Property | Reason |
common:active | New generic property |
dcn:activeComponent | New generic property |
net:APN | New characteristic modelled |
push:applicationIds | New characteristic modelled |
common:available | New generic property |
java:availableJREs | New name for an existing property |
hard:availableSize | New name for an existing property |
soft:availableUserAgents | Generic property that simplifies the ontology |
web:availableWREs | New characteristic modelled |
net:bandwidthSupport | New characteristic modelled |
hard:battery | New name for an existing property |
net:bearerTechnology | New name for an existing property |
hard:bluetoothAddress | New characteristic modelled |
hard:bluetoothName | New characteristic modelled |
hard:bluetoothStatus | New characteristic modelled |
hard:bluetoothVersion | New name for an existing property |
net:cellId | New name for an existing property |
soft:certificates | New characteristic modelled |
soft:characterColumns | New name for an existing property |
soft:characterRows | New name for an existing property |
common:charsetName | Added to define Character Sets normatively |
hard:colorDepth | New name for an existing property |
hard:hardwareComponent | New generic property |
dcn:component | New generic property |
net:connectedNetworks | New generic property |
soft:contentType | New characteristic modelled |
common:contentTypeName | New characteristic modelled |
common:countryCode | New characteristic modelled |
hard:cpu | New name for an existing property |
dcn:currentDevice | New name for an existing property |
net:currentDownloadBandwidth | New characteristic modelled |
dcn:currentEnvironment | New name for an existing property |
loc:currentLocation | New name for an existing property |
dcn:currentNetworkBearer | New name for an existing property |
dcn:currentRuntimeEnvironment | New characteristic modelled |
net:currentUploadBandwidth | New characteristic modelled |
dcn:currentUserAgent | New name for an existing property |
common:default | New generic property |
dcn:defaultComponent | New generic property |
soft:defaultHandler | New characteristic modelled |
java:defaultJRE | New name for an existing property |
net:defaultNetworkBearer | New characteristic modelled |
web:defaultWRE | New characteristic modelled |
common:disjointClass | Non normative auxiliary property |
common:disjointSet | Non normative auxiliary property |
soft:fontFamily | New characteristic modelled |
soft:fonts | New characteristic modelled |
soft:fontSize | New characteristic modelled |
soft:fontStyle | New characteristic modelled |
soft:handledElement | New characteristic modelled |
soft:handler | New characteristic modelled |
net:homePLMNetwork | New name for an existing property |
common:id | New generic property |
common:informativeReference | Non normative auxiliary property |
hard:inputDevice | New name for an existing property |
loc:iso6709String | New characteristic modelled |
soft:issuer | New characteristic modelled |
hard:isTethered | New characteristic modelled |
web:javascriptEnabled | New characteristic modelled |
java:jsr | New name for an existing property |
common:languageCode | New characteristic modelled |
common:languageTag | New characteristic modelled |
loc:lastKnownLocation | New characteristic modelled |
web:maxCacheObjectSize | New name for an existing property |
hard:maxCpuFrequency | New name for an existing property |
soft:maxDeliveryUnitSize | New generic property |
web:maxDownloadableObjectSize | New name for an existing property |
net:maxDownloadBandwidth | New name for an existing property |
web:maxEmbeddedObjectSize | New name for an existing property |
java:maxHeapSize | New name for an existing property |
java:maxJarSize | New name for an existing property |
push:maxMmsMessageSize | New name for an existing property |
web:maxTotalPageWeight | New name for an existing property |
net:maxUploadBandwidth | New characteristic modelled |
push:maxWapPushMessageSize | New name for an existing property |
push:maxWapPushRequests | New name for an existing property |
net:mcc | New characteristic modelled |
hard:memory | New name for an existing property |
net:minDownloadBandwith | New characteristic modelled |
net:minUploadBandwidth | New characteristic modelled |
net:mnc | New characteristic modelled |
hard:muted | New characteristic modelled |
net:networkTechnology | New name for an existing property |
common:normativeReference | Non normative auxiliary property |
common:normativeStatus | Non normative auxiliary property |
common:normativeURI | Non normative auxiliary property |
soft:notAfter | New characteristic modelled |
soft:notBefore | New characteristic modelled |
soft:operatingSystem | New name for an existing property |
hard:outputDevice | New characteristic modelled |
loc:position | New name for an existing property |
soft:preferredFormats | New generic property |
net:preferredNetworkBearer | New characteristic modelled |
net:presentNetworks | New characteristic modelled |
hard:primary | New generic property |
net:proxy | New characteristic modelled |
common:relatedDDRCoreVoc | New name for an existing property |
common:resolutionHeight | New name for an existing property |
common:resolutionWidth | New name for an existing property |
hard:secondaryCamera | New characteristic modelled |
common:serialNumber | New characteristic modelled |
web:showsAcessKeys | New characteristic modelled |
net:signalStrength | New characteristic modelled |
hard:size | New characteristic modelled |
hard:softkeyNumber | New name for an existing property |
common:soundMode | New characteristic modelled |
net:ssid | New characteristic modelled |
common:standardNumber | New characteristic modelled |
hard:status | New characteristic modelled |
soft:subject | New characteristic modelled |
soft:supportedFormats | New generic property |
hard:supportedOrientations | New name for an existing property |
soft:supportedStreamedFormats | New characteristic modelled |
common:supports | New generic property |
web:supportsAccessKeys | New characteristic modelled |
common:termGroupPrefix | Non normative auxiliary property |
common:termGroups | Non normative auxiliary property |
hard:thickness | New characteristic modelled |
loc:timestamp | New name for an existing property |
common:timeZone | New characteristic modelled |
common:timeZoneString | New characteristic modelled |
common:transferEncodingName | Added to define Transfer Encodings normatively |
net:typicalDownloadBandwith | New characteristic modelled |
net:typicalUploadBandwidth | New characteristic modelled |
common:tzName | New characteristic modelled |
common:uriSchemeName | Added to define URI Schemes normatively |
dcn:usablePixelsX | New name for an existing property |
dcn:usablePixelsY | New name for an existing property |
hard:volatile | New characteristic modelled |
hard:volumeLevel | New characteristic modelled |
hard:weight | New characteristic modelled |