10 Color

10.1 Introduction

(In this chapter we will discuss sRGB and other ICC color spaces. Under construction.)

10.2 The 'icc-profile' Property

The 'icc-profile' property identifies the ICC profile which should be used to process all <icc-color> definitions within the current object.

Value:   sRGB | <profile-name> [ <uri> ] | inherit
Initial:   sRGB
Applies to:  all elements
Inherited:  yes
Percentages:  N/A
Media:  visual
Indicates that the currently active ICC profile is sRGB.
<profile-name> [ <uri> ]
Provides a <profile-name> for the profile which is present mainly for caching and performance reasons (e.g., if the profile is already installed on the user's system or is already in use, then don't download the profile from its URL). The <uri> indicates the location of the profile itself. Although optional, the <uri> is recommended in order to guarantee that the given profile will be available to the end user.