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Appendix D: Java Language Binding

This appendix contains the complete Java bindings for the Level 2 Document Object Model. The definitions are divided into Core, HTML, Stylesheets, CSS, Events, Filters and Iterators, and Range.

The Java files are also available as

D.1: Document Object Model Core


package org.w3c.dom;

public abstract class DOMException extends RuntimeException {
    public DOMException(short code, String message) {
       this.code = code;
    public short   code;
    // ExceptionCode
    public static final short   INDEX_SIZE_ERR            = 1;
    public static final short   DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR        = 2;
    public static final short   HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR     = 3;
    public static final short   WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR        = 4;
    public static final short   INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR     = 5;
    public static final short   NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR       = 6;
    public static final short   NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = 7;
    public static final short   NOT_FOUND_ERR             = 8;
    public static final short   NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR         = 9;
    public static final short   INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR       = 10;
    public static final short   INVALID_STATE_ERR         = 11;
    public static final short   SYNTAX_ERR                = 12;
    public static final short   INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR  = 13;
    public static final short   NAMESPACE_ERR             = 14;
    public static final short   INVALID_ACCESS_ERR        = 15;



package org.w3c.dom;

public interface DOMImplementation {
    public boolean      hasFeature(String feature, 
                                   String version);
    public DocumentType createDocumentType(String qualifiedName, 
                                           String publicId, 
                                           String systemId, 
                                           String internalSubset);
    public Document     createDocument(String namespaceURI, 
                                       String qualifiedName, 
                                       DocumentType doctype)
                                       throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface DocumentFragment extends Node {


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface Document extends Node {
    public DocumentType getDoctype();
    public DOMImplementation getImplementation();
    public Element      getDocumentElement();
    public Element      createElement(String tagName)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment();
    public Text         createTextNode(String data);
    public Comment      createComment(String data);
    public CDATASection createCDATASection(String data)
                                           throws DOMException;
    public ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(String target, 
                                                             String data)
                                                             throws DOMException;
    public Attr         createAttribute(String name)
                                        throws DOMException;
    public EntityReference createEntityReference(String name)
                                                 throws DOMException;
    public NodeList     getElementsByTagName(String tagname);
    public Node         importNode(Node importedNode, 
                                   boolean deep)
                                   throws DOMException;
    public Element      createElementNS(String namespaceURI, 
                                        String qualifiedName)
                                        throws DOMException;
    public Attr         createAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, 
                                          String qualifiedName)
                                          throws DOMException;
    public NodeList     getElementsByTagNameNS(String namespaceURI, 
                                               String localName);
    public Element      getElementById(String elementId);


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface Node {
    // NodeType
    public static final short   ELEMENT_NODE              = 1;
    public static final short   ATTRIBUTE_NODE            = 2;
    public static final short   TEXT_NODE                 = 3;
    public static final short   CDATA_SECTION_NODE        = 4;
    public static final short   ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE     = 5;
    public static final short   ENTITY_NODE               = 6;
    public static final short   PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7;
    public static final short   COMMENT_NODE              = 8;
    public static final short   DOCUMENT_NODE             = 9;
    public static final short   DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE        = 10;
    public static final short   DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE    = 11;
    public static final short   NOTATION_NODE             = 12;

    public String       getNodeName();
    public String       getNodeValue()
                                       throws DOMException;
    public void         setNodeValue(String nodeValue)
                                       throws DOMException;
    public short        getNodeType();
    public Node         getParentNode();
    public NodeList     getChildNodes();
    public Node         getFirstChild();
    public Node         getLastChild();
    public Node         getPreviousSibling();
    public Node         getNextSibling();
    public NamedNodeMap getAttributes();
    public Document     getOwnerDocument();
    public Node         insertBefore(Node newChild, 
                                     Node refChild)
                                     throws DOMException;
    public Node         replaceChild(Node newChild, 
                                     Node oldChild)
                                     throws DOMException;
    public Node         removeChild(Node oldChild)
                                    throws DOMException;
    public Node         appendChild(Node newChild)
                                    throws DOMException;
    public boolean      hasChildNodes();
    public Node         cloneNode(boolean deep);
    public void         normalize();
    public boolean      supports(String feature, 
                                 String version);
    public String       getNamespaceURI();
    public String       getPrefix();
    public void         setPrefix(String prefix)
                                 throws DOMException;
    public String       getLocalName();


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface NodeList {
    public Node         item(int index);
    public int          getLength();


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface NamedNodeMap {
    public Node         getNamedItem(String name);
    public Node         setNamedItem(Node arg)
                                     throws DOMException;
    public Node         removeNamedItem(String name)
                                        throws DOMException;
    public Node         item(int index);
    public int          getLength();
    public Node         getNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI, 
                                       String localName);
    public Node         setNamedItemNS(Node arg)
                                       throws DOMException;
    public Node         removeNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI, 
                                          String localName)
                                          throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface CharacterData extends Node {
    public String       getData()
                                          throws DOMException;
    public void         setData(String data)
                                          throws DOMException;
    public int          getLength();
    public String       substringData(int offset, 
                                      int count)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public void         appendData(String arg)
                                   throws DOMException;
    public void         insertData(int offset, 
                                   String arg)
                                   throws DOMException;
    public void         deleteData(int offset, 
                                   int count)
                                   throws DOMException;
    public void         replaceData(int offset, 
                                    int count, 
                                    String arg)
                                    throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface Attr extends Node {
    public String       getName();
    public boolean      getSpecified();
    public String       getValue();
    public void         setValue(String value)
                                    throws DOMException;
    public Element      getOwnerElement();


