(: parse tests :) { for $b in doc("http://bstore1.example.com/bib.xml")/bib/book where $b/publisher = "Addison-Wesley" and $b/@year > 1991 return { $b/title } } %%% { for $b in doc("http://bstore1.example.com/bib.xml")/bib/book, $t in $b/title, $a in $b/author return { $t } { $a } } %%% { for $b in doc("http://bstore1.example.com/bib.xml")/bib/book return { $b/title } { $b/author } } %%% { let $a := doc("http://bstore1.example.com/bib/bib.xml")//author for $last in distinct-values($a/last), $first in distinct-values($a[last=$last]/first) order by $last, $first return { $last } { $first } { for $b in doc("http://bstore1.example.com/bib.xml")/bib/book where some $ba in $b/author satisfies ($ba/last = $last and $ba/first=$first) return $b/title } } %%% { for $b in doc("http://bstore1.example.com/bib.xml")//book, $a in doc("http://bstore2.example.com/reviews.xml")//entry where $b/title = $a/title return { $b/title } { $a/price/text() } { $b/price/text() } } %%% { for $b in doc("http://bstore1.example.com/bib.xml")//book where count($b/author) > 0 return { $b/title } { for $a in $b/author[position()<=2] return $a } { if (count($b/author) > 2) then else () } } %%% { for $b in doc("http://bstore1.example.com/bib.xml")//book where $b/publisher = "Addison-Wesley" and $b/@year > 1991 order by $b/title return { $b/@year } { $b/title } } %%%for $b in doc("http://bstore1.example.com/bib.xml")//book let $e := $b/*[contains(string(.), "Suciu") and ends-with(local-name(.), "or")] where exists($e) return { $b/title } { $e } %%% { for $t in doc("books.xml")//(chapter | section)/title where contains($t/text(), "XML") return $t } %%% { let $doc := doc("prices.xml") for $t in distinct-values($doc//book/title) let $p := $doc//book[title = $t]/price return { min($p) } } %%% { for $b in doc("http://bstore1.example.com/bib.xml")//book[author] return { $b/title } { $b/author } } { for $b in doc("http://bstore1.example.com/bib.xml")//book[editor] return { $b/title } {$b/editor/affiliation} } %%% { for $book1 in doc("http://bstore1.example.com/bib.xml")//book, $book2 in doc("http://bstore1.example.com/bib.xml")//book let $aut1 := for $a in $book1/author order by $a/last, $a/first return $a let $aut2 := for $a in $book2/author order by $a/last, $a/first return $a where $book1 << $book2 and not($book1/title = $book2/title) and deep-equal($aut1, $aut2) return { $book1/title } { $book2/title } } %%%declare function local:toc($book-or-section as element()) as element()* { for $section in $book-or-section/section return
{ $section/@* , $section/title , local:toc($section) }
}; { for $s in doc("book.xml")/book return local:toc($s) } %%% { for $f in doc("book.xml")//figure return
{ $f/@* } { $f/title }
%%%{ count(doc("book.xml")//section) }, { count(doc("book.xml")//figure) } %%% { count(doc("book.xml")/book/section) } %%% { for $s in doc("book.xml")//section let $f := $s/figure return
} %%%declare function local:section-summary($book-or-section as element()*) as element()* { for $section in $book-or-section return
{ $section/@* } { $section/title } { count($section/figure) } { local:section-summary($section/section) }
}; { for $s in doc("book.xml")/book/section return local:section-summary($s) } %%%for $s in doc("report1.xml")//section[section.title = "Procedure"] return ($s//incision)[2]/instrument %%%for $s in doc("report1.xml")//section[section.title = "Procedure"] return ($s//instrument)[position()<=2] %%%let $i2 := (doc("report1.xml")//incision)[2] for $a in (doc("report1.xml")//action)[. >> $i2][position()<=2] return $a//instrument %%%for $p in doc("report1.xml")//section[section.title = "Procedure"] where not(some $a in $p//anesthesia satisfies $a << ($p//incision)[1] ) return $p %%%declare function local:precedes($a as node(), $b as node()) as xs:boolean { $a << $b and empty($a//node() intersect $b) }; declare function local:follows($a as node(), $b as node()) as xs:boolean { $a >> $b and empty($b//node() intersect $a) }; { let $proc := doc("report1.xml")//section[section.title="Procedure"][1] for $n in $proc//node() where local:follows($n, ($proc//incision)[1]) and local:precedes($n, ($proc//incision)[2]) return $n } %%% { let $proc := doc("report1.xml")//section[section.title="Procedure"][1], $i1 := ($proc//incision)[1], $i2 := ($proc//incision)[2] for $n in $proc//node() except $i1//node() where $n >> $i1 and $n << $i2 return $n } %%%$c except $c//node() %%% declare function local:between($seq as node()*, $start as node(), $end as node()) as item()* { let $nodes := for $n in $seq except $start//node() where $n >> $start and $n << $end return $n return $nodes except $nodes//node() }; { let $proc := doc("report1.xml")//section[section.title="Procedure"][1], $first := ($proc//incision)[1], $second:= ($proc//incision)[2] return local:between($proc//node(), $first, $second) } %%% { for $i in doc("items.xml")//item_tuple where $i/start_date <= current-date() and $i/end_date >= current-date() and contains($i/description, "Bicycle") order by $i/itemno return { $i/itemno } { $i/description } } %%% { for $i in doc("items.xml")//item_tuple let $b := doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple[itemno = $i/itemno] where contains($i/description, "Bicycle") order by $i/itemno return { $i/itemno } { $i/description } { max($b/bid) } } %%% { for $u in doc("users.xml")//user_tuple for $i in doc("items.xml")//item_tuple where $u/rating > "C" and $i/reserve_price > 1000 and $i/offered_by = $u/userid return { $u/name } { $u/rating } { $i/description } { $i/reserve_price } } %%% { for $i in doc("items.xml")//item_tuple where empty(doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple[itemno = $i/itemno]) return { $i/itemno } { $i/description } } %%% { for $seller in doc("users.xml")//user_tuple, $buyer in doc("users.xml")//user_tuple, $item in doc("items.xml")//item_tuple, $highbid in doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple where $seller/name = "Tom Jones" and $seller/userid = $item/offered_by and contains($item/description , "Bicycle") and $item/itemno = $highbid/itemno and $highbid/userid = $buyer/userid and $highbid/bid = max( doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple [itemno = $item/itemno]/bid ) order by ($item/itemno) return { $item/itemno } { $item/description } { $highbid/bid } { $buyer/name } } %%% { unordered ( for $seller in doc("users.xml")//user_tuple, $buyer in doc("users.xml")//user_tuple, $item in doc("items.xml")//item_tuple, $highbid in doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple where $seller/name = "Tom Jones" and $seller/userid = $item/offered_by and contains($item/description , "Bicycle") and $item/itemno = $highbid/itemno and $highbid/userid = $buyer/userid and $highbid/bid = max( doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple [itemno = $item/itemno]/bid ) return { $item/itemno } { $item/description } { $highbid/bid } { $buyer/name } ) } %%% { for $item in doc("items.xml")//item_tuple let $b := doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple[itemno = $item/itemno] let $z := max($b/bid) where $item/reserve_price * 2 < $z return { $item/itemno } { $item/description } { $item/reserve_price } {$z } } %%%let $allbikes := doc("items.xml")//item_tuple [contains(description, "Bicycle") or contains(description, "Tricycle")] let $bikebids := doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple[itemno = $allbikes/itemno] return { max($bikebids/bid) } %%%let $item := doc("items.xml")//item_tuple [end_date >= xs:date("1999-03-01") and end_date <= xs:date("1999-03-31")] return { count($item) } %%% { let $end_dates := doc("items.xml")//item_tuple/end_date for $m in distinct-values(for $e in $end_dates return month-from-date($e)) let $item := doc("items.xml") //item_tuple[year-from-date(end_date) = 1999 and month-from-date(end_date) = $m] order by $m return { $m } { count($item) } } %%% { for $highbid in doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple, $user in doc("users.xml")//user_tuple where $user/userid = $highbid/userid and $highbid/bid = max(doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple[itemno=$highbid/itemno]/bid) order by $highbid/itemno return { $highbid/itemno } { $highbid/bid } { $user/name/text() } } %%%let $highbid := max(doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple/bid) return { for $item in doc("items.xml")//item_tuple, $b in doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple[itemno = $item/itemno] where $b/bid = $highbid return { $item/itemno } { $item/description } { $highbid } } %%%declare function local:bid_summary() as element()* { for $i in distinct-values(doc("bids.xml")//itemno) let $b := doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple[itemno = $i] return { $i } { count($b) } }; { let $bid_counts := local:bid_summary(), $maxbids := max($bid_counts/nbids), $maxitemnos := $bid_counts[nbids = $maxbids] for $item in doc("items.xml")//item_tuple, $bc in $bid_counts where $bc/nbids = $maxbids and $item/itemno = $bc/itemno return { $item/itemno } { $item/description } { $bc/nbids/text() } } %%% { for $uid in distinct-values(doc("bids.xml")//userid), $u in doc("users.xml")//user_tuple[userid = $uid] let $b := doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple[userid = $uid] order by $u/userid return { $u/userid } { $u/name } { count($b) } { avg($b/bid) } } %%% { for $i in distinct-values(doc("bids.xml")//itemno) let $b := doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple[itemno = $i] let $avgbid := avg($b/bid) where count($b) >= 3 order by $avgbid descending return { $i } { $avgbid } } %%% { for $u in doc("users.xml")//user_tuple let $b := doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple[userid=$u/userid and bid>=100] where count($b) > 1 return { $u/name/text() } } %%% { for $u in doc("users.xml")//user_tuple let $b := doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple[userid = $u/userid] order by $u/userid return { $u/userid } { $u/name } { if (empty($b)) then inactive else active } } %%% { for $u in doc("users.xml")//user_tuple where every $item in doc("items.xml")//item_tuple satisfies some $b in doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple satisfies ($item/itemno = $b/itemno and $u/userid = $b/userid) return $u/name } %%% { for $u in doc("users.xml")//user_tuple order by $u/name return { $u/name } { for $b in distinct-values(doc("bids.xml")//bid_tuple [userid = $u/userid]/itemno) for $i in doc("items.xml")//item_tuple[itemno = $b] let $descr := $i/description/text() order by $descr return { $descr } } } %%% { doc("sgml.xml")//report//para } %%% { doc("sgml.xml")//intro/para } %%% { for $c in doc("sgml.xml")//chapter where empty($c/intro) return $c/section/intro/para } %%% { (((doc("sgml.xml")//chapter)[2]//section)[3]//para)[2] } %%% { doc("sgml.xml")//para[@security = "c"] } %%% { for $s in doc("sgml.xml")//section/@shorttitle return { $s } } %%% { for $i in doc("sgml.xml")//intro/para[1] return { substring(string($i), 1, 1) } } %%% { doc("sgml.xml")//section[.//title[contains(., "is SGML")]] } %%% { doc("sgml.xml")//section[.//title/text()[contains(., "is SGML")]] } %%% { for $id in doc("sgml.xml")//xref/@xrefid return doc("sgml.xml")//topic[@topicid = $id] } %%% { let $x := doc("sgml.xml")//xref[@xrefid = "top4"], $t := doc("sgml.xml")//title[. << $x] return $t[last()] } %%%doc("string.xml")//news_item/title[contains(., "Foobar Corporation")] %%%declare function local:partners($company as xs:string) as element()* { let $c := doc("company-data.xml")//company[name = $company] return $c//partner }; let $foobar_partners := local:partners("Foobar Corporation") for $item in doc("string.xml")//news_item where some $t in $item//title satisfies (contains($t/text(), "Foobar Corporation") and (some $partner in $foobar_partners satisfies contains($t/text(), $partner/text()))) or (some $par in $item//par