
Appendix C: IDL Definitions

This appendix contains the complete OMG IDL for the Level 2 Document Object Model definitions. The definitions are divided into Core, Namespaces, Stylesheets, CSS, Events, Filters and Iterators, and Range.

The IDL files are also available as: http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/WD-DOM-Level-2-19990719/idl.zip

C.1: Document Object Model Level 2 Core


// File: dom2.idl
#ifndef _DOM2_IDL_
#define _DOM2_IDL_

#include "dom.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module dom2
  typedef dom::DocumentType DocumentType;
  typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;
  typedef dom::DOMImplementation DOMImplementation;
  typedef dom::Document Document;
  typedef dom::Node Node;
  typedef dom::Attr Attr;
  typedef dom::Element Element;
  typedef dom::HTMLDocument HTMLDocument;

  interface DocumentType2 : DocumentType {
    readonly attribute DOMString        publicID;
    readonly attribute DOMString        systemID;

  interface DOMImplementation2 : DOMImplementation {
    DocumentType       createDocumentType(in DOMString name, 
                                          in DOMString publicID, 
                                          in DOMString systemID)
    Document           createDocument(in DOMString name, 
                                      in DocumentType doctype)

  interface Document2 : Document {
    Node               importNode(in Node importedNode, 
                                  in boolean deep);

  interface Node2 : Node {
    boolean            supports(in DOMString feature, 
                                in DOMString version);

  interface Attr2 : Attr {
    readonly attribute Element          ownerElement;

  interface HTMLDOMImplementation : DOMImplementation {
    HTMLDocument       createHTMLDocument(in DOMString title);


#endif // _DOM2_IDL_

C.2: Document Object Model Level 2 Namespaces


// File: namespaces.idl

#include "dom.idl"
#include "dom2.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module namespaces
  typedef dom dom2::DOMString DOMString;
  typedef dom dom2::Element Element;
  typedef dom dom2::Attr Attr;
  typedef dom dom2::NodeList NodeList;

  interface NodeNS {
    readonly attribute DOMString        namespaceName;
             attribute DOMString        prefix;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

    readonly attribute DOMString        localName;

  interface DocumentNS {
    Element            createElementNS(in DOMString namespaceName, 
                                       in DOMString qualifiedName)
    Attr               createAttributeNS(in DOMString namespaceName, 
                                         in DOMString qualifiedName)
    NodeList           getElementsByTagNameNS(in DOMString namespaceName, 
                                              in DOMString localName);

  interface ElementNS {
    DOMString          getAttributeNS(in DOMString namespaceName, 
                                      in DOMString localName);
    void               setAttributeNS(in DOMString namespaceName, 
                                      in DOMString localName, 
                                      in DOMString value)
    void               removeAttributeNS(in DOMString namespaceName, 
                                         in DOMString localName)
    Attr               getAttributeNodeNS(in DOMString namespaceName, 
                                          in DOMString localName);
    Attr               setAttributeNodeNS(in Attr newAttr)
    NodeList           getElementsByTagNameNS(in DOMString namespaceName, 
                                              in DOMString localName);

  interface NodeNS {
    readonly attribute DOMString        universalName;
    readonly attribute DOMString        namespaceName;
             attribute DOMString        prefix;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

    readonly attribute DOMString        localName;


#endif // _NAMESPACES_IDL_

C.3: Document Object Model Level 2 Stylesheets


// File: stylesheets.idl

#include "dom.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module stylesheets
  typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;
  typedef dom::Node Node;

  interface MediaList;

  interface StyleSheet {
    readonly attribute DOMString        type;
             attribute boolean          disabled;
    readonly attribute Node             ownerNode;
    readonly attribute StyleSheet       parentStyleSheet;
    readonly attribute DOMString        href;
    readonly attribute DOMString        title;
    readonly attribute MediaList        media;

  interface StyleSheetList {
    readonly attribute unsigned long    length;
    StyleSheet         item(in unsigned long index);

  interface MediaList {
             attribute DOMString        cssText;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

    readonly attribute unsigned long    length;
    DOMString          item(in unsigned long index);
    void               delete(in DOMString oldMedium)
    void               append(in DOMString newMedium)

  interface DocumentStyle {
    readonly attribute StyleSheetList   styleSheets;



