All MathML Character Entities alphabetically

Based on ISO 9573-13 extended with aliases

Character Name       Group     Code Description                              
==================== ========= ==== ==========================================
Afr                  ISOMFRK   E47C fraktur letter A
And                  ISOTECH   E374 double logical and
Aopf                 ISOMOPF   E4AF open face letter A
Ascr                 ISOMSCR   E4C5 script letter A
Barv                 ISOAMSR   E311 vert, double bar (over)
Barwed               ISOAMSB   2306 logical and, double bar above
Bfr                  ISOMFRK   E47D fraktur letter B
Bopf                 ISOMOPF   E4B0 open face letter B
Bscr                 ISOMSCR   E4C6 script letter B
Cap                  ISOAMSB   22D2 double intersection

Cconint              ISOTECH   2230 triple contour integral operator
Cfr                  ISOMFRK   E47E fraktur letter C
Colon                ISOAMSR   2237 /Colon, two colons
Colone               ISOAMSR   E30E double colon, equals
Conint               ISOTECH   222F double contour integral operator
Copf                 ISOMOPF   2102 open face letter C
Cscr                 ISOMSCR   E4C7 script letter C
Cup                  ISOAMSB   22D3 double union
DDotrahd             ISOAMSA   E238 right arrow with dotted stem
Dagger               ISOPUB    2021 double dagger

Darr                 ISOAMSA   21A1 down two-headed arrow
Dashv                ISOAMSR   E41F double dash, vertical
Delta                ISOGRK3   0394 capital Delta, Greek
Dfr                  ISOMFRK   E47F fraktur letter D
Dopf                 ISOMOPF   E4B1 open face letter D
Dot                  ISOTECH   0308 dieresis or umlaut mark
DotDot               ISOTECH   20DC four dots above
Dscr                 ISOMSCR   E4C8 script letter D
Efr                  ISOMFRK   E480 fraktur letter E
Eopf                 ISOMOPF   E4B2 open face letter E

Escr                 ISOMSCR   E4C9 script letter E
Esim                 ISOAMSR   E317 equal, similar
Ffr                  ISOMFRK   E481 fraktur letter F
Fopf                 ISOMOPF   E4B3 open face letter F
Fscr                 ISOMSCR   E4CA script letter F
Gamma                ISOGRK3   0393 capital Gamma, Greek
Gammad               ISOGRK3   03DC capital digamma
Gfr                  ISOMFRK   E482 fraktur letter G
Gg                   ISOAMSR   22D9 triple gtr-than
Gopf                 ISOMOPF   E4B4 open face letter G

Gscr                 ISOMSCR   E4CB script letter G
Gt                   ISOAMSR   226B double greater-than sign
Hfr                  ISOMFRK   E483 fraktur letter H
Hopf                 ISOMOPF   E4B5 open face letter H
Hscr                 ISOMSCR   E4CC script letter H
Ifr                  ISOMFRK   E484 fraktur letter I
Int                  ISOTECH   222C double integral operator
Iopf                 ISOMOPF   E4B6 open face letter I
Iscr                 ISOMSCR   E4CD script letter I
Jfr                  ISOMFRK   E485 fraktur letter J

Jopf                 ISOMOPF   E4B7 open face letter J
Jscr                 ISOMSCR   E4CE script letter J
Kfr                  ISOMFRK   E486 fraktur letter K
Kopf                 ISOMOPF   E4B8 open face letter K
Kscr                 ISOMSCR   E4CF script letter K
Lambda               ISOGRK3   039B capital Lambda, Greek
Lang                 ISOTECH   300A left angle bracket, double
Larr                 ISOAMSA   219E twoheadleftarrow
Lfr                  ISOMFRK   E487 fraktur letter L
Ll                   ISOAMSR   22D8 triple less-than

Lopf                 ISOMOPF   E4B9 open face letter L
Lscr                 ISOMSCR   E4D0 script letter L
Lt                   ISOAMSR   226A double less-than sign
Map                  ISOAMSA   E212 twoheaded mapsto
Mfr                  ISOMFRK   E488 fraktur letter M
Mopf                 ISOMOPF   E4BA open face letter M
Mscr                 ISOMSCR   E4D1 script letter M
Nfr                  ISOMFRK   E489 fraktur letter N
Nopf                 ISOMOPF   E4BB open face letter N
Not                  ISOTECH   E3AC not with two horizontal strokes

Nscr                 ISOMSCR   E4D2 script letter N
Ofr                  ISOMFRK   E48A fraktur letter O
Omega                ISOGRK3   03A9 capital Omega, Greek
Oopf                 ISOMOPF   E4BC open face letter O
Or                   ISOTECH   E375 double logical or
Oscr                 ISOMSCR   E4D3 script letter O
Otimes               ISOAMSB   E28C multiply sign in double circle
Pfr                  ISOMFRK   E48B fraktur letter P
Phi                  ISOGRK3   03A6 capital Phi, Greek
Pi                   ISOGRK3   03A0 capital Pi, Greek

Popf                 ISOMOPF   2119 open face letter P
Pr                   ISOAMSR   E35C double precedes
Prime                ISOTECH   2033 double prime or second
Pscr                 ISOMSCR   E4D4 script letter P
Psi                  ISOGRK3   03A8 capital Psi, Greek
Qfr                  ISOMFRK   E48C fraktur letter Q
Qopf                 ISOMOPF   211A open face letter Q
Qscr                 ISOMSCR   E4D5 script letter Q
RBarr                ISOAMSA   E209 twoheaded right broken arrow
Rang                 ISOTECH   300B right angle bracket, double

Rarr                 ISOAMSA   21A0 twoheadrightarrow
Rarrtl               ISOAMSA   E239 right two-headed arrow with tail
Rfr                  ISOMFRK   E48D fraktur letter R
Ropf                 ISOMOPF   211D open face letter R
Rscr                 ISOMSCR   E4D6 script letter R
Sc                   ISOAMSR   E35D double succeeds
Sfr                  ISOMFRK   E48E fraktur letter S
Sigma                ISOGRK3   03A3 capital Sigma, Greek
Sopf                 ISOMOPF   E4BD open face letter S
Sscr                 ISOMSCR   E4D7 script letter S

Sub                  ISOAMSR   22D0 double subset
Sup                  ISOAMSR   22D1 double superset
Tfr                  ISOMFRK   E48F fraktur letter T
Theta                ISOGRK3   0398 capital Theta, Greek
Topf                 ISOMOPF   E4BE open face letter T
Tscr                 ISOMSCR   E4D8 script letter T
Uarr                 ISOAMSA   219F up two-headed arrow
Uarrocir             ISOAMSA   E237 up two-headed arrow above circle
Ufr                  ISOMFRK   E490 fraktur letter U
Uopf                 ISOMOPF   E4BF open face letter U

Upsi                 ISOGRK3   03D2 capital Upsilon, Greek
Uscr                 ISOMSCR   E4D9 script letter U
VDash                ISOAMSR   22AB double vert, double dash
Vbar                 ISOAMSR   E30D double vert, bar (under)
Vdash                ISOAMSR   22A9 double vertical, dash
Vdashl               ISOAMSR   E313 vertical, dash (long)
Verbar               ISOTECH   2016 double vertical bar
Vfr                  ISOMFRK   E491 fraktur letter V
Vopf                 ISOMOPF   E4C0 open face letter V
Vscr                 ISOMSCR   E4DA script letter V

Vvdash               ISOAMSR   22AA triple vertical, dash
Wfr                  ISOMFRK   E492 fraktur letter W
Wopf                 ISOMOPF   E4C1 open face letter W
Wscr                 ISOMSCR   E4DB script letter W
Xfr                  ISOMFRK   E493 fraktur letter X
Xi                   ISOGRK3   039E capital Xi, Greek
Xopf                 ISOMOPF   E4C2 open face letter X
Xscr                 ISOMSCR   E4DC script letter X
Yfr                  ISOMFRK   E494 fraktur letter Y
Yopf                 ISOMOPF   E4C3 open face letter Y

