AU Teleconference (Monday, January 28, 2002)

Telephone: +1.617.761.6200
Conference number: 2894


1. Face to Face Meetings (and thread that follows)

When should next face to face be? What will be our involvement in WWW meetings? Should we coordinate with Education and Outreach?

2. IMS Harmonization, and Authoring Tool Response to User Access Preference standards

There are several international efforts looking at user access preference standards (aka. Learner Information). Should we reflect this and recommend use of the UAPs in the AU guidelines?

3. Categories: Resolution regarding applicability judgement (and thread that follows)
Reach group consensus regarding how to judge when a technique applies to a tool functionality (if it applies in any circumstance or if it generally applies)?

3. Action item review

4. Staff contact status for AU.


JT: Jutta Treviranus
CMN: Charles
JR: Jan Richards
CV: Carlos Velasco
JB: Judy Brewer


Phill Jenkins
Heather Swayne

Action Items:


Meeting in France

JT: Should we meet in France afterall. We could have Georgio, CMN, LN, JR, Katie, PJ? Do not want to flip-flop.

JR: Maybe it's too far gone.

CMN: What are the work items?

JT: Views on techniques.

CMN: PF considering meeting on 8-9 April in Boston. WebCT has Mass. offices.

CMN: France would be a good place to meet EO.

JT: Will follow up with Judy and post to list about France meeting.

IMS Harmonization

JT: We are thinking about linking techniques to IMS LIP (learning information profile) and Metadata.

CMN: how does this relate to Privacy work and CC/CP at W3C?

CMN: In terms of ideas we could, but it would be difficult to have it as a requirment.

JT: It would be a technique for Guideline 7.

JT: IEEE will have accessibility in their next metadata draft.

JR: we should probably give preference to W3C technologies

CMN: No accessibility stuff in the W3C metadata work yet.

JT: Will follow up to see if IMS references CC/CP work.

[Judy Brewer joins and is caught up on France meeting]

JB: The group should look at some other dates to avoid going back and forth on this.

JB: CC/CP does have some accessibility but not much

JT: IMS does have accessibility built into a metadata extension draft.

JT: Action Item (JT): Will send PEARL project ref. to list and will find out whether LIP is compatible with CC/CP.

Applicability of Techniques to Categories

JT: Are we going to be strict or more general in our judgements of applicability.

JR: discusses proposal sent to list...

JR: look at a number of techniques and write version that apply to various categories

JB: Perhaps we should go through the techs. doc. and find some border cases in order to test categorization schemes.

JR: Action Item (JR): Will classify techniques for one of the guidelines.

CMN: We should be writing good techniques for every WCAG checkpoint referenced.

Action Item (JR): Make sure the word "non-normative" gets into the the Introduction of the ATAG techniques. We should also use "Strongly Recommended" instead of "Required". - change "have to" to "very important" etc.

JB: proposes "the working group considers this technique very important for providing"... the functionality required by ATAG checkpoint

EO Group Update

JB: EO has done another round on their choosing an authoring tool doc. EO would like a joint meeting. Normal EO time: F8:30-10:30am US East , W4:00pm US East.

JT: Could we use the normal AU time?

JB: Maybe Feb. 11?

JB: We will need to circulate the next draft before then.

JB: Advises against Franc meeting - should plan ahead for April.

JB: EO may not be able to meet in France. Also the two groups will not be overlapping.

JB: Very few people (Georgio, Phill, Jan, Katie, Libby, Charles, Jutta by phone). Last Plenary the AU group fizzled out due to lack of people.

JT/JB: We will meeting in France. Make arrangements. (JT) will announce.

JT: Next AU meetring on the 11th.