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface Element extends Node {
    public String       getTagName();
    public String       getAttribute(String name);
    public void         setAttribute(String name, 
                                     String value)
                                     throws DOMException;
    public void         removeAttribute(String name)
                                        throws DOMException;
    public Attr         getAttributeNode(String name);
    public Attr         setAttributeNode(Attr newAttr)
                                         throws DOMException;
    public Attr         removeAttributeNode(Attr oldAttr)
                                            throws DOMException;
    public NodeList     getElementsByTagName(String name);
    public String       getAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, 
                                       String localName);
    public void         setAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, 
                                       String qualifiedName, 
                                       String value)
                                       throws DOMException;
    public void         removeAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, 
                                          String localName)
                                          throws DOMException;
    public Attr         getAttributeNodeNS(String namespaceURI, 
                                           String localName);
    public Attr         setAttributeNodeNS(Attr newAttr)
                                           throws DOMException;
    public NodeList     getElementsByTagNameNS(String namespaceURI, 
                                               String localName);


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface Text extends CharacterData {
    public Text         splitText(int offset)
                                  throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface Comment extends CharacterData {


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface CDATASection extends Text {


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface DocumentType extends Node {
    public String       getName();
    public NamedNodeMap getEntities();
    public NamedNodeMap getNotations();
    public String       getPublicId();
    public String       getSystemId();
    public String       getInternalSubset();


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface Notation extends Node {
    public String       getPublicId();
    public String       getSystemId();


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface Entity extends Node {
    public String       getPublicId();
    public String       getSystemId();
    public String       getNotationName();


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface EntityReference extends Node {


package org.w3c.dom;

public interface ProcessingInstruction extends Node {
    public String       getTarget();
    public String       getData();
    public void         setData(String data)
                                  throws DOMException;

D.2: Document Object Model HTML


package org.w3c.dom.html;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation;

public interface HTMLDOMImplementation extends DOMImplementation {
    public HTMLDocument createHTMLDocument(String title);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

import org.w3c.dom.Node;

public interface HTMLCollection {
    public int          getLength();
    public Node         item(int index);
    public Node         namedItem(String name);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

public interface HTMLDocument extends Document {
    public String       getTitle();
    public void         setTitle(String title);
    public String       getReferrer();
    public String       getDomain();
    public String       getURL();
    public HTMLElement  getBody();
    public void         setBody(HTMLElement body);
    public HTMLCollection getImages();
    public HTMLCollection getApplets();
    public HTMLCollection getLinks();
    public HTMLCollection getForms();
    public HTMLCollection getAnchors();
    public String       getCookie();
    public void         setCookie(String cookie);
    public void         open();
    public void         close();
    public void         write(String text);
    public void         writeln(String text);
    public NodeList     getElementsByName(String elementName);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;

public interface HTMLElement extends Element {
    public String       getId();
    public void         setId(String id);
    public String       getTitle();
    public void         setTitle(String title);
    public String       getLang();
    public void         setLang(String lang);
    public String       getDir();
    public void         setDir(String dir);
    public String       getClassName();
    public void         setClassName(String className);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLHtmlElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getVersion();
    public void         setVersion(String version);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLHeadElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getProfile();
    public void         setProfile(String profile);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLLinkElement extends HTMLElement {
    public boolean      getDisabled();
    public void         setDisabled(boolean disabled);
    public String       getCharset();
    public void         setCharset(String charset);
    public String       getHref();
    public void         setHref(String href);
    public String       getHreflang();
    public void         setHreflang(String hreflang);
    public String       getMedia();
    public void         setMedia(String media);
    public String       getRel();
    public void         setRel(String rel);
    public String       getRev();
    public void         setRev(String rev);
    public String       getTarget();
    public void         setTarget(String target);
    public String       getType();
    public void         setType(String type);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLTitleElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getText();
    public void         setText(String text);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLMetaElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getContent();
    public void         setContent(String content);
    public String       getHttpEquiv();
    public void         setHttpEquiv(String httpEquiv);
    public String       getName();
    public void         setName(String name);
    public String       getScheme();
    public void         setScheme(String scheme);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLBaseElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getHref();
    public void         setHref(String href);
    public String       getTarget();
    public void         setTarget(String target);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLIsIndexElement extends HTMLElement {
    public HTMLFormElement getForm();
    public String       getPrompt();
    public void         setPrompt(String prompt);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLStyleElement extends HTMLElement {
    public boolean      getDisabled();
    public void         setDisabled(boolean disabled);
    public String       getMedia();
    public void         setMedia(String media);
    public String       getType();
    public void         setType(String type);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLBodyElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getALink();
    public void         setALink(String aLink);
    public String       getBackground();
    public void         setBackground(String background);
    public String       getBgColor();
    public void         setBgColor(String bgColor);
    public String       getLink();
    public void         setLink(String link);
    public String       getText();
    public void         setText(String text);
    public String       getVLink();
    public void         setVLink(String vLink);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLFormElement extends HTMLElement {
    public HTMLCollection getElements();
    public int          getLength();
    public String       getName();
    public void         setName(String name);
    public String       getAcceptCharset();
    public void         setAcceptCharset(String acceptCharset);
    public String       getAction();
    public void         setAction(String action);
    public String       getEnctype();
    public void         setEnctype(String enctype);
    public String       getMethod();
    public void         setMethod(String method);
    public String       getTarget();
    public void         setTarget(String target);
    public void         submit();
    public void         reset();


