SVG 1.2 - 27 October 2004

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Appendix C: SVG DOM Subset

During the later stages of the SVG Mobile 1.1 specifications it became obvious that there was a requirement to subset the SVG and XML DOM in order to reduce the burden on implementations. SVG 1.2 adds new features to the SVG DOM, allowing a subset to be taken that includes as much necessary functionality as possible. SVG 1.2 also proposes a subset, suitable for SVG Tiny implementations.

Furthermore, it should be possible to implement the DOM subset on devices that support SVG Tiny 1.1 although, in this case, the scripting would be external to the SVG document (since SVG Tiny 1.1 does not support inline scripting).

The goal is to provide an API that allows access to initial and animated attribute and property values, to reduce the number of interfaces, to reduce run-time memory footprint using necessary features of the core XML DOM, as well as the most useful features from the Full SVG DOM (such as transformation matrix helper functions).

The IDL definition for the DOM Subset is provided.

A.1 Introduction

This appendix consists of the following parts:

A.2 Overview of the SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM

The following sections describe the key features and constraints within the SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM.

Note that, like all other W3C DOM definitions, the SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM is programming-language independent. Although this appendix only contain ECMAScript and Java examples, the SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM is compatible with other programming languages.

A.2.1 Document Access

All proposals assume that a Document object is present and is the root for accessing other features. The way the Document object becomes available depends on the usage context. One way to gain access to the Document object is to implement interface EventListenerInitializer within your programming logic. The SVG Tiny user agent will invoke your initializeEventListeners(dom::Document doc) method once your programming logic has been loaded and is ready to bind to the document. The Document object typically will be available via various other means, also.

A.2.2 Tree Navigation

SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM only allows navigation of the element nodes in the DOM tree. Two options are available for navigating the hierarchy of elements:

  • Individual element nodes with an ID value can be accessed directly via the getElementById method on the Document interface.
  • The hierarchy of element nodes can be traversed using the facilities on the ElementTraversal interface, along with the parentNode attribute on the Node interface

The ElementTraversal interface provides firstElementChild, lastElementChild, previousElementSibling and nextElementSibling, which are particularly suitable for constrained devices. These traversal mechanisms skip over intervening nodes between element nodes, such as text nodes which might only contain spaces, tabs and newlines.

A.2.3 Element Creation

SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM allows the creation of new Elements:
Element myRect = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect");
The type of elements which can be created through the createElementNS method is restricted to the following elements in the SVG namespace: <rect>, <circle>, <ellipse>, <line>, <path>, <text>, <image>, <use>, <a> and <g>.

A.2.4 Element Addition

Node Addition is the ability to add new elements to a document tree.

SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM allows addition and insertion and insertion of a Node:
String svgNS = "";
// Create a new <rect> element
Element myRect
    = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect");

// Set the various <rect> properties before appending

// Add element to the root of the document
Element svgRoot = document.documentElement();

// Create a new <ellipse> element
Element myEllipse
    = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "ellipse");

// Set the various <ellipse> properties before insertion

// Insert the ellipse before the rectangle
svgRoot.insertBefore(myEllipse, myRect);
The types of nodes which can be inserted into the Document is limited to the same list specified in the Element Creation section.

A.2.5 Element Removal

Node removal is the ability to remove an element from a document tree. SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM allows the removal of element Nodes:
Element myRect = ...; // See Element creation
Element myGroup = document.getElementById("myGroup");
Any element nodes in the document can be removed, including both element nodes that were created via the DOM and element nodes that existed in the original document.

A.2.6 Attribute and Property Access

SVG 1.2 adds a new ability to access XML attribute and CSS property values through the SVG DOM through the concept of traits. A trait is a potentially animatable parameter associated with an element. Trait is the typed value (e.g., a number, not just a string) that gets assigned through an XML attribute, CSS property or a SMIL animation [ SMILANIM]. Traits can be thought of as a unification and generalization of some of the notions of XML attributes and CSS properties.

The trait facilities in the SVG DOM allow for strongly-typed access to certain attribute and property values. For example, there is a getFloatTrait(...) method for getting an attribute or property value directly as a float. This contrasts the DOM Core getAttributeNS(...) method which always returns a string.

The SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM includes a subset of the trait facilities in the full SVG 1.2 DOM. The trait facilities in the SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM are available on the TraitAccess interface.

Here is an example which uses the trait facilities to get and set the width of a rectangle:

float width = myRect.getFloatTrait('width');
width += 10;
myRect.setFloatTrait('width', width);

A.2.7 Text Node Access

In the SVG 1.2 Tiny DOM, text node access is available via trait getters and setters. To access or set the text string value for a text element (e.g., a <text> element), you invoke getTrait() or setTrait() on that text element and pass #text as the name of the trait you want to get or set. For example, MyTextElement.setTrait("#text", "Hello");

A.2.8 Event Listener Registration and Removal

Event Listener Registration and Removal is the ability to add and remove new event listeners from a Document. SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM allows adding and removing EventListeners:
class MyEventListener implements EventListener {
    public void handleEvent(Event evt) {
        // Do whatever is needed here
EventListener l = new MyEventListener();

SVGElement myRect = (SVGElement)document.getElementById("myRect");

// Listen to click events, during the bubbling phase
myRect.addEventListener("click", l, false);

// Remove the click listener
myRect.removeEventListener("click", l, false);

The SVG 1.2 Tiny DOM only supports the bubble phase. Any attempt to specify event operations on the capture phase will raise a DOMException of type NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR.

