14 January 2002

Appendix C: ECMAScript Language Binding

This appendix contains the complete ECMAScript [ECMAScript] binding for the Level 3 Document Object Model Abstract Schemas and Load and Save definitions.

Properties of the ASException Constructor function:
The value of the constant ASException.DUPLICATE_NAME_ERR is 1.
The value of the constant ASException.TYPE_ERR is 2.
The value of the constant ASException.NO_AS_AVAILABLE is 3.
The value of the constant ASException.WRONG_MIME_TYPE_ERR is 4.
The value of the constant ASException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR is 5.
The value of the constant ASException.VALIDATION_ERR is 6.
Objects that implement the ASException interface:
Properties of objects that implement the ASException interface:
This property is a Number.
Properties of the ASModel Constructor function:
The value of the constant ASModel.INTERNAL_SUBSET is 1.
The value of the constant ASModel.EXTERNAL_SUBSET is 2.
The value of the constant ASModel.NOT_USED is 3.
Objects that implement the ASModel interface:
Objects that implement the ASModel interface have all properties and functions of the ASObject interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the ASModel interface:
This read-only property is a Boolean.
This read-only property is a Number.
This property is a String.
This property is a String.
This read-only property is a Boolean.
This read-only property is an object that implements the ASNamedObjectMap interface.
This read-only property is an object that implements the ASNamedObjectMap interface.
This read-only property is an object that implements the ASNamedObjectMap interface.
This read-only property is an object that implements the ASNamedObjectMap interface.
This read-only property is an object that implements the ASNamedObjectMap interface.
Functions of objects that implement the ASModel interface:
This function has no return value.
The abstractSchema parameter is an object that implements the ASModel interface.
This function returns an object that implements the ASObjectList interface.
This function has no return value.
The as parameter is an object that implements the ASModel interface.
This function returns a Boolean.
This function has no return value.
The asobject parameter is an object that implements the ASObject interface.
This function has no return value.
The asobject parameter is an object that implements the ASObject interface.
createASElementDecl(namespaceURI, name)
This function returns an object that implements the ASElementDecl interface.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The name parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the ASException interface.
createASAttributeDecl(namespaceURI, name)
This function returns an object that implements the ASAttributeDecl interface.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The name parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the ASException interface.
createASNotationDecl(namespaceURI, name, systemId, publicId)
This function returns an object that implements the ASNotationDecl interface.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The name parameter is a String.
The systemId parameter is a String.
The publicId parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the ASException interface.
This function returns an object that implements the ASEntityDecl interface.
The name parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the ASException interface.
createASContentModel(name, namespaceURI, minOccurs, maxOccurs, operator)
This function returns an object that implements the ASContentModel interface.
The name parameter is a String.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The minOccurs parameter is a Number.
The maxOccurs parameter is a Number.
The operator parameter is a Number.
This function can raise an object that implements the ASException interface.
Properties of the ASObject Constructor function:
The value of the constant ASObject.AS_ELEMENT_DECLARATION is 1.
The value of the constant ASObject.AS_ATTRIBUTE_DECLARATION is 2.
The value of the constant ASObject.AS_NOTATION_DECLARATION is 3.
The value of the constant ASObject.AS_ENTITY_DECLARATION is 4.
The value of the constant ASObject.AS_CONTENTMODEL is 5.
The value of the constant ASObject.AS_MODEL is 6.
Objects that implement the ASObject interface:
Properties of objects that implement the ASObject interface:
This read-only property is a Number.
This read-only property is an object that implements the ASModel interface.
This property is a String.
This property is a String.
This property is a String.
This property is a String.
Functions of objects that implement the ASObject interface:
This function returns an object that implements the ASObject interface.
The deep parameter is a Boolean.
Objects that implement the ASObjectList interface:
Properties of objects that implement the ASObjectList interface:
This read-only property is a Number.
Functions of objects that implement the ASObjectList interface:
This function returns an object that implements the ASObject interface.
The index parameter is a Number.
Note: This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation (e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer index is equivalent to invoking the item function with that index.
Objects that implement the ASNamedObjectMap interface:
Properties of objects that implement the ASNamedObjectMap interface:
This read-only property is a Number.
Functions of objects that implement the ASNamedObjectMap interface:
This function returns an object that implements the ASObject interface.
The name parameter is a String.
This function returns an object that implements the ASObject interface.
