Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 2: Adjuncts
W3C Working Draft 3 August 2005
This version:
Latest version:
Previous versions:
Roberto Chinnici, Sun Microsystems
Hugo Haas, W3C
Amy Lewis, TIBCO
Jean-Jacques Moreau, Canon
David Orchard, BEA Systems
Sanjiva Weerawarana
This document is also available in these non-normative formats: PDF, PostScript
, XML, and plain text.
Copyright © 2005 W3C^® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3C liability,
trademark and document use rules apply.
WSDL is an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints
operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented
information. Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 2:
Adjuncts defines predefined extensions for use in WSDL 2.0:
• Message exchange patterns
• Operation styles
• Binding Extensions
This specification depends on WSDL Version 2.0 [WSDL 2.0 Core Language].
Status of this Document
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its
publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C
publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in
the W3C technical reports index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.
This is the W3C Last Call Working Draft of Web Services Description Language
(WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 2: Adjuncts. It has been produced by the Web Services
Description Working Group, which is part of the W3C Web Services Activity. If
the feedback is positive, the Working Group plans to submit this specification
for consideration as a W3C Candidate Recommendation.
This Working Draft addresses all the comments received during the first Last
Call review period on the WSDL 2.0 drafts. Another Last Call Working Draft
resulting from the merge of the previous drafts of WSDL 2.0 Part 2 and 3 is
being published as substantive changes were made to the documents as a result
of this review. The detailed disposition of the comments received can be found
in the first Last Call issues list.
The Working Group would like to add a defaulting rule for one-way message
exchange patterns in the SOAP 1.2 binding defined in section 5.11.3 Default
Binding Rules (see editorial note) before it publishes a Candidate
Recommendation of this document if a SOAP 1.2 one-way message exchange pattern
becomes available. Feedback is welcome on this topic.
Comments on this document are to be sent to the public
public-ws-desc-comments@w3.org mailing list (public archive) until 19 September
A diff-marked version against the previous version of this document is
available. For a detailed list of changes since the last publication of this
document, please refer to appendix C. Part 2 Change Log. Issues about this
document are documented in the new Last Call issues list maintained by the
Working Group. A list of formal objections against the set of WSDL 2.0 Working
Drafts is also available.
Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C
Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted
by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as
other than work in progress.
This document has been produced under the 24 January 2002 Current Patent
Practice as amended by the W3C Patent Policy Transition Procedure. Patent
disclosures relevant to this specification may be found on the Working Group's
patent disclosure page. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent
which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) with respect to this
specification should disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of
the W3C Patent Policy.
Short Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Predefined Message Exchange Patterns
3. Predefined Extensions
4. Predefined Operation Styles
5. WSDL SOAP Binding Extension
6. WSDL HTTP Binding Extension
7. References
A. Acknowledgements (Non-Normative)
B. Component Summary (Non-Normative)
C. Part 2 Change Log (Non-Normative)
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Notational Conventions
2. Predefined Message Exchange Patterns
2.1 Template for Message Exchange Patterns
2.1.1 Pattern Name
2.2 Fault Propagation Rules
2.2.1 Fault Replaces Message
2.2.2 Message Triggers Fault
2.2.3 No Faults
2.3 Message Exchange Patterns
2.3.1 In-Only
2.3.2 Robust In-Only
2.3.3 In-Out
2.3.4 In-Optional-Out
2.3.5 Out-Only
2.3.6 Robust Out-Only
2.3.7 Out-In
2.3.8 Out-Optional-In
2.4 Security Considerations
3. Predefined Extensions
3.1 Operation safety
3.1.1 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
3.1.2 XML Representation
3.1.3 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
4. Predefined Operation Styles
4.1 RPC Style
4.1.1 wrpc:signature Extension
4.1.2 XML Representation of the wrpc:signature Extension
4.1.3 wrpc:signature Extension Mapping To Properties of an Interface
Operation component
4.2 IRI Style
4.3 Multipart style
5. WSDL SOAP Binding Extension
5.1 XML Syntax Summary (Non-Normative)
5.2 Identifying the use of the SOAP Binding
5.3 Default Binding Rules
5.4 Specifying the SOAP Version
5.4.1 Description
5.4.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
5.4.3 XML Representation
5.4.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component properties
5.5 Specifying the SOAP Underlying Protocol
5.5.1 Description
5.5.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
5.5.3 XML Representation
5.5.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
5.6 Specifying the Default SOAP MEP
5.6.1 Description
5.6.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
5.6.3 XML Representation
5.7 Binding Faults
5.7.1 Description
5.7.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
5.7.3 XML Representation
5.7.4 Mapping XML Representation to Component Properties
5.8 Binding Operations
5.8.1 Description
5.8.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
5.8.3 XML Representation
5.8.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
5.9 Declaring SOAP Modules
5.9.1 Description
5.9.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
5.9.3 SOAP Module component
5.9.4 XML Representation
5.9.5 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
5.9.6 IRI Identification Of A SOAP Module component
5.10 Declaring SOAP Header Blocks
5.10.1 Description
5.10.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
5.10.3 SOAP Header Block component
5.10.4 XML Representation
5.10.5 Mapping XML Representation to Component Properties
5.10.6 IRI Identification Of A SOAP Header Block component
5.11 WSDL SOAP 1.2 Binding
5.11.1 Identifying a WSDL SOAP 1.2 Binding
5.11.2 Description
5.11.3 Default Binding Rules
5.12 Conformance
6. WSDL HTTP Binding Extension
6.1 Identifying the use of the HTTP Binding
6.2 HTTP Syntax Summary (Non-Normative)
6.3 Default Binding Rules
6.4 Specifying the HTTP Version
6.4.1 Description
6.4.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
6.4.3 XML Representation
6.4.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
6.5 Specifying the Default HTTP Method
6.5.1 Description
6.5.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
6.5.3 XML Representation
6.6 Binding Operations
6.6.1 Description
6.6.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
6.6.3 XML Representation
6.6.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
6.7 Declaring HTTP Headers
6.7.1 Description
6.7.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
6.7.3 HTTP Header component
6.7.4 XML Representation
6.7.5 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
6.7.6 IRI Identification Of A HTTP Header component
6.8 Specifying HTTP Error Code and Reason for Faults
6.8.1 Description
6.8.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
6.8.3 XML Representation
6.8.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
6.9 Serialization Format of Instance Data
6.9.1 Serialization as application/x-www-form-urlencoded Case of elements cited in the {http location} property Case elements NOT cited in the {http location} property Serialization in the request IRI Serialization in the message body
6.9.2 Serialization as application/xml
6.9.3 Serialization as multipart/form-data
6.10 Specifying the Transfer Coding
6.10.1 Description
6.10.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
6.10.3 XML Representation
6.10.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
6.11 Specifying the Use of HTTP Cookies
6.11.1 Description
6.11.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
6.11.3 XML Representation
6.11.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
6.12 Specifying HTTP Access Authentication
6.12.1 Description
6.12.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
6.12.3 XML Representation
6.12.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
6.13 Conformance
7. References
7.1 Normative References
7.2 Informative References
A. Acknowledgements (Non-Normative)
B. Component Summary (Non-Normative)
C. Part 2 Change Log (Non-Normative)
C.1 WSDL 2.0 Extensions Change Log
C.2 WSDL 2.0 Bindings Change Log
1. Introduction
The Web Services Description Language WSDL Version 2.0 (WSDL) [WSDL 2.0 Core
Language] defines an XML language for describing network services as
collections of communication endpoints capable of exchanging messages. WSDL
service definitions provide documentation for distributed systems and serve as
a recipe for automating the details involved in applications communication.
This document defines extensions for the WSDL 2.0 language:
• Message exchange patterns: 2. Predefined Message Exchange Patterns)
• Operation styles: 4. Predefined Operation Styles)
• Binding extensions:
□ A SOAP 1.2 [SOAP 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework] binding extension: 5.
WSDL SOAP Binding Extension
□ An HTTP/1.1 [IETF RFC 2616] binding extension: 6. WSDL HTTP Binding
WSDL 2.0 Primer [WSDL 2.0 Primer] is a non-normative document intended to
provide an easily understandable tutorial on the features of the WSDL Version
2.0 specifications.
The Core Language [WSDL 2.0 Core Language] of the WSDL 2.0 specification
describes the core elements of the WSDL language.
1.1 Notational Conventions
"SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be
interpreted as described in RFC2119 [IETF RFC 2119].
This specification uses a number of namespace prefixes throughout; they are
listed in Table 1-1. Note that the choice of any namespace prefix is arbitrary
and not semantically significant (see [XML Information Set]).
Table 1-1. Prefixes and Namespaces used in this specification
│Prefix│ Namespace │ Notes │
│ │"http:// │A normative XML Schema [XML Schema Structures], [XML │
│wsdl │www.w3.org/2005/│Schema Datatypes] document for the "http://www.w3.org│
│ │08/wsdl" │/2005/08/wsdl" namespace can be found at http:// │
│ │ │www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl. │
│ │"http:// │A normative XML Schema [XML Schema Structures], [XML │
│wsdl-x│www.w3.org/2005/│Schema Datatypes] document for the "http://www.w3.org│
│ │08/ │/2005/08/wsdl-extensions" namespace can be found at │
│ │wsdl-extensions"│http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl-extensions. │
│ │"http:// │A normative XML Schema [XML Schema Structures], [XML │
│wsoap │www.w3.org/2005/│Schema Datatypes] document for the "http://www.w3.org│
│ │08/wsdl/soap" │/2005/08/wsdl/soap" namespace can be found at http://│
│ │ │www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/soap. │
│ │"http:// │A normative XML Schema [XML Schema Structures], [XML │
│whttp │www.w3.org/2005/│Schema Datatypes] document for the "http://www.w3.org│
│ │08/wsdl/http" │/2005/08/wsdl/http" namespace can be found at http://│
│ │ │www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http. │
│ │"http:// │Defined in the W3C XML Schema specification [XML │
│xs │www.w3.org/2001/│Schema Structures], [XML Schema Datatypes]. │
│ │XMLSchema" │ │
Namespace names of the general form "http://example.org/..." and "http://
example.com/..." represent application or context-dependent URIs [IETF RFC 3986
All parts of this specification are normative, with the EXCEPTION of
pseudo-schemas, examples, and sections explicitly marked as "Non-Normative".
Pseudo-schemas are provided for each component, before the description of this
component. They provide visual help for the XML [XML 1.0] serialization.
2. Predefined Message Exchange Patterns
A node is an agent (section Agent of the Web Services Architecture [Web
Services Architecture]) that can transmit and/or receive message(s) described
in WSDL description(s) and process them.
A node may be accessible via more than one physical address or transport.
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) message exchange patterns (hereafter
simply 'patterns') define the sequence and of abstract messages listed in an
operation. Message exchange patterns also define which other nodes send
messages to, and receive messages from, the service implementing the operation.
WSDL message exchange patterns describe the interaction at the abstract
(interface) level, which may be distinct from the pattern used by the
underlying protocol binding (e.g. SOAP Message Exchange Patterns; section
5.11.3 Default Binding Rules contains the default binding rules for the
selection of a SOAP 1.2 message exchange pattern based on the WSDL message
exchange pattern in use for the SOAP binding extension defined in this
specification in section 5. WSDL SOAP Binding Extension).
By design, WSDL message exchange patterns abstract out specific message types.
Patterns identify placeholders for messages, and placeholders are associated
with specific message types by the operation using the pattern.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, WSDL message exchange patterns also
abstract out binding-specific information like timing between messages, whether
the pattern is synchronous or asynchronous, and whether the message are sent
over a single or multiple channels.
Like interfaces and operations, WSDL message exchange patterns do not
exhaustively describe the set of messages exchanged between a service and other
nodes; by some prior agreement, another node and/or the service may send other
messages (to each other or to other nodes) that are not described by the
pattern. For instance, even though a pattern may define a single message sent
from a service to one other node, the Web Service may multicast that message to
other nodes.
To maximize reuse, WSDL message exchange patterns identify a minimal contract
between other parties and Web Services, and contain only information that is
relevant to both the Web Service and another party.
This specification defines several message exchange patterns for use with WSDL
Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language [WSDL 2.0 Core Language].
2.1 Template for Message Exchange Patterns
New Message Exchange Patterns may be defined by any organization able and
willing to do so. It is recommended that the patterns use the general template
provided here, after examination of existing predefined patterns.
2.1.1 Pattern Name
This pattern consists of [number] message[s, in order] as follows:
[enumeration, specifying, for each message] A[n optional] message:
1. indicated by a Interface Message Reference component whose {message label}
is "[label]" and direction is "[direction]"
2. [received from|sent to] ['some' if first mention] node [node identifier]
This pattern uses the rule [fault ruleset reference].
An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {message exchange
pattern} property with the value "[pattern IRI]".
Note: In the template, the bracketed items indicate a replacement operation.
Substitute the correct terms for each bracketed item.
Note: the "received from" and "sent to" are always from the point of view of
the service, and participating nodes other than the service are implicitly
identified as the originators of or destinations for messages in the exchange.
2.2 Fault Propagation Rules
WSDL patterns specify their fault propagation model using standard rulesets to
indicate where faults may occur. The most common patterns for fault propagation
are defined here, and referenced by patterns later in the document.
"Propagation" is defined as a best-effort attempt to transmit the fault message
to its designated recipient.
WSDL patterns specify propagation of faults, not their generation. Nodes which
generate a fault MUST attempt to propagate the faults in accordance with the
governing ruleset, but it is understood that any delivery of a network message
is best effort, not guaranteed. The rulesets establish the direction of the
fault message and the fault recipient, they do not provide reliability or other
delivery guarantees. When a fault is generated, the generating node MUST
attempt to propagate the fault, and MUST do so in the direction and to the
recipient specified by the ruleset. However, extensions or binding extensions
MAY modify these rulesets. For example, WS-Addressing [WSA 1.0 Core] defines a
"FaultTo" address for messages, which is used in lieu of the recipient
nominated by the ruleset.