Refer to the DOM Events Level 3 specification or the XML Events specification introduction for an explanation of the SVG event flow and the meaning of event targets, event current target, bubble and capture.

A.2.9 Animation

SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM allows code to start or end animation elements.
AnimationElement animateColor
    = (AnimationElement) document.getElementById("myAnimation");

// Start the animation 2.5 seconds from now.

A.2.10 Package naming

The SVG 1.2 Tiny DOM will use the same package names as the SVG 1.2 Full DOM (e.g., org.w3c.dom,, org.w3c.dom.svg). This allows applications which restrict themselves to the features in the SVG 1.2 Tiny DOM to also run in implementations that support the SVG 1.2 Full DOM.

A.3 Interfaces from DOM Core


The DOMException class defines a subset of the error codes defined in the DOM Core Level 3 specification.

IDL Definition
exception DOMException
        unsigned short   code;

// ExceptionCode
const unsigned short INDEX_SIZE_ERR = 1;
const unsigned short HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = 3;
const unsigned short WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = 4;
const unsigned short NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = 7;
const unsigned short NOT_FOUND_ERR = 8;
const unsigned short NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = 9;
const unsigned short INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = 13;
const unsigned short INVALID_ACCESS_ERR = 15;
const unsigned short TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 17;

Defined constants
If index or size is negative, or greater than the allowed value.
If any Node is inserted somewhere it doesn't belong.
If a node is used in a different document than the one that created it (that doesn't support it)
If an attempt is made to modify an object where modifications are not allowed.
If an attempt is made to reference a node in a context where it does not exist .
If the implementation does not support the requested type of object or operation.
If an attempt is made to modify the type of the underlying object.
If a parameter or an operation is not supported by the underlying object.
If the type of an object is incompatible with the expected type of the parameter associated to the object.


The Node interface is the interface for all XML tree model content. This interface is a subset of the Node interface defined in the DOM Core Level 3 specification.

IDL Definition
interface Node
        readonly attribute Node parentNode;
        readonly attribute DOMString namespaceURI;
        readonly attribute DOMString localName;

        Node insertBefore(in Node newChild, in Node refChild) raises(DOMException);
        Node removeChild(in Node oldChild) raises(DOMException);
        Node appendChild(in Node newChild) raises(DOMException);

No defined constants
Attributes (not yet completed)
Adds newChild to the end of the children list for this node.
in Node newChild
The new Node to add.
Return Value
the newly added node
If the operation is not allowed (e.g., if the newChild node type is incompatible with this node) or if addition of the given Node type is not supported by the implementation.
Inserts newChild before refChild.
in Node newChild
The Node to insert.
in Node refChild
The Node before which newChild is inserted
Return Value
the newly inserted node
If the operation is not allowed or not supported.
Removes a child node.
in Node oldChild
The Node to remove.
Return Value
the removed node
See the DOM Level 3 specification.


The Element interface represents an XML element in a Document. This interface is a subset of the Element interface defined in the DOM Core Level 3 specification.

IDL Definition
interface Element : Node

No Defined constants
No methods


The Document interface is the interface for an XML Document model. This interface is a subset of the Document interface defined in the DOM Core Level 3 specification. Note that the getFirstChild method returns the root of the document.

IDL Definition
interface Document : Node
        readonly attribute Element documentElement;
        Element createElementNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString qualifiedName) raises(DOMException);
        Element getElementById(in DOMString elementId);

No Defined constants
Defined attributes

Create a new element.
in DOMString namespaceURI
The namespace uri for the newly created element.
in DOMString qualifiedName
The qualified name for the newly created element.
Return Value
The newly created element
See DOM Level 3 specification. In addition, a DOMException (NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR) is thrown if the type of element is not supported by the implementation.
Get an element with a given id.
in DOMString elementId
The unique id of the retrieved element.
Return Value
The matching element or null if none.
No Exceptions

A.4 Interfaces from DOM Events


The interface for DOM nodes which can receive and dispatch Events to EventListeners. This interface is a subset of the EventTarget interface defined in the DOM Level 3 Events specification. Please refer to that specification for details on what the different methods and members mean.

The SVG Tiny DOM only supports the event bubbling phase. If useCapture is true, a DOMException of type NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR is raised.