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLSelectElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getType();
    public int          getSelectedIndex();
    public void         setSelectedIndex(int selectedIndex);
    public String       getValue();
    public void         setValue(String value);
    public int          getLength();
    public HTMLFormElement getForm();
    public HTMLCollection getOptions();
    public boolean      getDisabled();
    public void         setDisabled(boolean disabled);
    public boolean      getMultiple();
    public void         setMultiple(boolean multiple);
    public String       getName();
    public void         setName(String name);
    public int          getSize();
    public void         setSize(int size);
    public int          getTabIndex();
    public void         setTabIndex(int tabIndex);
    public void         add(HTMLElement element, 
                            HTMLElement before);
    public void         remove(int index);
    public void         blur();
    public void         focus();


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLOptGroupElement extends HTMLElement {
    public boolean      getDisabled();
    public void         setDisabled(boolean disabled);
    public String       getLabel();
    public void         setLabel(String label);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLOptionElement extends HTMLElement {
    public HTMLFormElement getForm();
    public boolean      getDefaultSelected();
    public void         setDefaultSelected(boolean defaultSelected);
    public String       getText();
    public int          getIndex();
    public boolean      getDisabled();
    public void         setDisabled(boolean disabled);
    public String       getLabel();
    public void         setLabel(String label);
    public boolean      getSelected();
    public void         setSelected(boolean selected);
    public String       getValue();
    public void         setValue(String value);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLInputElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getDefaultValue();
    public void         setDefaultValue(String defaultValue);
    public boolean      getDefaultChecked();
    public void         setDefaultChecked(boolean defaultChecked);
    public HTMLFormElement getForm();
    public String       getAccept();
    public void         setAccept(String accept);
    public String       getAccessKey();
    public void         setAccessKey(String accessKey);
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);
    public String       getAlt();
    public void         setAlt(String alt);
    public boolean      getChecked();
    public void         setChecked(boolean checked);
    public boolean      getDisabled();
    public void         setDisabled(boolean disabled);
    public int          getMaxLength();
    public void         setMaxLength(int maxLength);
    public String       getName();
    public void         setName(String name);
    public boolean      getReadOnly();
    public void         setReadOnly(boolean readOnly);
    public String       getSize();
    public void         setSize(String size);
    public String       getSrc();
    public void         setSrc(String src);
    public int          getTabIndex();
    public void         setTabIndex(int tabIndex);
    public String       getType();
    public String       getUseMap();
    public void         setUseMap(String useMap);
    public String       getValue();
    public void         setValue(String value);
    public void         blur();
    public void         focus();
    public void         select();
    public void         click();


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLTextAreaElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getDefaultValue();
    public void         setDefaultValue(String defaultValue);
    public HTMLFormElement getForm();
    public String       getAccessKey();
    public void         setAccessKey(String accessKey);
    public int          getCols();
    public void         setCols(int cols);
    public boolean      getDisabled();
    public void         setDisabled(boolean disabled);
    public String       getName();
    public void         setName(String name);
    public boolean      getReadOnly();
    public void         setReadOnly(boolean readOnly);
    public int          getRows();
    public void         setRows(int rows);
    public int          getTabIndex();
    public void         setTabIndex(int tabIndex);
    public String       getType();
    public String       getValue();
    public void         setValue(String value);
    public void         blur();
    public void         focus();
    public void         select();


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLButtonElement extends HTMLElement {
    public HTMLFormElement getForm();
    public String       getAccessKey();
    public void         setAccessKey(String accessKey);
    public boolean      getDisabled();
    public void         setDisabled(boolean disabled);
    public String       getName();
    public void         setName(String name);
    public int          getTabIndex();
    public void         setTabIndex(int tabIndex);
    public String       getType();
    public String       getValue();
    public void         setValue(String value);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLLabelElement extends HTMLElement {
    public HTMLFormElement getForm();
    public String       getAccessKey();
    public void         setAccessKey(String accessKey);
    public String       getHtmlFor();
    public void         setHtmlFor(String htmlFor);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLFieldSetElement extends HTMLElement {
    public HTMLFormElement getForm();


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLLegendElement extends HTMLElement {
    public HTMLFormElement getForm();
    public String       getAccessKey();
    public void         setAccessKey(String accessKey);
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLUListElement extends HTMLElement {
    public boolean      getCompact();
    public void         setCompact(boolean compact);
    public String       getType();
    public void         setType(String type);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLOListElement extends HTMLElement {
    public boolean      getCompact();
    public void         setCompact(boolean compact);
    public int          getStart();
    public void         setStart(int start);
    public String       getType();
    public void         setType(String type);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLDListElement extends HTMLElement {
    public boolean      getCompact();
    public void         setCompact(boolean compact);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLDirectoryElement extends HTMLElement {
    public boolean      getCompact();
    public void         setCompact(boolean compact);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLMenuElement extends HTMLElement {
    public boolean      getCompact();
    public void         setCompact(boolean compact);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLLIElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getType();
    public void         setType(String type);
    public int          getValue();
    public void         setValue(int value);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLDivElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLParagraphElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLHeadingElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLQuoteElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getCite();
    public void         setCite(String cite);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLPreElement extends HTMLElement {
    public int          getWidth();
    public void         setWidth(int width);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLBRElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getClear();
    public void         setClear(String clear);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLBaseFontElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getColor();
    public void         setColor(String color);
    public String       getFace();
    public void         setFace(String face);
    public String       getSize();
    public void         setSize(String size);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLFontElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getColor();
    public void         setColor(String color);
    public String       getFace();
    public void         setFace(String face);
    public String       getSize();
    public void         setSize(String size);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLHRElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);
    public boolean      getNoShade();
    public void         setNoShade(boolean noShade);
    public String       getSize();
    public void         setSize(String size);
    public String       getWidth();
    public void         setWidth(String width);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLModElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getCite();
    public void         setCite(String cite);
    public String       getDateTime();
    public void         setDateTime(String dateTime);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLAnchorElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getAccessKey();
    public void         setAccessKey(String accessKey);
    public String       getCharset();
    public void         setCharset(String charset);
    public String       getCoords();
    public void         setCoords(String coords);
    public String       getHref();
    public void         setHref(String href);
    public String       getHreflang();
    public void         setHreflang(String hreflang);
    public String       getName();
    public void         setName(String name);
    public String       getRel();
    public void         setRel(String rel);
    public String       getRev();
    public void         setRev(String rev);
    public String       getShape();
    public void         setShape(String shape);
    public int          getTabIndex();
    public void         setTabIndex(int tabIndex);
    public String       getTarget();
    public void         setTarget(String target);
    public String       getType();
    public void         setType(String type);
    public void         blur();
    public void         focus();