C.4: Document Object Model Level 2 CSS


// File: css.idl
#ifndef _CSS_IDL_
#define _CSS_IDL_

#include "dom.idl"
#include "stylesheets.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module css
  typedef dom stylesheets::DOMString DOMString;
  typedef dom stylesheets::MediaList MediaList;
  typedef dom stylesheets::float float;
  typedef dom stylesheets::StyleSheet StyleSheet;

  interface CSSRule;
  interface CSSStyleSheet;
  interface CSSStyleDeclaration;
  interface CSSValue;
  interface Counter;
  interface Rect;
  interface RGBColor;

  interface CSSRuleList {
    readonly attribute unsigned long    length;
    CSSRule            item(in unsigned long index);

  interface CSSRule {
    // RuleType
    const unsigned short      UNKNOWN_RULE                   = 0;
    const unsigned short      STYLE_RULE                     = 1;
    const unsigned short      CHARSET_RULE                   = 2;
    const unsigned short      IMPORT_RULE                    = 3;
    const unsigned short      MEDIA_RULE                     = 4;
    const unsigned short      FONT_FACE_RULE                 = 5;
    const unsigned short      PAGE_RULE                      = 6;

    readonly attribute unsigned short   type;
             attribute DOMString        cssText;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

    readonly attribute CSSStyleSheet    parentStyleSheet;
    readonly attribute CSSRule          parentRule;

  interface CSSStyleRule : CSSRule {
             attribute DOMString        selectorText;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

    readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration  style;

  interface CSSMediaRule : CSSRule {
    readonly attribute MediaList        media;
    readonly attribute CSSRuleList      cssRules;
    unsigned long      insertRule(in DOMString rule, 
                                  in unsigned long index)
    void               deleteRule(in unsigned long index)

  interface CSSFontFaceRule : CSSRule {
    readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration  style;

  interface CSSPageRule : CSSRule {
             attribute DOMString        selectorText;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

    readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration  style;

  interface CSSImportRule : CSSRule {
    readonly attribute DOMString        href;
    readonly attribute MediaList        media;
    readonly attribute CSSStyleSheet    styleSheet;

  interface CSSCharsetRule : CSSRule {
             attribute DOMString        encoding;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting


  interface CSSUnknownRule : CSSRule {

  interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
             attribute DOMString        cssText;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

    DOMString          getPropertyValue(in DOMString propertyName);
    CSSValue           getPropertyCSSValue(in DOMString propertyName);
    DOMString          removeProperty(in DOMString propertyName)
    DOMString          getPropertyPriority(in DOMString propertyName);
    void               setProperty(in DOMString propertyName, 
                                   in DOMString value, 
                                   in DOMString priority)
    readonly attribute unsigned long    length;
    DOMString          item(in unsigned long index);
    readonly attribute CSSRule          parentRule;

  interface CSSValue {
    // UnitTypes
    const unsigned short      CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE            = 0;
    const unsigned short      CSS_VALUE_LIST                 = 1;
    const unsigned short      CSS_CUSTOM                     = 2;

             attribute DOMString        cssText;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

    readonly attribute unsigned short   valueType;

  interface CSSPrimitiveValue : CSSValue {
    // UnitTypes
    const unsigned short      CSS_UNKNOWN                    = 0;
    const unsigned short      CSS_INHERIT                    = 1;
    const unsigned short      CSS_NUMBER                     = 2;
    const unsigned short      CSS_PERCENTAGE                 = 3;
    const unsigned short      CSS_EMS                        = 4;
    const unsigned short      CSS_EXS                        = 5;
    const unsigned short      CSS_PX                         = 6;
    const unsigned short      CSS_CM                         = 7;
    const unsigned short      CSS_MM                         = 8;
    const unsigned short      CSS_IN                         = 9;
    const unsigned short      CSS_PT                         = 10;
    const unsigned short      CSS_PC                         = 11;
    const unsigned short      CSS_DEG                        = 12;
    const unsigned short      CSS_RAD                        = 13;
    const unsigned short      CSS_GRAD                       = 14;
    const unsigned short      CSS_MS                         = 15;
    const unsigned short      CSS_S                          = 16;
    const unsigned short      CSS_HZ                         = 17;
    const unsigned short      CSS_KHZ                        = 18;
    const unsigned short      CSS_DIMENSION                  = 19;
    const unsigned short      CSS_STRING                     = 20;
    const unsigned short      CSS_URI                        = 21;
    const unsigned short      CSS_IDENT                      = 22;
    const unsigned short      CSS_ATTR                       = 23;
    const unsigned short      CSS_COUNTER                    = 24;
    const unsigned short      CSS_RECT                       = 26;
    const unsigned short      CSS_RGBCOLOR                   = 27;