IDL Definition
interface EventTarget
        void addEventListener(in DOMString type, in EventListener listener, in boolean useCapture);
        void removeEventListener(in DOMString type, in EventListener listener, in boolean useCapture);

No Defined constants

Adds a new listener to this target, for the specified event type, during the desired phase.
in DOMString type
The type of event to listen to.
in EventListener listener
Will be notified when an event of the desired type happens on this target or one of its descendant.
in boolean useCapture
If true, the listener will be called during the event flow capture phase. Otherwise, the listener will be called during the bubble phase. If the event's target is this target, then the listener will be called during the 'at target' phase of event flow.
No Return Value
No Exceptions
Removes a listener previously added with an addEventListener call.
in DOMString type
The type of event that was listened to.
in EventListener listener
The listener that was previously registered.
in boolean useCapture
If true, the listener was listening to events in the capture phase of event flow.
No Return Value
No Exceptions


Interface used to receive Events from an EventTarget This interface is a subset of the EventListener interface defined in the DOM Level 3 Events specification. Please refer to that specification for details on what the different methods and members mean.

IDL Definition
iinterface EventListener
        void handleEvent(in Event evt);

No Defined constants
Handle event.
in Event evt
Contains contextual information about the event.
No Return Value
No Exceptions


Provides information about an event and its propagation. This interface is a subset of the Event interface defined in the DOM Level 3 Events specification and defines additional constraints.

IDL Definition
interface Event
        readonly attribute DOMString type;
        readonly attribute EventTarget currentTarget;

No defined constants
Defined attributes


The MouseEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mouse events.

IDL Definition
interface MouseEvent : Event
        readonly attribute long screenX;
        readonly attribute long screenY;
        readonly attribute long clientX;
        readonly attribute long clientY;
        readonly attribute unsigned short button;

No defined constants
Defined attributes


The TextEvent interface provides information associated with Text events.

IDL Definition
interface TextEvent : Event
        readonly attribute DOMString data;

No defined constants
readonly DOMString data

The text data.


The KeyboardEvent interface provides information associated to a key event.

IDL Definition
interface KeyboardEvent : Event
        readonly attribute DOMString keyIdentifier;

No defined constants
readonly DOMString keyIdentifier

String indicating which key that was pressed.


The ConnectionEvent interface provides information associated with a socket connection.

IDL Definition
interface ConnectionEvent : Event
        readonly attribute DOMString data;

No defined constants
readonly DOMString data

The connection data.

Supported events

The following events are supported:

  • DOMActivate
  • DOMFocusIn
  • DOMFocusOut
  • activate
  • click
  • focusin
  • keydown
  • keyup
  • load
  • resize
  • scroll
  • textInput
  • zoom
  • connectionData

A.5 Interfaces from SMIL DOM


IDL Definition
interface ElementTimeControl
        boolean beginElementAt( in float offset );
        boolean endElementAt( in float offset );

A.6 Global Interfaces


IDL Definition
interface Global


IDL Definition
interface Connection
        void connect( in DOMString uri ) raises(DOMException);
        void send( in DOMString data );
        void close();
        readonly attribute boolean connected;

A.7 Interfaces for SVG DOM


IDL Definition
exception SVGException
        unsigned short   code;

// SVGExceptionCode
const unsigned short SVG_INVALID_VALUE_ERR        = 1;
const unsigned short SVG_MATRIX_NOT_INVERTABLE    = 2;

Interface SVGRect

IDL Definition
interface SVGRect
        attribute float x;
        attribute float y;
        attribute float width;
        attribute float height;


IDL Definition
interface SVGPoint
        attribute float x;
        attribute float y;


IDL Definition
interface SVGMatrix
        float getComponent(in unsigned long index) raises(dom::DOMException);

        SVGMatrix multiply( in SVGMatrix secondMatrix );
        SVGMatrix inverse() raises( SVGException );
        SVGMatrix translate( in float x, in float y );
        SVGMatrix scale( in float scaleFactor );
        SVGMatrix rotate( in float angle );


SVGPath provides an API to access and manipulate the 'd' attribute on the <path> element

IDL Definition
interface SVGPath
        const unsigned short MOVE_TO = 0x4d; // 'M'
        const unsigned short LINE_TO = 0x4C; // 'L'
        const unsigned short CURVE_TO = 0x43;// 'C'
        const unsigned short QUAD_TO = 0x51; // 'Q'
        const unsigned short CLOSE = 0x5a;   // 'Z'

        readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfSegments;

        unsigned short getSegment( in unsigned long index ) raises(dom::DOMException);
        float getSegmentParam( in unsigned long cmdIndex, in unsigned long paramIndex ) raises(dom::DOMException);

        void moveTo( float x, float y );
        void lineTo( float x, float y );
        void quadTo( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 );
        void curveTo( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3 );
        void close();


IDL Definition
interface SVGRGBColor
        readonly attribute unsigned long red;
        readonly attribute unsigned long green;
        readonly attribute unsigned long blue;


IDL Definition
interface SVGLocatable
        SVGRect   getBBox();
        SVGMatrix getScreenCTM();
        SVGRect   getScreenBBox();


TraitAccess is an interface to access trait values (see Attribute Access). A trait is a potentially animatable parameter associated with an element. Trait is the typed value (e.g., a number, not just a string) that gets assigned through an XML attribute, CSS property or a SMIL animation [ SMILANIM]. Traits can be thought of as a unification and generalization of some of the notions of XML attributes and CSS properties. The trait facilities allow for strongly-typed access to certain attribute and property values. For example, there is a getFloatTrait(...) method for getting an attribute or property value directly as a float. This contrasts the DOM Core getAttributeNS(...) method which always returns a string.