Yscr                 ISOMSCR   E4DD script letter Y
Zfr                  ISOMFRK   2124 fraktur letter Z
Zopf                 ISOMOPF   E4C4 open face letter Z
Zscr                 ISOMSCR   E4DE script letter Z
ac                   ISOAMSB   E407 most positive
acE                  ISOAMSB   E290 most positive, two lines below
acd                  ISOTECH   E3A6 ac current
acute                ISODIA    0301 acute accent
afr                  ISOMFRK   E495 fraktur letter a
aleph                ISOTECH   2135 /aleph aleph, Hebrew

alpha                ISOGRK3   03B1 small alpha, Greek
amalg                ISOAMSB   E251 amalgamation or coproduct
amp                  ISONUM    0026 ampersand
and                  ISOTECH   2227 logical and
andand               ISOTECH   E36E two logical and
andd                 ISOTECH   E394 and, horizontal dash
andslope             ISOTECH   E50A sloping large and
andv                 ISOTECH   E391 and with middle stem
ang                  ISOAMSO   2220 angle
ange                 ISOAMSO   E2D6 angle, equal

angmsd               ISOAMSO   2221 angle-measured
angmsdaa             ISOAMSO   E2D9 angle-measured, arrow, up, right
angmsdab             ISOAMSO   E2DA angle-measured, arrow, up, left
angmsdac             ISOAMSO   E2DB angle-measured, arrow, down, right
angmsdad             ISOAMSO   E2DC angle-measured, arrow, down, left
angmsdae             ISOAMSO   E2DD angle-measured, arrow, right, up
angmsdaf             ISOAMSO   E2DE angle-measured, arrow, left, up
angmsdag             ISOAMSO   E417 angle-measured, arrow, right, down
angmsdah             ISOAMSO   E2E0 angle-measured, arrow, left, down
angrt                ISOTECH   221F right (90 degree) angle

angrtvb              ISOAMSO   E418 right angle-measured
angrtvbd             ISOAMSO   E2E1 right angle-measured, dot
angsph               ISOTECH   2222 /sphericalangle angle-spherical
angst                ISOTECH   212B Angstrom capital A, ring
angzarr              ISOAMSA   E248 angle with down zig-zag arrow
ap                   ISOTECH   2248 approximate
apE                  ISOAMSR   E315 approximately equal or equal to
apacir               ISOTECH   E38C approximate, circumflex accent
ape                  ISOAMSR   224A approximate, equals
apid                 ISOAMSR   224B approximately identical to

apos                 ISONUM    0027 apostrophe
ascr                 ISOMSCR   E4DF script letter a
ast                  ISONUM    002A ]
asymp                ISOAMSR   224D asymptotically equal to
awconint             ISOTECH   2233 contour integral, anti-clockwise
awint                ISOTECH   E39B anti clock-wise integration
bNot                 ISOTECH   E3AD reverse not with two horizontal strokes
barvee               ISOAMSB   22BD bar, vee
barwed               ISOAMSB   22BC logical and, bar above
bbrk                 ISOAMSO   E2EE bottom square bracket

bbrktbrk             ISOAMSO   E419 bottom above top square bracket
bcong                ISOAMSR   224C reverse congruent
becaus               ISOTECH   2235 because
bemptyv              ISOAMSO   E41A reversed circle, slash
benzen               ISOCHEM   E43C benzene ring
benzena              ISOCHEM   E42A benzene ring, one double binding
benzenb              ISOCHEM   E42B benzene ring, one double binding
benzenc              ISOCHEM   E42C benzene ring, one double binding
benzend              ISOCHEM   E42D benzene ring, one double binding
benzene              ISOCHEM   E42E benzene ring, one double binding

benzenf              ISOCHEM   E42F benzene ring, one double binding
benzeng              ISOCHEM   E430 benzene ring, two double bindings
benzenh              ISOCHEM   E431 benzene ring, two double bindings
benzeni              ISOCHEM   E432 benzene ring, two double bindings
benzenj              ISOCHEM   E433 benzene ring, two double bindings
benzenk              ISOCHEM   E434 benzene ring, two double bindings
benzenl              ISOCHEM   E435 benzene ring, two double bindings
benzenm              ISOCHEM   E436 benzene ring, two double bindings
benzenn              ISOCHEM   E437 benzene ring, two double bindings
benzeno              ISOCHEM   E438 benzene ring, two double bindings

benzenp              ISOCHEM   E439 benzene ring, three double bindings
benzenq              ISOCHEM   E43A benzene ring, three double bindings
benzenr              ISOCHEM   E43B benzene ring, circle
bepsi                ISOAMSR   E420 such that
bernou               ISOTECH   212C Bernoulli function (script capital B)
beta                 ISOGRK3   03B2 small beta, Greek
beth                 ISOAMSO   2136 beth, Hebrew
bfr                  ISOMFRK   E496 fraktur letter b
blank                ISOPUB    E4F9 significant blank symbol
blk12                ISOPUB    2592 50% shaded block

blk14                ISOPUB    2591 25% shaded block
blk34                ISOPUB    2593 75% shaded block
block                ISOPUB    2588 full block
bne                  ISOTECH   E388 reverse not equal
bnequiv              ISOTECH   E387 reverse not equivalent
bnot                 ISOTECH   2310 reverse not
bottom               ISOTECH   22A5 bottom
bowtie               ISOAMSR   22C8 bowtie
boxbox               ISOAMSO   E2E6 two joined squares
bprime               ISOAMSO   2035 reverse prime

breve                ISODIA    0305 breve
brvbar               ISONUM    00A6 broken (vertical) bar
bscr                 ISOMSCR   E4E0 script letter b
bsemi                ISOAMSO   E2ED reverse semi-colon
bsim                 ISOAMSR   223D reverse similar
bsime                ISOAMSR   22CD reverse similar, equals
bsol                 ISONUM    005C /backslash reverse solidus
bsolb                ISOAMSB   E280 reverse solidus in square
bsolhsub             ISOAMSR   E34D reverse solidus, subset
bull                 ISOPUB    2022 round bullet, filled

bump                 ISOAMSR   224E bumpy equals
bumpe                ISOAMSR   224F bumpy equals, equals
cap                  ISOTECH   2229 intersection
capand               ISOAMSB   E281 intersection, and
capbrcup             ISOAMSB   E271 intersection, bar, union
capcap               ISOAMSB   E273 intersection, intersection, joined
capcup               ISOAMSB   E408 intersection above union
capdot               ISOAMSB   E261 intersection, with dot
caps                 ISOAMSB   E275 intersection, serifs
caret                ISOPUB    2038 caret (insertion mark)

caron                ISODIA    030C caron
ccaps                ISOAMSB   E279 closed intersection, serifs
ccups                ISOAMSB   E278 closed union, serifs
ccupssm              ISOAMSB   E27A closed union, serifs, smash product
cedil                ISODIA    0327 cedilla
cemptyv              ISOAMSO   E2E8 circle, slash, small circle above
cent                 ISONUM    00A2 cent sign
cfr                  ISOMFRK   E497 fraktur letter c
check                ISOPUB    2713 tick, check mark
chi                  ISOGRK3   03C7 small chi, Greek

cir                  ISOPUB*   2218 circle, open
cirE                 ISOAMSO   E41B circle, two horizontal stroked to the right
circ                 ISODIA    0302 circumflex accent
circle               ISOPUB    E4FA circle, open
circlef              ISOPUB    25CF circle, filled
circlefb             ISOPUB    25D2 circle, filled bottom half
circlefl             ISOPUB    25D0 circle, filled left half [Harvey ball]
circlefr             ISOPUB    25D1 circle, filled right half
circleft             ISOPUB    25D3 circle, filled top half
cire                 ISOAMSR   2257 circle, equals

cirfnint             ISOTECH   E395 circulation function
cirmid               ISOAMSA   E250 circle, mid below
cirscir              ISOAMSO   E41C circle, small circle to the right
clubs                ISOPUB    2663 club suit symbol
colon                ISONUM    003A colon
colone               ISOAMSR   2254 colon, equals
comma                ISONUM    002C comma
commat               ISONUM    0040 commercial at
comp                 ISOAMSO   2201 complement sign
compfn               ISOTECH   2218 composite function (small circle)

cong                 ISOTECH   2245 congruent with
congdot              ISOAMSR   E314 congruent, dot
conint               ISOTECH   222E contour integral operator
coprod               ISOAMSB   2210 coproduct operator
copy                 ISONUM    00A9 copyright sign
copysr               ISOPUB    2117 sound recording copyright sign
cross                ISOPUB    2612 ballot cross
cscr                 ISOMSCR   E4E1 script letter c
csub                 ISOAMSR   E351 subset, closed
csube                ISOAMSR   E353 subset, closed, equals

csup                 ISOAMSR   E352 superset, closed
csupe                ISOAMSR   E354 superset, closed, equals
ctdot                ISOTECH   22EF /cdots, three dots, centered
cudarrl              ISOAMSA   E23E left, curved, down arrow
cudarrr              ISOAMSA   E400 right, curved, down arrow
cuepr                ISOAMSR   22DE curly equals, precedes
cuesc                ISOAMSR   22DF curly equals, succeeds
cularr               ISOAMSA   21B6 left curved arrow
cularrp              ISOAMSA   E24A curved left arrow with plus
cup                  ISOTECH   222A union or logical sum