satisfies (contains(string($par), "Foobar Corporation") and (some $partner in $foobar_partners satisfies contains(string($par), $partner/text())))) return { $item/title } { $item/date } %%%declare function local:partners($company as xs:string) as element()* { let $c := doc("company-data.xml")//company[name = $company] return $c//partner }; for $item in doc("string.xml")//news_item, $c in doc("company-data.xml")//company let $partners := local:partners($c/name) where contains(string($item), $c/name) and (some $p in $partners satisfies contains(string($item), $p) and $item/news_agent != $c/name) return $item %%%for $item in doc("string.xml")//news_item where contains(string($item/content), "Gorilla Corporation") return { concat($item/title,". ") } { concat($item/date,". ") } { string(($item//par)[1]) } %%% { for $n in distinct-values( for $i in (doc("auction.xml")//* | doc("auction.xml")//@*) return namespace-uri($i) ) return {$n} } %%%declare namespace music = "http://www.example.org/music/records"; { doc("auction.xml")//music:title } %%%declare namespace dt = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; { doc("auction.xml")//*[@dt:*] } %%%declare namespace xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; { for $hr in doc("auction.xml")//@xlink:href return { $hr } } %%%declare namespace music = "http://www.example.org/music/records"; { doc("auction.xml")//music:record[music:remark/@xml:lang = "de"] } %%%declare namespace ma = "http://www.example.com/AuctionWatch"; declare namespace anyzone = "http://www.example.com/auctioneers#anyzone"; { doc("auction.xml")//ma:Auction[@anyzone:ID]/ma:Schedule/ma:Close } %%%declare namespace ma = "http://www.example.com/AuctionWatch"; { for $a in doc("auction.xml")//ma:Auction let $seller_id := $a/ma:Trading_Partners/ma:Seller/*:ID, $buyer_id := $a/ma:Trading_Partners/ma:High_Bidder/*:ID where namespace-uri($seller_id) = namespace-uri($buyer_id) return $a/ma:AuctionHomepage } %%%declare namespace ma = "http://www.example.com/AuctionWatch"; { for $s in doc("auction.xml")//ma:Trading_Partners/(ma:Seller | ma:High_Bidder) where $s/*:NegativeComments = 0 return $s } %%%declare function local:one_level($p as element()) as element() { { for $s in doc("partlist.xml")//part where $s/@partof = $p/@partid return local:one_level($s) } }; { for $p in doc("partlist.xml")//part[empty(@partof)] return local:one_level($p) } %%%import schema namespace ipo = "http://www.example.com/IPO" at "ipo.xsd"; count( doc("ipo.xml")//shipTo[. instance of element(*, ipo:UKAddress)] ) %%%1 %%%module namespace z="http://www.example.com/xq/zips"; import schema namespace ipo = "http://www.example.com/IPO" at "ipo.xsd"; import schema namespace zips = "http://www.example.com/zips" at "zips.xsd"; declare function z:zip-ok($a as element(*, ipo:USAddress)) as xs:boolean { some $i in doc("zips.xml")/zips:zips/element(zips:row) satisfies $i/zips:city = $a/city and $i/zips:state = $a/state and $i/zips:zip = $a/zip }; %%%module namespace p="http://www.example.com/xq/postals"; import schema namespace ipo = "http://www.example.com/IPO" at "ipo.xsd"; import schema namespace pst = "http://www.example.com/postals" at "postals.xsd"; declare function p:postal-ok($a as element(*, ipo:UKAddress)) as xs:boolean { some $i in doc("postals.xml")/pst:postals/element(pst:row) satisfies $i/pst:city = $a/city and starts-with($a/postcode, $i/pst:prefix) }; %%%import schema namespace ipo="http://www.example.com/IPO" at "ipo.xsd"; import schema namespace pst="http://www.example.com/postals" at "postals.xsd"; import schema namespace zips="http://www.example.com/zips" at "zips.xsd"; import module namespace zok="http://www.example.com/xq/zips"; import module namespace pok="http://www.example.com/xq/postals"; declare function local:address-ok($a as element(*, ipo:Address)) as xs:boolean { typeswitch ($a) case $zip as element(*, ipo:USAddress) return zok:zip-ok($zip) case $postal as element(*, ipo:UKAddress ) return