Each trait corresponds to an attribute or property which is parsed and understood by the element and in most cases animatable. For any given profile there is a well-defined set of traits that all implementations must support. Each increasing profile may support a larger set of traits. If an implementation does not support a trait it must throw an exception. Unlike attributes traits are typed and their values are normalized; for instance SVG path specification is parsed and all path commands are converted to their absolute variants, it is not possible to say through the value of the trait if a path command was absolute or relative. When getting and setting trait values, accessor of the correct type must be used or exception will be thrown.

For XML attributes, the setter methods (e.g., setTrait(...), setFloatTrait(...)) add a new attribute for the given element. If an attribute with that name is already present on the element, its value is changed to be that of the value parameter. For CSS properties, the setter methods set the specified value for the given property, with equivalent specificity rules to using setAttributeNS(...) on a presentation attribute (see presentation attributes). The value which is modified is always a base value (in terms of SMIL animation). For inheritable traits the trait value can always be set to "inherit" (but quering the value will always return the actual inherited value as explained above).

The XML attributes, the getter methods (e.g., getTrait(...), getFloatTrait(...)) return the attribute value for the named attribute. If the given attribute has a value, then return that value; else if the attribute does not have a value, and if the attribute is a CSS property then return the computed value; else if the attribute is inheritable and an inheritable value is available, then return the inherited value; else if there is a default value, then return the default value; otherwise, an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR DOMException is raised. In either case (i.e., XML attributes or CSS properties), the returned value corresponds to the base value before animation is applied and not the presentation value (aka, animated value), where base value and presentation value corresponds to the SMIL Animation definitions of these terms (see [ SMILANIM]). For the attribute "xlink:href" then the returned value follows the processing rules of xml:base.

For both the getter and setter methods, if the trait name does not correspond to a defined attribute or property, an exception is raised.

IDL Definition
interface TraitAccess
        DOMString getTrait( in DOMString name ) raises (DOMException);
        DOMString getTraitNS( in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString name ) raises (DOMException);
        float getFloatTrait( in DOMString name ) raises (DOMException);
        SVGMatrix getMatrixTrait( in DOMString name ) raises (DOMException);
        SVGRect getRectTrait( in DOMString name ) raises (DOMException);
        SVGPath getPathTrait( in DOMString name ) raises (DOMException);
        SVGRGBColor getRGBColorTrait( in DOMString name ) raises (DOMException);

        void setTrait( in DOMString name, in DOMString value ) raises (DOMException);
        void setTraitNS( in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString name, in DOMString value ) raises (DOMException);
        void setFloatTrait( in DOMString name, in float value ) raises (DOMException);
        void setMatrixTrait( in DOMString name, in SVGMatrix matrix ) raises (DOMException);
        void setRectTrait( in DOMString name, in SVGRect rect ) raises (DOMException);
        void setPathTrait( in DOMString name, in SVGPath path ) raises (DOMException);
        void setRGBColorTrait( in DOMString name, in SVGRGBColor color ) raises (DOMException);


DOMString id

The value of the id attribute on the given element.

Exceptions on setting
DOMException NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised on an attempt to change the
value of a readonly attribute.


Returns the computed value for the trait with the requested localName.
  • in DOMString localName. The requested trait's local name
Return value
  • DOMString the trait's computed value.
  • DOMException with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if requested trait's computed value cannot be converted to a DOMString (SVG Tiny only).
  • DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requested trait is not supported on this element, or the localName is NULL.

Sets the specified value for the trait with the given localName.
  • in DOMString localName. The trait's local name
  • in DOMString value. The trait's new specified value.
No return value
  • DOMException with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if the requested trait's value cannot be specified as a DOMString.
  • DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requested trait is not supported on this element.
  • DOMException with error code INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the input value is an invalid value for the given trait, or if the localName is NULL.
  • DOMException with error code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if attempt is made to change readonly trait.

Returns the computed value for the trait with the requested localName and namespaceURI.
  • in DOMString namespaceURI. The requested trait's namespaceURI.
  • in DOMString localName. The requested trait's local name
Return value
  • DOMString the trait's computed value.
  • DOMException with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if requested trait's computed value cannot be converted to a DOMString (SVG Tiny only).
  • DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requested trait is not supported on this element, or if localName is NULL.

Sets the specified value for the trait with the given localName and namespaceURI
  • in DOMString namespaceURI. The trait's namespace URI
  • in DOMString localName. The trait's local name
  • in DOMString value. The trait's new specified value.
No return value
  • DOMException with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if the requested trait's value cannot be specified as a DOMString.
  • DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requested trait is not supported on this element.
  • DOMException with error code INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the input value is an invalid value for the given trait, or if the localName is NULL.
  • DOMException with error code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if attempt is made to change readonly trait.

