ARIA Contribution

There are a number of ways non-participants in the ARIA WG can contribute to the work. If you wish to be an active contributer, however, you should join the Working Group.

Public comments

The ARIA WG accepts public comments on publications on the public-aria list. This is primarily used for input on formal publications.

Github issues and pull requests

Technical work is done in a set of GitHub repositories. Work on a given feature may take place in several repositories, and follows the ARIA Working Group Work Flow. Repositories maintained by the ARIA Working Group include:

A GitHub account is required for the following functionality. In addition to using the comments list described above to submit input, you may:

Mailing list discussions

If you would like to monitor the work of the ARIA WG and contribute on-line, you may subscribe to the following mailing lists. You will not be considered a formal participant but may comment and contribute. The ARIA WG uses the following mailing lists:

  • - Working Group discussion list; public archive; public can post; inquire to subscribe (public-aria archives).
  • - discussion list for Authoring Practices Task Force; anyone may post or subscribe (public-aria-practices archives)
  • - Public discussion list for people working on ARIA testing; anyone may post or subscribe (public-aria-test archives).
  • - Announcements only Working Group activities; public archive; anyone may post or subscribe (w3c-wai-ig archives).
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