    readonly attribute unsigned short   primitiveType;
    void               setFloatValue(in unsigned short unitType, 
                                     in float floatValue)
    float              getFloatValue(in unsigned short unitType)
    void               setStringValue(in unsigned short stringType, 
                                      in DOMString stringValue)
    DOMString          getStringValue()
    Counter            getCounterValue()
    Rect               getRectValue()
    RGBColor           getRGBColorValue()

  interface CSSValueList : CSSValue {
    readonly attribute unsigned long    length;
    CSSValue           item(in unsigned long index);

  interface RGBColor {
             attribute CSSValue         red;
             attribute CSSValue         green;
             attribute CSSValue         blue;

  interface Rect {
             attribute CSSValue         top;
             attribute CSSValue         right;
             attribute CSSValue         bottom;
             attribute CSSValue         left;

  interface Counter {
             attribute DOMString        identifier;
             attribute DOMString        listStyle;
             attribute DOMString        separator;

  interface CSS2Azimuth : CSSValue {
    readonly attribute unsigned short   azimuthType;
    readonly attribute DOMString        identifier;
    readonly attribute boolean          behind;
    void               setAngleValue(in unsigned short unitType, 
                                     in float floatValue)
    float              getAngleValue(in unsigned short unitType)
    void               setIdentifier(in DOMString identifier, 
                                     in boolean behind)

  interface CSS2BackgroundPosition : CSSValue {
    readonly attribute unsigned short   horizontalType;
    readonly attribute unsigned short   verticalType;
    readonly attribute DOMString        horizontalIdentifier;
    readonly attribute DOMString        verticalIdentifier;
    float              getHorizontalPosition(in float horizontalType)
    float              getVerticalPosition(in float verticalType)
    void               setHorizontalPosition(in unsigned short horizontalType, 
                                             in float value)
    void               setVerticalPosition(in unsigned short verticalType, 
                                           in float value)
    void               setPositionIdentifier(in DOMString horizontalIdentifier, 
                                             in DOMString verticalIdentifier)

  interface CSS2BorderSpacing : CSSValue {
    readonly attribute unsigned short   horizontalType;
    readonly attribute unsigned short   verticalType;
    float              getHorizontalSpacing(in float horizontalType)
    float              getVerticalSpacing(in float verticalType)
    void               setHorizontalSpacing(in unsigned short horizontalType, 
                                            in float value)
    void               setVerticalSpacing(in unsigned short verticalType, 
                                          in float value)
    void               setInherit()();

  interface CSS2CounterReset {
             attribute DOMString        identifier;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

             attribute short            reset;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting


  interface CSS2CounterIncrement {
             attribute DOMString        identifier;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

             attribute short            increment;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting


  interface CSS2Cursor : CSSValue {
             attribute unsigned short   cursorType;
    readonly attribute CSSValueList     uris;
             attribute DOMString        predefinedCursor;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting


  interface CSS2PlayDuring : CSSValue {
    readonly attribute unsigned short   playDuringType;
             attribute DOMString        playDuringIdentifier;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

             attribute DOMString        uri;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

             attribute boolean          mix;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

             attribute boolean          repeat;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting


  interface CSS2TextShadow {
    readonly attribute CSSValue         color;
    readonly attribute CSSValue         horizontal;
    readonly attribute CSSValue         vertical;
    readonly attribute CSSValue         blur;

  interface CSS2FontFaceSrc {
             attribute DOMString        uri;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

    readonly attribute CSSValueList     format;
             attribute DOMString        fontFaceName;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting


  interface CSS2FontFaceWidths {
             attribute DOMString        urange;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

    readonly attribute CSSValueList     numbers;