cupbrcap             ISOAMSB   E270 union, bar, intersection
cupcap               ISOAMSB   E26E union above intersection
cupcup               ISOAMSB   E272 union, union, joined
cupdot               ISOAMSB   228D union, with dot
cupor                ISOAMSB   E282 union, or
cups                 ISOAMSB   E274 union, serifs
curarr               ISOAMSA   21B7 right curved arrow
curarrm              ISOAMSA   E249 curved right arrow with minus
curren               ISONUM    00A4 general currency sign
cuvee                ISOAMSB   22CE curly logical or

cuwed                ISOAMSB   22CF curly logical and
cwconint             ISOTECH   2232 contour integral, clockwise
cwint                ISOTECH   2231 clockwise integral
cylcty               ISOTECH   232D cylindricity
dArr                 ISOAMSA   21D3 down double arrow
dHar                 ISOAMSA   E227 down harpoon-left, down harpoon-right
dagger               ISOPUB    2020 dagger
daleth               ISOAMSO   2138 daleth, Hebrew
darr                 ISONUM    2193 downward arrow
dash                 ISOPUB    2010 hyphen (true graphic)

dashv                ISOAMSR   22A3 dash, vertical
dblac                ISODIA    030B double acute accent
ddarr                ISOAMSA   21CA two down arrows
deg                  ISONUM    00B0 degree sign
delta                ISOGRK3   03B4 small delta, Greek
demptyv              ISOAMSO   E2E7 circle, slash, bar above
dfisht               ISOAMSA   E24C down fish tail
dfr                  ISOMFRK   E498 fraktur letter d
dharl                ISOAMSA   21C3 down harpoon-left
dharr                ISOAMSA   21C2 down harpoon-rt

diam                 ISOAMSB   22C4 open diamond
diamond              ISOPUB    25CA diamond, open
diamondf             ISOPUB    E4FB diamond, filled
diamonfb             ISOPUB    E4FC diamond, filled bottom half
diamonfl             ISOPUB    E4FD diamond, filled left half
diamonfr             ISOPUB    E4FE diamond, filled right half
diamonft             ISOPUB    E4FF diamond, filled top half
diams                ISOPUB    2662 diamond suit symbol
die                  ISODIA    0308 dieresis
disin                ISOTECH   E3A0 set membership, long horizontal stroke

divide               ISONUM    00F7 divide sign
divonx               ISOAMSB   22C7 division on times
dlcorn               ISOAMSC   231E lower left corner
dlcrop               ISOPUB    230D downward left crop mark
dollar               ISONUM    0024 dollar sign
dot                  ISODIA    0306 dot above
drcorn               ISOAMSC   231F lower right corner
drcrop               ISOPUB    230C downward right crop mark
dscr                 ISOMSCR   E4E2 script letter d
dsol                 ISOTECH   E3A9 solidus, bar above

dtdot                ISOTECH   22F1 /ddots, three dots, descending
dtri                 ISOPUB    25BF down triangle, open
dtrif                ISOPUB    25BE down triangle, filled
duarr                ISOAMSA   E216 down arrow, up arrow
duhar                ISOAMSA   E217 down harp, up harp
dwangle              ISOTECH   E3AA large downward pointing angle
dzigrarr             ISOAMSA   21DD right long zig-zag arrow
eDDot                ISOAMSR   E309 equal with four dots
eDot                 ISOAMSR   2251 equals, even dots
easter               ISOAMSR   225B equal, asterisk above

ecir                 ISOAMSR   2256 circle on equals sign
ecolon               ISOAMSR   2255 equals, colon
efDot                ISOAMSR   2252 equals, falling dots
efr                  ISOMFRK   E499 fraktur letter e
eg                   ISOAMSR   E328 equal-or-greater
egs                  ISOAMSR   22DD equal-or-gtr, slanted
egsdot               ISOAMSR   E324 equal-or-greater, slanted, dot inside
el                   ISOAMSR   E327 equal-or-less
elinters             ISOTECH   E3A7 electrical intersection
ell                  ISOAMSO   2113 cursive small l

els                  ISOAMSR   22DC eq-or-less, slanted
elsdot               ISOAMSR   E323 equal-or-less, slanted, dot inside
empty                ISOAMSO   E2D3 letter O slashed
emptyv               ISOAMSO   2205 circle, slash
emsp                 ISOPUB    2003 em space
emsp13               ISOPUB    2004 third of an em space
emsp14               ISOPUB    2005 quarter of an em space
ensp                 ISOPUB    2002 en space (half an em)
epar                 ISOTECH   22D5 parallel, equal; equal or parallel
eparsl               ISOTECH   E384 parallel, slanted, equal; homothetically congruent to

eplus                ISOAMSB   E268 equal, plus
epsi                 ISOGRK3   220A small epsilon, Greek
epsiv                ISOGRK3   03B5 rounded small epsilon, Greek
equals               ISONUM    003D equals sign
equest               ISOAMSR   225F equal with questionmark
equiv                ISOTECH   2261 identical with
equivDD              ISOAMSR   E318 equivalent, four dots above
eqvparsl             ISOTECH   E386 equivalent, equal; congruent and parallel
erDot                ISOAMSR   2253 equals, rising dots
erarr                ISOAMSA   E236 equal, right arrow below

escr                 ISOMSCR   E4E3 script letter e
esdot                ISOAMSR   2250 equals, single dot above
esim                 ISOAMSR   2242 equals, similar
eta                  ISOGRK3   03B7 small eta, Greek
excl                 ISONUM    0021 exclamation mark
exist                ISOTECH   2203 /exists at least one exists
female               ISOPUB    2640 Venus, female
ffilig               ISOPUB    FB03 small ffi ligature
fflig                ISOPUB    FB00 small ff ligature
ffllig               ISOPUB    FB04 small ffl ligature

ffr                  ISOMFRK   E49A fraktur letter f
filig                ISOPUB    FB01 small fi ligature
fjlig                ISOPUB    E500 small fj ligature
flat                 ISOPUB    266D musical flat
fllig                ISOPUB    FB02 small fl ligature
fltns                ISOTECH   E381 flatness
fnof                 ISOTECH   E364 function of (italic small f)
forall               ISOTECH   2200 /forall for all
fork                 ISOAMSR   22D4 pitchfork
forkv                ISOAMSR   E31B fork, variant

fpartint             ISOTECH   E396 finite part integral
frac12               ISONUM    00BD fraction one-half
frac13               ISOPUB    2153 fraction one-third
frac14               ISONUM    00BC fraction one-quarter
frac15               ISOPUB    2155 fraction one-fifth
frac16               ISOPUB    2159 fraction one-sixth
frac18               ISONUM    215B fraction one-eighth
frac23               ISOPUB    2254 fraction two-thirds
frac25               ISOPUB    2156 fraction two-fifths
frac34               ISONUM    00BE fraction three-quarters

frac35               ISOPUB    2157 fraction three-fifths
frac38               ISONUM    215C fraction three-eighths
frac45               ISOPUB    2158 fraction four-fifths
frac56               ISOPUB    215A fraction five-sixths
frac58               ISONUM    215D fraction five-eighths
frac78               ISONUM    215E fraction seven-eighths
frown                ISOAMSR   2322 down curve
fscr                 ISOMSCR   E4E4 script letter f
gE                   ISOAMSR   2267 greater, double equals
gEl                  ISOAMSR   22DB gt, double equals, less

gamma                ISOGRK3   03B3 small gamma, Greek
gammad               ISOGRK3   03DD digamma, old Greek
gap                  ISOAMSR   2273 greater, approximate
ge                   ISOTECH   2265 greater-than-or-equal
gel                  ISOAMSR   22DB greater, equals, less
ges                  ISOAMSR   E421 gt-or-equal, slanted
gescc                ISOAMSR   E358 greater than, closed by curve, equal, slanted
gesdot               ISOAMSR   E31E greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot inside
gesdoto              ISOAMSR   E320 greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above
gesdotol             ISOAMSR   E322 greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above left

gesl                 ISOAMSR   E32C greater, equal, slanted, less
gesles               ISOAMSR   E332 greater, equal, slanted, less, equal, slanted
gfr                  ISOMFRK   E49B fraktur letter g
gimel                ISOAMSO   2137 gimel, Hebrew
gl                   ISOAMSR   2277 greater, less
glE                  ISOAMSR   E32E greater, less, equal
gla                  ISOAMSR   E330 greater, less, apart
glj                  ISOAMSR   E422 greater, less, overlapping
gnE                  ISOAMSN   2269 greater, not double equals
gnap                 ISOAMSN   E411 greater, not approximate