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLImageElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getLowSrc();
    public void         setLowSrc(String lowSrc);
    public String       getName();
    public void         setName(String name);
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);
    public String       getAlt();
    public void         setAlt(String alt);
    public String       getBorder();
    public void         setBorder(String border);
    public String       getHeight();
    public void         setHeight(String height);
    public String       getHspace();
    public void         setHspace(String hspace);
    public boolean      getIsMap();
    public void         setIsMap(boolean isMap);
    public String       getLongDesc();
    public void         setLongDesc(String longDesc);
    public String       getSrc();
    public void         setSrc(String src);
    public String       getUseMap();
    public void         setUseMap(String useMap);
    public String       getVspace();
    public void         setVspace(String vspace);
    public String       getWidth();
    public void         setWidth(String width);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLObjectElement extends HTMLElement {
    public HTMLFormElement getForm();
    public String       getCode();
    public void         setCode(String code);
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);
    public String       getArchive();
    public void         setArchive(String archive);
    public String       getBorder();
    public void         setBorder(String border);
    public String       getCodeBase();
    public void         setCodeBase(String codeBase);
    public String       getCodeType();
    public void         setCodeType(String codeType);
    public String       getData();
    public void         setData(String data);
    public boolean      getDeclare();
    public void         setDeclare(boolean declare);
    public String       getHeight();
    public void         setHeight(String height);
    public String       getHspace();
    public void         setHspace(String hspace);
    public String       getName();
    public void         setName(String name);
    public String       getStandby();
    public void         setStandby(String standby);
    public int          getTabIndex();
    public void         setTabIndex(int tabIndex);
    public String       getType();
    public void         setType(String type);
    public String       getUseMap();
    public void         setUseMap(String useMap);
    public String       getVspace();
    public void         setVspace(String vspace);
    public String       getWidth();
    public void         setWidth(String width);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLParamElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getName();
    public void         setName(String name);
    public String       getType();
    public void         setType(String type);
    public String       getValue();
    public void         setValue(String value);
    public String       getValueType();
    public void         setValueType(String valueType);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLAppletElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);
    public String       getAlt();
    public void         setAlt(String alt);
    public String       getArchive();
    public void         setArchive(String archive);
    public String       getCode();
    public void         setCode(String code);
    public String       getCodeBase();
    public void         setCodeBase(String codeBase);
    public String       getHeight();
    public void         setHeight(String height);
    public String       getHspace();
    public void         setHspace(String hspace);
    public String       getName();
    public void         setName(String name);
    public String       getObject();
    public void         setObject(String object);
    public String       getVspace();
    public void         setVspace(String vspace);
    public String       getWidth();
    public void         setWidth(String width);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLMapElement extends HTMLElement {
    public HTMLCollection getAreas();
    public String       getName();
    public void         setName(String name);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLAreaElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getAccessKey();
    public void         setAccessKey(String accessKey);
    public String       getAlt();
    public void         setAlt(String alt);
    public String       getCoords();
    public void         setCoords(String coords);
    public String       getHref();
    public void         setHref(String href);
    public boolean      getNoHref();
    public void         setNoHref(boolean noHref);
    public String       getShape();
    public void         setShape(String shape);
    public int          getTabIndex();
    public void         setTabIndex(int tabIndex);
    public String       getTarget();
    public void         setTarget(String target);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLScriptElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getText();
    public void         setText(String text);
    public String       getHtmlFor();
    public void         setHtmlFor(String htmlFor);
    public String       getEvent();
    public void         setEvent(String event);
    public String       getCharset();
    public void         setCharset(String charset);
    public boolean      getDefer();
    public void         setDefer(boolean defer);
    public String       getSrc();
    public void         setSrc(String src);
    public String       getType();
    public void         setType(String type);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface HTMLTableElement extends HTMLElement {
    public HTMLTableCaptionElement getCaption();
    public void         setCaption(HTMLTableCaptionElement caption);
    public HTMLTableSectionElement getTHead();
    public void         setTHead(HTMLTableSectionElement tHead);
    public HTMLTableSectionElement getTFoot();
    public void         setTFoot(HTMLTableSectionElement tFoot);
    public HTMLCollection getRows();
    public HTMLCollection getTBodies();
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);
    public String       getBgColor();
    public void         setBgColor(String bgColor);
    public String       getBorder();
    public void         setBorder(String border);
    public String       getCellPadding();
    public void         setCellPadding(String cellPadding);
    public String       getCellSpacing();
    public void         setCellSpacing(String cellSpacing);
    public String       getFrame();
    public void         setFrame(String frame);
    public String       getRules();
    public void         setRules(String rules);
    public String       getSummary();
    public void         setSummary(String summary);
    public String       getWidth();
    public void         setWidth(String width);
    public HTMLElement  createTHead();
    public void         deleteTHead();
    public HTMLElement  createTFoot();
    public void         deleteTFoot();
    public HTMLElement  createCaption();
    public void         deleteCaption();
    public HTMLElement  insertRow(int index)
                                  throws DOMException;
    public void         deleteRow(int index)
                                  throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLTableCaptionElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLTableColElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);
    public String       getCh();
    public void         setCh(String ch);
    public String       getChOff();
    public void         setChOff(String chOff);
    public int          getSpan();
    public void         setSpan(int span);
    public String       getVAlign();
    public void         setVAlign(String vAlign);
    public String       getWidth();
    public void         setWidth(String width);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface HTMLTableSectionElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);
    public String       getCh();
    public void         setCh(String ch);
    public String       getChOff();
    public void         setChOff(String chOff);
    public String       getVAlign();
    public void         setVAlign(String vAlign);
    public HTMLCollection getRows();
    public HTMLElement  insertRow(int index)
                                  throws DOMException;
    public void         deleteRow(int index)
                                  throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.html;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface HTMLTableRowElement extends HTMLElement {
    public int          getRowIndex();
    public int          getSectionRowIndex();
    public HTMLCollection getCells();
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);
    public String       getBgColor();
    public void         setBgColor(String bgColor);
    public String       getCh();
    public void         setCh(String ch);
    public String       getChOff();
    public void         setChOff(String chOff);
    public String       getVAlign();
    public void         setVAlign(String vAlign);
    public HTMLElement  insertCell(int index)
                                   throws DOMException;
    public void         deleteCell(int index)
                                   throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLTableCellElement extends HTMLElement {
    public int          getCellIndex();
    public String       getAbbr();
    public void         setAbbr(String abbr);
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);
    public String       getAxis();
    public void         setAxis(String axis);
    public String       getBgColor();
    public void         setBgColor(String bgColor);
    public String       getCh();
    public void         setCh(String ch);
    public String       getChOff();
    public void         setChOff(String chOff);
    public int          getColSpan();
    public void         setColSpan(int colSpan);
    public String       getHeaders();
    public void         setHeaders(String headers);
    public String       getHeight();
    public void         setHeight(String height);
    public boolean      getNoWrap();
    public void         setNoWrap(boolean noWrap);
    public int          getRowSpan();
    public void         setRowSpan(int rowSpan);
    public String       getScope();
    public void         setScope(String scope);
    public String       getVAlign();
    public void         setVAlign(String vAlign);
    public String       getWidth();
    public void         setWidth(String width);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLFrameSetElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getCols();
    public void         setCols(String cols);
    public String       getRows();
    public void         setRows(String rows);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLFrameElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getFrameBorder();
    public void         setFrameBorder(String frameBorder);
    public String       getLongDesc();
    public void         setLongDesc(String longDesc);
    public String       getMarginHeight();
    public void         setMarginHeight(String marginHeight);
    public String       getMarginWidth();
    public void         setMarginWidth(String marginWidth);
    public String       getName();
    public void         setName(String name);
    public boolean      getNoResize();
    public void         setNoResize(boolean noResize);
    public String       getScrolling();
    public void         setScrolling(String scrolling);
    public String       getSrc();
    public void         setSrc(String src);