Returns the computed value for the trait with the requested localName.
  • in DOMString localName. The requested trait's local name
Return value
  • float the trait's computed value.
  • DOMException with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if requested trait's computed value cannot be converted to a float (SVG Tiny only).
  • DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requested trait is not supported on this element, or if localName is NULL.

Sets the specified value for the trait with the given localName.
  • in DOMString localName. The trait's local name
  • in float value. The trait's new specified value.
No return value
  • DOMException with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if the requested trait's value cannot be specified as a float.
  • DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requested trait is not supported on this element.
  • DOMException with error code INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the input value is an invalid value for the given trait, or if localName is NULL.
  • DOMException with error code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if attempt is made to change readonly trait.

Returns the computed value for the trait with the requested localName.
  • in DOMString localName. The requested trait's local name
Return value
  • SVGMatrix the trait's computed value.
  • DOMException with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if requested trait's computed value cannot be converted to an SVGMatrix (SVG Tiny only).
  • DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requested trait is not supported on this element, or if localName is NULL.

Sets the specified value for the trait with the given localName.
  • in DOMString localName. The trait's local name
  • in SVGMatrix value. The trait's new specified value.
No return value
  • DOMException with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if the requested trait's value cannot be specified as an SVGMatrix.
  • DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requested trait is not supported on this element.
  • DOMException with error code INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the input value is an invalid value for the given trait, or if localName is NULL.
  • DOMException with error code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if attempt is made to change readonly trait.

Returns the computed value for the trait with the requested localName.
  • in DOMString localName. The requested trait's local name
Return value
  • SVGRect the trait's computed value.
  • DOMException with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if requested trait's computed value cannot be converted to a SVGRect (SVG Tiny only).
  • DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requested trait is not supported on this element, or if localName is NULL.

Sets the specified value for the trait with the given localName.
  • in DOMString localName. The trait's local name
  • in SVGRect value. The trait's new specified value.
No return value
  • DOMException with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if the requested trait's value cannot be specified as an SVGRect.
  • DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requested trait is not supported on this element.
  • DOMException with error code INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the input value is an invalid value for the given trait, or if localName is NULL.
  • DOMException with error code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if attempt is made to change readonly trait.

Returns the computed value for the trait with the requested localName.
  • in DOMString localName. The requested trait's local name
Return value
  • SVGPath the trait's computed value.
  • DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if the requested trait's computed value cannot be converted to an SVGPath or if the requested trait is not supported on this element or if localName is NULL.

Sets the specified value for the trait with the given localName.
  • in DOMString localName. The trait's local name
  • in SVGPath value. The trait's new specified value.
No return value
  • DOMException with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if the requested trait's value cannot be specified as an SVGPath.
  • DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requested trait is not supported on this element.
  • DOMException with error code INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the input value is an invalid value for the given trait, or if localName is NULL.
  • DOMException with error code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if attempt is made to change readonly trait.

Returns the computed value for the trait with the requested localName.
  • in DOMString localName. The requested trait's local name
Return value
  • SVGRGBColor the trait's computed value.
  • DOMException with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if requested trait's computed value cannot be converted to an SVGRGBColor (SVG Tiny only).
  • DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requested trait is not supported on this element, or if localName is NULL.

Sets the specified value for the trait with the given localName.
  • in DOMString localName. The trait's local name
  • in SVGRGBColor value. The trait's new specified value.
No return value
  • DOMException with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if the requested trait's value cannot be specified as an SVGRGBColor.
  • DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requested trait is not supported on this element.
  • DOMException with error code INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the input value is an invalid value for the given trait, or if localName is NULL.
  • DOMException with error code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if attempt is made to change readonly trait.


This interface provides a way to traverse elements in the DOM tree. It is needed mainly because SVG Tiny DOM does not expose character data Nodes. Each element in SVG Tiny document tree implements this interface. This applies to elements in the foreign namespaces as well.

IDL Definition
interface ElementTraversal
        readonly attribute Element firstElementChild;
        readonly attribute Element lastElementChild;
        readonly attribute Element nextElementSibling;
        readonly attribute Element previousElementSibling;

readonly Element firstElementChild
First child element node of this element.
readonly Element lastElementChild
Last child element node of this element.
readonly Element nextElementSibling
Next sibling element node of this element.
readonly Element previousElementSibling
Previous sibling element node of this element.


SVGDocument is the interface for the SVG document.

IDL Definition
interface SVGDocument : dom::Document
        readonly attribute SVGGlobal global;


SVGElement is the base interface used by all elements in the SVG namespace.

An element's id can be set only if it does not already have an id. DOMException with error code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised if an attempt is made to change an existing id. Elements with non-null id can be inserted, but cannot be removed from the DOM tree (see removeChild).

IDL Definition
interface SVGElement : dom::Element, ElementTraversal, events::EventTarget, TraitAccess
        attribute DOMString id; // raises (DOMException) on setting


SVGLocatableElement is the base interface used by all graphics and container elements in the SVG namespace.

IDL Definition
interface SVGLocatableElement : SVGElement, SVGLocatable


SVGAnimationElement is the base interface used by all animation elements in the SVG namespace.