The index parameter is a Number.
Note: This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation (e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer index is equivalent to invoking the item function with that index.
This function returns an object that implements the ASObject interface.
The name parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
This function returns an object that implements the ASObject interface.
The newASObject parameter is an object that implements the ASObject interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface or the ASException interface.
Properties of the ASDataType Constructor function:
The value of the constant ASDataType.STRING_DATATYPE is 1.
The value of the constant ASDataType.NOTATION_DATATYPE is 10.
The value of the constant ASDataType.ID_DATATYPE is 11.
The value of the constant ASDataType.IDREF_DATATYPE is 12.
The value of the constant ASDataType.IDREFS_DATATYPE is 13.
The value of the constant ASDataType.ENTITY_DATATYPE is 14.
The value of the constant ASDataType.ENTITIES_DATATYPE is 15.
The value of the constant ASDataType.NMTOKEN_DATATYPE is 16.
The value of the constant ASDataType.NMTOKENS_DATATYPE is 17.
The value of the constant ASDataType.BOOLEAN_DATATYPE is 100.
The value of the constant ASDataType.FLOAT_DATATYPE is 101.
The value of the constant ASDataType.DOUBLE_DATATYPE is 102.
The value of the constant ASDataType.DECIMAL_DATATYPE is 103.
The value of the constant ASDataType.HEXBINARY_DATATYPE is 104.
The value of the constant ASDataType.BASE64BINARY_DATATYPE is 105.
The value of the constant ASDataType.ANYURI_DATATYPE is 106.
The value of the constant ASDataType.QNAME_DATATYPE is 107.
The value of the constant ASDataType.DURATION_DATATYPE is 108.
The value of the constant ASDataType.DATETIME_DATATYPE is 109.
The value of the constant ASDataType.DATE_DATATYPE is 110.
The value of the constant ASDataType.TIME_DATATYPE is 111.
The value of the constant ASDataType.GYEARMONTH_DATATYPE is 112.
The value of the constant ASDataType.GYEAR_DATATYPE is 113.
The value of the constant ASDataType.GMONTHDAY_DATATYPE is 114.
The value of the constant ASDataType.GDAY_DATATYPE is 115.
The value of the constant ASDataType.GMONTH_DATATYPE is 116.
The value of the constant ASDataType.INTEGER is 117.
The value of the constant ASDataType.NAME_DATATYPE is 200.
The value of the constant ASDataType.NCNAME_DATATYPE is 201.
The value of the constant ASDataType.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DATATYPE is 202.
The value of the constant ASDataType.TOKEN_DATATYPE is 203.
The value of the constant ASDataType.LANGUAGE_DATATYPE is 204.
The value of the constant ASDataType.NONPOSITIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE is 205.
The value of the constant ASDataType.NEGATIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE is 206.
The value of the constant ASDataType.LONG_DATATYPE is 207.
The value of the constant ASDataType.INT_DATATYPE is 208.
The value of the constant ASDataType.SHORT_DATATYPE is 209.
The value of the constant ASDataType.BYTE_DATATYPE is 210.
The value of the constant ASDataType.NONNEGATIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE is 211.
The value of the constant ASDataType.UNSIGNEDLONG_DATATYPE is 212.
The value of the constant ASDataType.UNSIGNEDINT_DATATYPE is 213.
The value of the constant ASDataType.UNSIGNEDSHORT_DATATYPE is 214.
The value of the constant ASDataType.UNSIGNEDBYTE_DATATYPE is 215.
The value of the constant ASDataType.POSITIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE is 216.
The value of the constant ASDataType.OTHER_SIMPLE_DATATYPE is 1000.
The value of the constant ASDataType.COMPLEX_DATATYPE is 1001.
Objects that implement the ASDataType interface:
Properties of objects that implement the ASDataType interface:
This read-only property is a Number.
Properties of the ASElementDecl Constructor function:
The value of the constant ASElementDecl.EMPTY_CONTENTTYPE is 1.
The value of the constant ASElementDecl.ANY_CONTENTTYPE is 2.
The value of the constant ASElementDecl.MIXED_CONTENTTYPE is 3.
The value of the constant ASElementDecl.ELEMENTS_CONTENTTYPE is 4.
Objects that implement the ASElementDecl interface:
Objects that implement the ASElementDecl interface have all properties and functions of the ASObject interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the ASElementDecl interface:
This property is a Boolean.