gne                  ISOAMSN   2269 greater, not equals
gnsim                ISOAMSN   22E7 greater, not similar
grave                ISODIA    0300 grave accent
gscr                 ISOMSCR   E4E5 script letter g
gsim                 ISOAMSR   2273 greater, similar
gsime                ISOAMSR   E334 greater, similar, equal
gsiml                ISOAMSR   E336 greater, similar, less
gt                   ISONUM    003E greater-than sign
gtcc                 ISOAMSR   E356 greater than, closed by curve
gtcir                ISOAMSR   E326 greater than, circle inside

gtdot                ISOAMSR   22D7 greater than, with dot
gtlPar               ISOAMSC   E296 double left parenthesis, greater
gtquest              ISOAMSR   E32A greater than, questionmark above
gtrarr               ISOAMSR   E423 greater than, right arrow
gvnE                 ISOAMSN   E2A1 gt, vert, not double equals
hArr                 ISOAMSA   21D4 left and right double arrow
hairsp               ISOPUB    200A hair space
half                 ISONUM    00BD fraction one-half
hamilt               ISOTECH   210B Hamiltonian (script capital H)
harr                 ISOAMSA   2194 left and right arrow

harrcir              ISOAMSA   E240 left and right arrow with a circle
harrw                ISOAMSA   21AD left and right arr-wavy
hbenzen              ISOCHEM   E44F horizontal benzene ring
hbenzena             ISOCHEM   E43D horizontal benzene ring, one double binding
hbenzenb             ISOCHEM   E43E horizontal benzene ring, one double binding
hbenzenc             ISOCHEM   E43F horizontal benzene ring, one double binding
hbenzend             ISOCHEM   E440 horizontal benzene ring, one double binding
hbenzene             ISOCHEM   E441 horizontal benzene ring, one double binding
hbenzenf             ISOCHEM   E442 horizontal benzene ring, one double binding
hbenzeng             ISOCHEM   E443 horizontal benzene ring, two double bindings

hbenzenh             ISOCHEM   E444 horizontal benzene ring, two double bindings
hbenzeni             ISOCHEM   E445 horizontal benzene ring, two double bindings
hbenzenj             ISOCHEM   E446 horizontal benzene ring, two double bindings
hbenzenk             ISOCHEM   E447 horizontal benzene ring, two double bindings
hbenzenl             ISOCHEM   E448 horizontal benzene ring, two double bindings
hbenzenm             ISOCHEM   E449 horizontal benzene ring, two double bindings
hbenzenn             ISOCHEM   E44A horizontal benzene ring, two double bindings
hbenzeno             ISOCHEM   E44B horizontal benzene ring, two double bindings
hbenzenp             ISOCHEM   E44C horizontal benzene ring, three double bindings
hbenzenq             ISOCHEM   E44D horizontal benzene ring, three double bindings

hbenzenr             ISOCHEM   E44E horizontal benzene ring, circle
hearts               ISOPUB    2661 heart suit symbol
hellip               ISOPUB    2026 ellipsis (horizontal)
hercon               ISOAMSB   22B9 hermitian conjugate matrix
hfr                  ISOMFRK   E49C fraktur letter h
hoarr                ISOAMSA   E243 horizontal open arrow
homtht               ISOAMSR   223B homothetic
horbar               ISONUM    2015 horizontal bar
hscr                 ISOMSCR   E4E6 script letter h
hybull               ISOPUB    2043 rectangle, filled (hyphen bullet)

hyphen               ISONUM    E4F8 hyphen
iexcl                ISONUM    00A1 inverted exclamation mark
iff                  ISOTECH   E365 /iff if and only if
ifr                  ISOMFRK   E49D fraktur letter i
iinfin               ISOTECH   E372 infinity sign, incomplete
iiota                ISOAMSO   2129 inverted iota
image                ISOAMSO   2111 imaginary
imath                ISOAMSO   0131 small i, no dot
imof                 ISOAMSA   22B7 image of
imped                ISOTECH   E50B impedance

incare               ISOPUB    2105 in-care-of symbol
infin                ISOTECH   221E /infty infinity
infintie             ISOTECH   E50C tie, infinity
int                  ISOTECH   222B integral operator
intcal               ISOAMSB   22BA intercal
intlarhk             ISOTECH   E39A integral, left arrow with hook
iota                 ISOGRK3   03B9 small iota, Greek
iprod                ISOAMSB   E259 interior product
iquest               ISONUM    00BF inverted question mark
iscr                 ISOMSCR   E4E7 script letter i

isin                 ISOTECH   220A set membership
isinE                ISOTECH   E39E set membership, two horizontal strokes
isindot              ISOTECH   E39C set membership, dot above
isins                ISOTECH   E3A4 set membership, vertical bar on horizontal stroke
isinsv               ISOTECH   E3A2 large set membership, vertical bar on horizontal stroke
isinv                ISOTECH   2208 set membership, variant
jfr                  ISOMFRK   E49E fraktur letter j
jmath                ISOAMSO   E2D4 small j, no dot
jscr                 ISOMSCR   E4E8 script letter j
kappa                ISOGRK3   03BA small kappa, Greek

kappav               ISOGRK3   03F0 rounded small kappa, Greek
kfr                  ISOMFRK   E49F fraktur letter k
kscr                 ISOMSCR   E4E9 script letter k
lAarr                ISOAMSA   21DA left triple arrow
lArr                 ISOTECH   21D0 is implied by
lAtail               ISOAMSA   E23D left double arrow-tail
lBarr                ISOAMSA   E206 left doubly broken arrow
lE                   ISOAMSR   2266 less, double equals
lEg                  ISOAMSR   22DA less, double equals, greater
lHar                 ISOAMSA   E225 left harpoon-up over left harpoon-down

laemptyv             ISOAMSO   E2EA circle, slash, left arrow above
lagran               ISOTECH   2112 Lagrangian (script capital L)
lambda               ISOGRK3   03BB small lambda, Greek
lang                 ISOTECH   3008 left angle bracket
langd                ISOAMSC   E297 left angle, dot
lap                  ISOAMSR   2272 less, approximate
laquo                ISONUM    00AB angle quotation mark, left
larr                 ISONUM    2190 leftward arrow
larrbfs              ISOAMSA   E220 left arrow-bar, filled square
larrfs               ISOAMSA   E222 left arrow, filled square

larrhk               ISOAMSA   21A9 left arrow-hooked
larrlp               ISOAMSA   21AB left arrow-looped
larrpl               ISOAMSA   E401 left arrow, plus
larrsim              ISOAMSA   E24E left arrow, similar
larrtl               ISOAMSA   21A2 left arrow-tailed
lat                  ISOAMSR   E33A larger than
latail               ISOAMSA   E23C left arrow-tail
late                 ISOAMSR   E33C larger than or equal
lates                ISOAMSR   E33E larger than or equal, slanted
lbarr                ISOAMSA   E402 left broken arrow

lbbrk                ISOTECH   3014 left broken bracket
lbrke                ISOAMSC   E299 left bracket, equal
lbrksld              ISOAMSC   E29D left bracket, solidus bottom corner
lbrkslu              ISOAMSC   E29B left bracket, solidus top corner
lceil                ISOAMSC   2308 left ceiling
lcub                 ISONUM    007B left curly bracket
ldca                 ISOAMSA   E21A left down curved arrow
ldquo                ISONUM    201C double quotation mark, left
ldquor               ISOPUB    201E rising double quote, left (low)
ldrdhar              ISOAMSA   E22C left harpoon-down over right harpoon-down

ldrushar             ISOAMSA   E228 left-down-right-up harpoon
ldsh                 ISOAMSA   21B2 left down angled arrow
le                   ISOTECH   2264 less-than-or-equal
leg                  ISOAMSR   22DA less, equals, greater
les                  ISOAMSR   E425 less-than-or-equals, slant
lescc                ISOAMSR   E357 less than, closed by curve, equal, slanted
lesdot               ISOAMSR   E31D less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot inside
lesdoto              ISOAMSR   E424 less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above
lesdotor             ISOAMSR   E321 less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above right
lesg                 ISOAMSR   E32B less, equal, slanted, greater

