Checkbox Example (Two State)

This example implements the Checkbox Design Pattern for a two state checkbox using div elements.

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Accessibility Features

Keyboard Support

Key Function
Tab Moves keyboard focus to the checkbox.
Space Toggles checkbox between checked and unchecked states.

Role, Property, State, and Tabindex Attributes

Role Attribute Element Usage
  • Provides a grouping label for the group of checkboxes.
group div
  • Identifies the div element as a group container for the checkboxes.
aria-labelledby div References the id attribute of the h3 element to define the accessible name for the group of checkboxes.
checkbox div
  • Identifies the div element as a checkbox.
  • The child text content of this div provides the accessible name of the checkbox.
tabindex="0" div Includes the checkbox in the page tab sequence.
aria-checked="false" div
  • Indicates the checkbox is not checked.
  • CSS attribute selectors (e.g. [aria-checked="false"]) are used to synchronize the visual states with the value of the aria-checked attribute.
  • To support operating system and browser high contrast settings, the CSS ::before pseudo element and content property are used to generate the visual indicators of the checkbox state.
aria-checked="true" div
  • Indicates the checkbox is checked.
  • CSS attribute selectors (e.g. [aria-checked="true"]) are used to synchronize the visual states with the value of the aria-checked attribute.
  • To support operating system and browser high contrast settings, the CSS ::before pseudo element and content property are used to generate the visual indicators of the checkbox state.

Javascript and CSS Source Code

HTML Source Code

Simple Two-State Checkbox Example