Summary of Terms
An alphabetical index of terms, composed by classes (concepts), properties
(relationships, attributes), and instances (only those which are considered normative) is given below. All the terms are hyperlinked
to their detailed description for quick reference.
Classes: Battery, BluetoothHardware, BluetoothProfile, BluetoothStatus, Camera, CellularHardware, CharacterDisplay, Context_HardwareEntity, CPU, DeviceHardware, Display, GraphicDisplay, HardwareComponent, HardwareStatus, InfraredHardware, InputDevice, Keyboard, MemoryCard, MemoryUnit, Microphone, NfcHardware, OutputDevice, PointingResolution, Speaker, TactileDisplay, WiFiHardware,
Properties: availableSize, battery, batteryBeingCharged, batteryCapacity, batteryLevel, bluetoothAddress, bluetoothName, bluetoothStatus, bluetoothVersion, builtInMemory, colorDepth, cpu, currentOrientation, deviceHardware, deviceIdentifier, display, extensionMemory, hardwareComponent, height, imei, inputCharacterSets, inputDevice, isTethered, maxCpuFrequency, meid, memory, muted, outputCharacterSets, outputDevice, pointingResolution, primary, primaryCamera, secondaryCamera, size, softkeyNumber, status, supportedBluetoothProfiles, supportedOrientations, thickness, volatile, volumeLevel, weight, width,
Instances: BluetoothStatus_DISCOVERABLE, BluetoothStatus_HIDDEN, BluetoothStatus_PAIRED, BluetoothStatus_TEMP_DISCOVERABLE, Feature_COLOR_DISPLAY, Feature_MONOCHROME_DISPLAY, HardwareStatus_OFF, HardwareStatus_ON, InputDevice_CLICK_WHEEL, InputDevice_FOUR_WAY_SCROLLER, InputDevice_JOG_DIAL, InputDevice_MOUSE, InputDevice_NUMERIC_KEYPAD, InputDevice_PHONE_KEYPAD, InputDevice_QWERTY_KEYBOARD, InputDevice_STYLUS, InputDevice_TOUCH_SCREEN, InputDevice_TRACK_BALL, PointingResolution_CHAR, PointingResolution_LINE, PointingResolution_PIXEL,
Detailed Description of Classes
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Class CellularHardware
Cellular Hardware - This class represents device hardware that can be used to access to mobile operator telephony networks.
CURIE: hard:CellularHardware
- sub-class-of
- hard:HardwareComponent
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Class CharacterDisplay
Character Display - This class represents a character oriented display.
CURIE: hard:CharacterDisplay
- sub-class-of
- hard:Display
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Class Context_HardwareEntity
Context Hardware Entity - This is the base class for those ontology entities that have to do with hardware.
CURIE: hard:Context_HardwareEntity
- sub-class-of
- dcn:Context_Entity
- super-class-of
- hard:BluetoothProfile
- hard:BluetoothStatus
- hard:HardwareComponent
- hard:HardwareStatus
- hard:PointingResolution
- in-domain-of
- hard:weight
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Class GraphicDisplay
Graphic Display - This class represents a graphic display.
CURIE: hard:GraphicDisplay
- sub-class-of
- hard:Display
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Class InfraredHardware
InfraredHardware - This class represents the infrared hardware on a device.
CURIE: hard:InfraredHardware
- sub-class-of
- hard:HardwareComponent
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Class MemoryCard
Memory Card - This class represents a storage card which can be attached to a device.
CURIE: hard:MemoryCard
- sub-class-of
- hard:MemoryUnit
- restrictions
- hard:volatile value (
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Class Microphone
Microphone - This class represents a microphone in a device.
CURIE: hard:Microphone
- sub-class-of
- hard:InputDevice
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Class NfcHardware
NFC Hardware - This class represents the NFC hardware on a device.
CURIE: hard:NfcHardware
- sub-class-of
- hard:HardwareComponent
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Class WiFiHardware
WiFi Hardware - This class represents hardware in a device that can be used to access to WiFi networks.
CURIE: hard:WiFiHardware
- sub-class-of
- hard:HardwareComponent
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Class Disjointness
The following classes are pairwise disjoint between them:
DisjointClasses (hard:BluetoothProfile, hard:PointingResolution, hard:BluetoothStatus, hard:HardwareStatus)
DisjointClasses (hard:NfcHardware, hard:Display, hard:BluetoothHardware, hard:Camera, hard:WiFiHardware, hard:Microphone, hard:DeviceHardware, hard:Battery, hard:MemoryUnit, hard:CPU, hard:Speaker, hard:CellularHardware, hard:BluetoothProfile, hard:PointingResolution, hard:BluetoothStatus, hard:HardwareStatus)
Detailed Description of Properties
Property availableSize
Available Memory Size - This property represents the amount of memory available for use, in bytes.
CURIE: hard:availableSize
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- hard:MemoryUnit
- range
- xsd:unsignedLong
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Property batteryBeingCharged
Battery Being Charged - This property indicates whether the battery is currently being charged or not.
CURIE: hard:batteryBeingCharged
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- hard:Battery
- range
- xsd:boolean
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Property batteryCapacity
Battery Capacity - The capacity of a battery, as an amount of electric charge that it can store, measured in ampere-hours.