IDL Definition
interface SVGAnimationElement : SVGElement, smil::ElementTimeControl


SVGGlobal is the interface that provides (among other things) access to a global object for scripts embedded in an SVG document.

IDL Definition
interface SVGGlobal : global::Global
        global::Connection createConnection();
        void gotoLocation( in DOMString newURI);
        readonly attribute document document;
        readonly attribute global::Global parent;


SVGSVGElement provides an API to access APIs corresponding to the <svg> element

The DOM attributes currentScale, currentRotate and currentTranslate are equivalent to the 2x3 matrix [a b c d e f] = [currentScale 0 0 currentScale currentTranslate.x currentTranslate.y].[cos(currentRotate) sin(currentRotate) -sin(currentRotate cos(currentRotate) 0 0]. If "magnification" is enabled (i.e., zoomAndPan="magnify"), then the effect is as if an extra transformation were placed at the outermost level on the SVG document fragment (i.e., outside the outermost 'svg' element).

IDL Definition
interface SVGSVGElement : SVGLocatableElement
        attribute float currentScale; // raises (DOMException) on setting
        attribute float currentRotate;
        readonly attribute SVGPoint currentTranslate;

        readonly attribute SVGRect viewport;

        void            pauseAnimations();
        void            unpauseAnimations();
        boolean         animationsPaused();
        float           getCurrentTime();
        void            setCurrentTime( in float seconds );

        SVGMatrix       createSVGMatrixComponents( float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f );
        SVGRect         createSVGRect();

        SVGPath     createSVGPath();
        SVGRGBColor     createSVGRGBColor( in unsigned long red, in unsigned long green, in unsigned long blue )

No Defined constants
readonly SVGRect viewport

The position and size of the viewport (implicit or explicit) that corresponds to this 'svg' element. When the user agent is actually rendering the content, then the position and size values represent the actual values when rendering. The position and size values are unitless values in the coordinate system of the parent element. If no parent element exists (i.e., 'svg' element represents the root of the document tree), if this SVG document is embedded as part of another document (e.g., via the HTML 'object' element), then the position and size are unitless values in the coordinate system of the parent document. (If the parent uses CSS or XSL layout, then unitless values represent pixel units for the current CSS or XSL viewport, as described in the CSS2 specification.) If the parent element does not have a coordinate system, then the user agent should provide reasonable default values for this attribute.

The object itself and its contents are both readonly.

float currentScale
This attribute indicates the current scale factor relative to the initial view to take into account user magnification and panning operations, as described under Magnification and panning.
Exceptions on setting
INVALID_ACCESS_ERR: Raised on an attempt to change the value of currentScale to zero.
float currentRotate
This attribute indicates the current rotation in the user transform, relative to the coordinate system's origin. The value is in degrees.
readonly SVGPoint currentTranslate
The corresponding translation factor that takes into account user magnification and panning.

Suspends (i.e., pauses) all currently running animations that are defined within the SVG document fragment corresponding to this 'svg' element, causing the animation clock corresponding to this document fragment to stand still until it is unpaused.
No Parameters
No Return Value
No Exceptions
Unsuspends (i.e., unpauses) currently running animations that are defined within the SVG document fragment, causing the animation clock to continue from the time at which it was suspended.
No Parameters
No Return Value
No Exceptions
Returns true if this SVG document fragment is in a paused state.
No Parameters
Return value
Boolean indicating whether this SVG document fragment is in a paused state.
No Exceptions
Returns the current time in seconds relative to the start time for the current SVG document fragment.
No Parameters
Return value
The current time in seconds.
No Exceptions
Adjusts the clock for this SVG document fragment, establishing a new current time.
in float seconds
The new current time in seconds relative to the start time for the current SVG document fragment.
No Return Value
No Exceptions
Creates an SVGRect object.
No Parameters
Return value
An SVGRect object with x, y, width and height all initialized to zero.
No Exceptions


Interface used to set up event initializers, typically at document load time.

The EventListenerInitializer interface needs to be implemented by scripts written in Java (or other compiled languages). It is called when code is loaded and can be bound to a document.

IDL Definition
interface EventListenerInitializer
        void initializeEventListeners(dom::Document doc);

The use of this interface in the Java environment, with jar files and manifests, is not yet defined.

A.8 Traits supported in the SVG Tiny 1.2 DOM

Proposed list of supported traits

The table below shows the list of attributes and properties that Tiny DOM implementations must support. Each light gray section lists one or multiple elements for which the subsequent attributes or properties apply. Each attribute row lists the allowed getter and setter (s). This table is not normative.