Generation of a fault, regardless of ruleset, terminates the exchange.
Binding extensions, features, or extension specifications may override the
semantics of a fault propagation ruleset, but this practice is strongly
2.2.1 Fault Replaces Message
Any message after the first in the pattern MAY be replaced with a fault
message, which MUST have identical direction. The fault message MUST be
delivered to the same target node as the message it replaces, unless otherwise
specified by an extension or binding extension. If there is no path to this
node, the fault MUST be discarded.
2.2.2 Message Triggers Fault
Any message, including the first in the pattern, MAY trigger a fault message,
which MUST have opposite direction. The fault message MUST be delivered to the
originator of the triggering message, unless otherwise specified by an
extension of binding extension. Any node MAY propagate a fault message, and
MUST not do so more than once for each triggering message. If there is no path
to the originator, the fault MUST be discarded.
2.2.3 No Faults
No faults may be propagated.
2.3 Message Exchange Patterns
WSDL patterns are described in terms of the WSDL component model, specifically
the Interface Message Reference and Interface Fault Reference components.
2.3.1 In-Only
This pattern consists of exactly one message as follows:
1. A message:
□ indicated by a Interface Message Reference component whose {message
label} is "In" and {direction} is "in"
□ received from some node N
This pattern uses the rule 2.2.3 No Faults.
An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {message exchange
pattern} property with the value "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/in-only".
2.3.2 Robust In-Only
This pattern consists of exactly one message as follows:
1. A message:
□ indicated by a Interface Message Reference component whose {message
label} is "In" and {direction} is "in"
□ received from some node N
This pattern uses the rule 2.2.2 Message Triggers Fault.
An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {message exchange
pattern} property with the value "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/
2.3.3 In-Out
This pattern consists of exactly two messages, in order, as follows:
1. A message:
□ indicated by a Interface Message Reference component whose {message
label} is "In" and {direction} is "in"
□ received from some node N
2. A message:
□ indicated by a Interface Message Reference component whose {message
label} is "Out" and {direction} is "out"
□ sent to node N
This pattern uses the rule 2.2.1 Fault Replaces Message.
An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {message exchange
pattern} property with the value "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/in-out".
2.3.4 In-Optional-Out
This pattern consists of one or two messages, in order, as follows:
1. A message:
□ indicated by a Interface Message Reference component whose {message
label} is "In" and {direction} is "in"
□ received from some node N
2. An optional message:
□ indicated by a Interface Message Reference component whose {message
label} is "Out" and {direction} is "out"
□ sent to node N
This pattern uses the rule 2.2.2 Message Triggers Fault.
An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {message exchange
pattern} property with the value "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/in-opt-out".
2.3.5 Out-Only
This pattern consists of exactly one message as follows:
1. A message:
□ indicated by a Interface Message Reference component whose {message
label} is "Out " and {direction} is "out"
□ sent to some node N
This pattern uses the rule 2.2.3 No Faults.
An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {message exchange
pattern} property with the value "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/out-only".
2.3.6 Robust Out-Only
This pattern consists of exactly one message as follows:
1. message:
□ indicated by a Interface Message Reference component whose {message
label} is "Out" and {direction} is "out"
□ sent to some node N
This pattern uses the rule 2.2.2 Message Triggers Fault.
An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {message exchange
pattern} property with the value "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/
2.3.7 Out-In
This pattern consists of exactly two messages, in order, as follows:
1. A message:
□ indicated by a Interface Message Reference component whose {message
label} is "Out" and {direction} is "out"
□ sent to some node N
2. A message:
□ indicated by a Interface Message Reference component whose {message
label} is "In" and {direction} is "in"
□ sent from node N
This pattern uses the rule 2.2.1 Fault Replaces Message.
An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {message exchange
pattern} property with the value "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/out-in".
2.3.8 Out-Optional-In
This pattern consists of one or two messages, in order, as follows:
1. A message:
□ indicated by a Interface Message Reference component whose {message
label} is "Out" and {direction} is "out"
□ sent to some node N
2. An optional message:
□ indicated by a Interface Message Reference component whose {message
label} is "In" and {direction} is "in"
□ sent from node N
This pattern uses the rule 2.2.2 Message Triggers Fault.
An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {message exchange
pattern} property with the value "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/out-opt-in".
2.4 Security Considerations
Note that many of the message exchange patterns defined above describe
responses to an initial message (either a normal response message or a fault.)
Such responses may be used in attempts to disrupt, attack, or map a network,
host, or services. When such responses are directed to an address other than
that originating the initial message, the source of an attack may be obscured,
or blame laid on a third party, or may enable or exacerbate denial-of-service
Security mechanisms addressing such attacks may prevent the delivery of
response messages to the receiving node. Conformance to the message exchange
pattern is measured prior to the application of these security mechanisms.
3. Predefined Extensions
3.1 Operation safety
This section defines an extension to WSDL 2.0 [WSDL 2.0 Core Language] which
allows to mark an operation as a safe interaction, as defined in section 3.4.
Safe Interactions of [Web Architecture].
This extension MAY be used for setting defaults in bindings, such as in an HTTP
binding per this specification (see 6.6.4 Mapping from XML Representation to
Component Properties).
3.1.1 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The safety extension adds the following property to the Interface Operation
component model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]):
• {safety} REQUIRED. An xs:boolean indicating whether the operation is
asserted to be safe for users of the described service to invoke. If this
property is "false", then no assertion has been made about the safety of
the operation, thus the operation MAY or MAY NOT be safe. However, an
operation SHOULD be marked safe if it meets the criteria for a safe
interaction defined in Section 3.5 of [Web Architecture].
3.1.2 XML Representation
The XML representation for the safety extension is an attribute information
item with the following Infoset properties:
• An OPTIONAL safe attribute information item with the following Infoset
□ A [local name] of safe
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl-extensions"
□ A type of xs:boolean
3.1.3 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
See Table 3-1.
Table 3-1. Mapping from XML Representation to Interface Operation component
Extension Properties
│Property│ Value │
│{safety}│The actual value of the safe attribute information item, if present,│
│ │otherwise the value "false". │
4. Predefined Operation Styles
This section defines operation styles used by serialization formats to place
constraints on Interface Operations bound.
4.1 RPC Style
The RPC style is selected by assigning to an Interface Operation component's {
style} property the value "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/style/rpc".
In order to conform with the specification for the RPC style, an Interface
Operation component MUST obey the constraints listed below. Furthermore, if the
wrpc:signature extension is used, the corresponding attribute information item
MUST be valid according to the schema for the extension and additionally MUST
obey the constraints listed in 4.1.1 wrpc:signature Extension and 4.1.2 XML
Representation of the wrpc:signature Extension.
The RPC style MUST NOT be used for Interface Operation components whose {
message exchange pattern} property has a value other than "http://www.w3.org/
2005/08/wsdl/in-only" or "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/in-out".
The RPC style places restrictions for Remote Procedure Call-types of
interactions. When this value is used, the associated messages MUST conform to
the rules below, described using XML Schema [XML Schema Structures]. Note that
operations containing messages described by other type systems may also
indicate use of the RPC style, as long as they are constructed in such a way as
to follow these rules.
If the Interface Operation component uses a {message exchange pattern} for
which there is no output element, i.e. "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/
in-only", then the conditions stated below that refer to output elements MUST
be considered to be implicitly satisfied.
• The content model of input and output {element declaration} elements MUST
be defined using a complex type that contains a sequence from XML Schema.
• The input sequence MUST only contain elements and element wildcards. It
MUST NOT contain other structures such as xs:choice. The input sequence
MUST NOT contain more than one element wildcard. The element wildcard, if
present, MUST appear after any elements.
• The output sequence MUST only contain elements. It MUST NOT contain other
structures such as xs:choice.
• The sequence MUST contain only local element children. Note that these
child elements MAY contain the following attributes: nillable, minOccurs
and maxOccurs.
• The local name of input element's QName MUST be the same as the Interface
Operation component's name.
• Input and output elements MUST both be in the same namespace.
• The complex type that defines the body of an input or an output element
MUST NOT contain any local attributes. Extension attributes are allowed for
purposes of managing the message infrastructure (e.g. adding identifiers to
facilitate digitally signing the contents of the message). They must not be
considered as part of the application data that is conveyed by the message.
Therefore, they are never included in an RPC signature (see 4.1.1
wrpc:signature Extension).
• If elements with the same qualified name appear as children of both the
input and output elements, then they MUST both be declared using the same
named type.
• The input or output sequence MUST NOT contain multiple children elements
declared with the same name.
4.1.1 wrpc:signature Extension
The wrpc:signature extension attribute information item MAY be used in
conjunction with the RPC style to describe the exact signature of the function
represented by an operation that uses the RPC style.
When present, the wrpc:signature extension contributes the following property
to the Interface Operation component it is applied to:
• {rpc signature} REQUIRED. A list of pairs (q, t) whose first component is
of type xs:QName and whose second component is of type xs:token. Values for
the second component MUST be chosen among the following four: "#in", "#
out", "#inout" "#return".
The value of the {rpc signature} property MUST satisfy the following
• The value of the first component of each pair (q, t) MUST be unique within
the list.
• For each child element of the input and output messages of the operation, a
pair (q, t) whose first component q is equal to the qualified name of that
element MUST be present in the list, with the caveat that elements that
appear with cardinality greater than one MUST be treated as a single
• For each pair (q, #in), there MUST be a child element of the input element
with a name of q and there MUST NOT be a child element of the output
element with the same name.
• For each pair (q, #out), there MUST be a child element of the output
element with a name of q and there MUST NOT be a child element of the input
element with the same name.
• For each pair (q, #inout), there MUST be a child element of the input
element with a name of q and there MUST be a child element of the output
element with the same name. Furthermore, those two elements MUST have the
same type.
• For each pair (q, #return), there MUST be a child element of the output
element with a name of q and there MUST NOT be a child element of the input
element with the same name.
The function signature defined by a wrpc:signature extension is determined as
1. Start with the value of the {rpc signature} property, a (possibly empty)
list of pairs of this form:
[(q0, t0), (q1, t1), ...]
2. Filter the elements of this list into two lists, the first one (L1)
comprising pairs whose t component is one of {#in, #out, #inout}, the
second (L2) pairs whose t component is #return. During the composition of
L1 and L2, the relative order of members in the original list MUST be
For ease of visualization, let's denote the two lists as
(L1) [(a0, u0), (a1, u1),...]
(L2) [(r0, #return), (r1, #return),...]
3. Then, if the input sequence ends with an element wildcard, the formal
signature of the function is
f([d0] a0, [d1] a1, ..., rest) => (r0, r1, ...)
where rest is a formal parameter representing the elements in the input
message matched by the element wildcard.
Otherwise the formal signature of the function is
f([d0] a0, [d1] a1, ...) => (r0, r1, ...)
□ the list of formal arguments to the function is [a0, a1, ...];
□ the direction d of each formal argument a is one of [in], [out],
[inout], determined according to the value of its corresponding u
□ the list of formal return parameters of the function is [r0, r1, ...];
□ each formal argument and formal return parameter is typed according to
the type of the child element identified by it (unique per the
conditions given above).
The wrpc:signature extension allows the specification of multiple return values
for an operation. Several popular programming languages support multiple return
values for a function. Moreover, for languages who do not, the burden on
implementors should be small, as typically multiple return values will be
mapped to a single return value of a structure type (or its closest
language-specific equivalent).
4.1.2 XML Representation of the wrpc:signature Extension
The XML representation for the RPC signature extension is an attribute
information item with the following Infoset properties:
• A [local name] of signature
• A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/rpc"
The type of the name attribute information item is a list type whose item type
is the union of the xs:QName type and the subtype of the xs:token type
restricted to the following four values: "#in", "#out", "#inout", "#return".
See Example 4-1 for a definition of this type.
Additionally, each even-numbered item (0, 2, 4, ...) in the list MUST be of
type xs:QName and each odd-numbered item (1, 3, 5, ...) in the list MUST be of
the subtype of xs:token described in the previous paragraph.
Example 4-1. Definition of the wrpc:signature extension
4.1.3 wrpc:signature Extension Mapping To Properties of an Interface Operation
A wrpc:signature extension attribute information item is mapped to the
following property of the Interface Operation component defined by its [owner].
Table 4-1. Mapping of a wrpc:signature Extension to Interface Operation
component Properties
│ Property │ Value │
│{rpc │A list of (xs:QName, xs:token) pairs formed by grouping the items │
│signature}│present in the actual value of the wrpc:signature attribute │
│ │information item in the order in which they appear there. │
4.2 IRI Style
The IRI style may be used for Interface Operation components using a message
exchange pattern with an initial message.
The IRI style is selected by assigning the Interface Operation component's {
style} property the value "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/style/iri".
Use of this value indicates that XML Schema [XML Schema Structures] was used to
define the schema of the {element declaration} property of the Interface
Message Reference component of the Interface Operation component corresponding
to the initial message of the message exchange pattern. This schema MUST adhere
to the rules below:
• The content model of this element is defined using a complex type that
contains a sequence from XML Schema.
• The sequence MUST only contain elements. It MUST NOT contain other
structures such as xs:choice.
• The sequence MUST contain only local element children. These child elements
MAY contain the nillable attribute, and the attributes minOccurs and
maxOccurs MUST have a value 0 or 1.
• The localPart of the element's QName MUST be the same as the Interface
Operation component's name.
• The complex type that defines the body of the element or its children
elements MUST NOT contain any attributes.
• The sequence MUST NOT contain multiple children elements declared with the
same local name.
• If the children elements of the sequence are defined using an XML Schema
type, they MUST derive from xs:simpleType, and MUST NOT be of the type or
derive from xs:QName, xs:NOTATION, xs:hexBinary or xs:base64Binary.
4.3 Multipart style
The Multipart style may be used for Interface Operation components using a
message exchange pattern with an initial message.