CURIE: hard:batteryCapacity
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- hard:Battery
- range
- xsd:float
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Property batteryLevel
Battery Level - This property holds the percentage of the battery capacity that remains available.
CURIE: hard:batteryLevel
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- hard:Battery
- range
- xsd:int
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Property bluetoothAddress
Bluetooth Address - The Bluetooth address of the device represented in hexadecimal format. he Bluetooth address will be 12 characters long. Valid characters are 0-9 and A-F.
CURIE: hard:bluetoothAddress
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- hard:BluetoothHardware
- range
- xsd:string
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Property bluetoothName
Bluetooth Friendly Name - The Bluetooth friendly name of the device.
CURIE: hard:bluetoothName
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- dcn:Device
- range
- xsd:string
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Property bluetoothStatus
Bluetooth Status - This property indicates the Bluetooth Status of a device.
CURIE: hard:bluetoothStatus
- OWL Type
- ObjectProperty
- Functional
- domain
- dcn:Device
- range
- hard:BluetoothStatus
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Property bluetoothVersion
Supported Bluetooth Version - This property represents the version/s of Bluetooth supported.
CURIE: hard:bluetoothVersion
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- domain
- hard:DeviceHardware
- range
- xsd:string
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Property builtInMemory
Built-in Memory - This property represents the memory built into the device and which is not removable during normal operation.
CURIE: hard:builtInMemory
- OWL Type
- ObjectProperty
- Functional
- domain
- hard:DeviceHardware
- range
- hard:MemoryUnit
- sub-property-of
- hard:memory
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Property colorDepth
Color Depth - Count the number of bits used for color definition.
CURIE: hard:colorDepth
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- range
- xsd:int
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Property cpu
CPU - This property represents a CPU for a device.
CURIE: hard:cpu
- OWL Type
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of
- hard:hardwareComponent
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Property currentOrientation
Orientation - This property represents the current orientation of a display.
CURIE: hard:currentOrientation
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- hard:Display
- range
- oneOf (
) - sub-property-of
- hard:supportedOrientations
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Property deviceHardware
Device Hardware - This property represents the hardware associated with a device.
CURIE: hard:deviceHardware
- OWL Type
- ObjectProperty
- Functional
- domain
- dcn:Device
- range
- hard:DeviceHardware
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Property extensionMemory
Extension Memory - This property identifies additional memory that is provided to a device, typically in the form of removable memory cards.
CURIE: hard:extensionMemory
- OWL Type
- ObjectProperty
- domain
- hard:DeviceHardware
- range
- hard:MemoryUnit
- sub-property-of
- hard:memory
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Property height
Height - The total height of something as a linear measure in centimeters.
CURIE: hard:height
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- range
- xsd:float
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Property imei
IMEI - The International Mobile Equipment Identity or IMEI is a number unique to every GSM and UMTS mobile phone..
CURIE: hard:imei
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- dcn:Device
- range
- xsd:string
- sub-property-of
- hard:deviceIdentifier
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Property isTethered
Tethered - This property states whether this Device is actuating "tethered" to another Device, giving the latter some kind of wireless connection.
CURIE: hard:isTethered
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- dcn:Device
- range
- xsd:boolean
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Property maxCpuFrequency
CPU Maximum Frequency - Processor maximum speed.
CURIE: hard:maxCpuFrequency
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- hard:CPU
- range
- xsd:int
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Property meid
MEID - Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) is a globally unique number identifying a physical piece of CDMA mobile station equipment. The number format is defined by the 3GPP2 standard S.R0048 but in practical terms, it can be seen as an IMEI but with hexadecimal digits.
CURIE: hard:meid
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- dcn:Device
- range
- xsd:string
- sub-property-of
- hard:deviceIdentifier
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Property pointingResolution
Pointing Resolution - This property represents the precision with which pointing can be carried out on a device.
CURIE: hard:pointingResolution
- OWL Type
- ObjectProperty
- Functional
- domain
- hard:DeviceHardware
- range
- hard:PointingResolution
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Property primary
Primary - This property represents a relationship between the device hardware and the primary components it contains.
CURIE: hard:primary
- OWL Type
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of
- hard:hardwareComponent
- super-property-of
- hard:primaryCamera
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Property size
Size - This property represents the total size of a hardware element (memory, registry, etc.) in bytes.
CURIE: hard:size
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- hard:MemoryUnit
- range
- xsd:unsignedLong
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Property softkeyNumber
Number of Soft Keys - This property represents the number of input keys on the keyboard whose function can be controlled programatically.
CURIE: hard:softkeyNumber
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- hard:DeviceHardware
- range
- xsd:int
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Property supportedOrientations
Supported Orientation - This property holds the supported orientations of a display.
CURIE: hard:supportedOrientations
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- domain
- hard:Display
- range
- oneOf (
) - super-property-of
- hard:currentOrientation
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Property thickness
Thickness - The thickness of something measured in centimeters.
CURIE: hard:thickness
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- range
- xsd:float
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Property volatile
Volatile - This property indicates if the memory unit is volatile or not.
CURIE: hard:volatile
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- hard:MemoryUnit
- range
- xsd:boolean
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Property volumeLevel
Volume Level - The relative volume level of a speaker (between 0 and 100).
CURIE: hard:volumeLevel
- OWL Type
- DatatypeProperty
- Functional
- domain
- hard:Speaker
- range
- xsd:int
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