  interface CSS2PageSize : CSSValue {
    readonly attribute unsigned short   widthType;
    readonly attribute unsigned short   heightType;
    readonly attribute DOMString        identifier;
    float              getWidth(in float widthType)
    float              getHeightSize(in float heightType)
    void               setWidthSize(in unsigned short widthType, 
                                    in float value)
    void               setHeightSize(in unsigned short heightType, 
                                     in float value)
    void               setIdentifier(in DOMString identifier)

  interface CSS2Properties {
             attribute DOMString        azimuth;
             attribute DOMString        background;
             attribute DOMString        backgroundAttachment;
             attribute DOMString        backgroundColor;
             attribute DOMString        backgroundImage;
             attribute DOMString        backgroundPosition;
             attribute DOMString        backgroundRepeat;
             attribute DOMString        border;
             attribute DOMString        borderCollapse;
             attribute DOMString        borderColor;
             attribute DOMString        borderSpacing;
             attribute DOMString        borderStyle;
             attribute DOMString        borderTop;
             attribute DOMString        borderRight;
             attribute DOMString        borderBottom;
             attribute DOMString        borderLeft;
             attribute DOMString        borderTopColor;
             attribute DOMString        borderRightColor;
             attribute DOMString        borderBottomColor;
             attribute DOMString        borderLeftColor;
             attribute DOMString        borderTopStyle;
             attribute DOMString        borderRightStyle;
             attribute DOMString        borderBottomStyle;
             attribute DOMString        borderLeftStyle;
             attribute DOMString        borderTopWidth;
             attribute DOMString        borderRightWidth;
             attribute DOMString        borderBottomWidth;
             attribute DOMString        borderLeftWidth;
             attribute DOMString        borderWidth;
             attribute DOMString        bottom;
             attribute DOMString        captionSide;
             attribute DOMString        clear;
             attribute DOMString        clip;
             attribute DOMString        color;
             attribute DOMString        content;
             attribute DOMString        counterIncrement;
             attribute DOMString        counterReset;
             attribute DOMString        cue;
             attribute DOMString        cueAfter;
             attribute DOMString        cueBefore;
             attribute DOMString        cursor;
             attribute DOMString        direction;
             attribute DOMString        display;
             attribute DOMString        elevation;
             attribute DOMString        emptyCells;
             attribute DOMString        cssFloat;
             attribute DOMString        font;
             attribute DOMString        fontFamily;
             attribute DOMString        fontSize;
             attribute DOMString        fontSizeAdjust;
             attribute DOMString        fontStretch;
             attribute DOMString        fontStyle;
             attribute DOMString        fontVariant;
             attribute DOMString        fontWeight;
             attribute DOMString        height;
             attribute DOMString        left;
             attribute DOMString        letterSpacing;
             attribute DOMString        lineHeight;
             attribute DOMString        listStyle;
             attribute DOMString        listStyleImage;
             attribute DOMString        listStylePosition;
             attribute DOMString        listStyleType;
             attribute DOMString        margin;
             attribute DOMString        marginTop;
             attribute DOMString        marginRight;
             attribute DOMString        marginBottom;
             attribute DOMString        marginLeft;
             attribute DOMString        markerOffset;
             attribute DOMString        marks;
             attribute DOMString        maxHeight;
             attribute DOMString        maxWidth;
             attribute DOMString        minHeight;
             attribute DOMString        minWidth;
             attribute DOMString        orphans;
             attribute DOMString        outline;
             attribute DOMString        outlineColor;
             attribute DOMString        outlineStyle;
             attribute DOMString        outlineWidth;
             attribute DOMString        overflow;
             attribute DOMString        padding;
             attribute DOMString        paddingTop;
             attribute DOMString        paddingRight;
             attribute DOMString        paddingBottom;
             attribute DOMString        paddingLeft;
             attribute DOMString        page;
             attribute DOMString        pageBreakAfter;
             attribute DOMString        pageBreakBefore;
             attribute DOMString        pageBreakInside;
             attribute DOMString        pause;
             attribute DOMString        pauseAfter;
             attribute DOMString        pauseBefore;
             attribute DOMString        pitch;
             attribute DOMString        pitchRange;
             attribute DOMString        playDuring;
             attribute DOMString        position;
             attribute DOMString        quotes;
             attribute DOMString        richness;
             attribute DOMString        right;
             attribute DOMString        size;
             attribute DOMString        speak;
             attribute DOMString        speakHeader;
             attribute DOMString        speakNumeral;
             attribute DOMString        speakPunctuation;
             attribute DOMString        speechRate;
             attribute DOMString        stress;
             attribute DOMString        tableLayout;
             attribute DOMString        textAlign;
             attribute DOMString        textDecoration;
             attribute DOMString        textIndent;
             attribute DOMString        textShadow;
             attribute DOMString        textTransform;
             attribute DOMString        top;
             attribute DOMString        unicodeBidi;
             attribute DOMString        verticalAlign;
             attribute DOMString        visibility;
             attribute DOMString        voiceFamily;
             attribute DOMString        volume;
             attribute DOMString        whiteSpace;
             attribute DOMString        widows;
             attribute DOMString        width;
             attribute DOMString        wordSpacing;
             attribute DOMString        zIndex;