This property is an object that implements the ASDataType interface.
This property is a Boolean.
This property is a Number.
This property is an object that implements the ASContentModel interface.
This property is an object that implements the ASNamedObjectMap interface.
Functions of objects that implement the ASElementDecl interface:
This function has no return value.
The attributeDecl parameter is an object that implements the ASAttributeDecl interface.
This function returns an object that implements the ASAttributeDecl interface.
The attributeDecl parameter is an object that implements the ASAttributeDecl interface.
Properties of the ASContentModel Constructor function:
The value of the constant ASContentModel.AS_UNBOUNDED is MAX_VALUE.
The value of the constant ASContentModel.AS_SEQUENCE is 0.
The value of the constant ASContentModel.AS_CHOICE is 1.
The value of the constant ASContentModel.AS_ALL is 2.
The value of the constant ASContentModel.AS_NONE is 3.
The value of the constant ASContentModel.AS_UNDEFINED is 4.
Objects that implement the ASContentModel interface:
Objects that implement the ASContentModel interface have all properties and functions of the ASObject interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the ASContentModel interface:
This property is a Number.
This property is a Number.
This property is a Number.
This property is an object that implements the ASObjectList interface.
Functions of objects that implement the ASContentModel interface:
This function has no return value.
The oldObject parameter is an object that implements the ASObject interface.
insertBeforeSubModel(newObject, refObject)
This function returns an object that implements the ASObject interface.
The newObject parameter is an object that implements the ASObject interface.
The refObject parameter is an object that implements the ASObject interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the ASException interface.
This function returns a Number.
The newObject parameter is an object that implements the ASObject interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the ASException interface.
Properties of the ASAttributeDecl Constructor function:
The value of the constant ASAttributeDecl.NONE is 0.
The value of the constant ASAttributeDecl.DEFAULT is 1.
The value of the constant ASAttributeDecl.FIXED is 2.
The value of the constant ASAttributeDecl.REQUIRED is 3.
Objects that implement the ASAttributeDecl interface:
Objects that implement the ASAttributeDecl interface have all properties and functions of the ASObject interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the ASAttributeDecl interface:
This property is an object that implements the ASDataType interface.
This property is a String.
This property is a String.
This property is an object that implements the ASObjectList interface.
This property is a Number.
Properties of the ASEntityDecl Constructor function:
The value of the constant ASEntityDecl.INTERNAL_ENTITY is 1.
The value of the constant ASEntityDecl.EXTERNAL_ENTITY is 2.
Objects that implement the ASEntityDecl interface:
Objects that implement the ASEntityDecl interface have all properties and functions of the ASObject interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the ASEntityDecl interface:
This property is a Number.
This property is a String.
This property is a String.
This property is a String.
Objects that implement the ASNotationDecl interface:
Objects that implement the ASNotationDecl interface have all properties and functions of the ASObject interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the ASNotationDecl interface:
This property is a String.
This property is a String.
Objects that implement the DocumentAS interface:
Objects that implement the DocumentAS interface have all properties and functions of the Document interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the DocumentAS interface:
This property is an object that implements the ASModel interface.
This property is an object that implements the ASObjectList interface.
Functions of objects that implement the DocumentAS interface:
This function returns an object that implements the ASModel interface.
This function has no return value.
The as parameter is an object that implements the ASModel interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
This function has no return value.
The as parameter is an object that implements the ASModel interface.
This function has no return value.
The as parameter is an object that implements the ASModel interface.
This function returns an object that implements the ASElementDecl interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
This function has no return value.
This function can raise an object that implements the ASException interface.
Objects that implement the DOMImplementationAS interface:
Objects that implement the DOMImplementationAS interface have all properties and functions of the DOMImplementation interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the DOMImplementationAS interface:
This read-only property is a Boolean.
This property is a String.
Functions of objects that implement the DOMImplementationAS interface:
createAS(NamespaceAware, schemaType)
This function returns an object that implements the ASModel interface.
The NamespaceAware parameter is a Boolean.
The schemaType parameter is a String.
Objects that implement the DocumentEditAS interface:
Objects that implement the DocumentEditAS interface have all properties and functions of the NodeEditAS interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the DocumentEditAS interface:
This property is a Boolean.