lesges               ISOAMSR   E331 less, equal, slanted, greater, equal, slanted
lfisht               ISOAMSA   E214 left fish tail
lfloor               ISOAMSC   230A left floor
lfr                  ISOMFRK   E4A0 fraktur letter l
lg                   ISOAMSR   2276 less, greater
lgE                  ISOAMSR   E32D less, greater, equal
lhard                ISOAMSA   21BD left harpoon-down
lharu                ISOAMSA   21BC left harpoon-up
lharul               ISOAMSA   E22E left harpoon-up over long dash
lhblk                ISOPUB    2584 lower half block

llarr                ISOAMSA   21C7 two left arrows
llhard               ISOAMSA   E231 left harpoon-down below long dash
lltri                ISOAMSO   E2E5 lower left triangle
lmoust               ISOAMSC   E294 left moustache
lnE                  ISOAMSN   2268 less, not double equals
lnap                 ISOAMSN   E2A2 less, not approximate
lne                  ISOAMSN   2268 less, not equals
lnsim                ISOAMSN   22E6 less, not similar
loang                ISOTECH   3018 left open angular bracket
loarr                ISOAMSA   E242 left open arrow

lobrk                ISOTECH   301A left open bracket
lopar                ISOTECH   E379 left open parenthesis
loplus               ISOAMSB   E25C plus sign in left half circle
lotimes              ISOAMSB   E25E multiply sign in left half circle
lowast               ISOTECH   E36A low asterisk
lowbar               ISONUM    005F low line
loz                  ISOPUB    25CA lozenge or total mark
lozf                 ISOPUB    E501 lozenge, filled
lpar                 ISONUM    0028 left parenthesis
lparlt               ISOAMSC   E292 left parenthesis, lt

lrarr                ISOAMSA   21C6 left arr over right arr
lrhar                ISOAMSA   21CB left harp over r
lrhard               ISOAMSA   E403 right harpoon-down below long dash
lrtri                ISOAMSO   E2E3 lower right triangle
lscr                 ISOMSCR   E4EA script letter l
lsh                  ISOAMSA   21B0 left shift symbol
lsim                 ISOAMSR   2272 less, similar
lsime                ISOAMSR   E333 less, similar, equal
lsimg                ISOAMSR   E335 less, similar, greater
lsqb                 ISONUM    005B left square bracket

lsquo                ISONUM    2018 single quotation mark, left
lsquor               ISOPUB    201A rising single quote, left (low)
lt                   ISONUM    003C less-than sign
ltcc                 ISOAMSR   E355 less than, closed by curve
ltcir                ISOAMSR   E325 less than, circle inside
ltdot                ISOAMSR   22D6 less than, with dot
lthree               ISOAMSB   22CB leftthreetimes
ltimes               ISOAMSB   22C9 times sign, left closed
ltlarr               ISOAMSR   E35E less than, left arrow
ltquest              ISOAMSR   E329 less than, questionmark above

ltrPar               ISOAMSC   E295 double right parenthesis, less
ltri                 ISOPUB    25C3 left triangle, open
ltrie                ISOAMSR   22B4 left triangle, equals
ltrif                ISOPUB    25C2 left triangle, filled
lurdshar             ISOAMSA   E229 left-up-right-down harpoon
luruhar              ISOAMSA   E22B left harpoon-up over right harpoon-up
lvnE                 ISOAMSN   E2A4 less, vert, not double equals
mDDot                ISOAMSR   223A minus with four dots, geometric properties
macr                 ISODIA    0304 macron
male                 ISOPUB    2642 Mars, male

malt                 ISOPUB    2720 maltese cross
map                  ISOAMSA   21A6 mapsto
marker               ISOPUB    E502 histogram marker
mcomma               ISOAMSR   E31A minus, comma above
mdash                ISOPUB    2014 em dash
mfr                  ISOMFRK   E4A1 fraktur letter m
mho                  ISOAMSO   2127 conductance
micro                ISONUM    00B5 micro sign
mid                  ISOAMSR   2223 mid
midast               ISOAMSB   2217 centered asterisk

midcir               ISOAMSA   E404 mid, circle below
middot               ISONUM    00B7 middle dot
minus                ISOTECH   2212 minus sign
minusb               ISOAMSB   229F minus sign in box
minusd               ISOAMSB   2238 minus sign, dot above
minusdu              ISOAMSB   E25B minus sign, dot below
mlcp                 ISOAMSR   E30A transversal intersection
mldr                 ISOPUB    E503 em leader
mnplus               ISOTECH   2213 minus-or-plus sign
models               ISOAMSR   22A7 models

mscr                 ISOMSCR   E4EB script letter m
mstpos               ISOAMSR   223E most positive
mu                   ISOGRK3   03BC small mu, Greek
mumap                ISOAMSA   22B8 multimap
nGg                  ISOAMSN   E2CE not triple greater than
nGt                  ISOAMSN   E2CA not, vert, much greater than
nGtv                 ISOAMSN   E2CC not much greater than, variant
nLl                  ISOAMSN   E2CD not triple less than
nLt                  ISOAMSN   E2C9 not, vert, much less than
nLtv                 ISOAMSN   E2CB not much less than, variant

nVDash               ISOAMSN   22AF not double vert, double dash
nVdash               ISOAMSN   22AE not double vertical, dash
nabla                ISOTECH   2207 del, Hamilton operator
nang                 ISOAMSO   E2D8 not, vert, angle
nap                  ISOAMSN   2249 not approximate
napE                 ISOAMSN   E2C7 not approximately equal or equal to
napid                ISOAMSN   E2BC not approximately identical to
natur                ISOPUB    266E music natural
nbsp                 ISONUM    00A0 no break (required) space
ncap                 ISOAMSB   E284 bar, intersection

ncong                ISOAMSN   2247 not congruent with
ncongdot             ISOAMSN   E2C5 not congruent, dot
ncup                 ISOAMSB   E283 bar, union
ndash                ISOPUB    2013 en dash
ne                   ISOTECH   2260 not equal
neArr                ISOAMSA   21D7 NE pointing double arrow
nearhk               ISOAMSA   E20D NE arrow-hooked
nearr                ISOAMSA   2197 NE pointing arrow
nedot                ISOTECH   E38A not equal, dot
nequiv               ISOAMSN   2262 not identical with

nesear               ISOAMSA   E20E NE & SE arrows
nexist               ISOAMSO   2204 negated exists
nfr                  ISOMFRK   E4A2 fraktur letter n
ngE                  ISOAMSN   2271 not greater, double equals
nge                  ISOAMSN   E2A6 not greater-than-or-equal
nges                 ISOAMSN   2271 not gt-or-equals, slanted
ngsim                ISOAMSN   2275 not greater, similar
ngt                  ISOAMSN   226F not greater-than
nhArr                ISOAMSA   21CE not left and right double arr
nharr                ISOAMSA   21AE not left and right arrow

nhpar                ISOTECH   E38D not, horizontal, parallel
ni                   ISOTECH   220D contains
nis                  ISOTECH   E3A5 contains, vertical bar on horizontal stroke
nisd                 ISOTECH   E3A1 contains, long horizontal stroke
niv                  ISOTECH   220B contains, variant
nlArr                ISOAMSA   21CD not implied by
nlE                  ISOAMSN   2270 not less, double equals
nlarr                ISOAMSA   219A not left arrow
nldr                 ISOPUB    2025 double baseline dot (en leader)
nle                  ISOAMSN   E2A7 not less-than-or-equal

nles                 ISOAMSN   2270 not less-or-equals, slant
nlsim                ISOAMSN   2274 not less, similar
nlt                  ISOAMSN   226E not less-than
nltri                ISOAMSN   22EA not left triangle
nltrie               ISOAMSN   22EC not left triangle, equals
nmid                 ISOAMSN   2224 negated mid
not                  ISONUM    00AC /neg /lnot not sign
notin                ISOTECH   2209 negated set membership
notinE               ISOTECH   E50D negated set membership, two horizontal strokes
notindot             ISOTECH   E39D negated set membership, dot above

notinva              ISOTECH   E370 negated set membership, variant
notinvb              ISOTECH   E37B negated set membership, variant
notinvc              ISOTECH   E37C negated set membership, variant
notni                ISOTECH   220C negated contains
notniva              ISOTECH   220C negated contains, variant
notnivb              ISOTECH   E37D contains, variant
notnivc              ISOTECH   E37E contains, variant
npar                 ISOAMSN   2226 not parallel
nparsl               ISOTECH   E389 not parallel, slanted
npart                ISOTECH   E390 not partial differential

npolint              ISOTECH   E399 line integration, not including the pole
npr                  ISOAMSN   2280 not precedes
nprcue               ISOAMSN   22E0 not precedes, curly equals
npre                 ISOAMSN   E412 not precedes, equals
nrArr                ISOAMSA   21CF not implies
nrarr                ISOAMSA   219B not right arrow
nrarrc               ISOAMSA   E21D not right arrow-curved
nrarrw               ISOAMSA   E21B not right arrow-wavy
nrtri                ISOAMSN   22EB not right triangle
nrtrie               ISOAMSN   22ED not right triangle, equals