package org.w3c.dom.html;

public interface HTMLIFrameElement extends HTMLElement {
    public String       getAlign();
    public void         setAlign(String align);
    public String       getFrameBorder();
    public void         setFrameBorder(String frameBorder);
    public String       getHeight();
    public void         setHeight(String height);
    public String       getLongDesc();
    public void         setLongDesc(String longDesc);
    public String       getMarginHeight();
    public void         setMarginHeight(String marginHeight);
    public String       getMarginWidth();
    public void         setMarginWidth(String marginWidth);
    public String       getName();
    public void         setName(String name);
    public String       getScrolling();
    public void         setScrolling(String scrolling);
    public String       getSrc();
    public void         setSrc(String src);
    public String       getWidth();
    public void         setWidth(String width);

D.3: Document Object Model Views


package org.w3c.dom.views;

public interface AbstractView {
    public DocumentView getDocument();


package org.w3c.dom.views;

public interface DocumentView {
    public AbstractView getDefaultView();

D.4: Document Object Model Stylesheets


package org.w3c.dom.stylesheets;

import org.w3c.dom.Node;

public interface StyleSheet {
    public String       getType();
    public boolean      getDisabled();
    public void         setDisabled(boolean disabled);
    public Node         getOwnerNode();
    public StyleSheet   getParentStyleSheet();
    public String       getHref();
    public String       getTitle();
    public MediaList    getMedia();


package org.w3c.dom.stylesheets;

public interface StyleSheetList {
    public int          getLength();
    public StyleSheet   item(int index);


package org.w3c.dom.stylesheets;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface MediaList {
    public String       getMediaText();
    public void         setMediaText(String mediaText)
                             throws DOMException;
    public int          getLength();
    public String       item(int index);
    public void         delete(String oldMedium)
                               throws DOMException;
    public void         append(String newMedium)
                               throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.stylesheets;

public interface LinkStyle {
    public StyleSheet   getSheet();


package org.w3c.dom.stylesheets;

public interface DocumentStyle {
    public StyleSheetList getStyleSheets();