The Multipart style is selected by assigning the Interface Operation
component's {style} property the value "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/style/
Use of this value indicates that XML Schema [XML Schema Structures] was used to
define the schema of the {element declaration} property of the Interface
Message Reference component of the Interface Operation component corresponding
to the initial message of the message exchange pattern. This schema MUST adhere
to the rules below:
• The content model of this element is defined using a complex type that
contains a sequence from XML Schema.
• The sequence MUST only contain elements. It MUST NOT contain other
structures such as xs:choice.
• The sequence MUST contain only local element children. These child elements
MAY contain the nillable attribute, and the attributes minOccurs and
maxOccurs MUST have a value 1.
• The localPart of the element's QName MUST be the same as the Interface
Operation component's name.
• The complex type that defines the body of the element or its children
elements MUST NOT contain any attributes.
• The sequence MUST NOT contain multiple children element declared with the
same local name.
5. WSDL SOAP Binding Extension
The SOAP binding extension described in this section is SOAP version
independent ("1.2" as well as other versions) and an extension for [WSDL 2.0
Core Language] to enable Web Services applications to use SOAP. This binding
extension extends WSDL 2.0 by adding properties to the Binding component as
defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]. In addition, an XML Infoset representation
for these additional properties is provided, along with a mapping from that
representation to the various component properties.
As allowed in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language], a Binding component MAY exist without
indicating a specific Interface component that it applies to. In this case,
there MUST NOT be any Binding Operation or Binding Fault components present in
the Binding component.
The SOAP binding extension is designed with the objective of minimizing what
needs to be explicitly declared for common cases. This is achieved by defining
a set of default rules which apply for all Interface Operation components of an
Interface component, unless specifically overidden on a per Interface Operation
basis. Thus, if a given Interface Operation component is not referred to
specifically, then all the default rules apply for that component. That is, per
the requirements of [WSDL 2.0 Core Language], all operations of an Interface
component are bound according to this binding extension.
Notice that there are no default binding rules defined for Interface Fault
components by this binding extension, as no reasonable default is applicable to
all cases. Thus, if a given Interface component has any Interface Fault
components, then such Interface components MUST be bound via Binding components
which indicate a specific interface and contain as many Binding Fault
components as there are Interface Fault components in the Interface component.
A subset of the HTTP properties specified in the HTTP binding extension defined
in section 6. WSDL HTTP Binding Extension may be expressed in a SOAP binding
when the SOAP binding uses HTTP as the underlying protocol, for example, when
the value of the {soap underlying protocol} property of the Binding component
is "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/bindings/HTTP/". The properties that are
allowed are the ones that describe the underlying protocol:
• {http version} as defined in 6.4 Specifying the HTTP Version
• {http location} as defined in 6.6 Binding Operations
• {http headers} as defined in 6.7 Declaring HTTP Headers
• {http transfer coding} as defined in 6.10 Specifying the Transfer Coding
• {http cookies} as defined in 6.11 Specifying the Use of HTTP Cookies
• {http authentication scheme} and {http authentication realm} as defined in
6.12 Specifying HTTP Access Authentication
5.1 XML Syntax Summary (Non-Normative)
[ | ]*
wsoap:action="xs:anyURI"? >
[ | ]*
[ | ]*
[ | ]*
[ | ]*
[ | ]*
[ | ]*
[ | ]*
The double question marks ("??") after the attributes in the whttp namespace
indicates that those optional attributes only make sense when the SOAP binding
uses HTTP as the underlying protocol, for example, when the value of the
wsoap:protocol attribute is "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/bindings/HTTP/".
5.2 Identifying the use of the SOAP Binding
A Binding component (defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]) is identified as a
SOAP binding by assigning the value "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/soap" to
the {type} property of the Binding component.
5.3 Default Binding Rules
• Payload Construction. When formulating the SOAP envelope to be transmitted
the contents of the payload (i.e., the contents of the SOAP Body element
information item of the SOAP envelope) MUST be what is defined by the
corresponding Interface Message Reference component. This is subject to
optimization by a feature that is in use which may affect serialization,
such as MTOM [SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism]. The
following default binding rules MUST be adhered to:
□ If the value of the {message content model} property of the Interface
Message Reference component is "#any" then the payload MAY be any one
XML element.
□ If the value is "#none" then the payload MUST be empty.
□ If the value is "#element" then the payload will be the element
information item identified by the {element declaration} property of
the Interface Message Reference component.
□ If the Interface Message Reference component is declared using a
non-XML type system (as considered in the Types section of [WSDL 2.0
Core Language]) then additional binding rules MUST be defined to
indicate how to map those components into the SOAP envelope.
This SOAP binding extension only allows one single element in SOAP body.
• SOAP Header Construction. If the {soap headers} property as defined in
section 5.10 Declaring SOAP Header Blocks exists and is not empty in a
Binding Message Reference or Binding Fault component, element information
item conforming to the element declaration of a SOAP Header Block
component's {element} property, in the {soap headers} property, MUST be
turned into a SOAP header block for the corresponding message.
And, if the SOAP Header Block component's {mustUnderstand} property is
present and its value is "true", that particular SOAP header block should
be marked with a mustUnderstand attribute information item with a value of
"true" or "1" as per the SOAP specification.
SOAP header blocks other than the ones declared in the {soap headers}
property may be present at run-time, such as the SOAP header blocks
resulting from SOAP modules declared as explained in section 5.9 Declaring
SOAP Modules.
5.4 Specifying the SOAP Version
5.4.1 Description
Every SOAP binding MUST indicate what version of SOAP is in use for the
operations of the interface that this binding applies to.
By default, SOAP 1.2 [SOAP 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework] is used.
5.4.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The SOAP protocol specification adds the following property to the WSDL
component model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]):
• {soap version} REQUIRED. A xs:string, to the Binding component.
5.4.3 XML Representation
The XML representation for specifying the SOAP version is an optional attribute
information item with the following Infoset properties:
• A [local name] of version
• A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/soap"
• A type of xs:string
5.4.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component properties
See Table 5-1.
Table 5-1. Mapping from XML Representation to Binding component Extension
│ Property │ Value │
│{soap │The actual value of the wsoap:version attribute information item │
│version} │if present, otherwise "1.2". │
5.5 Specifying the SOAP Underlying Protocol
5.5.1 Description
Every SOAP binding MUST indicate what underlying protocol is in use.
5.5.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The SOAP protocol specification adds the following property to the WSDL
component model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]):
• {soap underlying protocol} REQUIRED. A xs:anyURI, which is an absolute IRI
as defined by [IETF RFC 3987], to the Binding component.
5.5.3 XML Representation
The XML representation for specifying the SOAP protocol is a REQUIRED attribute
information item with the following Infoset properties:
• A [local name] of protocol
• A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/soap"
• A type of xs:anyURI
5.5.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
See Table 5-2.
Table 5-2. Mapping from XML Representation to Binding component Extension
│ Property │ Value │
│{soap underlying │The actual value of the wsoap:protocol attribute │
│protocol} │information item. │
5.6 Specifying the Default SOAP MEP
5.6.1 Description
Every Binding Operation component of a SOAP binding MUST indicate the SOAP
Message Exchange Pattern (MEP) to be used for that operation. This binding
extension specification allows the user to indicate a default SOAP MEP to be
used for all Binding Operation components of this Binding component.
5.6.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The default SOAP MEP specification is a syntactic convenience and does not
affect the underlying component model.
5.6.3 XML Representation
The XML representation for specifying the default SOAP MEP is an OPTIONAL
attribute information item with the following Infoset properties:
• A [local name] of mepDefault
• A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/soap"
• A type of xs:anyURI
5.7 Binding Faults
5.7.1 Description
For every Interface Fault component contained in an Interface component, a
mapping to a SOAP Fault must be described. This binding extension specification
allows the user to indicate the SOAP fault code and subcodes that are
transmitted for a given Interface Fault component.
5.7.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The SOAP Fault binding extension adds the following properties to the WSDL
component model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]):
• {soap fault code} OPTIONAL. A xs:QName, to the Binding Fault component. The
value of this property identifies a possible SOAP fault for the operations
in scope. If this property is empty, no assertion is made about the value
of the SOAP fault code.
• {soap fault subcodes} OPTIONAL. A list of xs:QName, to the Binding Fault
component. The value of this property identifies one or more subcodes for
this SOAP fault.
5.7.3 XML Representation
[ | ]*
The XML representation for binding a SOAP Fault are two attribute information
items with the following Infoset properties:
• wsoap:code OPTIONAL attribute information item
□ A [local name] of code
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/soap"
□ A type of union of xs:QName and xs:token where the allowed token value
is "#any"
• wsoap:subcodes OPTIONAL attribute information item
□ A [local name] of subcodes
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/soap"
□ A type of list of xs:QNames
5.7.4 Mapping XML Representation to Component Properties
See Table 5-3.
Table 5-3. Mapping from XML Representation to SOAP Fault component Properties
│ Property │ Value │
│{soap fault │The actual value of the code attribute information item if │
│code} │present and if its value is not "#any"; otherwise empty. │
│{soap fault │The actual value of the subcodes attribute information item, if │
│subcodes} │present; otherwise empty. │
5.8 Binding Operations
5.8.1 Description
For every Interface Operation component contained in an Interface component, in
addition to the default binding rules (for SOAP 1.2, see 5.11.3 Default Binding
Rules), there may be additional binding information to be specified. This
binding extension specification allows the user to indicate the SOAP Message
Exchange Pattern (MEP) and a value for the SOAP Action Feature on a
per-operation basis.
5.8.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The SOAP Operation binding extension specification adds the following property
to the WSDL component model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]):
• {soap mep} REQUIRED. A xs:anyURI, which is an absolute IRI as defined by [
IETF RFC 3987], to the Binding Operation component. The value of this
property identifies the SOAP Message Exchange Pattern (MEP) for this
specific operation. If no specific value is assigned, then the value
assigned by the default rules apply (for SOAP 1.2, see 5.11.3 Default
Binding Rules). It is an error for this property to not have a value (which
MAY happen if the default rules are not applicable).
• {soap action} OPTIONAL. A xs:anyURI, which is an absolute IRI as defined by
[IETF RFC 3987], to the Binding Operation component. The value of this
property identifies the value of the SOAP Action Feature (as defined for
this specific operation), as specified in the binding rules of bindings to
specific versions of SOAP (see 5.11.3 Default Binding Rules for the SOAP
1.2 binding when the value of the {soap version} property of the Binding
component is "1.2").
5.8.3 XML Representation
The XML representation for binding an Operation are two attribute information
items with the following Infoset properties:
• wsoap:mep OPTIONAL attribute information item
□ A [local name] of mep
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/soap"
□ A type of xs:anyURI
• wsoap:action OPTIONAL attribute information item
□ A [local name] of action
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/soap"
□ A type of xs:anyURI
5.8.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
See Table 5-4.
Table 5-4. Mapping from XML Representation to SOAP Operation Component
│Property│ Value │
│ │The actual value of the wsoap:mep attribute information item, if │
│ │present. If not, the actual value of the wsoap:mepDefault attribute │
│{soap │information item of the parent wsdl:binding element information item│
│mep} │, if present. If not the value as defined by the default SOAP │
│ │binding rules (for SOAP 1.2, see 5.11.3 Default Binding Rules), if │
│ │applicable. │
│{soap │The actual value of the action attribute information item, if any; │
│action} │otherwise empty. │
5.9 Declaring SOAP Modules
5.9.1 Description
In SOAP, it is permissible for specification interaction to engage one or more
additional features (typically implemented as one or more SOAP header blocks),
as defined by SOAP Modules (see [SOAP 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework]). This
binding extension specification allows users to indicate which SOAP Modules are
in use across an entire binding, on a per operation basis or on a per message
5.9.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The SOAP Module component adds the following property to the WSDL component
model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]):
• {soap modules} OPTIONAL. A set of SOAP Module components as defined in
5.9.3 SOAP Module component, to the Binding, Binding Operation, Binding
Message Reference, Binding Fault and Binding Fault Reference components.
The SOAP modules applicable for a particular operation of any service consists
of all modules specified in the input or output Binding Message Reference
components, the infault or outfault Binding Fault Reference components, those
specified within the Binding Fault components, those specified within the
Binding Operation components and those specified within the Binding component.
If any module is declared in multiple components, then the requiredness of that
module is defined by the closest declaration, where closeness is defined by
whether it is specified directly at the Binding Message Reference component or
Binding Fault Reference component level, the Binding Fault level or the Binding
Operation component level or the Binding component level, respectively.
5.9.3 SOAP Module component
The SOAP Module component identifies a SOAP module that is in use.
The properties of the SOAP Module component are as follows:
• {ref} REQUIRED. A xs:anyURI, which is an absolute IRI as defined by [IETF
RFC 3987]. The value of this property identifies the specific SOAP module
that is in use.
• {required} REQUIRED. A xs:boolean indicating if the SOAP module is
5.9.4 XML Representation
The XML representation for a SOAP Module component is an element information
item with the following Infoset properties:
• A [local name] of module
• A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/soap"
• One or more attribute information items amongst its [attributes] as
□ A REQUIRED ref attribute information item with the following Infoset
☆ A [local name] of ref
☆ A [namespace name] which has no value
☆ A type of xs:anyURI
□ An OPTIONAL required attribute information item with the following
Infoset properties:
☆ A [local name] of required
☆ A [namespace name] which has no value
☆ A type of xs:boolean
□ Zero or more namespace qualified attribute information items. The
[namespace name] of such attribute information items MUST NOT be "http:
//www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl" and MUST NOT be "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/
• Zero or more element information item amongst its [children], in order, as
1. Zero or more documentation element information items as defined in [
WSDL 2.0 Core Language].
2. Zero or more namespace-qualified element information items amongst its
[children]. The [namespace name] of such element information items MUST
NOT be "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl" and MUST NOT be "http://
5.9.5 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
See Table 5-5.