nsc                  ISOAMSN   2281 not succeeds
nsccue               ISOAMSN   22E1 not succeeds, curly equals
nsce                 ISOAMSN   E413 not succeeds, equals
nscr                 ISOMSCR   E4EC script letter n
nsim                 ISOAMSN   2241 not similar
nsime                ISOAMSN   2244 not similar, equals
nsmid                ISOAMSN   E2AA negated short mid
nspar                ISOAMSN   E2AB not short par
nsqsube              ISOAMSN   22E2 not, square subset, equals
nsqsupe              ISOAMSN   22E3 not, square superset, equals

nsub                 ISOAMSN   2284 not subset
nsubE                ISOAMSN   2288 not subset, double equals
nsube                ISOAMSN   2288 not subset, equals
nsup                 ISOAMSN   2285 not superset
nsupE                ISOAMSN   2289 not superset, double equals
nsupe                ISOAMSN   2289 not superset, equals
ntgl                 ISOAMSN   2279 not greater, less
ntlg                 ISOAMSN   2278 not less, greater
ntvgl                ISOAMSN   2279 not, vert, greater, less
ntvlg                ISOAMSN   2278 not, vert, less, greater

nu                   ISOGRK3   03BD small nu, Greek
num                  ISONUM    0023 number sign
numsp                ISOPUB    2007 digit space (width of a number)
nvDash               ISOAMSN   22AD not vertical, double dash
nvap                 ISOAMSN   E2C6 not, vert, approximate
nvdash               ISOAMSN   22AC not vertical, dash
nvge                 ISOAMSN   2271 not, vert, greater-than-or-equal
nvgt                 ISOAMSN   226F not, vert, greater-than
nvhArr*              ISOAMSA   21CE not, vert, left and right double arrow
nvinfin              ISOTECH   E38E not, vert, infinity

nvlArr               ISOAMSA   21CD not, vert, left double arrow
nvle                 ISOAMSN   2270 not, vert, less-than-or-equal
nvlt                 ISOAMSN   226E not, vert, less-than
nvltrie              ISOAMSN   E2D0 not, vert, left triangle, equals
nvrArr               ISOAMSA   21CF not, vert, right double arrow
nvrtrie              ISOAMSN   E414 not, vert, right triangle, equals
nvsim                ISOAMSN   E415 not, vert, similar
nwArr                ISOAMSA   21D6 NW pointing double arrow
nwarhk               ISOAMSA   E20C NW arrow-hooked
nwarr                ISOAMSA   2196 NW pointing arrow

nwnear               ISOAMSA   E211 NW & NE arrows
oS                   ISOAMSO   E41D capital S in circle
oast                 ISOAMSB   229B asterisk in circle
ocir                 ISOAMSB   229A small circle in circle
odash                ISOAMSB   229D hyphen in circle
odiv                 ISOAMSB   E285 divide in circle
odot                 ISOAMSB   2299 middle dot in circle
odsold               ISOAMSB   E286 dot, solidus, dot in circle
ofcir                ISOAMSB   E287 filled circle in circle
ofr                  ISOMFRK   E4A3 fraktur letter o

ogon                 ISODIA    0328 ogonek
ogt                  ISOAMSB   E289 greater-than in circle
ohbar                ISOAMSB   E260 circle with horizontal bar
ohm                  ISONUM    2126 ohm sign
olarr                ISOAMSA   21BA left arr in circle
olcir                ISOAMSB   E409 large circle in circle
olcross              ISOTECH   E3A8 circle, cross
olt                  ISOAMSB   E288 less-than in circle
omega                ISOGRK3   03C9 small omega, Greek
omicron              ISOGRK3   03BE small omicron, Greek

omid                 ISOAMSB   E40A vertical bar in circle
ominus               ISOAMSB   2296 minus sign in circle
opar                 ISOAMSB   E28A parallel in circle
operp                ISOAMSB   E28B perpendicular in circle
oplus                ISOAMSB   2295 plus sign in circle
or                   ISOTECH   2228 logical or
orarr                ISOAMSA   21BB right arr in circle
ord                  ISOTECH   E393 or, horizontal dash
order                ISOTECH   2134 order of (script small o)
ordf                 ISONUM    00AA ordinal indicator, feminine

ordm                 ISONUM    00BA ordinal indicator, masculine
origof               ISOAMSA   22B6 original of
oror                 ISOTECH   E50E two logical or
orslope              ISOTECH   E3AE sloping large or
orv                  ISOTECH   E392 or with middle stem
oscr                 ISOMSCR   E4ED script letter o
osol                 ISOAMSB   2298 solidus in circle
otimes               ISOAMSB   2297 multiply sign in circle
otimesas             ISOAMSB   E28D multiply sign in circle, circumflex accent
ovbar                ISOAMSB   E40B circle with vertical bar

par                  ISOTECH   2225 parallel
para                 ISONUM    00B6 pilcrow (paragraph sign)
parsim               ISOAMSN   E2C8 parallel, similar
parsl                ISOTECH   E382 parallel, slanted
part                 ISOTECH   2202 /partial partial differential
percnt               ISONUM    0025 percent sign
period               ISONUM    002E full stop, period
permil               ISOTECH   2030 per thousand
perp                 ISOTECH   22A5 perpendicular
pertenk              ISOTECH   2031 per 10 thousand

pfr                  ISOMFRK   E4A4 fraktur letter p
phi                  ISOGRK3   03C6 small phi, Greek
phiv                 ISOGRK3   03D5 curly or open small phi, Greek
phmmat               ISOTECH   2133 physics M-matrix (script capital M)
phone                ISOPUB    260E telephone symbol
pi                   ISOGRK3   03C0 small pi, Greek
piv                  ISOGRK3   03D6 rounded small pi (pomega), Greek
plank                ISOAMSO   E2D5 Planck's over 2pi
plankv               ISOAMSO   210F variant Planck's over 2pi
plus                 ISONUM    002B plus sign

plusacir             ISOAMSB   E26A plus, circumflex accent above
plusb                ISOAMSB   229E plus sign in box
pluscir              ISOAMSB   E266 plus, small circle above
plusdo               ISOAMSB   2214 plus sign, dot above
plusdu               ISOAMSB   E25A plus sign, dot below
pluse                ISOAMSB   E267 plus, equals
plusmn               ISONUM    00B1 plus-or-minus sign
plussim              ISOAMSB   E26C plus, similar below
plustwo              ISOAMSB   E269 plus, two; Nim-addition
pointint             ISOTECH   E376 integral around a point operator

pound                ISONUM    00A3 pound sign
pr                   ISOAMSR   227A precedes
prE                  ISOAMSR   227C precedes, double equals
prap                 ISOAMSR   227E precedes, approximate
prcue                ISOAMSR   227C precedes, curly equals
pre                  ISOAMSR   227C precedes, equals
prime                ISOTECH   2032 /prime prime or minute
prnE                 ISOAMSN   E2B3 precedes, not double equals
prnap                ISOAMSN   22E8 precedes, not approx
prnsim               ISOAMSN   22E8 precedes, not similar

prod                 ISOAMSB   220F product operator
profalar             ISOTECH   232E all-around profile
profline             ISOTECH   2312 profile of a line
profsurf             ISOTECH   2313 profile of a surface
prop                 ISOTECH   221D is proportional to
prsim                ISOAMSR   227E precedes, similar
prurel               ISOAMSR   22B0 element precedes under relation
pscr                 ISOMSCR   E4EE script letter p
psi                  ISOGRK3   03C8 small psi, Greek
puncsp               ISOPUB    2008 punctuation space (width of comma)

qfr                  ISOMFRK   E4A5 fraktur letter q
qint                 ISOTECH   E378 quadruple integral operator
qprime               ISOTECH   E371 quadruple prime
qscr                 ISOMSCR   E4EF script letter q
quatint              ISOTECH   E377 quaternion integral operator
quest                ISONUM    003F question mark
quot                 ISONUM    0022 quotation mark
rAarr                ISOAMSA   21DB right triple arrow
rArr                 ISOTECH   21D2 implies
rAtail               ISOAMSA   E23B right double arrow-tail