Trait Getter
Trait Setter

<svg>, <rect>, <circle>, <ellipse>, <line>, <path>, <g>, <image>, <text>, and <a>
setTrait [inherit]
setRGBColorTrait [SVGRGBColor]
setTrait [inline | none | inherit ]
setRGBColorTrait [null | SVGRGBColor]
setTrait(none | currentColor | inherit)
setTrait(nonzero | evenodd | inherit)
stroke getRGBColorTrait [null, SVGRGBColor] setRGBColorTrait [null | SVGRGBColor]
setTrait(none | currentColor | inherit)
stroke-dashoffset getFloatTrait setTrait [inherit]
stroke-linecap getTrait [butt | round | square] setTrait [butt | round | square | inherit]
stroke-linejoin getTrait [miter | round | bevel ] setTrait [miter | round | bevel | inherit]
stroke-miterlimit getFloatTrait [ value >= 1] setTrait [inherit]
setFloatTrait [value >= 1]
stroke-width getFloatTrait [value >= 0] setTrait [inherit]
setFloatTrait [value >= 0]
visibility getTrait [visible | hidden | collapse] setTrait [visible | hidden | collapse | inherit]

<svg>, <text>, <g>, <a>
getTrait [single, computed font-family value]
setTrait [same syntax as font-family attribute]
getFloatTrait [value >= 0]
setFloatTrait [value >= 0]
setTrait [inherit]
getTrait [normal | italic | oblique ] setTrait [normal | italic | oblique | inherit]
getTrait [100 | 200 | 300
| 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ]
setTrait [normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300
| 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit]
getTrait [start | middle | end]
setTrait [start | middle | end | inherit ]

Trait Getter
Trait Setter

<rect>, <circle>, <ellipse>, <line>, <path>, <g>, <image>, <text>, and <a>

getFloatTrait [ value >= 0]
setFloatTrait [value >= 0]

getFloatTrait [value >= 0]
setFloatTrait [value >= 0]
getFloatTrait [value >= 0]
setFloatTrait [value >= 0]

<path> (path-length is not supported)
getPathTrait [non null value]
setPathTrait [non null value]

getFloatTrait [ value >= 0]
setFloatTrait [ value >= 0]
getFloatTrait [ value >= 0] setFloatTrait [ value >= 0]
getFloatTrait [value >= 0] setFloatTrait [value >= 0]
getFloatTrait [value >= 0]
setFloatTrait [value >= 0]

getFloatTrait [value >= 0]
setFloatTrait [value >= 0]
getFloatTrait [value >= 0]
setFloatTrait [value >= 0]
getTrait NS[absolute URI, factoring in xml:base]
setTraitNS [non local-URI value]


getTraitNS[absolute URI, factoring in xml:base]

(Notes: For 'x' and 'y', it is only possible to provide floating point scalar values; an array of x or y values is not supported.
'rotate' attribute is not supported.)
getTrait [not null]
setTrait [not null]

Readonly, throws DOMException of type NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR
Readonly, throws DOMException of type NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR
setTrait [disable | magnify]
getTrait [disable | magnify]



IDL Definition

  core.package.vendor="W3C";"SVG Tiny";"svgt";

  comment="subsetted Core DOM";"org.w3c.dom";
module dom
    typedef string DOMString;

    interface Node;
    interface Element;
    interface Document;

    exception DOMException
        unsigned short code;

    const unsigned short WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = 4;
    const unsigned short INDEX_SIZE_ERR = 1;
    const unsigned short HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = 3;
    const unsigned short NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = 7;
    const unsigned short NOT_FOUND_ERR = 8;
    const unsigned short NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = 9;
    const unsigned short INVALID_STATE_ERR = 11;
    const unsigned short INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = 13;
    const unsigned short INVALID_ACCESS_ERR = 15;
    const unsigned short TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 17;

    interface Node
        readonly attribute DOMString namespaceURI;
        readonly attribute DOMString localName;
        readonly attribute Node parentNode;

        Node appendChild(in Node newChild) raises(DOMException);
        Node insertBefore(in Node newChild, in Node refChild) raises(DOMException);
        Node removeChild(in Node oldChild) raises(DOMException);

    interface Element : Node

    interface Document : Node
        Element createElementNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString qualifiedName) raises(DOMException);
        readonly attribute Element documentElement;
        Element getElementById(in DOMString id);


module events
    typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;
    typedef dom::DOMException DOMException;
    typedef dom::Document Document;
    typedef dom::Element Element;

    interface EventTarget;
    interface EventListener;
    interface Event;

    interface EventTarget
        void addEventListener(in DOMString type, in EventListener listener, in boolean useCapture);
        void removeEventListener(in DOMString type, in EventListener listener, in boolean useCapture);

    interface EventListener
        void handleEvent(in Event evt);

    interface Event
        readonly attribute EventTarget currentTarget;
        readonly attribute DOMString type;

    interface MouseEvent : Event
        readonly attribute long screenX;
        readonly attribute long screenY;
        readonly attribute long clientX;
        readonly attribute long clientY;
        readonly attribute unsigned short button;

    interface TextEvent : Event {
        readonly attribute DOMString data;

    interface KeyboardEvent : Event {
        readonly attribute DOMString keyIdentifier;

    interface ConnectionEvent : Event {
            readonly attribute DOMString data;

module smil
    interface ElementTimeControl
        void beginElementAt(in float offset);
        void beginElement();
        void endElementAt(in float offset);
        void endElement();
        void pauseElement();
        void unpauseElement();
        readonly attribute boolean elementPaused;