Properties of the NodeEditAS Constructor function:
The value of the constant NodeEditAS.WF_CHECK is 1.
The value of the constant NodeEditAS.NS_WF_CHECK is 2.
The value of the constant NodeEditAS.PARTIAL_VALIDITY_CHECK is 3.
The value of the constant NodeEditAS.STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK is 4.
Objects that implement the NodeEditAS interface:
Objects that implement the NodeEditAS interface have all properties and functions of the Node interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Functions of objects that implement the NodeEditAS interface:
canInsertBefore(newChild, refChild)
This function returns a Boolean.
The newChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
The refChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function returns a Boolean.
The oldChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
canReplaceChild(newChild, oldChild)
This function returns a Boolean.
The newChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
The oldChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function returns a Boolean.
The newChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
isNodeValid(deep, wFValidityCheckLevel)
This function returns a Boolean.
The deep parameter is a Boolean.
The wFValidityCheckLevel parameter is a Number.
This function can raise an object that implements the ASException interface.
Objects that implement the ElementEditAS interface:
Objects that implement the ElementEditAS interface have all properties and functions of the NodeEditAS interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the ElementEditAS interface:
This read-only property is an object that implements the NodeList interface.
Functions of objects that implement the ElementEditAS interface:
This function returns a Number.
canSetAttribute(attrname, attrval)
This function returns a Boolean.
The attrname parameter is a String.
The attrval parameter is a String.
This function returns a Boolean.
The attrNode parameter is an object that implements the Attr interface.
canSetAttributeNS(name, attrval, namespaceURI)
This function returns a Boolean.
The name parameter is a String.
The attrval parameter is a String.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
This function returns a Boolean.
The attrname parameter is a String.
canRemoveAttributeNS(attrname, namespaceURI)
This function returns a Boolean.
The attrname parameter is a String.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
This function returns a Boolean.
The attrNode parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function returns an object that implements the NodeList interface.
This function returns an object that implements the NodeList interface.
This function returns an object that implements the NodeList interface.
This function returns a Boolean.
The elemTypeName parameter is a String.
isElementDefinedNS(elemTypeName, namespaceURI, name)
This function returns a Boolean.
The elemTypeName parameter is a String.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The name parameter is a String.
Objects that implement the CharacterDataEditAS interface:
Objects that implement the CharacterDataEditAS interface have all properties and functions of the NodeEditAS interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the CharacterDataEditAS interface:
This read-only property is a Boolean.
Functions of objects that implement the CharacterDataEditAS interface:
canSetData(offset, count)
This function returns a Boolean.
The offset parameter is a Number.
The count parameter is a Number.
This function returns a Boolean.
The arg parameter is a String.
canReplaceData(offset, count, arg)
This function returns a Boolean.
The offset parameter is a Number.
The count parameter is a Number.
The arg parameter is a String.
canInsertData(offset, arg)
This function returns a Boolean.
The offset parameter is a Number.
The arg parameter is a String.
canDeleteData(offset, count)
This function returns a Boolean.
The offset parameter is a Number.
The count parameter is a Number.
Objects that implement the ASDOMBuilder interface:
Objects that implement the ASDOMBuilder interface have all properties and functions of the DOMBuilder interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the ASDOMBuilder interface:
This property is an object that implements the ASModel interface.
Functions of objects that implement the ASDOMBuilder interface:
parseASURI(uri, schemaType)
This function returns an object that implements the ASModel interface.
The uri parameter is a String.
The schemaType parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the ASException interface or the DOMSystemException interface.
This function returns an object that implements the ASModel interface.
The is parameter is an object that implements the DOMInputSource interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the ASException interface or the DOMSystemException interface.
Objects that implement the DOMASWriter interface:
Objects that implement the DOMASWriter interface have all properties and functions of the DOMWriter interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Functions of objects that implement the DOMASWriter interface:
writeASModel(destination, model)
This function has no return value.
The destination parameter is an object that implements the Object interface.
The model parameter is an object that implements the ASModel interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMSystemException interface.
Properties of the DOMImplementationLS Constructor function:
The value of the constant DOMImplementationLS.MODE_SYNCHRONOUS is 1.
The value of the constant DOMImplementationLS.MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS is 2.
Objects that implement the DOMImplementationLS interface:
Functions of objects that implement the DOMImplementationLS interface:
This function returns an object that implements the DOMBuilder interface.
