Minutes from AUWG telecon, 6 January 2003


JT Jutta Treviranus
JR Jan Richards
PJ Phill Jenkins
MM Matt May
TB Tim Boland


Changes to Guideline 3.1

TB: Can you clarify re-ordering of ATAG 2.0 GL3.
JR: Explains this re-ordering...
JT: Chair decides that there is concensus.


JR: Reads from MM's email...
PJ: Can we put a version of ATAG2.0 on TR before the charter comes out and remove the reference to ATAG 1.0.
JT: Yes
MM: Yes
PJ: What about test suites?
JR: They are partially the responsibility of WCAG and ERT.
PJ: We could take responsibility for HTML checking test suite and then work with format groups to add requirement to their charters to put together accessibility test suites for their format recommendations.
PJ: ACTION ITEM: will come up with proposed wording.
PJ: What about balancing voting between companies, academic, companies, etc.?
JT: Difficult - we try to recruit a balance of members.
PJ: What defines this balance?
PJ: Are we acheiving the balance? Can we proceed without the balance?
JT: Do you think there is a problem?
PJ: In ATAG 1.0 there was a back and forth between companies and advocacy groups. Requirements change with composition of the group. Difficult checkpoints will lead to problems in candidate recommendation.
PJ: Majority should come from Authoring Tool developers.
PJ: Change "government" to "policy makers"
TB: 5.2: dependencies - maybe we should include QA, other markup groups
TB: ACTION ITEM: Propose which groups should be added to Dependency List.

Next draft

MM: Will coordinate w/Jan to get ATAG 2.0 on TR soon.

Next F2F

MM: we need to give 8 weeks, we'd like to meet in 2003 Q1.
Plenary: No
Cupertino meeting of ???: No - too soon.
CSUN: Probably not
ACTION PJ: will come up with proposed wording.
ACTION JR: Propose which groups should be added to Dependency List.