HTML Assistant Pro for MS Windows - Freeware Edition

A new Freeware Edition of the award-winning WWW home page creator, "HTML
Assistant Pro 2" is ready and available for downloading from the Web.
This friendly editor won the PC Magazine UK Editors Choice Awared, as well
as the PC Magazine Usability Seal of Approval Award, in March, 1996.  The
reviewers thoroughly critiqued the top six Web page authoring tools.  They
stated that HTML Assistant Pro is "miles ahead of the rest".  On February
20, in the March issue of PC Magazine, John C.  Dvorak said "HTML
Assistant Pro 2 is the editor against which all others are judged."

The Freeware Edition of HTML Assistant Pro is available for downloading

As well Brooklyn North Software Works developed a URL organizing tool.
"URL Grabber" is a handy little tool for collecting and organizing URLs.
You can copy, paste, and view URLs from any application instantly or save
them in your own URL library for later.  A trial version of URL Grabber is
available for downloading from

Cheryl Gillett
Brooklyn North Software Works, Inc.