pok:postal-ok($postal) default return false() }; let $shipTo := doc("ipo.xml")/element(ipo:purchaseOrder)/shipTo let $billTo := doc("ipo.xml")/element(ipo:purchaseOrder)/billTo return local:address-ok($shipTo) and local:address-ok($billTo) %%%true %%%import schema namespace ipo="http://www.example.com/IPO" at "ipo.xsd"; declare function local:names-match( $s as element(shipTo, ipo:Address), $b as element(billTo, ipo:Address)) as xs:boolean { $s/name = $b/name }; let $p := doc("ipo.xml")/element(ipo:purchaseOrder) return local:names-match( $p/shipTo, $p/billTo ) %%%false %%%import schema namespace ipo="http://www.example.com/IPO" at "ipo.xsd"; let $p := doc("ipo.xml")//element(ipo:purchaseOrder) let $billTo := $p/billTo let $shipTo := $p/shipTo return if ($billTo instance of element(*, ipo:USAddress)) then every $i in $p/items/item satisfies (exists($i/USPrice)) else false() %%%true %%%import schema namespace ipo="http://www.example.com/IPO" at "ipo.xsd"; declare function local:comment-text($c as schema-element(ipo:comment)) as xs:string { xs:string( $c ) }; for $p in doc("ipo.xml")//element(ipo:purchaseOrder), $t in local:comment-text( $p//ipo:shipComment ) where $p/shipTo/name="Helen Zoe" and $p/@orderDate = xs:date("1999-12-01") return $t %%%import schema namespace ipo="http://www.example.com/IPO" at "ipo.xsd"; declare function local:comment-text($c as schema-element(ipo:comment)) as xs:string { xs:string( $c ) }; for $p in doc("ipo.xml")/schema-element(ipo:purchaseOrder) where $p/shipTo/name="Helen Zoe" and $p/@orderDate = xs:date("1999-12-01") return local:comment-text( $p//ipo:customerComment ) %%%import schema namespace ipo="http://www.example.com/IPO" at "ipo.xsd"; for $p in doc("ipo.xml")//element(ipo:purchaseOrder) where $p/shipTo/name="Helen Zoe" and $p/@orderDate = xs:date("1999-12-01") return $p//schema-element(ipo:comment) %%%import schema namespace ipo="http://www.example.com/IPO" at "ipo.xsd"; declare function local:comments-for-element( $e as element() ) as element(ipo:comment)* { $e/schema-element(ipo:comment) }; for $p in doc("ipo.xml")//element(ipo:purchaseOrder) where $p/shipTo/name="Helen Zoe" and $p/@orderDate = xs:date("1999-12-01") return { local:comments-for-element( $p ) } { for $i in $p//item return local:comments-for-element( $i ) } %%%import schema namespace ipo="http://www.example.com/IPO" at "ipo.xsd"; declare function local:deadbeat( $b as element(billTo, ipo:USAddress) ) as xs:boolean { $b/name = doc("deadbeats.xml")/deadbeats/row/name }; for $p in doc("ipo.xml")//element(ipo:purchaseOrder) where local:deadbeat( $p/element(billTo) ) return { string($p/billTo/name) } is a known deadbeat! %%%module namespace c="http://www.example.com/calc"; import schema namespace ipo="http://www.example.com/IPO" at "ipo.xsd"; declare function c:total-price( $i as element(item)* ) as xs:decimal { let $subtotals := for $s in $i return $s/quantity * $s/USPrice return sum( $subtotals ) }; %%%import schema namespace ipo="http://www.example.com/IPO" at "ipo.xsd"; import module namespace calc = "http://www.example.com/calc"; for $p in doc("ipo.xml")//element(ipo:purchaseOrder) where $p/shipTo/name="Helen Zoe" and $p/@orderDate = xs:date("1999-12-01") return calc:total-price($p//item) %%% Lawnmower Baby Monitor Lapis Necklace Sturdy Shelves %%%declare namespace rpt="http://www.example.com/Report"; let $orders := doc('ipo.xml')/schema-element(ipo:purchaseOrder) [@orderDate ge xs:date("1999-09-01") and @orderDate le xs:date("1999-12-31")] let $items := $orders/items/item let $zips := distinct-values($orders/billTo/zip) let $parts := distinct-values($items/@partNum) return { for $zip in $zips order by $zip return { for $part in $parts let $hits := $orders[ billTo/zip = $zip and items/item/@partNum = $part] let $quantity := sum($hits//item[@partNum=$part]/quantity) where count($hits) > 0 order by $part return } } { for $part in $parts return { string($items[@partNum = $part]/productName) } } %%%