for publishing for which the authoring
tool does not provide
support for the production of accessible content, then both of the
following are true: (a) Warning: Authors are warned that the authoring tool does not provide support for the production of accessible content for that technology; and (b) List: From the warning, authors can access a list of technologies for which the authoring tool does provide support for the production of accessible content. |
@None-confirmed | |
B.2.3: Assist authors with managing alternative content for non-text content. | B.2.3.1 Alternative Content is Editable (WCAG
A): Authors are able to modify programmatically associated
text alternatives for
non-text content. |
B.2.3.2 Conditions on Automated
Suggestions: During the authoring session, the authoring tool may only
automatically suggest programmatically associated
text alternatives for
non-text content under the following conditions: (a) Author Control: Authors have the opportunity to accept, modify, or reject the suggested text alternatives prior to insertion; and (b) Relevant Sources: The suggested text alternatives are only derived from sources designed to fulfill the same purpose (e.g. suggesting the value of an image's "description" metadata field as a long description). |
B.2.3.3 Let User Agents Repair: The authoring tool avoids repairing programmatically associated text alternatives for non-text content using any text value that would also be available to user agents (e.g. do not use the image filename). | @Many
B.2.4: Assist authors with accessible templates. | B.2.4.1 Accessible Template Options (WCAG A): If the authoring tool provides templates, then there are accessible template options for a range of template uses. | @Several
B.3.1: Assist authors in checking for accessibility problems. | B.3.1.1 Checking Assistance (WCAG A): If the authoring tool provides authors with the ability to add or modify web content so that a WCAG 2.0 success criterion can be violated, then accessibility checking for that success criterion is provided (e.g. an HTML authoring tool that inserts images should check for alternative text; a video authoring tool with the ability to edit text tracks should check for captions).
B.3.1.2 Help Authors Decide: For checks that require authors to decide whether a potential web content accessibility problem is correctly identified (i.e. manual checking and semi-automated checking), instructions are provided from the check that describe how to make the decision. | @Several
B.3.1.3 Help Authors Locate: For checks that require authors to decide whether a potential web content accessibility problem is correctly identified (i.e. manual checking and semi-automated checking), the relevant content is identified to the authors.
B.3.2: Assist authors in repairing accessibility problems | B.3.2.1 Repair Assistance (WCAG A): If checking (see Success Criterion B.3.1.1) can detect that a WCAG 2.0 success criterion is not met, then repair suggestion(s) are provided:
B.4.1: Ensure the availability of features that support the production of accessible content. | B.4.1.1 Features Active by Default: All accessible content support features are turned on by default. | @Several
B.4.1.2 Option to Reactivate Features: If authors can turn off an accessible content support feature, then they can turn the feature back on. | @Many
B.4.2: Ensure that documentation promotes the production of accessible content | B.4.2.1 Model Practice (WCAG A): A range of examples in the documentation (e.g. markup, screen shots of WYSIWYG editing-views) demonstrate accessible authoring practices that meet the WCAG 2.0 success criteria: | @At-least-one
B.4.2.2 Feature Instructions: Instructions for using the accessible content support features appear in the documentation. | @Many
Guideline | Success Criteria | Implementations Info |
A.1.1 (For the authoring tool user interface) Ensure that web-based functionality is accessible. | A.1.1.1 Web-Based Accessible (WCAG AA): Web-based authoring tool user interfaces meet the WCAG 2.0 success criteria. | @At-least-one
A.3.1 (For the authoring tool user interface) Provide keyboard access to authoring features. | A.3.1.3 Efficient Keyboard Access: The authoring tool user interface includes mechanisms to make keyboard access more efficient than sequential keyboard navigation. | @Many
A.3.4 (For the authoring tool user interface) Enhance navigation and editing via content structure. | A.3.4.1 Navigate By Structure: If editing-views expose the markup elements in the web content being edited, then the markup elements (e.g. source code, content renderings, etc.) are selectable and navigation mechanisms are provided to move the selection focus between elements. | @Several
A.3.5 (For the authoring tool user interface) Provide text search of the content. | A.3.5.1 Text Search: Authors can perform text searches of web content that meet the
A.3.6: (For the authoring tool user interface) Manage preference settings. | A.3.6.2 Save Settings: Authoring tool display settings and control settings can be saved between authoring sessions. | @Many
A.3.6.3 Apply Platform Settings: The authoring tool applies platform display settings and control settings. | @Several
A.4.2 (For the authoring tool user interface) Document the user interface including all accessibility features. | A.4.2.2 Document All Features: All features of the authoring tool are documented.
B.1.1: Ensure automatically specified content is accessible. | B.1.1.1 Content Auto-Generation After Authoring Sessions (WCAG AA): Authors have the default option that, when web content is automatically generated for publishing after the end of an authoring session, it is accessible web content (WCAG).
