Bus stops of MyCity

This is the human-readable version of examples used in the DWBP document. Please note that, as this is a fictional example, hyperlinks to the data.mycity.example.com domain simply link to example.com which defreferences to an explanation that the domain is designed for use in examples and serves no other function.

Dataset description

Title Bus timetable of MyCity
URI http://data.mycity.example.com/transport/dataset/bus/stops-2015-05-05
Keywords transport, mobility, bus
Publication date 2015-05-05
Publisher Transport Agency MyCity
Creator John <john@mycitytransport.org>
Contact point http://data.mycity.example.com/transport/contact
Period that the dataset covers The British calendar year of 2014
Spatial coverage Fortaleza, Brazil
Update frequency Annual
Theme Mobility
Language English, Portuguese
Date and time formats ISO 8601
Current version 1.2

Dataset distributions

RDF Distribution

Title RDF distribution of stops-2015-05-05 dataset
Description RDF distribution of the stops dataset of MyCity.
Media type text/turtle
License CC BY-SA 3.0
Publication date 2015-05-05
Last modification 2015-05-05
Download URL http://data.mycity.example.com/transport/dataset/bus/stops-2015-05-05.ttl

CSV Distribution

Title CSV distribution of stops-2015-05-05 dataset
Description CSV distribution of the bus stops dataset of MyCity.
Media type text/csv
License CC BY-SA 3.0
Publication date 2015-05-05
Last modification 2015-05-05
Download URL http://data.mycity.example.com/transport/dataset/bus/stops-2015-05-05.csv

Data Quality - CSV Distribution

Completeness Refers to the degree to which all required information is present in a particular dataset.
Metric Ratio between the number of objects represented in the cvs and the number of objects expected to be represented according to the declared dataset scope.
Value 0.5 (Double)
Availability Refers to the extent to which data (or some portion of it) is present, obtainable and ready for use.
Metric dcat:downloadURL is available and its value is dereferenceable.
Value true(Boolean)

Structural metadata - CSV Distribution

Field Titles Description Datatype Primary key Required
stop_id Identifier An identifier for the bus stop. string true true
stop_name Name The name of the bus stop. string
stop_desc Description A description for the bus stop. string
stop_lat Latitude The latitude of the bus stop. numeric
stop_long Longitude The longitude of the bus stop. numeric
zone_id Zone An identifier for the zone where the bus stop is located. string
stop_url URL URL that identifies the bus stop. string

Dataset version history

Version Issue date URI Change history
1.1 2015-05-05 http://data.mycity.example.com/transport/dataset/bus/stops-2015-05-05 The bus stops dataset was updated to reflect the creation of a new bus stop at 1115 Pearl Street.
1.2 2016-05-05 http://data.mycity.example.com/transport/dataset/bus/stops-2016-05-05 The bus stops dataset was updated to reflect the creation of new bus stops since the last update and to follow the update frequency