D.5: Document Object Model CSS


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.stylesheets.StyleSheet;

public interface CSSStyleSheet extends StyleSheet {
    public CSSRule      getOwnerRule();
    public CSSRuleList  getCssRules();
    public int          insertRule(String rule, 
                                   int index)
                                   throws DOMException;
    public void         deleteRule(int index)
                                   throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.css;

public interface CSSRuleList {
    public int          getLength();
    public CSSRule      item(int index);


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSSRule {
    // RuleType
    public static final short   UNKNOWN_RULE              = 0;
    public static final short   STYLE_RULE                = 1;
    public static final short   CHARSET_RULE              = 2;
    public static final short   IMPORT_RULE               = 3;
    public static final short   MEDIA_RULE                = 4;
    public static final short   FONT_FACE_RULE            = 5;
    public static final short   PAGE_RULE                 = 6;

    public short        getType();
    public String       getCssText();
    public void         setCssText(String cssText)
                             throws DOMException;
    public CSSStyleSheet getParentStyleSheet();
    public CSSRule      getParentRule();


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSSStyleRule extends CSSRule {
    public String       getSelectorText();
    public void         setSelectorText(String selectorText)
                             throws DOMException;
    public CSSStyleDeclaration getStyle();


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.stylesheets.MediaList;

public interface CSSMediaRule extends CSSRule {
    public MediaList    getMedia();
    public CSSRuleList  getCssRules();
    public int          insertRule(String rule, 
                                   int index)
                                   throws DOMException;
    public void         deleteRule(int index)
                                   throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.css;

public interface CSSFontFaceRule extends CSSRule {
    public CSSStyleDeclaration getStyle();


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSSPageRule extends CSSRule {
    public String       getSelectorText();
    public void         setSelectorText(String selectorText)
                                   throws DOMException;
    public CSSStyleDeclaration getStyle();


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.stylesheets.MediaList;

public interface CSSImportRule extends CSSRule {
    public String       getHref();
    public MediaList    getMedia();
    public CSSStyleSheet getStyleSheet();


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSSCharsetRule extends CSSRule {
    public String       getEncoding();
    public void         setEncoding(String encoding)
                                   throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.css;

public interface CSSUnknownRule extends CSSRule {


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
    public String       getCssText();
    public void         setCssText(String cssText)
                                   throws DOMException;
    public String       getPropertyValue(String propertyName);
    public CSSValue     getPropertyCSSValue(String propertyName);
    public String       removeProperty(String propertyName)
                                       throws DOMException;
    public String       getPropertyPriority(String propertyName);
    public void         setProperty(String propertyName, 
                                    String value, 
                                    String priority)
                                    throws DOMException;
    public int          getLength();
    public String       item(int index);
    public CSSRule      getParentRule();


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSSValue {
    // UnitTypes
    public static final short   CSS_INHERIT               = 0;
    public static final short   CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE       = 1;
    public static final short   CSS_VALUE_LIST            = 2;
    public static final short   CSS_CUSTOM                = 3;

    public String       getCssText();
    public void         setCssText(String cssText)
                             throws DOMException;
    public short        getValueType();


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSSPrimitiveValue extends CSSValue {
    // UnitTypes
    public static final short   CSS_UNKNOWN               = 0;
    public static final short   CSS_NUMBER                = 1;
    public static final short   CSS_PERCENTAGE            = 2;
    public static final short   CSS_EMS                   = 3;
    public static final short   CSS_EXS                   = 4;
    public static final short   CSS_PX                    = 5;
    public static final short   CSS_CM                    = 6;
    public static final short   CSS_MM                    = 7;
    public static final short   CSS_IN                    = 8;
    public static final short   CSS_PT                    = 9;
    public static final short   CSS_PC                    = 10;
    public static final short   CSS_DEG                   = 11;
    public static final short   CSS_RAD                   = 12;
    public static final short   CSS_GRAD                  = 13;
    public static final short   CSS_MS                    = 14;
    public static final short   CSS_S                     = 15;
    public static final short   CSS_HZ                    = 16;
    public static final short   CSS_KHZ                   = 17;
    public static final short   CSS_DIMENSION             = 18;
    public static final short   CSS_STRING                = 19;
    public static final short   CSS_URI                   = 20;
    public static final short   CSS_IDENT                 = 21;
    public static final short   CSS_ATTR                  = 22;
    public static final short   CSS_COUNTER               = 23;
    public static final short   CSS_RECT                  = 24;
    public static final short   CSS_RGBCOLOR              = 25;

    public short        getPrimitiveType();
    public void         setFloatValue(short unitType, 
                                      float floatValue)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public float        getFloatValue(short unitType)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public void         setStringValue(short stringType, 
                                       String stringValue)
                                       throws DOMException;
    public String       getStringValue()
                                       throws DOMException;
    public Counter      getCounterValue()
                                        throws DOMException;
    public Rect         getRectValue()
                                     throws DOMException;
    public RGBColor     getRGBColorValue()
                                         throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.css;

public interface CSSValueList extends CSSValue {
    public int          getLength();
    public CSSValue     item(int index);


package org.w3c.dom.css;

public interface RGBColor {
    public CSSPrimitiveValue getRed();
    public CSSPrimitiveValue getGreen();
    public CSSPrimitiveValue getBlue();


package org.w3c.dom.css;

public interface Rect {
    public CSSPrimitiveValue getTop();
    public CSSPrimitiveValue getRight();
    public CSSPrimitiveValue getBottom();
    public CSSPrimitiveValue getLeft();


package org.w3c.dom.css;

public interface Counter {
    public String       getIdentifier();
    public String       getListStyle();
    public String       getSeparator();