B.1.1.2 Content Auto-Generation During
Authoring Sessions (WCAG AA): Authors have the default option that, when web content is automatically
generated during an authoring session, then one
of the following is true:
B.1.2: Ensure accessibility information is preserved. | B.1.2.1 Restructuring and Recoding
Transformations (WCAG AA): If the authoring tool provides restructuring
transformations or re-coding
transformations, then at least one of the following is true:
Guideline B.2.1: Ensure accessible content production is possible. | B.2.1.1 Accessible Content Possible (WCAG AA): If the authoring tool places restrictions on the web content that authors can specify, then those restrictions do not prevent WCAG 2.0 success criteria from being met | @Many
B.2.2: Guide authors to produce accessible content. | B.2.2.1 Accessible Option Prominence (WCAG AA): If authors are provided with a choice of authoring actions for achieving the same authoring outcome (e.g. styling text), then options that will result in accessible web content (WCAG) are at least as prominent as options that will not. | @None-confirmed |
B.2.2.2 Setting Accessibility Properties (WCAG AA): If the authoring tool provides mechanisms to set web content properties (e.g. attribute values, etc.), then mechanisms are also provided to set web content properties related to accessibility information (WCAG):
@None-confirmed | |
B.2.3: Assist authors with managing alternative content for non-text content. | B.2.3.1 Alternative Content is Editable (WCAG
AA): Authors are able to modify programmatically associated
text alternatives for
non-text content. |
B.2.4: Assist authors with accessible templates | B.2.4.1 Accessible Template Options (WCAG AA): If the authoring tool provides templates, then there are accessible template options for a range of template uses. | @None-confirmed |
B.2.4.2 Template Selection Mechanism:
If authors are provided with a template selection
mechanism, then both of the following are true: (a) Indicate: The selection mechanism indicates the accessibility status of templates (if known); and (b) Prominence: Any accessible template options are at least as prominent as other template options. |
@None-confirmed | |
B.2.4.3 New Templates: If authors can use the authoring tool to create new templates for use by a template selection mechanism, they have the option to record the accessibility status of the new templates. | @None-confirmed | |
B.2.5: Assist authors with accessible pre-authored content. | B.2.5.1 Pre-Authored Content Selection
Mechanism: If authors are provided with a selection
mechanism for pre-authored content other than templates (e.g. clip art gallery,
widget repository, design themes), then both of the following are
true: (a) Indicate: The selection mechanism indicates the accessibility status of the pre-authored content (if known); and (b) Prominence: Any accessible options are at least as prominent as other pre-authored content options. |
B.3.1: Assist authors in checking for accessibility problems. | B.3.1.1 Checking Assistance (WCAG AA): If the authoring tool provides authors with the ability to add or modify web content so that a WCAG 2.0 success criterion can be violated, then accessibility checking for that success criterion is provided (e.g. an HTML authoring tool that inserts images should check for alternative text; a video authoring tool with the ability to edit text tracks should check for captions).
B.3.1.4 Status Report: Authors can receive an accessibility status report based on the results of the accessibility checks. |
B.3.1.5 Metadata Production: Authors have the option of associating accessibility checking results with the web content as metadata.
B.3.2: Assist authors in repairing accessibility problems. | B.3.2.1 Repair Assistance (WCAG AA): If checking (see Success Criterion B.3.1.1) can detect that a WCAG 2.0 success criterion is not met, then repair suggestion(s) are provided:
B.4.1: Ensure the availability of features that support the production of accessible content. | B.4.1.3 Feature Deactivation Warning: If authors turn off an accessible content support feature, then the authoring tool informs them that this may increase the risk of content accessibility problems. | @None-confirmed
B.4.1.4 Feature Prominence: Accessible content support features are at least as prominent as comparable features related to other types of web content problems (e.g. invalid markup, syntax errors, spelling and grammar errors). | @At-least-one
B.4.2: Ensure that documentation promotes the production of accessible content. | B.4.2.1 Model Practice (WCAG AA): A range of examples in the documentation (e.g. markup, screen shots of WYSIWYG editing-views) demonstrate accessible authoring practices that meet the WCAG 2.0 success criteria: | @None-confirmed
Guideline | Success Criteria | Implementations Info |
A.1.1 (For the authoring tool user interface) Ensure that web-based functionality is accessible. | A.1.1.1 Web-Based Accessible (WCAG AAA): Web-based authoring tool user interfaces meet the WCAG 2.0 success criteria. | @None-confirmed
A.3.1 (For the authoring tool user interface) Provide keyboard access to authoring features. | A.3.1.4 Keyboard Access (Enhanced): All functionality of the authoring tool is operable through a keyboard interface without requiring specific timings for individual keystrokes. | @Several
A.3.1.5 Customize Keyboard Access: Keyboard access to the authoring tool can be customized. | @At-least-one
A.3.1.6 Present Keyboard Commands: Authoring tool user interface components can be presented with any associated keyboard commands | @Several
A.3.2 (For the authoring tool user interface) Provide authors with enough time. | A.3.2.4 Content Edits Saved (Extended): The authoring tool can be set to automatically save all content edits made by authors. | @Several
A.3.4 (For the authoring tool user interface) Enhance navigation and editing via content structure. | A.3.4.2 Navigate by Programmatic Relationships: If editing-views allow editing of programmatic relationships within web content, then mechanisms are provided that support navigation between the related content. Depending on the web content technology and the nature of the authoring tool, relationships may include, but are not limited to, element nesting, headings, labeling, programmatic definitions, and ID relationships. | @Several
A.3.6 (For the authoring tool user interface) Manage preference settings. | A.3.6.4 Multiple Sets: Authors can save and reload multiple sets of any authoring tool display settings and control settings. | @Several
A.3.6.5 Assistance with Preferences: The authoring tool includes a mechanism to help authors configure authoring tool display settings and control settings. | @Several
A.3.7: (For the authoring tool user interface) Ensure that previews are as accessible as existing user agents. | A.3.7.2 Preview (Enhanced): If a preview is provided, then authors can specify which user agent performs the preview. | @Several
A.4.1: (For the authoring tool user interface) Help authors avoid and correct mistakes. | A.4.1.3 Content Changes Reversible (Enhanced): Authors can sequentially reverse a series of reversible authoring actions.