  interface CSSStyleSheet : StyleSheet {
    readonly attribute CSSRule          ownerRule;
    readonly attribute CSSRuleList      cssRules;
    unsigned long      insertRule(in DOMString rule, 
                                  in unsigned long index)
    void               deleteRule(in unsigned long index)


#endif // _CSS_IDL_

C.5: Document Object Model Level 2 Events


// File: events.idl
#ifndef _EVENTS_IDL_
#define _EVENTS_IDL_

#include "dom.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module events
  typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;
  typedef dom::Node Node;

  interface EventListener;
  interface Event;

  interface EventTarget {
    void               addEventListener(in DOMString type, 
                                        in EventListener listener, 
                                        in boolean useCapture);
    void               removeEventListener(in DOMString type, 
                                           in EventListener listener, 
                                           in boolean useCapture);

  interface EventListener {
    void               handleEvent(in Event event);

  interface Event {
    // PhaseType
    const unsigned short      BUBBLING_PHASE                 = 1;
    const unsigned short      CAPTURING_PHASE                = 2;
    const unsigned short      AT_TARGET                      = 3;

             attribute DOMString        type;
             attribute Node             target;
             attribute Node             currentNode;
             attribute unsigned short   eventPhase;
    void               preventBubble();
    void               preventCapture();
    void               preventDefault();