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.views.AbstractView;

public interface ViewCSS extends AbstractView {
    public CSSStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle(Element elt, 
                                                String pseudoElt);


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.stylesheets.DocumentStyle;

public interface DocumentCSS extends DocumentStyle {
    public CSSStyleDeclaration getOverrideStyle(Element elt, 
                                                String pseudoElt);


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation;

public interface DOMImplementationCSS extends DOMImplementation {
    public CSSStyleSheet createCSSStyleSheet(String title, 
                                             String media);


package org.w3c.dom.css;

public interface ElementCSSInlineStyle {
    public CSSStyleDeclaration getStyle();


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSS2Azimuth extends CSSValue {
    public short        getAzimuthType();
    public String       getIdentifier();
    public boolean      getBehind();
    public void         setAngleValue(short uType, 
                                      float fValue)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public float        getAngleValue(short uType)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public void         setIdentifier(String ident, 
                                      boolean b)
                                      throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSS2BackgroundPosition extends CSSValue {
    public short        getHorizontalType();
    public short        getVerticalType();
    public String       getHorizontalIdentifier();
    public String       getVerticalIdentifier();
    public float        getHorizontalPosition(float hType)
                                              throws DOMException;
    public float        getVerticalPosition(float vType)
                                            throws DOMException;
    public void         setHorizontalPosition(short hType, 
                                              float value)
                                              throws DOMException;
    public void         setVerticalPosition(short vType, 
                                            float value)
                                            throws DOMException;
    public void         setPositionIdentifier(String hIdentifier, 
                                              String vIdentifier)
                                              throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSS2BorderSpacing extends CSSValue {
    public short        getHorizontalType();
    public short        getVerticalType();
    public float        getHorizontalSpacing(float hType)
                                             throws DOMException;
    public float        getVerticalSpacing(float vType)
                                           throws DOMException;
    public void         setHorizontalSpacing(short hType, 
                                             float value)
                                             throws DOMException;
    public void         setVerticalSpacing(short vType, 
                                           float value)
                                           throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSS2CounterReset extends CSSValue {
    public String       getIdentifier();
    public void         setIdentifier(String identifier)
                                           throws DOMException;
    public short        getReset();
    public void         setReset(short reset)
                                           throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSS2CounterIncrement extends CSSValue {
    public String       getIdentifier();
    public void         setIdentifier(String identifier)
                                           throws DOMException;
    public short        getIncrement();
    public void         setIncrement(short increment)
                                           throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSS2Cursor extends CSSValue {
    public CSSValueList getUris();
    public String       getPredefinedCursor();
    public void         setPredefinedCursor(String predefinedCursor)
                                           throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSS2PlayDuring extends CSSValue {
    public short        getPlayDuringType();
    public String       getPlayDuringIdentifier();
    public void         setPlayDuringIdentifier(String playDuringIdentifier)
                                           throws DOMException;
    public String       getUri();
    public void         setUri(String uri)
                                           throws DOMException;
    public boolean      getMix();
    public void         setMix(boolean mix)
                                           throws DOMException;
    public boolean      getRepeat();
    public void         setRepeat(boolean repeat)
                                           throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.css;

public interface CSS2TextShadow {
    public CSSValue     getColor();
    public CSSValue     getHorizontal();
    public CSSValue     getVertical();
    public CSSValue     getBlur();


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSS2FontFaceSrc {
    public String       getUri();
    public void         setUri(String uri)
                                           throws DOMException;
    public CSSValueList getFormat();
    public String       getFontFaceName();
    public void         setFontFaceName(String fontFaceName)
                                           throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSS2FontFaceWidths {
    public String       getUrange();
    public void         setUrange(String urange)
                                           throws DOMException;
    public CSSValueList getNumbers();


