ISSUE-92: Provide a way to handle rich text editing
Rich text editing
Provide a way to handle rich text editing
- State:
- Product:
- ARIA 2.0
- Raised by:
- Michael Cooper
- Opened on:
- 2009-01-06
- Description:
- We should provide a way to edit rich text. This might be an expansion of the textbox role, or a feature parallel to the "contenteditable" attribute implemented in browsers.
- Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- No related emails
Related notes:
[MichaelC]: See comment 183
10 Aug 2009, 20:35:33[MichaelC]: work on this issue may involve (re)splitting the textbox role as well as creating a third role and API support (like contenteditable) for editable document regions
29 May 2012, 19:14:50won't fix.
Richard Schwerdtfeger, 23 Sep 2016, 13:46:57Display change log