Table 5-5. Mapping from XML Representation to SOAP Module component Properties
│ Property │ Value │
│ │The set of SOAP Module components corresponding to all the module │
│{soap │element information item in the [children] of the binding , │
│modules} │operation , fault , input , output , infault , outfault element │
│ │information items, if any. │
│{ref} │The actual value of the ref attribute information item. │
│{required}│The actual value of the required attribute information item if │
│ │present, otherwise "false". │
5.9.6 IRI Identification Of A SOAP Module component
WSDL Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language [WSDL 2.0 Core Language] defines a
fragment identifier syntax for identifying components of a WSDL 2.0 document.
A SOAP Module component can be identified using the wsdl.extension XPointer
Framework scheme:
wsdl.extension(http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/soap, wsoap.module(parent/ref))
1. parent is the component identifier for the component under which the SOAP
Module component is declared, as specified in WSDL Version 2.0 Part 1: Core
2. ref is the value of the {ref} property of the component.
5.10 Declaring SOAP Header Blocks
5.10.1 Description
SOAP allows the use of header blocks in the header part of the message. This
binding extension allows users to declare the SOAP header blocks in use on a
per message ond on a per fault basis.
5.10.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The SOAP Header Blocks binding extension specification adds the following
property to the WSDL component model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]):
• {soap headers} OPTIONAL. A set of SOAP Header Block components as defined
in 5.10.3 SOAP Header Block component, to the Binding Fault and Binding
Message Reference components.
5.10.3 SOAP Header Block component
A SOAP Header Block component describes an abstract piece of header data
(message headers) that is associated with the exchange of messages between the
communicating parties. The presence of a SOAP Header Block component in a WSDL
description indicates that the service supports headers and MAY require a Web
service consumer/client that interacts with the service to use the described
header. Zero or more such headers may be used.
The properties of the SOAP Header Block component are as follows:
• {element} REQUIRED. A xs:QName, a reference to an XML element declaration
in the {element declarations} property of the Description component. This
element represents a SOAP header block.
• {mustUnderstand} REQUIRED. A xs:boolean. When its value is "true", the SOAP
header block MUST be decorated with a SOAP mustUnderstand attribute
information item with a value of "true"; if so, it is an error for the XML
element declaration referenced by the {element} property not to allow this
SOAP mustUnderstand attribute information item. Otherwise, no additional
constraint is placed on the presence and value of a SOAP mustUnderstand
attribute information item.
5.10.4 XML Representation
The XML representation for a SOAP Header Block component is an element
information item with the following Infoset properties:
• A [local name] of header
• A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/soap"
• One or more attribute information items amongst its [attributes] as
□ A REQUIRED element attribute information item with the following
Infoset properties:
☆ A [local name] of element
☆ A [namespace name] which has no value
☆ A type of xs:QName
□ An OPTIONAL mustUnderstand attribute information item with the
following Infoset properties:
☆ A [local name] of mustUnderstand
☆ A [namespace name] which has no value
☆ A type of xs:boolean
□ Zero or more namespace qualified attribute information items. The
[namespace name] of such attribute information items MUST NOT be "http:
//www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl" and MUST NOT be "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/
• Zero or more element information item amongst its [children], in order, as
1. Zero or more documentation element information items as defined in [
WSDL 2.0 Core Language].
2. Zero or more namespace-qualified element information items amongst its
[children]. The [namespace name] of such element information items MUST
NOT be "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl" and MUST NOT be "http://
5.10.5 Mapping XML Representation to Component Properties
See Table 5-6.
Table 5-6. Mapping from XML Representation to SOAP Header Block component
│ Property │ Value │
│ │The set of SOAP Header Block components corresponding to all│
│{soap headers} │the header element information item in the [children] of the│
│ │fault , input or output element information item, if any. │
│ │The element declaration from the {element declarations} │
│ │resolved to by the value of the element attribute │
│{element} │information item. It is an error for the element attribute │
│ │information item to have a value and that value does not │
│ │resolve to a global element declaration from the {element │
│ │declarations} property of the Description component. │
│{mustUnderstand}│The actual value of the mustUnderstand attribute information│
│ │item if present, otherwise "false". │
5.10.6 IRI Identification Of A SOAP Header Block component
WSDL Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language [WSDL 2.0 Core Language] defines a
fragment identifier syntax for identifying components of a WSDL 2.0 document.
A SOAP Header Block component can be identified using the wsdl.extension
XPointer Framework scheme:
wsdl.extension(http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/soap, wsoap.header(parent/
1. parent is the component identifier for the component under which the SOAP
Header Block component is declared, as specified in WSDL Version 2.0 Part
1: Core Language.
2. namespace is the {element} property value's namespace URI.
3. name is the {element} property value's local name.
5.11 WSDL SOAP 1.2 Binding
5.11.1 Identifying a WSDL SOAP 1.2 Binding
A WSDL SOAP Binding is identified as a SOAP 1.2 binding by assigning the value
"1.2" to the {soap version} property of the Binding component.
5.11.2 Description
The WSDL SOAP 1.2 binding extension defined in this section is an extension of
the 5. WSDL SOAP Binding Extension to enable Web Service applications to use
SOAP 1.2 [SOAP 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework].
The WSDL SOAP 1.2 binding extension supports the SOAP 1.2 HTTP binding defined
by the [SOAP 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts] specification. This is indicated by
assigning the URI "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/bindings/HTTP/" (as defined
by [SOAP 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts]) to the {soap underlying protocol} property.
Other values MAY be used for this property in conjunction with the SOAP 1.2
binding extension defined by this specification provided that the semantics of
such protocols are consistent with this binding extension.
Default rules in section 5.11.3 Default Binding Rules define the relationship
between SOAP message exchange patterns defined in [SOAP 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts]
and WSDL message exchange patterns defined in 2. Predefined Message Exchange
When the SOAP Message Exchange Pattern is the SOAP 1.2 Response MEP and the
underlying protocol is HTTP, the Binding Operation may use the {http location}
property defined in 6.6 Binding Operations. When such a location is specified,
the Endpoint component also follows the rules for constructing the address from
the {address} property and the {http location} property values.
5.11.3 Default Binding Rules
These default binding rules are applicable to SOAP 1.2 bindings.
• SOAP Action Feature. If a value for the {soap action} property of a Binding
Operation component has NOT been specified then the SOAP Action Feature
(see [SOAP 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts]) has NO value assigned by the Binding
component. Otherwise, the value of the {soap action} property of a Binding
Operation component is the value of the SOAP Action Feature for all
messages of the corresponding Interface Operation component.
• SOAP MEP Selection. If the Interface Operation component's {message
exchange pattern} property has the value "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/
in-out", then the default value of the {soap mep} property for the
corresponding Binding Operation component is "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/
soap/mep/request-response/" identifying the SOAP Request-Response Message
Exchange Pattern as defined in [SOAP 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts]. If the
Interface Operation component has any other value for the {message exchange
pattern} property, then no default value is defined for the {soap mep}
property of the corresponding Binding Operation component.
│Editorial note: One-way MEP │ │
│defaulting │ │
│The Web Services Description Working Group would like to add a rule here │
│defaulting to a standardized SOAP 1.2 one-way MEP for one-way operations │
│if one becomes available. Feedback is sought on this topic. │
• HTTP Method Selection. This default binding rule is applicable when the
value of the {soap underlying protocol} property of the Binding component
is "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/bindings/HTTP/". If the {soap mep}
property of the Binding Operation component has the value "http://
www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/mep/request-response/" then the default value of
the {http method} property is "POST". If the {soap mep} property of the
Binding Operation component has the value "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/
mep/soap-response/" then the default value of the {http method} property is
• HTTP IRI Generation. This default binding rule is applicable when the value
of the {soap underlying protocol} property of the Binding component is
"http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/bindings/HTTP/". If the {soap mep} property
of the Binding Operation component has the value "http://www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap/mep/soap-response/" then the IRI to execute the HTTP GET against MUST
be generated using the HTTP binding extension's rules for generating a IRI
for HTTP GET (see 6.9.1 Serialization as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
). The input serialization format of x-www-form-urlencoded is the only
supported serialization format for HTTP GET in the SOAP Response Message
Exchange Pattern.
│Editorial note: Input serialization │ │
│for HTTP GET in SOAP HTTP binding │ │
│Use of a different input serialization format requires introduction of │
│either a new MEP or a new binding. The Working Group considered the │
│limitations of the x-www-form-urlencoded serialization format (see points│
│#2 and #3 of Binding message content to IRI analysis). It decided that │
│the limitations of the serialization format, which could potentially be │
│solved by a serialization format extension, were not sufficiently broad │
│enough to warrant allowing extensibility in input serialization for the │
│soap-response MEP. The Working Group solicits the public's feedback on │
│this decision. │
5.12 Conformance
An element information item whose namespace name is "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/
wsdl" and whose local part is description conforms to this binding extension
specification if the element information items and attribute information items
whose namespace is http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/soap conform to the XML
Schema for that element or attribute as defined by this specification and
additionally adheres to all the constraints contained in this specification.
6. WSDL HTTP Binding Extension
The HTTP binding extension described in this section is an extension for [WSDL
2.0 Core Language] to enable Web Services applications to use HTTP 1.1 [IETF
RFC 2616] (as well as other versions of HTTP) and HTTPS [IETF RFC 2818]. This
binding extension extends WSDL 2.0 by adding properties to the component model
defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]. In addition an XML Infoset representation
for these additional properties is provided, along with a mapping from that
representation to the various component properties.
As allowed in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language], a Binding component MAY exist without
indicating a specific Interface component that it applies to. In this case
there MUST NOT be any Binding Operation or Binding Fault components present in
the Binding component.
The HTTP binding extension is designed with the objective of minimizing what
needs to be explicitly declared for common cases. This is achieved by defining
a set of default rules which apply for all Interface Operation components of an
Interface component, unless specifically overidden on a per Interface Operation
basis. Thus, if a given Interface Operation component is not referred to
specifically, then all the default rules apply for that component. That is, per
the requirements of [WSDL 2.0 Core Language] all operations of an Interface
component are bound by an HTTP binding.
Notice that there are no default binding rules defined for Interface Fault
components by this binding extension, as no HTTP fault code is suitable as a
default for all possible cases. Thus, if a given Interface component has any
Interface Fault components, then such Interface components MUST be bound via
Binding components which indicate a specific interface and contain as many
Binding Fault components as there are Interface Fault components in the
Interface component.
[Definition: The internal tree representation of an input, output or fault
message is called an instance data, and is constrained by the schema definition
associated the message: the XML element referenced in the message reference
element property of the Interface Message Reference component for input and
output messages, and in the element property of an Interface Fault component
for faults.]
6.1 Identifying the use of the HTTP Binding
A Binding component (defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]) is identified as an
HTTP binding by assigning the value "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http" to
the {type} property of the Binding component.
6.2 HTTP Syntax Summary (Non-Normative)
[ | ]*
[ | ]*
[ | ]*
[ | ]*
[ | ]*
[ | ]*
[ | ]*
6.3 Default Binding Rules
• HTTP Method Declaration. When formulating the HTTP message to be
transmitted, the HTTP request method MUST be the value of the {http method}
property of the corresponding Binding Operation component.
• Payload construction. When formulating the HTTP message to be transmitted,
the contents of the payload (i.e. the contents of the HTTP message body)
MUST be what is defined by the corresponding Interface Message Reference or
Interface Fault components:
□ Interface Message Reference component: if the value of the {message
content model} property is "#any" then the payload MAY be any one XML
element. If the value is "#none" then the payload MUST be empty.
Finally if the value is "#element" then the payload will be the element
information item identified by the {element declaration} property.
□ Interface Fault component: the payload will be the element information
item identified by the {element declaration} property.
If the Interface Message Reference component or the Interface Fault
component is declared using a non-XML type system (as considered in the
Types section of [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]) then additional binding rules
MUST be defined to indicate how to map those components into the HTTP
• Serialization format. The HTTP request serialization format MUST be what is
defined by the {http input serialization} property. The HTTP response
serialization format MUST be what is defined by the {http output
serialization} property. The HTTP serialization format of a fault MUST be
what is defined by the {http fault serialization} property.
Section 6.9 Serialization Format of Instance Data defines serialization
formats supported by this binding extension along with their constraints.
• Default input and output serialization format. Table 6-1 defines the
default values for the GET, POST, PUT and DELETE values of the {http method
} property.
Table 6-1. Default values for GET, POST, PUT and DELETE
│HTTP Method │ Default Input Serialization │ Default Output │
│ │ │ Serialization │
│{http method│ {http input serialization} │{http output serialization}│
│ } │ │ │
│GET │application/ │application/xml │
│ │x-www-form-urlencoded │ │
│POST │application/xml │application/xml │
│PUT │application/xml │application/xml │
│DELETE │application/ │application/xml │
│ │x-www-form-urlencoded │ │
The application/x-www-form-urlencoded serialization format places
constraints on the stype of the interface operation bound (see 6.9.1
Serialization as application/x-www-form-urlencoded ).
The default values for the {http input serialization} and {http output
serialization} properties for any other value of the {http method} method
is application/xml.
Mechanisms other than setting the serialization properties MAY modify the
serialization format of the instance data corresponding to the message. An
example of such modification is the WSDL SOAP Binding HTTP IRI
Serialization rules specified in 5.3 Default Binding Rules. This binding
extension specifies that the SOAP-Response Message Exchange Pattern ([SOAP
1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts], Section 6.3) only supports input message
serialization as application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Other examples of such
mechanisms are other message exchange patterns or binding extensions.
• Accept headers. Standard HTTP accept headers (see section 14 of [IETF RFC
2616]) MAY be used in an HTTP request. When constructing an HTTP Accept
header, the HTTP client MAY take into account the expectedMediaType
information (see [MTXML]) appearing on an output message description to
find out about the type of binary element content which is expected to be
sent by the HTTP server.
• HTTP Header Construction. If the {http headers} property as defined in
section 5.10 Declaring SOAP Header Blocks exists and is not empty in a
Binding Message Reference or Binding Fault component, element information
item conforming to the element declaration of a HTTP Header component's {
element} property, in the {http headers} property, MUST be turned into a
HTTP header for the corresponding message.