The mode parameter is a Number.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
This function returns an object that implements the DOMWriter interface.
This function returns an object that implements the DOMInputSource interface.
Properties of the DOMBuilder Constructor function:
The value of the constant DOMBuilder.ACTION_REPLACE is 1.
The value of the constant DOMBuilder.ACTION_APPEND is 2.
The value of the constant DOMBuilder.ACTION_INSERT_AFTER is 3.
The value of the constant DOMBuilder.ACTION_INSERT_BEFORE is 4.
Objects that implement the DOMBuilder interface:
Properties of objects that implement the DOMBuilder interface:
This property is an object that implements the DOMEntityResolver interface.
This property is an object that implements the DOMErrorHandler interface.
This property is an object that implements the DOMBuilderFilter interface.
Functions of objects that implement the DOMBuilder interface:
setFeature(name, state)
This function has no return value.
The name parameter is a String.
The state parameter is a Boolean.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
canSetFeature(name, state)
This function returns a Boolean.
The name parameter is a String.
The state parameter is a Boolean.
This function returns a Boolean.
The name parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
This function returns an object that implements the Document interface.
The uri parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMSystemException interface.
This function returns an object that implements the Document interface.
The is parameter is an object that implements the DOMInputSource interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMSystemException interface.
parseWithContext(is, cnode, action)
This function has no return value.
The is parameter is an object that implements the DOMInputSource interface.
The cnode parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
The action parameter is a Number.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
Objects that implement the DOMWriter interface:
Properties of objects that implement the DOMWriter interface:
This property is a String.
This read-only property is a String.
This property is a String.
This property is an object that implements the DOMErrorHandler interface.
Functions of objects that implement the DOMWriter interface:
setFeature(name, state)
This function has no return value.
The name parameter is a String.
The state parameter is a Boolean.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
canSetFeature(name, state)
This function returns a Boolean.
The name parameter is a String.
The state parameter is a Boolean.
This function returns a Boolean.
The name parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
writeNode(destination, wnode)
This function returns a Boolean.
The destination parameter is an object that implements the Object interface.
The wnode parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMSystemException interface.
This function returns a String.
The wnode parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
Objects that implement the DOMInputSource interface:
Properties of objects that implement the DOMInputSource interface:
This property is an object that implements the DOMInputSource interface.
This property is an object that implements the this is an error and shouldn't be used. interface.
This property is a String.
This property is a String.
This property is a String.
This property is a String.
This property is a String.
Objects that implement the LSLoadEvent interface:
Objects that implement the LSLoadEvent interface have all properties and functions of the Event interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the LSLoadEvent interface:
This read-only property is an object that implements the Document interface.
This read-only property is an object that implements the DOMInputSource interface.
Objects that implement the LSProgressEvent interface:
Objects that implement the LSProgressEvent interface have all properties and functions of the Event interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the LSProgressEvent interface:
This read-only property is an object that implements the DOMInputSource interface.
This read-only property is a Number.
This read-only property is a Number.
Objects that implement the DOMEntityResolver interface:
Functions of objects that implement the DOMEntityResolver interface:
resolveEntity(publicId, systemId, baseURI)
This function returns an object that implements the DOMInputSource interface.
The publicId parameter is a String.
The systemId parameter is a String.
The baseURI parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMSystemException interface.
Objects that implement the DOMBuilderFilter interface:
Properties of objects that implement the DOMBuilderFilter interface:
This read-only property is a Number.
Functions of objects that implement the DOMBuilderFilter interface:
This function returns a Number.
The snode parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function returns a Number.
The enode parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
Objects that implement the DOMWriterFilter interface:
Objects that implement the DOMWriterFilter interface have all properties and functions of the NodeFilter interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the DOMWriterFilter interface:
This read-only property is a Number.
Objects that implement the DocumentLS interface:
Properties of objects that implement the DocumentLS interface:
This property is a Boolean.
Functions of objects that implement the DocumentLS interface:
This function has no return value.
This function returns a Boolean.
The uri parameter is a String.
This function returns a Boolean.
The source parameter is a String.
This function returns a String.
The snode parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
Objects that implement the ParseErrorEvent interface:
Objects that implement the ParseErrorEvent interface have all properties and functions of the Event interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
Properties of objects that implement the ParseErrorEvent interface:
This read-only property is an object that implements the DOMError interface.