This appendix contains the complete Java [Java] bindings for the Level 3 Document Object Model Abstract Schemas.
The Java files are also available as
package; public class ASException extends RuntimeException { public ASException(short code, String message) { super(message); this.code = code; } public short code; // ASExceptionCode public static final short DUPLICATE_NAME_ERR = 1; public static final short TYPE_ERR = 2; public static final short NO_AS_AVAILABLE = 3; public static final short WRONG_MIME_TYPE_ERR = 4; public static final short INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = 5; public static final short VALIDATION_ERR = 6; public static final short ACTIVEAS_DELETION_ERR = 7; }
package; public interface ASConstants { // ASObject Types public static final short ELEMENT_DECLARATION = 1; public static final short ATTRIBUTE_DECLARATION = 2; public static final short NOTATION_DECLARATION = 3; public static final short ENTITY_DECLARATION = 4; public static final short CONTENT_MODEL = 5; public static final short SCHEMA_MODEL = 6; // Schema Model types public static final short INTERNAL_SUBSET = 30; public static final short EXTERNAL_SUBSET = 31; public static final short NOT_USED = 32; // Entity Types public static final short INTERNAL_ENTITY = 33; public static final short EXTERNAL_ENTITY = 34; // Content Model Types public static final short EMPTY_CONTENTTYPE = 40; public static final short SIMPLE_CONTENTTYPE = 41; public static final short ELEMENT_CONTENTTYPE = 42; public static final short MIXED_CONTENTTYPE = 43; public static final short ANY_CONTENTTYPE = 44; // Content model compositors public static final short SEQUENCE_CM = 50; public static final short CHOICE_CM = 51; public static final short ALL_CM = 52; public static final short UNDEFINED_CM = 53; public static final short ATOMIC_CM = 54; // Value Constraint public static final short NONE_VC = 0; public static final short DEFAULT_VC = 60; public static final short FIXED_VC = 61; public static final short REQUIRED_VC = 62; // Definition of unbounded public static final int UNBOUNDED = MAX_VALUE; }
package; public interface ASObject { public short getObjectType(); public ASModel getOwnerModel(); public String getRawname(); public String getName(); public String getNamespace(); public ASObject cloneASObject(boolean deep) throws ASException; }
package; public interface ASDataType { public short getDataType(); // DATA_TYPES public static final short STRING_DATATYPE = 1; public static final short NOTATION_DATATYPE = 10; public static final short ID_DATATYPE = 11; public static final short IDREF_DATATYPE = 12; public static final short IDREFS_DATATYPE = 13; public static final short ENTITY_DATATYPE = 14; public static final short ENTITIES_DATATYPE = 15; public static final short NMTOKEN_DATATYPE = 16; public static final short NMTOKENS_DATATYPE = 17; public static final short BOOLEAN_DATATYPE = 100; public static final short FLOAT_DATATYPE = 101; public static final short DOUBLE_DATATYPE = 102; public static final short DECIMAL_DATATYPE = 103; public static final short HEXBINARY_DATATYPE = 104; public static final short BASE64BINARY_DATATYPE = 105; public static final short ANYURI_DATATYPE = 106; public static final short QNAME_DATATYPE = 107; public static final short DURATION_DATATYPE = 108; public static final short DATETIME_DATATYPE = 109; public static final short DATE_DATATYPE = 110; public static final short TIME_DATATYPE = 111; public static final short GYEARMONTH_DATATYPE = 112; public static final short GYEAR_DATATYPE = 113; public static final short GMONTHDAY_DATATYPE = 114; public static final short GDAY_DATATYPE = 115; public static final short GMONTH_DATATYPE = 116; public static final short INTEGER = 117; public static final short NAME_DATATYPE = 200; public static final short NCNAME_DATATYPE = 201; public static final short NORMALIZEDSTRING_DATATYPE = 202; public static final short TOKEN_DATATYPE = 203; public static final short LANGUAGE_DATATYPE = 204; public static final short NONPOSITIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE = 205; public static final short NEGATIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE = 206; public static final short LONG_DATATYPE = 207; public static final short INT_DATATYPE = 208; public static final short SHORT_DATATYPE = 209; public static final short BYTE_DATATYPE = 210; public static final short NONNEGATIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE = 211; public static final short UNSIGNEDLONG_DATATYPE = 212; public static final short UNSIGNEDINT_DATATYPE = 213; public static final short UNSIGNEDSHORT_DATATYPE = 214; public static final short UNSIGNEDBYTE_DATATYPE = 215; public static final short POSITIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE = 216; public static final short ANYSIMPLETYPE_DATATYPE = 216; public static final short ANYTYPE_DATATYPE = 216; }
package; public interface ASObjectList { public int getLength(); public ASObject item(int index); }
package; public interface ASNamedObjectMap { public int getLength(); public ASObject item(int index); public ASObject getNamedItem(String name); public ASObject getNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI, String localName); }
package; public interface ASModel extends ASObject { public boolean getNamespaceAware(); public short getUsage(); public String getLocation(); public String getHint(); public boolean getContainer(); public ASNamedObjectMap getComponents(short objectType); // Convenience method to retrive named top-level declarations public ASElementDecl getElementDecl(String name, String targetNamespace); public ASAttributeDecl getAttributeDecl(String name, String targetNamespace); public ASEntityDecl getEntityDecl(String name); public ASNotationDecl getNotationDecl(String name, String targetNamespace); }
package; public interface ASContentModel extends ASObject { public short getContentModelType(); public int getMinOccurs(); public int getMaxOccurs(); public ASObjectList getSubModels(); }