Only element information items of type xs:string or xs:anyURI may be
serialized. All complex data types are ignored. Attributes on data elements
are ignored.
Each such element information item is serialized as follows:
□ The HTTP header name used is the element information item local name.
The element information item local name MUST follow the field-name
production rules as specified in section 4.2 of [IETF RFC 2616]; if
not, the element information item MUST be ignored. If an HTTP header
corresponding to the element information item local name is set by a
mechanism other than the HTTP binding, such as the HTTP stack or
another feature, then an error MUST be raised.
□ The HTTP header content is serialized from the corresponding element
information item value in UTF-8. If this serialization is NOT possible,
then the element information item MUST be ignored.
6.4 Specifying the HTTP Version
6.4.1 Description
Every Binding component MUST indicate what version of HTTP is in use for the
operations of the interface that this binding applies to.
By default, HTTP/1.1 [IETF RFC 2616] is used.
6.4.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The HTTP binding extension specification adds the following property to the
WSDL component model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]):
• {http version} REQUIRED. A xs:string to the Binding component. The value of
this property follows the "." numbering scheme defined in
section 3.1 of Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 [IETF RFC 2616].
6.4.3 XML Representation
The XML representation for specifying the HTTP version is an optional attribute
information item with the following Infoset properties:
• A [local name] of version
• A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
• A type of xs:string whose pattern facet is "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+".
6.4.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
See Table 6-2.
Table 6-2. Mapping from XML Representation to Binding component Extension
│ Property │ Value │
│{http │The actual value of the whttp:version attribute information item, │
│version} │if present, otherwise "1.1". │
6.5 Specifying the Default HTTP Method
6.5.1 Description
Every Binding Operation component MUST indicate what HTTP method is in use for
the operations of the interface that this binding applies to. This binding
extension specification allows the user to indicate a default HTTP method to be
used for all Binding Operation components of this Binding component.
6.5.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The default HTTP method specification is a syntactic convenience and does not
affect the underlying component model.
6.5.3 XML Representation
The XML representation for specifying the default HTTP method is an optional
attribute information item with the following Infoset properties:
• A [local name] of methodDefault
• A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
• A type of xs:string
The methodDefault attribute information item does NOT have a default value.
6.6 Binding Operations
6.6.1 Description
This binding extension specification provides a binding to HTTP of Interface
Operation components whose {message exchange pattern} property has the value
"http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/in-only", "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/
robust-in-only" or "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/in-out". This HTTP binding
extension MAY be used with other message exchange patterns such as outbound
message exchange patterns, provided that additional semantics are defined, such
as with an extension or with a Feature.
Each of the supported message exchange patterns involves one to two messages or
faults being exchanged. The first is transmitted using an HTTP request, and the
second is transmitted using the corresponding HTTP response. In cases where
only one message is being sent, the message body of the HTTP response MUST be
For every Binding Operation component corresponding to such Interface Operation
components, this binding extension specification allows the user to indicate
the HTTP method to use, the input, output and fault serialization, and the
location of the bound operation.
6.6.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The HTTP binding extension adds the following property to the Binding Operation
component of the WSDL component model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]):
• {http location} OPTIONAL. A xs:anyURI. This IRI is combined with the base
IRI specified in the {address} property of the Endpoint component to form
the full IRI for the HTTP request to invoke the operation. It MUST contain
an absolute or a relative IRI, i.e. it MUST NOT include a fragment
identifier in the IRI. Input serializations may define additional
processing rules to be applied to the value of {http location} before
combining it with the {address} property of the endpoint element to form
the HTTP request IRI. For example, the application/x-www-form-urlencoded
serialization defined in section 6.9.1 Serialization as application/
x-www-form-urlencoded defines a syntax to use the {http location} as a
template using elements of the instance data.
If the resulting IRI uses the https scheme, then HTTP over TLS [IETF RFC
2818] is used to send the HTTP request.
• {http method} REQUIRED. A xs:string indicating the value for the HTTP
Request Method for this specific operation.
• {http input serialization} REQUIRED. A xs:string indicating the value for
the serialization of the HTTP Request message for this specific operation.
Its value MUST be the name of a IANA media type token.
• {http output serialization} REQUIRED. A xs:string indicating the value for
the serialization of the HTTP Response message for this specific operation.
Its value MUST be the name of a IANA media type token.
• {http fault serialization} REQUIRED. A xs:string indicating the value for
the serialization of the HTTP Response message for this specific operation
in case a fault is returned. Its value MUST be the name of a IANA media
type token.
• {http query parameter separator} REQUIRED. A xs:string indicating the query
parameter separator character.
6.6.3 XML Representation
The XML representation for binding an Operation are four attribute information
items with the following Infoset properties:
• An OPTIONAL location attribute information item with the following Infoset
□ A [local name] of location
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
□ A type of xs:anyURI
• An OPTIONAL method attribute information item with the following Infoset
□ A [local name] of method
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
□ A type of xs:string
• An OPTIONAL inputSerialization attribute information item with the
following Infoset properties:
□ A [local name] of inputSerialization
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
□ A type of xs:string
• An OPTIONAL outputSerialization attribute information item with the
following Infoset properties:
□ A [local name] of outputSerialization
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
□ A type of xs:string
• An OPTIONAL faultSerialization attribute information item with the
following Infoset properties:
□ A [local name] of faultSerialization
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
□ A type of xs:string
• An OPTIONAL queryParameterSeparatorDefault attribute information item with
the following Infoset properties:
□ A [local name] of queryParameterSeparatorDefault
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
□ A type of xs:string whose length facet value is "1"
6.6.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
See Table 6-3.
Table 6-3. Mapping from XML Representation to Binding Operation component
Extension Properties
│ Property │ Value │
│{http location│The actual value of the whttp:location attribute information │
│} │item, if present; otherwise empty. │
│ │The actual value of the whttp:method attribute information │
│ │item, if present; otherwise, the actual value of the │
│ │whttp:methodDefault attribute information item, as defined in │
│{http method} │6.5 Specifying the Default HTTP Method; otherwise, if a { │
│ │safety} property as defined in 3.1 Operation safety is present│
│ │on the bound Interface Operation component and has a value of │
│ │"true", the value "GET"; otherwise, it is an error. │
│ │The actual value of the whttp:inputSerialization attribute │
│{http input │information item, if present; otherwise, the default value as │
│serialization}│defined in 6.3 Default Binding Rules, computed based on the │
│ │value of the {http method} property. │
│ │The actual value of the whttp:outputSerialization attribute │
│{http output │information item, if present; otherwise, the default value as │
│serialization}│defined in 6.3 Default Binding Rules, computed based on the │
│ │value of the {http method} property. │
│{http fault │The actual value of the whttp:faultSerialization attribute │
│serialization}│information item, if present; otherwise "application/xml". │
│{http query │The actual value of the whttp:queryParameterSeparator │
│parameter │attribute information item, if present; otherwise, the actual │
│separator} │value of the whttp:queryParameterSeparatorDefault attribute │
│ │information item, if present; otherwise, "&". │
6.7 Declaring HTTP Headers
6.7.1 Description
HTTP allows the use of headers in messages. This binding extension allows users
to declare the HTTP headers in use on a per message ond on a per fault basis.
6.7.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The HTTP Header binding extension specification adds the following property to
the WSDL component model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]):
• {http headers}, OPTIONAL. A set of HTTP Header components as defined in
6.7.3 HTTP Header component, to the Binding Fault and Binding Message
Reference components.
6.7.3 HTTP Header component
A HTTP Header component describes an abstract piece of header data (message
headers) that is associated with the exchange of messages between the
communicating parties. The presence of a HTTP Header component in a WSDL
description indicates that the service supports headers and MAY require a Web
service consumer/client that interacts with the service to use the described
header. Zero or more such headers may be used.
The properties of the HTTP Header component are as follows:
• {element}, REQUIRED. A xs:QName, a reference to an XML element declaration
in the {element declarations} property of the Description component. This
element represents a HTTP header.
6.7.4 XML Representation
The XML representation for a HTTP Header component is an element information
item with the following Infoset properties:
• A [local name] of header
• A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
• One or more attribute information items amongst its [attributes] as
□ A REQUIRED element attribute information item with the following
Infoset properties:
☆ A [local name] of element
☆ A [namespace name] which has no value
☆ A type of xs:QName
□ Zero or more namespace qualified attribute information items. The
[namespace name] of such attribute information items MUST NOT be "http:
//www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl" and MUST NOT be "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/
• Zero or more element information item amongst its [children], in order, as
1. Zero or more documentation element information items as defined in [
WSDL 2.0 Core Language].
2. Zero or more namespace-qualified element information items amongst its
[children]. The [namespace name] of such element information items MUST
NOT be "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl" and MUST NOT be "http://
6.7.5 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
See Table 6-4.
Table 6-4. Mapping from XML Representation to HTTP Header component Properties
│Property │ Value │
│{http │The set of HTTP Header components corresponding to all the header │
│headers} │element information item in the [children] of the fault , input or │
│ │output element information item, if any. │
│ │The element declaration from the {element declarations} resolved to│
│ │by the value of the element attribute information item. It is an │
│{element}│error for the element attribute information item to have a value │
│ │and that value does not resolve to a global element declaration │
│ │from the {element declarations} property of the Description │
│ │component. │
6.7.6 IRI Identification Of A HTTP Header component
WSDL Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language [WSDL 2.0 Core Language] defines a
fragment identifier syntax for identifying components of a WSDL 2.0 document.
An HTTP Header component can be identified using the wsdl.extension XPointer
Framework scheme:
wsdl.extension(http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http, whttp.header(parent/
1. parent is the component identifier for the component under which the HTTP
Header component is declared, as specified in WSDL Version 2.0 Part 1: Core
2. namespace is the {element} property value's namespace URI.
3. name is the {element} property value's local name.
6.8 Specifying HTTP Error Code and Reason for Faults
6.8.1 Description
For every Interface Fault component contained in an Interface component, an
HTTP error code and error reason MAY be defined. They represents the error code
and reason phrase that will be used by the service in case the fault needs to
be returned.
The fault definition SHOULD NOT go against the definition of the HTTP error
codes, as specified in section 8 of [IETF RFC 3205].
6.8.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The HTTP Fault binding extension adds the following property to the WSDL
component model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]):
• {http error status code}, OPTIONAL. A xs:int representing an error
Status-Code as defined by [IETF RFC 2616], to the Binding Fault component.
The value of this property identifies the error code that the service will
use in case the fault is returned. If empty, no claim is made by the
• {http error reason phrase}, OPTIONAL. A xs:string representing an error
Reason-Phrase as defined by [IETF RFC 2616], to the Binding Fault
component. The value of this property identifies the Reason-Phrase that the
service will use in case the fault is returned. If empty, no claim is made
by the service.
6.8.3 XML Representation
The XML representation for binding an HTTP Fault are two attribute information
items with the following Infoset properties:
• a code OPTIONAL attribute information item
□ A [local name] of code
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
□ A type of union of xs:int and xs:token where the allowed token value is
• a reasonPhrase OPTIONAL attribute information item
□ A [local name] of reasonPhrase
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
□ A type of xs:string
6.8.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
See Table 6-5.
Table 6-5. Mapping from XML Representation to Binding Fault component Extension
│ Property │ Value │
│{http error │The actual value of the whttp:code attribute information item,│
│status code} │if present and its value is not "#any"; otherwise empty. │
│{http error │The actual value of the whttp:reasonPhrase attribute │
│reason phrase}│information item, if present; otherwise empty. │
6.9 Serialization Format of Instance Data
The following serialization formats can be used to encode the instance data
corresponding to the input and output message, as well as the media types and
HTTP headers associated.
Other serialization formats may be used. Those MAY place restrictions on the
style of the Interface Operation bound.
6.9.1 Serialization as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
This serialization format is designed to allow a Web service to produce a IRI
based on the instance data of input messages. It may only be used for interface
operation using the IRI Style format as defined in 4.2 IRI Style. Because the
IRI Style constrains the instance data not to contain multiple children
elements declared with the same local name, elements can be serialized in the
request IRI with their local names unambiguously.
Elements from the instance data can be inserted into the path of the request
IRI, or a query parameter, as shown in the example below:
Example 6-1. Instance data serialized in a IRI
The following instance data of an input message
with the following operation element
and the following endpoint element
will serialize the message in the IRI as follow:
In this serialization, the value of the {http location} property is used as a
template which is combined with the {address} property of the endpoint element
to form the full IRI to be used in an HTTP request, as specified in section
6.6.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model.
This IRI MUST be mapped to an URI for use in the HTTP Request as per section
3.1 "Mapping of IRIs to URIs" of the IRI specification [IETF RFC 3987]. Case of elements cited in the {http location} property
│Editorial note: URIPath Feedback │ │
│Requested │ │
│The inclusion of elements of the instance data in the path of the request │
│URI, whilst supported by WSDL 1.1, is not supported by XForms 1.0. Hence this│
│mechanism MAY be removed in a future version of this specification. Feedback │
│on this issue from users and implementers is highly encouraged. │
The {http location} property MAY cite local names of elements from the instance
data of the input message to be serialized in the path component of the request
IRI ("Syntax Components", [IETF RFC 3987], Section 3) by enclosing the element
name within curly braces (e.g. "temperature/{town}"):
• When constructing the request IRI, each pair of curly braces (and enclosed
element name) is replaced by the possibly empty single value of the
corresponding element. It is an error for this element to carry an xs:nil
attribute whose value is "true".
• A double curly brace (i.e. "{{" or "}}") MAY be used to include a single,
literal curly brace in the request IRI.
An element MUST NOT be cited more than once within the {http location}
An element name MAY be followed by a slash (i.e. "/") inside curly braces (e.g.
"temperature/{town/}") to indicate that no other element must be serialized in
the request IRI (see Case elements NOT cited in the {http location}
Strings enclosed within single curly braces MUST be element names from the
instance data of the input message, possibly followed by a slash; any other
strings enclosed within single curly braces are a fatal error. Case elements NOT cited in the {http location} property
If not all elements from the instance data are cited in the {http location}
property, then additional serialization rules apply.