  interface UIEvent : Event {
    const int                 CHAR_UNDEFINED                 = 1;
    const int                 KEY_FIRST                      = 1;
    const int                 KEY_LAST                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_0                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_1                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_2                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_3                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_4                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_5                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_6                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_7                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_8                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_9                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_A                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_ACCEPT                      = 1;
    const int                 VK_ADD                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_AGAIN                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_ALL_CANDIDATES              = 1;
    const int                 VK_ALPHANUMERIC                = 1;
    const int                 VK_ALT                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_ALT_GRAPH                   = 1;
    const int                 VK_AMPERSAND                   = 1;
    const int                 VK_ASTERISK                    = 1;
    const int                 VK_AT                          = 1;
    const int                 VK_B                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_BACK_QUOTE                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_BACK_SLASH                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_BACK_SPACE                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_BRACELEFT                   = 1;
    const int                 VK_BRACERIGHT                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_C                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_CANCEL                      = 1;
    const int                 VK_CAPS_LOCK                   = 1;
    const int                 VK_CIRCUMFLEX                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_CLEAR                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_CLOSE_BRACKET               = 1;
    const int                 VK_CODE_INPUT                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_COLON                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_COMMA                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_COMPOSE                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_CONTROL                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_CONVERT                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_COPY                        = 1;
    const int                 VK_CUT                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_D                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_ABOVEDOT               = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_ABOVERING              = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_ACUTE                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_BREVE                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_CARON                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_CEDILLA                = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_CIRCUMFLEX             = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_DIAERESIS              = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_DOUBLEACUTE            = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_GRAVE                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_IOTA                   = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_MACRON                 = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_OGONEK                 = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_SEMIVOICED_SOUND       = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_TILDE                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_DEAD_VOICED_SOUND           = 1;
    const int                 VK_DECIMAL                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_DELETE                      = 1;
    const int                 VK_DIVIDE                      = 1;
    const int                 VK_DOLLAR                      = 1;
    const int                 VK_DOWN                        = 1;
    const int                 VK_E                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_END                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_ENTER                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_EQUALS                      = 1;
    const int                 VK_ESCAPE                      = 1;
    const int                 VK_EURO_SIGN                   = 1;
    const int                 VK_EXCLAMATION_MARK            = 1;
    const int                 VK_F                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_F1                          = 1;
    const int                 VK_F10                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F11                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F12                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F13                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F14                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F15                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F16                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F17                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F18                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F19                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F2                          = 1;
    const int                 VK_F20                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F21                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F22                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F23                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F24                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_F3                          = 1;
    const int                 VK_F4                          = 1;
    const int                 VK_F5                          = 1;
    const int                 VK_F6                          = 1;
    const int                 VK_F7                          = 1;
    const int                 VK_F8                          = 1;
    const int                 VK_F9                          = 1;
    const int                 VK_FINAL                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_FIND                        = 1;
    const int                 VK_FULL_WIDTH                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_G                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_GREATER                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_H                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_HALF_WIDTH                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_HELP                        = 1;
    const int                 VK_HIRAGANA                    = 1;
    const int                 VK_HOME                        = 1;
    const int                 VK_I                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_INSERT                      = 1;
    const int                 VK_INVERTED_EXCLAMATION_MARK   = 1;
    const int                 VK_J                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_JAPANESE_HIRAGANA           = 1;
    const int                 VK_JAPANESE_KATAKANA           = 1;
    const int                 VK_JAPANESE_ROMAN              = 1;
    const int                 VK_K                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_KANA                        = 1;
    const int                 VK_KANJI                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_KATAKANA                    = 1;
    const int                 VK_KP_DOWN                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_KP_LEFT                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_KP_RIGHT                    = 1;
    const int                 VK_KP_UP                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_L                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_LEFT                        = 1;
    const int                 VK_LEFT_PARENTHESIS            = 1;
    const int                 VK_LESS                        = 1;
    const int                 VK_M                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_META                        = 1;
    const int                 VK_MINUS                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_MODECHANGE                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_MULTIPLY                    = 1;
    const int                 VK_N                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_NONCONVERT                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_NUM_LOCK                    = 1;
    const int                 VK_NUMBER_SIGN                 = 1;
    const int                 VK_NUMPAD0                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_NUMPAD1                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_NUMPAD2                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_NUMPAD3                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_NUMPAD4                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_NUMPAD5                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_NUMPAD6                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_NUMPAD7                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_NUMPAD8                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_NUMPAD9                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_O                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_OPEN_BRACKET                = 1;
    const int                 VK_P                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_PAGE_DOWN                   = 1;
    const int                 VK_PAGE_UP                     = 1;
    const int                 VK_PASTE                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_PAUSE                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_PERIOD                      = 1;
    const int                 VK_PLUS                        = 1;
    const int                 VK_PREVIOUS_CANDIDATE          = 1;
    const int                 VK_PRINTSCREEN                 = 1;
    const int                 VK_PROPS                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_Q                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_QUOTE                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_QUOTEDBL                    = 1;
    const int                 VK_R                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_RIGHT                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS           = 1;
    const int                 VK_ROMAN_CHARACTERS            = 1;
    const int                 VK_S                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_SCROLL_LOCK                 = 1;
    const int                 VK_SEMICOLON                   = 1;
    const int                 VK_SEPARATER                   = 1;
    const int                 VK_SHIFT                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_SLASH                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_SPACE                       = 1;
    const int                 VK_STOP                        = 1;
    const int                 VK_SUBTRACT                    = 1;
    const int                 VK_T                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_TAB                         = 1;
    const int                 VK_U                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_UNDEFINED                   = 1;
    const int                 VK_UNDERSCORE                  = 1;
    const int                 VK_UNDO                        = 1;
    const int                 VK_UP                          = 1;
    const int                 VK_V                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_W                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_X                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_Y                           = 1;
    const int                 VK_Z                           = 1;
             attribute long             screenX;
             attribute long             screenY;
             attribute long             clientX;
             attribute long             clientY;
             attribute boolean          ctrlKey;
             attribute boolean          shiftKey;
             attribute boolean          altKey;
             attribute boolean          metaKey;
             attribute unsigned long    keyCode;
             attribute unsigned long    charCode;
             attribute unsigned short   button;
             attribute unsigned short   clickCount;

  interface MutationEvent : Event {
             attribute Node             relatedNode;
             attribute DOMString        prevValue;
             attribute DOMString        newValue;
             attribute DOMString        attrName;