rBarr                ISOAMSA   E207 right doubly broken arrow
rHar                 ISOAMSA   E224 right harpoon-up over right harpoon-down
race                 ISOAMSB   E40C reverse most positive, line below
radic                ISOTECH   221A /surd radical
raemptyv             ISOAMSO   E2E9 circle, slash, right arrow above
rang                 ISOTECH   3009 right angle bracket
rangd                ISOAMSC   E298 right angle, dot
range                ISOAMSO   E2D7 reverse angle, equal
raquo                ISONUM    00BB angle quotation mark, right
rarr                 ISONUM    2192 rightward arrow

rarrap               ISOAMSA   E235 approximate, right arrow above
rarrbfs              ISOAMSA   E221 right arrow-bar, filled square
rarrc                ISOAMSA   E21C right arrow-curved
rarrfs               ISOAMSA   E223 right arrow, filled square
rarrhk               ISOAMSA   21AA right arrow-hooked
rarrlp               ISOAMSA   21AC right arrow-looped
rarrpl               ISOAMSA   E21E right arrow, plus
rarrsim              ISOAMSA   E24D right arrow, similar
rarrtl               ISOAMSA   21A3 right arrow-tailed
rarrw                ISOAMSA   219D right arrow-wavy

ratail               ISOAMSA   E23A right arrow-tail
ratio                ISOAMSR   2236 ratio
rbarr                ISOAMSA   E405 right broken arrow
rbbrk                ISOTECH   3015 right broken bracket
rbrke                ISOAMSC   E29A right bracket, equal
rbrksld              ISOAMSC   E29C right bracket, solidus bottom corner
rbrkslu              ISOAMSC   E29E right bracket, solidus top corner
rceil                ISOAMSC   2309 right ceiling
rcub                 ISONUM    007D right curly bracket
rdca                 ISOAMSA   E219 right down curved arrow

rdldhar              ISOAMSA   E22D right harpoon-down over left harpoon-down
rdquo                ISONUM    201D double quotation mark, right
rdquor               ISOPUB    201B rising double quote, right (high)
rdsh                 ISOAMSA   21B3 right down angled arrow
real                 ISOAMSO   211C real
rect                 ISOPUB    E504 rectangle, open
reg                  ISONUM    00AF registered sign
rfisht               ISOAMSA   E215 right fish tail
rfloor               ISOAMSC   230B right floor
rfr                  ISOMFRK   E4A6 fraktur letter r

rhard                ISOAMSA   21C1 right harpoon-down
rharu                ISOAMSA   21C0 right harpoon-up
rharul               ISOAMSA   E230 right harpoon-up over long dash
rho                  ISOGRK3   03C1 small rho, Greek
rhov                 ISOGRK3   03F1 rounded small rho, Greek
ring                 ISODIA    030A ring
rlarr                ISOAMSA   21C4 right arr over left arr
rlhar                ISOAMSA   21CC right harp over l
rmoust               ISOAMSC   E293 right moustache
rnmid                ISOAMSN   E2D1 reverse nmid

roang                ISOTECH   3019 right open angular bracket
roarr                ISOAMSA   E241 right open arrow
robrk                ISOTECH   301B right open bracket
ropar                ISOTECH   E37A right open parenthesis
roplus               ISOAMSB   E25D plus sign in right half circle
rotimes              ISOAMSB   E40D multiply sign in right half circle
rpar                 ISONUM    0029 right parenthesis
rpargt               ISOAMSC   E291 right paren, gt
rppolint             ISOTECH   E397 line integration, rectangular path around pole
rrarr                ISOAMSA   21C9 two right arrows

rscr                 ISOMSCR   211B script letter r
rsh                  ISOAMSA   21B1 Rsh
rsqb                 ISONUM    005D right square bracket
rsquo                ISONUM    2019 single quotation mark, right
rsquor               ISOPUB    201F rising single quote, right (high)
rthree               ISOAMSB   22CC rightthreetimes
rtimes               ISOAMSB   22CA times sign, right closed
rtri                 ISOPUB    25B9 right triangle, open
rtrie                ISOAMSR   22B5 right triangle, equals
rtrif                ISOPUB    25B8 right triangle, filled

rtriltri             ISOAMSR   E359 right triangle above left triangle
ruluhar              ISOAMSA   E22A right harpoon-up over left harpoon-up
rx                   ISOPUB    211E pharmaceutical prescription (Rx)
sc                   ISOAMSR   227B succeeds
scE                  ISOAMSR   227E succeeds, double equals
scap                 ISOAMSR   227F succeeds, approximate
sccue                ISOAMSR   227D succeeds, curly equals
sce                  ISOAMSR   227D succeeds, equals
scnE                 ISOAMSN   E2B5 succeeds, not double equals
scnap                ISOAMSN   22E9 succeeds, not approx

scnsim               ISOAMSN   22E9 succeeds, not similar
scpolint             ISOTECH   E398 line integration, semi-circular path around pole
scsim                ISOAMSR   227F succeeds, similar
sdot                 ISOAMSB   22C5 small middle dot
sdotb                ISOAMSB   22A1 small dot in box
sdote                ISOAMSR   E319 equal, dot below
seArr                ISOAMSA   21D8 SE pointing double arrow
searhk               ISOAMSA   E20B SE arrow-hooked
searr                ISOAMSA   2198 SE pointing arrow
sect                 ISONUM    00A7 section sign

semi                 ISONUM    003B semicolon
seswar               ISOAMSA   E406 SE & SW arrows
setmn                ISOAMSB   2216 reverse solidus
sext                 ISOPUB    E505 sextile (6-pointed star)
sfr                  ISOMFRK   E4A7 fraktur letter s
sfrown               ISOAMSR   E426 small down curve
sharp                ISOPUB    266F musical sharp
shy                  ISONUM    00AD soft hyphen
sigma                ISOGRK3   03C3 small sigma, Greek
sigmav               ISOGRK3   03C2 terminal sigma, Greek

sim                  ISOTECH   223C similar
simdot               ISOTECH   E38B similar, dot
sime                 ISOTECH   2243 similar, equals
simg                 ISOAMSR   E30C similar, greater
simgE                ISOAMSR   E338 similar, greater, equal
siml                 ISOAMSR   E30B similar, less
simlE                ISOAMSR   E337 similar, less, equal
simne                ISOAMSN   2246 similar, not equals
simplus              ISOAMSB   E26B plus, similar above
simrarr              ISOAMSA   E234 similar, right arrow below

slarr                ISOAMSA   E233 short left arrow
smashp               ISOAMSB   E264 smash product
smeparsl             ISOTECH   E385 similar, parallel, slanted, equal
smid                 ISOAMSR   E301 shortmid
smile                ISOAMSR   2323 up curve
smt                  ISOAMSR   E339 smaller than
smte                 ISOAMSR   E33B smaller than or equal
smtes                ISOAMSR   E33D smaller than or equal, slanted
sol                  ISONUM    002F solidus
solb                 ISOAMSB   E40E solidus in square

solbar               ISOAMSN   E416 solidus, bar through
spades               ISOPUB    2660 spades suit symbol
spar                 ISOAMSR   E302 short parallel
sqcap                ISOAMSB   2293 square intersection
sqcaps               ISOAMSB   E277 square intersection, serifs
sqcup                ISOAMSB   2294 square union
sqcups               ISOAMSB   E276 square union, serifs
sqsub                ISOAMSR   228F square subset
sqsube               ISOAMSR   2291 square subset, equals
sqsup                ISOAMSR   2290 square superset

sqsupe               ISOAMSR   2292 square superset, equals
squ                  ISOPUB*   25A1 square, open
square               ISOTECH   25A1 square
squarf               ISOTECH   25A0 square, filled
squarfb              ISOPUB    E507 square, filled bottom half
squarfbl             ISOPUB    E506 square, filled bottom left corner
squarfbr             ISOPUB    25EA square, filled bottom right corner
squarfl              ISOPUB    25E7 square, filled left half
squarfr              ISOPUB    25E8 square, filled right half
squarft              ISOPUB    E509 square, filled top half

squarftl             ISOPUB    25E9 square, filled top left corner
squarftr             ISOPUB    E508 square, filled top right corner
squf                 ISOPUB*   25AA square bullet, filled
srarr                ISOAMSA   E232 short right arrow
sscr                 ISOMSCR   E4F0 script letter s
ssetmn               ISOAMSB   E40F sm reverse solidus
ssmile               ISOAMSR   E303 small up curve
sstarf               ISOAMSB   22C6 small star, filled, low
star                 ISOPUB    2606 star, open
starf                ISOPUB    2605 star, filled