module global
    interface Connection;

    interface Global {};

    interface Connection : events::EventTarget
        typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;
        typedef dom::DOMException DOMException;
        void connect(in DOMString uri) raises(DOMException);
        void send(in DOMString data);
        void close();
        readonly attribute boolean connected;

module svg
    typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;
    typedef dom::DOMException DOMException;
    typedef dom::Document Document;
    typedef dom::Element Element;

    interface SVGSVGElement;
    interface SVGRGBColor;
    interface SVGRect;
    interface SVGPoint;
    interface SVGPath;
    interface SVGMatrix;
    interface SVGLocatableElement;
    interface SVGElement;
    interface SVGAnimationElement;
    interface SVGDocument;
    interface SVGGlobal;

    exception SVGException
        unsigned short code;

    const unsigned short SVG_INVALID_VALUE_ERR = 1;
    const unsigned short SVG_MATRIX_NOT_INVERTABLE = 2;

    interface SVGDocument : Document
        readonly attribute SVGGlobal global;

    interface SVGSVGElement : SVGLocatableElement
        attribute float currentScale;
        attribute float currentRotate;
        readonly attribute SVGPoint currentTranslate;

        readonly attribute SVGRect viewport;

        void        pauseAnimations();
        void        unpauseAnimations();
        boolean     animationsPaused();
        attribute float currentTime;

        SVGMatrix createSVGMatrixComponents(in float a, in float b, in float c, in float d, in float e, in float f);
        SVGRect createSVGRect();
        SVGPath createSVGPath();
        SVGRGBColor createSVGRGBColor(in long red, in long green, in long blue) raises(SVGException);

    interface SVGRGBColor
        readonly attribute unsigned long red;
        readonly attribute unsigned long green;
        readonly attribute unsigned long blue;

    interface SVGRect
        attribute float x;
        attribute float y;
        attribute float width;
        attribute float height;

    interface SVGPoint
        attribute float x;
        attribute float y;

    interface SVGPath
        const unsigned short MOVE_TO = 77;
        const unsigned short LINE_TO = 76;
        const unsigned short CURVE_TO = 67;
        const unsigned short QUAD_TO = 81;
        const unsigned short CLOSE = 90;

        readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfSegments;

        unsigned short getSegment(in unsigned long cmdIndex) raises(DOMException);
        float getSegmentParam(in unsigned long cmdIndex, in unsigned long paramIndex) raises(DOMException);

        void moveTo(in float x, in float y);
        void lineTo(in float x, in float y);
        void quadTo(in float x1, in float y1, in float x2, in float y2);
        void curveTo(in float x1, in float y1, in float x2, in float y2, in float x3, in float y3);
        void close();

    interface SVGMatrix
        float getComponent(in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException);

        SVGMatrix mMultiply(in SVGMatrix secondMatrix);
        SVGMatrix mInverse() raises(SVGException);
        SVGMatrix mTranslate(in float x, in float y);
        SVGMatrix mScale(in float scaleFactor);
        SVGMatrix mRotate(in float angle);

    interface SVGLocatable
        SVGRect   getBBox();
        SVGMatrix getScreenCTM();
        SVGRect   getScreenBBox();

    interface SVGLocatableElement : SVGElement, SVGLocatable

    interface TraitAccess
        DOMString getTrait(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException);
        DOMString getTraitNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString name) raises(DOMException);
        float getFloatTrait(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException);
        SVGMatrix getMatrixTrait(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException);
        SVGRect getRectTrait(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException);
        SVGPath getPathTrait(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException);
        SVGRGBColor getRGBColorTrait(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException);

        void setTrait(in DOMString name, in DOMString value) raises(DOMException);
        void setTraitNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString name, in DOMString value) raises(DOMException);
        void setFloatTrait(in DOMString name, in float value) raises(DOMException);
        void setMatrixTrait(in DOMString name, in SVGMatrix matrix) raises(DOMException);
        void setRectTrait(in DOMString name, in SVGRect rect) raises(DOMException);
        void setPathTrait(in DOMString name, in SVGPath path) raises(DOMException);
        void setRGBColorTrait(in DOMString name, in SVGRGBColor color) raises(DOMException);

    interface ElementTraversal
        readonly attribute Element firstElementChild;
        readonly attribute Element lastElementChild;
        readonly attribute Element nextElementSibling;
        readonly attribute Element previousElementSibling;

    interface SVGElement : dom::Element, events::EventTarget, TraitAccess, ElementTraversal
        attribute DOMString id;

    interface SVGAnimationElement : SVGElement, smil::ElementTimeControl

    interface EventListenerInitializer
        void initializeEventListeners( in SVGDocument doc);

    interface EventListenerInitializer2
        void initializeEventListeners( in dom::Element scriptElement );
        events::EventListener createEventListener( in dom::Element handlerElement );

    interface SVGGlobal : global::Global
       global::Connection createConnection();
       void gotoLocation(in DOMString newURI);
       readonly attribute Document document;
       readonly attribute global::Global parent;