#endif // _EVENTS_IDL_

C.6: Document Object Model Level 2 Filters and Iterators


// File: fi.idl
#ifndef _FI_IDL_
#define _FI_IDL_

#include "dom.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module fi
  typedef dom::Node Node;

  interface NodeFilter;

  interface NodeIterator {
    readonly attribute long             whatToShow;
    // Constants for whatToShow
    const unsigned long       SHOW_ALL                       = 0xFFFF;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_ELEMENT                   = 0x00000001;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_ATTRIBUTE                 = 0x00000002;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_TEXT                      = 0x00000004;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_CDATA_SECTION             = 0x00000008;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE          = 0x00000010;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_ENTITY                    = 0x00000020;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION    = 0x00000040;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_COMMENT                   = 0x00000080;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_DOCUMENT                  = 0x00000100;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE             = 0x00000200;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT         = 0x00000400;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_NOTATION                  = 0x00000800;

    readonly attribute NodeFilter       filter;
    Node               nextNode();
    Node               previousNode();

  interface NodeFilter {
    // Constants returned by acceptNode
    const short               FILTER_ACCEPT                  = 1;
    const short               FILTER_REJECT                  = 2;
    const short               FILTER_SKIP                    = 3;

    short              acceptNode(in Node n);

  interface TreeWalker {
    readonly attribute long             whatToShow;
    // Constants for whatToShow
    const unsigned long       SHOW_ALL                       = 0xFFFF;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_ELEMENT                   = 0x00000001;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_ATTRIBUTE                 = 0x00000002;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_TEXT                      = 0x00000004;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_CDATA_SECTION             = 0x00000008;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE          = 0x00000010;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_ENTITY                    = 0x00000020;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION    = 0x00000040;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_COMMENT                   = 0x00000080;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_DOCUMENT                  = 0x00000100;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE             = 0x00000200;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT         = 0x00000400;
    const unsigned long       SHOW_NOTATION                  = 0x00000800;

    readonly attribute NodeFilter       filter;
    Node               current();
    Node               parentNode();
    Node               firstChild();
    Node               lastChild();
    Node               previousSibling();
    Node               nextSibling();

  interface DocumentIF {
    short              createNodeIterator(in Node root, 
                                          in short whatToShow, 
                                          in NodeFilter filter);


#endif // _FI_IDL_

C.7: Document Object Model Level 2 Range


// File: range.idl
#ifndef _RANGE_IDL_
#define _RANGE_IDL_

#include "dom.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module range
  typedef dom::Node Node;
  typedef dom::DocumentFragment DocumentFragment;
  typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;

  exception RangeException {
    unsigned short   code;

  // RangeExceptionCode
  const unsigned short      BAD_ENDPOINTS_ERR              = 201;
  const unsigned short      INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR          = 202;
  const unsigned short      NULL_NODE_ERR                  = 203;

  interface Range {
    readonly attribute Node             startContainer;
    readonly attribute long             startOffset;
    readonly attribute Node             endContainer;
    readonly attribute long             endOffset;
    readonly attribute boolean          isCollapsed;
    readonly attribute Node             commonAncestorContainer;
    void               setStart(in Node node, 
                                in long offset)
    void               setEnd(in Node node, 
                              in long offset)
    void               setStartBefore(in Node node)
    void               setStartAfter(in Node node)
    void               setEndBefore(in Node node)
    void               setEndAfter(in Node node)
    void               collapse(in boolean toStart);
    void               selectNode(in Node node)
    void               selectNodeContents(in Node node)
    typedef enum CompareHow_ {
    } CompareHow;
    short              compareEndPoints(in CompareHow how, 
                                        in Range sourceRange)
    void               deleteContents()
    DocumentFragment   extractContents()
    DocumentFragment   cloneContents()
    void               insertNode(in Node node)
                                        raises(DOMException, RangeException);
    void               surroundContents(in Node node)
                                        raises(DOMException, RangeException);
    Range              cloneRange();
    DOMString          toString();


#endif // _RANGE_IDL_