package; public interface ASElementDecl extends ASObject { public ASDataType getType(); public short getContentType(); public boolean getStrictMixedContent(); public ASContentModel getContentModel(); public boolean getIsPCDataOnly(); public ASNamedObjectMap getAttributeDecls(); public ASAttributeDecl getAttributeDecl(String name, String targetNamespace); }
package; public interface ASAttributeDecl extends ASObject { public ASDataType getType(); public String getEnumAttr(); public ASObjectList getOwnerElementDeclarations(); public short getDefaultType(); public String getValue(); }
package; public interface ASEntityDecl extends ASObject { public short getEntityType(); public String getEntityValue(); public String getSystemId(); public String getPublicId(); }
package; public interface ASNotationDecl extends ASObject { public String getSystemId(); public String getPublicId(); }
package; public interface ASWModel extends ASModel { public void setLocation(String location); public void setHint(String hint); public void addComponent(ASObject declaration); public void removeComponent(ASObject declaration); public void addASModel(ASModel declaration); public void removeASModel(ASModel declaration); public ASObjectList getASModels(); public ASObject importASObject(ASObject asobject); public void insertASObject(ASObject asobject); public boolean validate(); public ASWElementDecl createASWElementDecl(String namespaceURI, String name) throws ASException; public ASWAttributeDecl createASWAttributeDecl(String namespaceURI, String name) throws ASException; public ASWNotationDecl createASWNotationDecl(String namespaceURI, String name, String systemId, String publicId) throws ASException; public ASWEntityDecl createASWEntityDecl(String name) throws ASException; public ASWContentModel createASWContentModel(String name, String namespaceURI, int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, short operator) throws ASException; }
package; import org.w3c.dom.DOMException; public interface ASWNamedObjectMap extends ASNamedObjectMap { public ASObject removeNamedItem(String name) throws ASException; public ASObject setNamedItem(ASObject newASObject) throws ASException, ASException; public ASObject setNamedItemNS(ASObject arg) throws ASException; public ASObject removeNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI, String localName) throws DOMException; }
package; public interface ASWElementDecl extends ASElementDecl { public void setRawname(String rawname); public void setName(String name); public void setNamespace(String namespaceURI); public void setStrictMixedContent(boolean mixedContent); public void setType(ASDataType type); public void setContentType(short contentType); public void setContentModel(ASWContentModel contentModel); public void addAttributeDecl(ASWAttributeDecl attributeDecl); public ASWAttributeDecl removeAttributeDecl(ASWAttributeDecl attributeDecl); }
package; public interface ASWContentModel extends ASContentModel { public void setName(String name); public void setNamespaceURI(String namespaceURI); public void setContentModelType(short operator); public void setMinOccurs(int minOccurs); public void setMaxOccurs(int maxOccurs); public void removeSubModel(ASObject oldObject); public ASObject insertBeforeSubModel(ASObject newObject, ASObject refObject) throws ASException; public int appendSubModel(ASObject newObject) throws ASException; }
package; public interface ASWAttributeDecl extends ASAttributeDecl { public void setRawname(String rawname); public void setName(String name); public void setNamespaceURI(String namespaceURI); public void setType(ASDataType type); public void setValue(String value); public void setEnumAttr(String enumeration); public void setDefaultType(short constraint); }
package; public interface ASWEntityDecl extends ASEntityDecl { public void setRawname(String rawname); public void setEntityType(short type); public void setEntityValue(String value); public void setSystemId(String systemId); public void setPublicId(String publicId); }
package; public interface ASWNotationDecl extends ASNotationDecl { public void setRawname(String rawname); public void setName(String name); public void setNamespaceURI(String namespaceURI); public void setSystemId(String systemId); public void setPublicId(String publicId); }
package; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.DOMException; import org.w3c.dom.Notation; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Entity; public interface DocumentAS extends Document { public ASModel getActiveASModel(); public void setActiveASModel(ASModel activeASModel); public ASObjectList getBoundASModels(); public void setBoundASModels(ASObjectList boundASModels); public ASModel getInternalAS(); public void setInternalAS(ASModel as) throws DOMException; public void addAS(ASModel as); public void removeAS(ASModel as) throws ASException; public ASElementDecl getElementDecl(Element node) throws DOMException; public ASAttributeDecl getAttributeDecl(Attr node) throws DOMException; public ASEntityDecl getEntityDecl(Entity node) throws DOMException; public ASNotationDecl getNotationDecl(Notation node) throws DOMException; public void validate() throws ASException; }
package; import org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation; public interface DOMImplementationAS extends DOMImplementation { public ASWModel createASWModel(boolean isNamespaceAware, boolean container, String schemaType); }
package; import; import; public interface ASDOMBuilder extends DOMBuilder { public ASWModel getAbstractSchema(); public void setAbstractSchema(ASWModel abstractSchema); public ASWModel parseASURI(String uri, String schemaType) throws ASException, Exception; public ASWModel parseASInputSource(DOMInputSource is, String schemaType) throws ASException, Exception; }
package; import; public interface ASDOMWriter extends DOMWriter { public void writeASModel( destination, ASModel model) throws Exception; }