@None-confirmed |
B.1.1: Ensure automatically specified content is accessible. | B.1.1.1 Content Auto-Generation After Authoring Sessions (WCAG AAA): Authors have the default option that, when web content is automatically generated for publishing after the end of an authoring session, it is accessible web content (WCAG).
B.1.1.2 Content Auto-Generation During
Authoring Sessions (WCAG AAA): Authors have the default option that, when web content is automatically
generated during an authoring session, then one
of the following is true:
B.1.2: Ensure accessibility information is preserved. | B.1.2.1 Restructuring and Recoding
Transformations (WCAG AAA): If the authoring tool provides restructuring
transformations or re-coding
transformations, then at least one of the following is
@None-confirmed |
Guideline B.2.1: Ensure accessible content production is possible. | B.2.1.1 Accessible Content Possible (WCAG AAA): If the authoring tool places restrictions on the web content that authors can specify, then those restrictions do not prevent WCAG 2.0 success criteria from being met. | @Many
B.2.2: Guide authors to produce accessible content. | B.2.2.1 Accessible Option Prominence (WCAG AAA): If authors are provided with a choice of authoring actions for achieving the same authoring outcome (e.g. styling text), then options that will result in accessible web content (WCAG) are at least as prominent as options that will not. | @None-confirmed
B.2.2.2 Setting Accessibility Properties (WCAG AAA): If the authoring tool provides mechanisms to set web content properties (e.g. attribute values, etc.), then mechanisms are also provided to set web content properties related to accessibility information (WCAG):
@None-confirmed | |
B.2.3: Assist authors with managing alternative content for non-text content. | B.2.3.1 Alternative Content is Editable (WCAG
AAA): Authors are able to modify programmatically associated
text alternatives for
non-text content. |
B.2.4: Assist authors with accessible templates | B.2.4.1 Accessible Template Options (WCAG AAA): If the authoring tool provides templates, then there are accessible template options for a range of template uses. | @None-confirmed |
B.2.4.4 Template Accessibility Status: If the authoring tool provides a repository of templates, then each of the templates has a recorded accessibility status. | @None-confirmed
B.2.5: Assist authors with accessible pre-authored content. | B.2.5.2 Pre-Authored Content Accessibility Status: If the authoring tool provides a repository of pre-authored content, then each of the content objects has a recorded accessibility status. | @None-confirmed
B.3.1: Assist authors in checking for accessibility problems. | B.3.1.1 Checking Assistance (WCAG AAA): If the authoring tool provides authors with the ability to add or modify web content so that a WCAG 2.0 success criterion can be violated, then accessibility checking for that success criterion is provided (e.g. an HTML authoring tool that inserts images should check for alternative text; a video authoring tool with the ability to edit text tracks should check for captions).
B.3.2: Assist authors in repairing accessibility problems. | B.3.2.1 Repair Assistance (WCAG AAA): If checking (see Success Criterion B.3.1.1) can detect that a WCAG 2.0 success criterion is not met, then repair suggestion(s) are provided:
B.4.2: Ensure that documentation promotes the production of accessible content. | B.4.2.1 Model Practice (WCAG AAA): A range of examples in the documentation (e.g. markup, screen shots of WYSIWYG editing-views) demonstrate accessible authoring practices that meet the WCAG 2.0 success criteria: | @None-confirmed
B.4.2.3 Tutorial: A tutorial on an accessible authoring process that is specific to the authoring tool is provided. | @At-least-one
B.4.2.4 Instruction Index: The documentation contains an index to the instructions for using the accessible content support features. | @None-confirmed |