If an element name appears in the {http location} property followed by a slash,
then the instance data must be serialized in the message body (see
Serialization in the message body), otherwise the elements not cited must be
serialized as parameters in the request IRI (see Serialization in the
request IRI). Serialization in the request IRI
Non-nil elements with a possibly empty single value of the instance data from
the input message NOT cited by the {http location} property are serialized as
query parameters appended to the request IRI (e.g. Example 6-1) in the order
they appear in the instance data.
It is an error for the instance data to contain elements with an xs:nil
attribute whose value is "true".
If the value of the {http location} property does not contain a "?" (question
mark) character, one is appended. If it does already contain a question mark
character, then the value of the {http query parameter separator} property is
appended. Each parameter pair is separated by the value of the {http query
parameter separator} property.
• Uncited elements with single values (non-list) are serialized as a single
name-value parameter pair. The name of the parameter is the local name of
the uncited element, and the value of the parameter is the value of the
uncited element.
• Uncited elements with list values are serialized as one name-value
parameter pair per list value. The name of each parameter is the local name
of the uncited element, and the value of each parameter is the
corresponding value in the list. The order of the list values is preserved. Serialization in the message body
In addition to the serialization in the request IRI of the elements cited in
the {http location} property, the entire instance data is serialized in the
message body following the rules of the "application/xml" (see 6.9.2
Serialization as application/xml ).
Example 6-2. Instance data serialized in a IRI and in a message body
The following instance data of an input message
with the following operation element:
and the following endpoint element
will serialize the message in an IRI as follows:
which will be %-encoded as a URI as follows:
and in the message as follow:
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: xxx
6.9.2 Serialization as "application/xml"
The instance data of the input, output or fault message is serialized as an XML
document in the message body of the HTTP request, following the serialization
defined in [Canonical XML].
The Content-Type HTTP header MUST have the value application/xml, or a media
type compatible with application/xml. Other HTTP headers, such as
Content-Encoding or Transfer-Encoding, MAY be used.
6.9.3 Serialization as "multipart/form-data"
This format is for legacy compatibility to permit the use of XForms clients
with [IETF RFC 2388] servers. This serialization format may only be used for
interface operations using the Multipart Style format as defined in 4.3
Multipart style.
Each element in the sequence is serialized into a part as follow:
1. The Content-Disposition header MUST have the value form-data, and its name
parameter is the local name of the element.
2. The Content-Type header MUST have the value:
□ application/xml (or a media type compatible with application/xml) if
the element has a complex type;
□ application/octet-stream if the element is of type xs:base64Binary,
xs:hexBinary, or a derived type;
□ text/plain if the element has a simple type; The charset MUST be set
appropriately. UTF-8 or UTF-16 MUST be at least supported.
3. If the type is xs:base64Binary, xs:hexBinary, xs:anySimpleType or a derived
type, the content of the part is the content of the element. If the type is
a complex type, the element is serialized following the rules defined in
the 6.9.2 Serialization as application/xml .
It is an error for the instance data to contain elements with an xs:nil
attribute whose value is "true".
Example 6-3. Example of multipart/form-data
The following instance data of an input message:
with the following operation element
will serialize the message as follow:
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x
Content-Length: xxx
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="town"
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="date"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
6.10 Specifying the Transfer Coding
6.10.1 Description
Every Binding Message Reference and Interface Fault Reference component MAY
indicate which transfer codings, as defined in section 3.6 of [IETF RFC 2616],
are available for this particular message.
The HTTP binding extension provides a mechanism for indicating a default value
at the Binding component and Binding Operation levels.
If no value is specified, no claim is being made.
6.10.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The HTTP binding extension specification adds the following property to the
WSDL component model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]):
• {http transfer coding}, OPTIONAL. A xs:string to the Binding Message
Reference and Binding Fault Reference components. This property indicates
the transfer codings available for a particular message. Its value is
ignored when the value of the {http version} property is "1.0".
6.10.3 XML Representation
The XML representation for specifying the default transfer coding is an
OPTIONAL attribute information item for the binding element information item or
binding 's child operation element information items with the following Infoset
• A [local name] of defaultTransferCoding
• A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
• A type of xs:string
The XML representation for specifying the transfer coding is an OPTIONAL
attribute information item with the following Infoset properties:
• A [local name] of transferCoding
• A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
• A type of xs:string
6.10.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
See Table 6-6.
Table 6-6. Mapping from XML Representation to Interface Message Reference
component Extension Properties
│Property│ Value │
│ │The actual value of the whttp:transferCoding attribute information │
│ │item on the Binding Message Reference or Binding Fault Reference │
│{http │component, if present; otherwise, the actual value of the │
│transfer│whttp:transferCodingDefault on the Binding Operation component, if │
│coding} │present; otherwise, the actual value of the │
│ │whttp:transferCodingDefault on the Binding component, if present; │
│ │otherwise empty. │
6.11 Specifying the Use of HTTP Cookies
6.11.1 Description
Every Binding component MAY indicate whether HTTP cookies (as defined by [IETF
RFC 2965]) are used for some or all of operations of the interface that this
binding applies to.
6.11.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The HTTP binding extension specification adds the following property to the
WSDL component model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]):
• {http cookies} REQUIRED. A xs:boolean to the Binding component.
6.11.3 XML Representation
The XML representation for specifying the use of HTTP cookies is an OPTIONAL
attribute information item with the following Infoset properties:
• A [local name] of cookies
• A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
• A type of xs:boolean
6.11.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
See Table 6-7.
Table 6-7. Mapping from XML Representation to Binding component Extension
│ Property │ Value │
│{http │The actual value of the whttp:cookies attribute information item;│
│cookies} │otherwise, "false". │
6.12 Specifying HTTP Access Authentication
6.12.1 Description
Every Endpoint component MAY indicate the use of an HTTP access authentication
mechanism (as defined by [IETF RFC 2616]) for the endpoint described.
This binding extension specification allows the authentication scheme and realm
to be specified.
6.12.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model
The HTTP binding extension specification adds the following property to the
WSDL component model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language]):
• {http authentication scheme} REQUIRED. xs:string to the Endpoint component,
corresponding to the HTTP authentication scheme used. The valid values are
"basic" for the "basic" authentication scheme defined in [IETF RFC 2617],
"digest" for the Digest Access Authentication scheme as defined in [IETF
RFC 2617], and "none" for no access authentication.
• {http authentication realm} REQUIRED. A xs:string to the Endpoint. It
corresponds to the realm authentication parameter defined in [IETF RFC 2617
]. If the value of the {http authentication scheme} property is not "none",
it MUST not be empty.
6.12.3 XML Representation
whttp:authenticationRealm="xs:string"? />
The XML representation for specifying the use of HTTP access authentication is
two OPTIONAL attribute information items with the following Infoset properties:
• An OPTIONAL authenticationType attribute information item with the
following Infoset properties:
□ A [local name] of authenticationType
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
□ A type of xs:string
• An OPTIONAL authenticationRealm attribute information item with the
following Infoset properties:
□ A [local name] of authenticationRealm
□ A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http"
□ A type of xs:string
6.12.4 Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties
See Table 6-8.
Table 6-8. Mapping from XML Representation to Endpoint component Extension
│ Property │ Value │
│{http │The actual value of the whttp:authenticationType attribute │
│authentication │information item; otherwise, "none". │
│scheme} │ │
│{http │The actual value of the whttp:authenticationRealm attribute │
│authentication │information item; otherwise, "" (the empty value). │
│realm} │ │
6.13 Conformance
An element information item whose namespace name is "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/
wsdl" and whose local part is description conforms to this binding extension
specification if the element information items and attribute information items
whose namespace is http://www.w3.org/2005/08/wsdl/http conform to the XML
Schema for that element or attribute as defined by this specification and
additionally adheres to all the constraints contained in this specification.
7. References
7.1 Normative References
[Canonical XML]
Canonical XML, J. Boyer, Author. World Wide Web Consortium, 15 March 2001.
This version of the Canonical XML Recommendation is http://www.w3.org/TR/
2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315. The latest version of Canonical XML is
available at http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n.
[Web Services Architecture]
Web Services Architecture, David Booth, Hugo Haas, Francis McCabe, Eric
Newcomer, Michael Champion, Chris Ferris, David Orchard, Editors. World
Wide Web Consortium, 11 February 2004. This version of the "Web Services
Architecture" Working Group Note is http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/
NOTE-ws-arch-20040211/. The latest version of "Web Services Architecture"
is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-arch/.
[IETF RFC 2119]
Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, S. Bradner,
Author. Internet Engineering Task Force, June 1999. Available at http://
[IETF RFC 2388]
Returning Values from Forms: multipart/form-data, L. Masinter, Author.
Internet Engineering Task Force, August 1998. Available at http://
[IETF RFC 2616]
Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1, R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul,
H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, T. Berners-Lee, Authors. Internet
Engineering Task Force, June 1999. Available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/
[IETF RFC 2617]
HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication, J. Franks, P.
Hallam-Baker, J. Hostetler, S. Lawrence, P. Leach, A. Luotonen, L. Stewart,
June 1999. Available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt.
[IETF RFC 2818]
HTTP Over TLS, E. Rescorla, Author. Internet Engineering Task Force, May
2000. Available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2818.txt.
[IETF RFC 2965]
HTTP State Management Mechanism, D. Kristol, L. Montulli Authors. Internet
Engineering Task Force, October 2000. Available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/
[IETF RFC 3023]
XML Media Types, M. Murata, S. St. Laurent, D. Kohn, Authors. Internet
Engineering Task Force, January 2001. Available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/
[IETF RFC 3205]
On the use of HTTP as a Substrate, K. Moore, Authors. Internet Engineering
Task Force, February 2002. Available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/
[IETF RFC 3986]
Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax, T. Berners-Lee, R.
Fielding, L. Masinter, Authors. Internet Engineering Task Force, January
2005. Available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt.
[IETF RFC 3987]
Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs), M. Duerst, M. Suignard,
Authors. Internet Engineering Task Force, January 2005. Available at http:/
[XForms 1.0]
XForms 1.0, M. Dubinko, et al., Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 14
October 2003. This version of the XForms 1.0 Recommendation is http://
www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-xforms-20031014/. The latest version of XForms 1.0
is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/xforms/.
[SOAP 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework]
SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework, M. Gudgin, M. Hadley, N.
Mendelsohn, J-J. Moreau, H. Frystyk Nielsen, Editors. World Wide Web
Consortium, 24 June 2003. This version of the "SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1:
Messaging Framework" Recommendation is http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/
REC-soap12-part1-20030624/. The latest version of "SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1:
Messaging Framework" is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-part1/.
[SOAP 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts]
SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts, M. Gudgin, M. Hadley, N. Mendelsohn,
J-J. Moreau, and H. Frystyk Nielsen, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 7
May 2003. This version of the "SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts"
Recommendation is http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-soap12-part2-20030624/. The
latest version of "SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts" is available at http:
[Web Architecture]
Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One, I. Jacobs, and N. Walsh,
Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 15 December 2004. This version of the
"Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One" Recommendation is http://
www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-webarch-20041215/. The latest version of
"Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One" is available at http://
[XML 1.0]
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third Edition), T. Bray, J. Paoli, C.
M. Sperberg-McQueen, E. Maler, and F. Yergeau, Editors. World Wide Web
Consortium, 4 February 2004. This version of the XML 1.0 Recommendation is
http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204/. The latest version of
"Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0" is available at http://www.w3.org/TR
[XML Information Set]
XML Information Set (Second Edition), J. Cowan and R. Tobin, Editors. World
Wide Web Consortium, 4 February 2004. This version of the XML Information
Set Recommendation is http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-infoset-20040204.
The latest version of XML Information Set is available at http://www.w3.org
[XML Schema Structures]
XML Schema Part 1: Structures Second Edition, H. Thompson, D. Beech, M.
Maloney, and N. Mendelsohn, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 28 October
2004. This version of the XML Schema Part 1 Recommendation is http://
www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xmlschema-1-20041028. The latest version of XML
Schema Part 1 is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1.
[XML Schema Datatypes]
XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, P. Byron and A. Malhotra,
Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 28 October 2004. This version of the
XML Schema Part 2 Recommendation is http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/
REC-xmlschema-2-20041028. The latest version of XML Schema Part 2 is
available at http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2.
[WSDL 2.0 Core Language]
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language,
R. Chinnici, M. Gudgin, J-J. Moreau, S. Weerawarana, Editors. World Wide
Web Consortium, 3 August 2005. This version of the "Web Services
Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language"
Specification is available is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/
WD-wsdl20-20050803. The latest version of "Web Services Description
Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language" is available at http://
7.2 Informative References
[SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism]
SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism, N. Mendelsohn, M.
Nottingham, and H. Ruellan, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, W3C
Recommendation, 25 January 2005. This version of SOAP Message Transmission
Optimization Mechanism is http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/
REC-soap12-mtom-20050125/. The latest version of the "SOAP Message
Transmission Optimization Mechanism" document is available from http://
Assigning Media Types to Binary Data in XML, A. Karmarkar, Ü. Yalçınalp,
W3C Working Draft, 2 November 2004. The latest version of the "Assigning
Media Types to Binary Data in XML" document is available from http://
[WSA 1.0 Core]
Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core , M. Gudgin, M. Hadley, Editors. World
Wide Web Consortium, 31 March 2005. This version of Web Services Addressing
1.0 - Core is http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-ws-addr-core-20050331/. The
latest version of the "Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core" document is
available from http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-addr-core.
[WSDL 2.0 Primer]
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 0: Primer ,
D.Booth, C.K. Liu , Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 3 August 2005. This
version of the "Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part
0: Primer" Specification is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/
WD-wsdl20-primer-20050803. The latest version of "Web Services Description
Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 0: Primer" is available at http://
A. Acknowledgements (Non-Normative)
This document is the work of the W3C Web Service Description Working Group.