strns                ISOTECH   E380 straightness
sub                  ISOTECH   2282 subset or is implied by
subE                 ISOAMSR   2286 subset, double equals
subdot               ISOAMSB   E262 subset, with dot
sube                 ISOTECH   2286 subset, equals
subedot              ISOAMSR   E427 subset, equals, dot
submult              ISOAMSR   E343 subset, multiply
subnE                ISOAMSN   228A subset, not double equals
subne                ISOAMSN   228A subset, not equals
subplus              ISOAMSR   E341 subset, plus

subrarr              ISOAMSR   E428 subset, right arrow
subsim               ISOAMSR   E345 subset, similar
subsub               ISOAMSR   E349 subset above subset
subsup               ISOAMSR   E347 subset above superset
sum                  ISOAMSB   2211 summation operator
sung                 ISONUM    2669 music note (sung text sign)
sup                  ISOTECH   2283 superset or implies
sup1                 ISONUM    00B9 superscript one
sup2                 ISONUM    00B2 superscript two
sup3                 ISONUM    00B3 superscript three

supE                 ISOAMSR   2287 superset, double equals
supdot               ISOAMSB   E263 superset, with dot
supdsub              ISOAMSR   E34C superset, subset, dash joining them
supe                 ISOTECH   2287 superset, equals
supedot              ISOAMSR   E350 superset, equals, dot
suphsol              ISOAMSR   E34E superset, solidus
suphsub              ISOAMSR   E34B superset, subset
suplarr              ISOAMSR   E340 superset, left arrow
supmult              ISOAMSR   E344 superset, multiply
supnE                ISOAMSN   228B superset, not double equals

supne                ISOAMSN   228B superset, not equals
supplus              ISOAMSR   E342 superset, plus
supsim               ISOAMSR   E346 superset, similar
supsub               ISOAMSR   E348 superset above subset
supsup               ISOAMSR   E34A superset above superset
swArr                ISOAMSA   21D9 SW pointing double arrow
swarhk               ISOAMSA   E20A SW arrow-hooked
swarr                ISOAMSA   2199 SW pointing arrow
swnwar               ISOAMSA   E210 SW & NW arrows
target               ISOPUB    2316 register mark or target

tau                  ISOGRK3   03C4 small tau, Greek
tbrk                 ISOAMSO   E41E top square bracket
tdot                 ISOTECH   20DB three dots above
telrec               ISOPUB    2315 telephone recorder symbol
tfr                  ISOMFRK   E4A8 fraktur letter t
there4               ISOTECH   2234 therefore
theta                ISOGRK3   03B8 straight theta, small theta, Greek
thetav               ISOGRK3   03D1 curly or open theta
thinsp               ISOPUB    2009 thin space (sixth of an em)
thkap                ISOAMSR   E306 thick approximate

thksim               ISOAMSR   E429 thick similar
tilde                ISODIA    0303 tilde
times                ISONUM    00D7 multiply sign
timesb               ISOAMSB   22A0 multiply sign in box
timesbar             ISOAMSB   E28E multiply sign, bar below
timesd               ISOAMSB   E26D times, dot
tint                 ISOTECH   222D triple integral operator
top                  ISOTECH   22A4 top
topbot               ISOTECH   2336 top and bottom
topcir               ISOTECH   E383 top, circle below

topfork              ISOAMSR   E31C fork with top
tprime               ISOTECH   2034 triple prime
trade                ISONUM    2122 trade mark sign
tridot               ISOAMSB   E410 dot in triangle
trie                 ISOAMSR   225C triangle, equals
triminus             ISOAMSB   E27C minus in triangle
triplus              ISOAMSB   E27B plus in triangle
trisb                ISOAMSB   E27E triangle, serifs at bottom
tritime              ISOAMSB   E27D multiply in triangle
trpezium             ISOAMSO   E2EC trapezium

tscr                 ISOMSCR   E4F1 script letter t
twixt                ISOAMSR   226C between
uArr                 ISOAMSA   21D1 up double arrow
uHar                 ISOAMSA   E226 up harpoon-left, up harpoon-right
uarr                 ISONUM    2191 upward arrow
udarr                ISOAMSA   21C5 up arrow, down arrow
udhar                ISOAMSA   E218 up harp, down harp
ufisht               ISOAMSA   E24B up fish tail
ufr                  ISOMFRK   E4A9 fraktur letter u
uharl                ISOAMSA   21BF up harpoon-left

uharr                ISOAMSA   21BE up harp-r
uhblk                ISOPUB    2580 upper half block
ulcorn               ISOAMSC   231C upper left corner
ulcrop               ISOPUB    230F upward left crop mark
ultri                ISOAMSO   E2E4 upper left triangle
uml                  ISODIA    E450 umlaut mark
uplus                ISOAMSB   228E plus sign in union
upsi                 ISOGRK3   03C5 small upsilon, Greek
urcorn               ISOAMSC   231D upper right corner
urcrop               ISOPUB    230E upward right crop mark

urtri                ISOAMSO   E2E2 upper right triangle
uscr                 ISOMSCR   E4F2 script letter u
utdot                ISOTECH   22F0 three dots, ascending
utri                 ISOPUB    25B5 up triangle, open
utrif                ISOPUB    25B4 up triangle, filled
uuarr                ISOAMSA   21C8 two up arrows
uwangle              ISOTECH   E3AB large upward pointing angle
vArr                 ISOAMSA   21D5 up&down double arrow
vBar                 ISOAMSR   E310 vert, double bar (under)
vBarv                ISOAMSR   E312 double bar, vert over and under

vDash                ISOAMSR   22A8 vertical, double dash
vangrt               ISOTECH   22BE right angle, variant (with arc)
varr                 ISOAMSA   2195 up&down arrow
vdash                ISOAMSR   22A2 vertical, dash
veebar               ISOAMSB   22BB logical or, bar below
veeeq                ISOTECH   225A logical or, equals
vellip               ISOPUB    22EE vertical ellipsis
verbar               ISONUM    007C vertical bar
vfr                  ISOMFRK   E4AA fraktur letter v
vltri                ISOAMSR   22B2 left triangle, open, variant

vnsub                ISOAMSN   2284 not subset, variant
vnsup                ISOAMSN   2285 not superset, variant
vprop                ISOAMSR   221D proportional, variant
vrtri                ISOAMSR   22B3 right triangle, open, variant
vscr                 ISOMSCR   E4F3 script letter v
vsubnE               ISOAMSN   E2B8 subset not double equals, variant
vsubne               ISOAMSN   E2B9 subset, not equals, variant
vsupnE               ISOAMSN   E2BB super not double equals, variant
vsupne               ISOAMSN   E2BA superset, not equals, variant
vzigzag              ISOAMSO   E2EB vertical zig-zag line

wedbar               ISOAMSB   E265 wedge, bar below
wedgeq               ISOTECH   2259 corresponds to (wedge, equals)
weierp               ISOAMSO   2118 Weierstrass p
wfr                  ISOMFRK   E4AB fraktur letter w
wreath               ISOAMSB   2240 wreath product
wscr                 ISOMSCR   E4F4 script letter w
xcap                 ISOAMSB   22C2 intersection operator
xcirc                ISOAMSB   25CB large circle
xcup                 ISOAMSB   22C3 union operator
xdtri                ISOAMSB   25BD big down triangle, open

xfr                  ISOMFRK   E4AC fraktur letter x
xhArr                ISOAMSA   E202 long left and right double arr
xharr                ISOAMSA   E203 long left and right arr
xi                   ISOGRK3   03BE small xi, Greek
xlArr                ISOAMSA   E200 long left double arrow
xlarr                ISOAMSA   E201 long left arrow
xmap                 ISOAMSA   E208 longmapsto
xnis                 ISOTECH   E3A3 large contains, vertical bar on horizontal stroke
xodot                ISOAMSB   2299 circle dot operator
xoplus               ISOAMSB   2295 circle plus operator

xotime               ISOAMSB   2297 circle times operator
xrArr                ISOAMSA   E204 long right double arr
xrarr                ISOAMSA   E205 long right arrow
xscr                 ISOMSCR   E4F5 script letter x
xsqcup               ISOAMSB   2294 square union operator
xuplus               ISOAMSB   228E biguplus
xutri                ISOAMSB   25B3 big up triangle, open
xvee                 ISOAMSB   22C1 logical and operator
xwedge               ISOAMSB   22C0 logical or operator
yen                  ISONUM    00A5 yen sign

yfr                  ISOMFRK   E4AD fraktur letter y
yscr                 ISOMSCR   E4F6 script letter y
zeta                 ISOGRK3   03B6 small zeta, Greek
zfr                  ISOMFRK   E4AE fraktur letter z
zigrarr              ISOAMSA   E244 right zig-zag arrow
zscr                 ISOMSCR   E4F7 script letter z