Members of the Working Group are (at the time of writing, and by alphabetical
order): Allen Brookes (Rogue Wave Softwave), Dave Chappell (Sonic Software),
Helen Chen (Agfa-Gevaert N. V.), Roberto Chinnici (Sun Microsystems), Kendall
Clark (University of Maryland), Ugo Corda (SeeBeyond), Glen Daniels (Sonic
Software), Paul Downey (British Telecommunications), Youenn Fablet (Canon),
Hugo Haas (W3C), Tom Jordahl (Macromedia), Anish Karmarkar (Oracle
Corporation), Jacek Kopecky (DERI Innsbruck at the Leopold-Franzens-Universität
Innsbruck, Austria), Amelia Lewis (TIBCO Software, Inc.), Michael Liddy
(Education.au Ltd.), Kevin Canyang Liu (SAP AG), Jonathan Marsh (Microsoft
Corporation), Josephine Micallef (SAIC - Telcordia Technologies), Jeff
Mischkinsky (Oracle Corporation), Dale Moberg (Cyclone Commerce), Jean-Jacques
Moreau (Canon), Mark Nottingham (BEA Systems, Inc.), David Orchard (BEA
Systems, Inc.), Bijan Parsia (University of Maryland), Tony Rogers (Computer
Associates), Arthur Ryman (IBM), Adi Sakala (IONA Technologies), Asir Vedamuthu
(Microsoft Corporation), Sanjiva Weerawarana (Independent), Ümit Yalçınalp (SAP
Previous members were: Lily Liu (webMethods, Inc.), Don Wright (Lexmark), Joyce
Yang (Oracle Corporation), Daniel Schutzer (Citigroup), Dave Solo (Citigroup),
Stefano Pogliani (Sun Microsystems), William Stumbo (Xerox), Stephen White
(SeeBeyond), Barbara Zengler (DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology), Tim
Finin (University of Maryland), Laurent De Teneuille (L'Echangeur), Johan
Pauhlsson (L'Echangeur), Mark Jones (AT&T), Steve Lind (AT&T), Sandra
Swearingen (U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force), Philippe Le Hégaret
(W3C), Jim Hendler (University of Maryland), Dietmar Gaertner (Software AG),
Michael Champion (Software AG), Don Mullen (TIBCO Software, Inc.), Steve Graham
(Global Grid Forum), Steve Tuecke (Global Grid Forum), Michael Mahan (Nokia),
Bryan Thompson (Hicks & Associates), Ingo Melzer (DaimlerChrysler Research and
Technology), Sandeep Kumar (Cisco Systems), Alan Davies (SeeBeyond), Jacek
Kopecky (Systinet), Mike Ballantyne (Electronic Data Systems), Mike Davoren (W.
W. Grainger), Dan Kulp (IONA Technologies), Mike McHugh (W. W. Grainger),
Michael Mealling (Verisign), Waqar Sadiq (Electronic Data Systems), Yaron
Goland (BEA Systems, Inc.), Ümit Yalçınalp (Oracle Corporation), Peter Madziak
(Agfa-Gevaert N. V.), Jeffrey Schlimmer (Microsoft Corporation), Hao He (The
Thomson Corporation), Erik Ackerman (Lexmark), Jerry Thrasher (Lexmark), Prasad
Yendluri (webMethods, Inc.), William Vambenepe (Hewlett-Packard Company), David
Booth (W3C), Sanjiva Weerawarana (IBM), Charlton Barreto (webMethods, Inc.),
Asir Vedamuthu (webMethods, Inc.), Igor Sedukhin (Computer Associates), Martin
Gudgin (Microsoft Corporation).
The people who have contributed to discussions on www-ws-desc@w3.org are also
gratefully acknowledged.
B. Component Summary (Non-Normative)
Table B-1 lists all the components in the WSDL 2.0 Adjuncts abstract Component
Model, and all their properties.
Table B-1. Summary of WSDL 2.0 Adjuncts Components and their Properties
│ Component │ Defined Properties │
│Binding │{http cookies}, {http version}, {soap modules}, {soap │
│ │underlying protocol}, {soap version} │
│Binding Fault │{http error reason phrase}, {http error status code}, {soap │
│ │fault code}, {soap fault subcodes} │
│Binding │ │
│Message │{http headers}, {http transfer coding}, {soap headers} │
│Reference │ │
│Binding │{http fault serialization}, {http input serialization}, {http │
│Operation │location}, {http method}, {http output serialization}, {http │
│ │query parameter separator}, {soap action}, {soap mep} │
│Endpoint │{http authentication realm}, {http authentication scheme} │
│HTTP Header │{element} │
│Interface │{rpc signature}, {safety} │
│Operation │ │
│SOAP Header │{element}, {mustUnderstand} │
│Block │ │
│SOAP Module │{ref}, {required} │
│ Property │ Where Defined │
│element │SOAP Header Block.{element}, HTTP Header.{element} │
│http │ │
│authentication│Endpoint.{http authentication realm} │
│realm │ │
│http │ │
│authentication│Endpoint.{http authentication scheme} │
│scheme │ │
│http cookies │Binding.{http cookies} │
│http error │Binding Fault.{http error reason phrase} │
│reason phrase │ │
│http error │Binding Fault.{http error status code} │
│status code │ │
│http fault │Binding Operation.{http fault serialization} │
│serialization │ │
│http headers │Binding Message Reference.{http headers} │
│http input │Binding Operation.{http input serialization} │
│serialization │ │
│http location │Binding Operation.{http location} │
│http method │Binding Operation.{http method} │
│http output │Binding Operation.{http output serialization} │
│serialization │ │
│http query │ │
│parameter │Binding Operation.{http query parameter separator} │
│separator │ │
│http transfer │Binding Message Reference.{http transfer coding} │
│coding │ │
│http version │Binding.{http version} │
│mustUnderstand│SOAP Header Block.{mustUnderstand} │
│ref │SOAP Module.{ref} │
│required │SOAP Module.{required} │
│rpc signature │Interface Operation.{rpc signature} │
│safety │Interface Operation.{safety} │
│soap action │Binding Operation.{soap action} │
│soap fault │Binding Fault.{soap fault code} │
│code │ │
│soap fault │Binding Fault.{soap fault subcodes} │
│subcodes │ │
│soap headers │Binding Message Reference.{soap headers} │
│soap mep │Binding Operation.{soap mep} │
│soap modules │Binding.{soap modules} │
│soap │ │
│underlying │Binding.{soap underlying protocol} │
│protocol │ │
│soap version │Binding.{soap version} │
C. Part 2 Change Log (Non-Normative)
│ Date │Author│ Description │
│20050728│HH │LC76d: spelled out conflict between mustUnderstand use and │
│ │ │schema definition; clarified mustUnderstand definition. │
│20050728│HH │Clarified {soap action} scope for SOAP 1.2 binding. │
│20050728│HH │LC76c: added security consideration section. │
│20050725│RRC │LC75f: allowed extension attributes on RPC-style input/output│
│ │ │elements. │
│20050707│aal │Modified 2.2.2 per text supplied by Jean-Jacques. │
│20050616│AGR │Fixed component table. │
│ │ │Added markup to list all the components and properties used │
│20050616│JJM │in Part 2 (although this currently [wrongly] shows those of │
│ │ │Part 1). │
│20050616│JJM │Fixed wrong component names for properties. Renamed HTTP │
│ │ │Header Block to HTTP Header. │
│20050614│RRC │LC76a: Added comment requested by reviewer. │
│20050615│JJM │Further pass at adding markup for properties. Fixed issues │
│ │ │with entities preventing validation. │
│20050615│JJM │Added and markup around properties. │
│20050614│JJM │Finished adding markup around components. │
│20050613│JJM │Started adding markup around components. │
│20050613│JJM │LC122: replaced "binding" by "binding extension" where │
│ │ │appropriate. │
│20050613│JJM │LC98: {soap mep} only applies to SOAP 1.2. │
│20050613│RRC │LC74c: changed wsdl:documentation element cardinality to zero│
│ │ │or more. │
│20050606│HH │LC79 & LC102: added editors note about one-way MEP defaulting│
│ │ │for SOAP 1.2 │
│20050606│HH │LC130: wsoap:code is now optional, and aligned whttp:code │
│20050602│HH │LC75c: introduced wsdlx namespace, moved safety to Part 2. │
│20050527│HH │LC74a: switched to IRIs │
│20050527│HH │LC80: defined fragment identifiers for defined components as │
│ │ │proposed │
│20050520│JJM │LC97: Fixed specifying default values throughout the spec. │
│ │ │Resolved incoherencies along the way. │
│20050519│aal │added template to guide readers when defining new message │
│ │ │exchange patterns. │
│20050512│HH │LC110: referenced RFC2616 for whttp:version │
│20050512│HH │LC77a: clarified namespace and local name serialization in │
│ │ │application/x-www-url-encoded serialization │
│ │ │LC118: Added clarification to step 2 of the algorithm to │
│20050509│RRC │compute the function signature for an operation that uses the│
│ │ │wrpc:signature extension. │
│20050509│RRC │LC89a: Added conformance requirement for RPC style. │
│20050505│aal │LC52c: state that soap faults have no reasonable default. │
│20050505│aal │LC76a: allow extensions to override faults in rulesets; │
│ │ │LC76b: define "propagate" in rulesets. │
│20050429│RRC │LC97: Made the setting of default values for properties more │
│ │ │consistent. │
│20050429│RRC │LC75g: RPC should allows element wildcards │
│20050422│HH │LC75d: RPC style; same input and output elements need named │
│ │ │type │
│20050420│JJM │Fixed typos in RPC section (part of LC78). │
│20050413│AV │LC76d: made changes to wsoap:header and whttp:header (removed│
│ │ │required and changed default binding rules) │
│20050412│RRC │LC75h: added note on multiple return values in rpc style │
│20050415│HH │LC28: ignoring transfer coding for HTTP/1.0 │
│20050408│HH │LC17: added order preservation in application/ │
│ │ │x-www-url-encoded serialization │
│20050408│HH │LC69a: added whttp:queryParameterSeparator │
│20050408│HH │LC47: added whttp:reasonPhrase │
│20050408│HH │LC76d: added whttp:header │
│20050408│HH │Added wsoap:module at the Binding Fault component model as │
│ │ │per 2005-04-07 telcon │
│20050407│HH │LC7: fixed RPC style glitches │
│20050406│HH │LC76d: added wsoap:header │
│20050331│HH │LC106: URI and Multipart styles are placing restrictions on │
│ │ │the initial message of the MEP │
│20050331│HH │LC111: added reference to section 8 of RFC3205 for use of │
│ │ │HTTP error codes │
│20050321│HH │LC48b: added link between WSDL and SOAP 1.2 MEPs in │
│ │ │predefined MEPs section │
│20050321│HH │LC74d: removed constraint on LocalPart of the output element │
│ │ │in RPC style │
│20050321│HH │LC108: fixed typo and added missing {soap modules} XML │
│ │ │mapping │
│20050321│HH │LC88: fixed typo │
│20050317│HH │LC61a: Incorporated RPC style │
│20050316│HH │LC61a: Merged the old part 2 and part 3 documents │
C.1 WSDL 2.0 Extensions Change Log
│ Date │Author│ Description │
│20050613│JJM │LC122: Replaced "binding" by "binding extension" where │
│ │ │appropriate. │
│20050222│aal │Implement editorial changes for LC39, LC40, LC48c. │
│20050220│AGR │LC50: Adopt proposal for definition of "node", adding "Note:"│
│ │ │before second sentence. │
│20041209│aal │add clarifying language for fault propagation, per LC54/76. │
│20040713│aal │implement editorial changes requested after review by GlenD, │
│ │ │in application data feature and module. │
│ │ │address issues 233 & 112 all at once, by increasing level of │
│20040713│aal │all divs, adding new intro div, adding new div to contain │
│ │ │features, renaming spec. Lotsa changes, what fun. │
│20040713│aal │s/Label/Message Label/g and s/{label}/{message label}/g. │
│ │ │issue 230. │
│ │ │replace "fault generation" with "fault propagation" (in │
│20040713│aal │almost all cases; one case of "generate" remains to indicate │
│ │ │that it ends an exchange). issue 234. │
│ │ │add language to introduction describing relationship between │
│20040713│aal │these MEPs and the MEPs defined by SOAP 1.2 (issue 232). This│
│ │ │replaces the language found two items down (issue 191). │
│20040713│aal │add (hereafter, simply 'patterns') to intro (issue 231). │
│20040610│aal │add language to introduction describing relationship between │
│ │ │these MEPs and the MEPs defined by SOAP 1.2 (issue 191). │
│20040225│aal │add in-optional-out per minutes of 20 feb 2004 telecon │
│20040212│aal │change {messageReference} to {label} and "Message Reference │
│ │ │component" to "Label component" per 20040212 teleconference │
│20040205│aal │change all 'A' and 'B' message labels into 'Out' or 'In', │
│ │ │depending upon direction. │
│20040205│aal │s/message pattern/message exchange pattern/gi │
│20031204│jcs │Removed change marks; note that some were on div2 tag and did│
│ │ │not show when transformed into HTML. │
│20031204│jcs │Per 4 Dec 2003 telecon, decided to rename 'Asynchronous │
│ │ │Out-In' pattern to 'Output-Optional-Input'. │
│20031105│aal │Fix titles of added patterns. Move them to be in conjunction │
│ │ │with similar patterns. │
│ │ │Per action item from October 16 teleconference, added the │
│20031022│aal │three patterns using message-triggers-fault as published on │
│ │ │the mailing list (robust-in-only, robust-out-only, │
│ │ │asynch-out-in). │
│20031022│aal │Added internal linkage (using specref) from patterns to the │
│ │ │fault rulesets which they use. │
│20031022│aal │Per 9 and 16 Oct 2003 teleconferences, marked in-multi-out │
│ │ │and out-multi-in patterns deleted. │
│20031022│aal │Per 16 Oct 2003 teleconference, added a paragraph/sentence │
│ │ │stating that generation of a fault terminates an exchange. │
│20031007│JCS │Per 2 Oct 2003 teleconference, changed "broadcast" to │
│ │ │"multicast" in the introduction. │
│ │ │Per 22 Sep 2003 meeting in Palo Alto, CA, removed "Pattern │
│20030922│JCS │Review" editorial note; added specific editorial notes for │
│ │ │In-Multi-Out and Out-Multi-In. │
│20030911│RRC │Changed the "name" property of the message reference │
│ │ │component to "messageReference". │
│20030904│JCS │Incorporated clarifications suggested by W3C\David Booth. │
│20030801│JCS │Per 30 July meeting, added recommendations from patterns task│
│ │ │force. │
│20030612│AAL │Added fault generation rulesets and references to them from │
│ │ │patterns. │
│20030313│MJG │Changed to Part 2 ( from Part 3 ) │
│20030306│JCS │Proposed name for MEP7. │
│ │ │Per 4 Mar 03 meeting, renamed 'message exchange pattern' to │
│20030305│JCS │'message pattern' or 'pattern', added pattern for │
│ │ │request-response, added ednote about review of patterns. │
│20030217│MJG │Fixed some issues with entities and validity errors WRT │
│ │ │ulists │
│20030212│JCS │Initial draft │
C.2 WSDL 2.0 Bindings Change Log
│ Date │Author│ Description │
│20050310│JJM │Replaced with . │
│20050310│JJM │Fixed missing fault pseudo-schema. │
│20050301│RRC │LC55: enabled use of whttp:transferCoding on Binding Fault │
│ │ │Reference components. │
│20050301│RRC │LC55: enabled use of wsoap:module on Binding Fault Reference │
│ │ │components. │
│20050221│HH │LC48b: highlighted relationship between SOAP and WSDL MEPs │
│20050211│HH │LC49: added conformance section to each of the bindings │
│20050120│HH │LC75q: removed wsdls namespace and XML 1.1 reference; │
│ │ │limiting to XML 1.0 │
│20050120│HH │LC21: implemented resolution from 16 Dec 2004 WS Description │
│ │ │WG telcon │
│20041209│HH │LC86: completed pseudo-schemas with missing F&P occurences │
│20041209│HH │LC85: clarified mapping of messages in an operation to HTTP │
│ │ │request/response │
│20041209│HH │LC30: removed instances of provider/requester agents and │
│ │ │replaced them by HTTP server/client │
│20041209│HH │LC29d: clarified modification of default of SOAP │
│ │ │serialization rules │
│ │ │Introduced SOAP version independent WSDL SOAP Binding. Added │
│20041208│AV │two new sections, "Specifying the SOAP Version" and "SOAP 1.2│
│ │ │Binding". Plus, lots of shuffling. │
│20041027│HH │LC57 &LC58: fixed typos │
│20041027│HH │LC51 │
│20041027│HH │LC45: {http location} may or may not be a template │
│20041027│HH │LC44: URL serialization expressed in terms of the component │
│ │ │model │
│20041027│HH │LC29e: URL serialization: disallowing nil elements in certain│
│ │ │cases; clarifying that empty elements are OK │
│20041001│HH │LC29g: switched 3.8 (serializations) and 3.9 (styles) │
│20041001│HH │LC29f: it is an error to have nil elements in an instance │
│ │ │data for multipart/form-data │
│20041001│HH │LC29a & LC29c: indicated that there is no suitable default │
│ │ │fault code │
│20041001│HH │LC15: moved {http location} under bulleted list in section 2 │
│20040920│HH │LC36 & LC2: added wsdls:* and xs:* in SOAP binding │
│20040920│HH │LC32: fixed errors due to operation name restriction in │
│ │ │serialization examples │
│20040920│HH │LC36: added wsdls:* and xs:* in HTTP binding │
│20040920│HH │LC37: corrected rules to set operation properties values in │
│ │ │HTTP binding │
│20040920│HH │LC33: removed "default" in SOAP binding's HTTP method │
│ │ │selection │
│20040920│HH │LC13: removed remaining mentions of HTTP Operation Component │
│20040920│HH │LC12: added whttp:location in SOAP XML summary │
│20040909│HH │LC10: fixed typo in example 3.3 │
│20040909│HH │LC11: made default attributes consistent with the following │
│ │ │form: wbinding:fooDefault │
│20040730│HH │Removed property on wsoap:module in pseudo-schema. │
│20040730│HH │Removed AD Feature HTTP serialization. │
│20040729│HH │Added AD Feature support in HTTP binding. │
│20040727│HH │Clarified interaction between SOAP binding and HTTP binding │
│ │ │properties │
│20040727│HH │Renamed http prefix whttp │
│20040727│SW │Implemented Umit's proposal to mark MTOM as one optimization │
│ │ │mechanism. │
│20040726│HH │Restricted URI style with regards to QNames and added │
│ │ │trailing / in URL-encoded syntax │
│20040723│HH │Addressed issue 246: limited MEP to In-Out, In-Only and │
│ │ │Robust In-Only │
│20040723│HH │Addressed issue 226. │
│ │ │Addressed 249: major reorganization of the HTTP binding to be│
│20040723│HH │presented in a functional way like the SOAP binding rather │
│ │ │than in a syntactical way. │
│ │ │Moved SOAP binding syntax summary to the top per request. │
│20040722│SW │Also fixed the value of the binding/@type property in the │
│ │ │pseudo-schema to show that its a SOAP binding. │
│ │ │Added HTTP error code attribute on fault binding. Added │
│20040722│HH │relationship between instance data and properties in the │
│ │ │component model. Addresses issue 166. │
│20040722│HH │Renamed SOAP protocol into underlying protocol. │
│20040721│HH │Set the {type} property of binding for HTTP binding. │
│20040721│HH │Fixes for issue 177. │
│20040720│HH │Cross-referenced Part 1 properties. │
│ │ │Specified default serialization format for HTTP binding, as │
│20040720│HH │well as made clear how the defined serialization formats │
│ │ │apply constraints on interface operation styles │
│20040705│JJM │Added note to indicate only one element per SOAP body. │
│20040702│SW │Corrected how the SOAP binding is indicated .. I had │
│ │ │forgotten about binding/@type! │
│20040625│SW │Made pseudo-syntax consistent with part1 │
│20040624│SW │Update the rest of the SOAP binding stuff and consistified │
│ │ │everything. │
│20040624│SW │Cleaned up how SOAP modules were described. Added default │
│ │ │SOAP MEP stuff. │
│20040623│SW │Added default binding rules about HTTP URI generation. │
│20040623│SW │Added default binding rules about SOAP MEP selection and HTTP│
│ │ │Method selection. │
│20040623│SW │Fixed up soapaction default rules │
│20040623│SW │Allowed use of MTOM for payload serialization │
│20040623│SW │Fixed up the wsoap:protocol section │
│20040618│SW │Re-introduced AII and EII entity refs. │
│20040618│SW │Made soap:module compose with nearest-wins rule. │
│20040606│DO │Cleanup on http binding section - had missed some properties.│
│ │ │completed removal of @separator │
│ │ │Major rewrite of http binding. Moved to component model, │
│20040604│DO │added http properties, added input/output serialization, │
│ │ │removed @separator, added self as editor │
│20040526│SW │Removed wsoap:address │
│20040526│SW │Editorial/small corrections per F2F decisions │
│20040526│SW │Made soap binding be mostly attribute based per F2F decision │
│20040519│SW │removed spurious fault element inside binding/operation/ │
│ │ │{in,out}put from syntax summary │
│20040519│SW │Put in wsoap:module at operation level in the syntax summary │
│ │ │(was missing) │
│20040519│SW │Removed old SOAP binding text │
│20040519│SW │Removed wsoap:header │
│20040519│JJM │Added SOAP Address section │
│20040519│JJM │Added SOAP Operation section │
│20040519│JJM │Replace reference to "XML" by "XML1.0" │
│20040519│JJM │Added SOAP Fault section │
│20040519│JJM │Added SOAP Header section │
│20040519│JJM │Added SOAP Module section │
│20040516│SW │Finished writing up soap:binding │
│20040516│SW │Added myself as an editor. │
│20040514│SW │Added default binding rules. │
│20040514│SW │Commented out old totally out of date SOAP binding. │
│20040514│JJM │Rework the binding and module sections. Reindent to match the│
│ │ │structure of the HTTP binding. │
│20040511│JJM │Updated SOAP binding pseudo-schema, according to telcon │
│ │ │20040506. │
│20040511│JJM │Updated SOAP binding introduction. │
│20040401│JJM │Fixed one remaining occurrence of "verb" (instead of │
│ │ │"method"). │
│20040326│JJM │Sanitized ednotes. Added new ednotes indicating the SOAP │
│ │ │binding needs work and the HTTP binding is (mostly) OK. │
│20040326│JJM │Added Philippe's note on URIPath, as per telcon 20040325. │
│20040305│JJM │Removed the archaic MIME binding, now superseeded by the HTTP│
│ │ │binding anyway. │
│20040305│JJM │Included Philippe's changes to the HTTP binding. │
│20031103│JJM │Fix new non-normative SOAP binding pseudo-schema. │
│20031102│SW │Updated SOAP binding. │
│20031102│SW │Change 1.2 to 2.0 per WG decision to rename. │
│20030606│JJM │Replaced by . Indicated that pseudo-schemas are not│
│ │ │normative │
│20030604│JJM │Reformated pseudo-syntax elements to match Part 1 layout │
│20030529│JCS │Incorporated text to resolve Issue 6e │
│20030523│JJM │Commented out MIME binding example; this is primer stuff. │
│20030523│JJM │Added pseudo-syntax to all sections. │
│20030523│JJM │Started converting the fault and headerfault sections to │
│ │ │component model. │
│20030523│JJM │Complete the Multipart and x-www-form-urlencoded sections. │
│20030523│JJM │Fixed typos in HTTP binding (in particular added NOT in some │
│ │ │section headers). │
│20030522│JCS │Added rules for serializing HTTP response │
│20030522│JCS │Added cardinality to pseudo schema for HTTP binding │
│20030522│JCS │Changes @transport to @protocol for SOAP binding │
│20030522│JJM │Incorporated remaining text from Philippe into the HTTP │
│ │ │binding. │
│20030522│JJM │Polished the HTTP binding, split into subsections, added │
│ │ │double curly brace escape mechanism, removed pseudo-schema. │
│20030521│JCS │Added rules for @verbDefault/@verb and @location. │
│ │ │Start converting the HTTP binding to the component model. The│
│20030514│JJM │next thing to do will be to remove http:urlReplacement, etc. │
│ │ │and incorporate instead Philippe's text. │
│20030313│MJG │Changed to Part 3 ( from Part 2 ) │
│20030117│JCS │Incorporated resolution for Issue 5 (@encodingStyle). │
│ │ │Referenced (rather than in-lined XML Schema). │
│20030117│JJM │Various editorial fixes. │
│20030116│JCS │Updated pseudo and XML Schema. │
│20030116│JJM │Added propertyConstraint section. │
│20030116│JJM │Added soap:module section. │
│ │ │Incorporated resolutions for Issue 25 (drop @use and │
│ │ │@encoding), Issue 51 (headers reference element/type), and │
│ │ │attribute roll up into text and schema. Began reworking SOAP │
│20030115│JCS │HTTP binding to use Infoset model. Removed informative │
│ │ │appendices 'Notes on URIs' and example WSDL documents; expect│
│ │ │them to appear in the primer. Updated SOAP 1.2 references to │
│ │ │CR. │
│20030114│JJM │Removed ednote saying Part 2 is out of synch with Part 1. │
│20030111│JJM │Incorporated resolution for issue 17 (role AII). │
│20030109│JJM │Incorporated resolution for issue 4 (Namespaces). │
│20020702│JJM │Added summary to prefix table. │
│20020628│JJM │Added out-of-synch-with-Part2 and not-soap12-yet ednote. │
│20020621│JJM │Commented out the link to the previous version. There is no │
│ │ │previous version for 1.2 right now. │
│20020621│JJM │Rewrote the Notation Conventions section. │
│20020621│JJM │Added reference to part 0 in introduction. Renumbered │
│ │ │references. │
│20020621│JJM │Simplified abstract and introduction. │
│20020621│JJM │Obtain the list of WG members from a separate file. │
│20020621│JJM │Updated stylesheet and DTDs to latest XMLP stylesheet and │
│ │ │DTDs. │
│ │ │Deleted placeholder for appendix C "Location of Extensibility│
│20020621│JJM │Elements", since this is part 1 stuff and extensibility has │
│ │ │been reworked anyway. │
│20020621│JJM │Corrected link to issues lists │
│ │ │Updated title from "WSDL" to "Web Services Description │
│20020621│JJM │Language". Now refer to part 1 as "Web Services... Part 1: │
│ │ │Framework │
│20020621│JJM │Added Jeffrey as an editor :-). Removed Gudge (now on Part 2)│
│ │ │:-( │
│20020411│JJM │Fixed typos noticed by Kevin Liu │
│20020301│JJM │Converted the "Schemas" sections │
│20020301│JJM │Converted the "Wire WSDL examples" sections │
│20020301│JJM │Converted the "Notes on URIs" sections │
│20020301│JJM │Converted the "Notational Conventions" sections │
│20020301│JJM │Converted the "References" sections │
│20020301│JJM │Converted the "MIME Binding" section to XML │
│20020221│JJM │Converted the "HTTP Binding" section to XML │
│20020221│JJM │Added placeholders for the "Wire examples" and "Schema" │
│ │ │sections │
│20020221│JJM │Converted the "SOAP Binding" section to XML │
│20020221│JJM │Added the Change Log │
│20020221│JJM │Added the Status section │
│20020221│JJM │Simplified the introduction; referred to Part1 for a longer │
│ │ │introduction │
│20020221│JJM │Renamed to "Part 2: Bindings" │
│20020221│JJM │Created from http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315 │