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSS2PageSize extends CSSValue {
    public short        getWidthType();
    public short        getHeightType();
    public String       getIdentifier();
    public float        getWidth(float wType)
                                 throws DOMException;
    public float        getHeightSize(float hType)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public void         setWidthSize(short wType, 
                                     float value)
                                     throws DOMException;
    public void         setHeightSize(short hType, 
                                      float value)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public void         setIdentifier(String ident)
                                      throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.css;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface CSS2Properties {
    public String       getAzimuth();
    public void         setAzimuth(String azimuth)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBackground();
    public void         setBackground(String background)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBackgroundAttachment();
    public void         setBackgroundAttachment(String backgroundAttachment)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBackgroundColor();
    public void         setBackgroundColor(String backgroundColor)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBackgroundImage();
    public void         setBackgroundImage(String backgroundImage)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBackgroundPosition();
    public void         setBackgroundPosition(String backgroundPosition)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBackgroundRepeat();
    public void         setBackgroundRepeat(String backgroundRepeat)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorder();
    public void         setBorder(String border)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderCollapse();
    public void         setBorderCollapse(String borderCollapse)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderColor();
    public void         setBorderColor(String borderColor)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderSpacing();
    public void         setBorderSpacing(String borderSpacing)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderStyle();
    public void         setBorderStyle(String borderStyle)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderTop();
    public void         setBorderTop(String borderTop)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderRight();
    public void         setBorderRight(String borderRight)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderBottom();
    public void         setBorderBottom(String borderBottom)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderLeft();
    public void         setBorderLeft(String borderLeft)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderTopColor();
    public void         setBorderTopColor(String borderTopColor)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderRightColor();
    public void         setBorderRightColor(String borderRightColor)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderBottomColor();
    public void         setBorderBottomColor(String borderBottomColor)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderLeftColor();
    public void         setBorderLeftColor(String borderLeftColor)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderTopStyle();
    public void         setBorderTopStyle(String borderTopStyle)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderRightStyle();
    public void         setBorderRightStyle(String borderRightStyle)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderBottomStyle();
    public void         setBorderBottomStyle(String borderBottomStyle)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderLeftStyle();
    public void         setBorderLeftStyle(String borderLeftStyle)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderTopWidth();
    public void         setBorderTopWidth(String borderTopWidth)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderRightWidth();
    public void         setBorderRightWidth(String borderRightWidth)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderBottomWidth();
    public void         setBorderBottomWidth(String borderBottomWidth)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderLeftWidth();
    public void         setBorderLeftWidth(String borderLeftWidth)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBorderWidth();
    public void         setBorderWidth(String borderWidth)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getBottom();
    public void         setBottom(String bottom)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getCaptionSide();
    public void         setCaptionSide(String captionSide)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getClear();
    public void         setClear(String clear)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getClip();
    public void         setClip(String clip)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getColor();
    public void         setColor(String color)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getContent();
    public void         setContent(String content)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getCounterIncrement();
    public void         setCounterIncrement(String counterIncrement)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getCounterReset();
    public void         setCounterReset(String counterReset)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getCue();
    public void         setCue(String cue)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getCueAfter();
    public void         setCueAfter(String cueAfter)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getCueBefore();
    public void         setCueBefore(String cueBefore)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getCursor();
    public void         setCursor(String cursor)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getDirection();
    public void         setDirection(String direction)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getDisplay();
    public void         setDisplay(String display)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getElevation();
    public void         setElevation(String elevation)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getEmptyCells();
    public void         setEmptyCells(String emptyCells)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getCssFloat();
    public void         setCssFloat(String cssFloat)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getFont();
    public void         setFont(String font)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getFontFamily();
    public void         setFontFamily(String fontFamily)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getFontSize();
    public void         setFontSize(String fontSize)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getFontSizeAdjust();
    public void         setFontSizeAdjust(String fontSizeAdjust)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getFontStretch();
    public void         setFontStretch(String fontStretch)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getFontStyle();
    public void         setFontStyle(String fontStyle)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getFontVariant();
    public void         setFontVariant(String fontVariant)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getFontWeight();
    public void         setFontWeight(String fontWeight)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getHeight();
    public void         setHeight(String height)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getLeft();
    public void         setLeft(String left)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getLetterSpacing();
    public void         setLetterSpacing(String letterSpacing)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getLineHeight();
    public void         setLineHeight(String lineHeight)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getListStyle();
    public void         setListStyle(String listStyle)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getListStyleImage();
    public void         setListStyleImage(String listStyleImage)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getListStylePosition();
    public void         setListStylePosition(String listStylePosition)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getListStyleType();
    public void         setListStyleType(String listStyleType)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getMargin();
    public void         setMargin(String margin)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getMarginTop();
    public void         setMarginTop(String marginTop)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getMarginRight();
    public void         setMarginRight(String marginRight)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getMarginBottom();
    public void         setMarginBottom(String marginBottom)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getMarginLeft();
    public void         setMarginLeft(String marginLeft)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getMarkerOffset();
    public void         setMarkerOffset(String markerOffset)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getMarks();
    public void         setMarks(String marks)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getMaxHeight();
    public void         setMaxHeight(String maxHeight)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getMaxWidth();
    public void         setMaxWidth(String maxWidth)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getMinHeight();
    public void         setMinHeight(String minHeight)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getMinWidth();
    public void         setMinWidth(String minWidth)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getOrphans();
    public void         setOrphans(String orphans)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getOutline();
    public void         setOutline(String outline)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getOutlineColor();
    public void         setOutlineColor(String outlineColor)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getOutlineStyle();
    public void         setOutlineStyle(String outlineStyle)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getOutlineWidth();
    public void         setOutlineWidth(String outlineWidth)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getOverflow();
    public void         setOverflow(String overflow)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPadding();
    public void         setPadding(String padding)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPaddingTop();
    public void         setPaddingTop(String paddingTop)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPaddingRight();
    public void         setPaddingRight(String paddingRight)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPaddingBottom();
    public void         setPaddingBottom(String paddingBottom)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPaddingLeft();
    public void         setPaddingLeft(String paddingLeft)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPage();
    public void         setPage(String page)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPageBreakAfter();
    public void         setPageBreakAfter(String pageBreakAfter)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPageBreakBefore();
    public void         setPageBreakBefore(String pageBreakBefore)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPageBreakInside();
    public void         setPageBreakInside(String pageBreakInside)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPause();
    public void         setPause(String pause)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPauseAfter();
    public void         setPauseAfter(String pauseAfter)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPauseBefore();
    public void         setPauseBefore(String pauseBefore)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPitch();
    public void         setPitch(String pitch)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPitchRange();
    public void         setPitchRange(String pitchRange)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPlayDuring();
    public void         setPlayDuring(String playDuring)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getPosition();
    public void         setPosition(String position)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getQuotes();
    public void         setQuotes(String quotes)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getRichness();
    public void         setRichness(String richness)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getRight();
    public void         setRight(String right)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getSize();
    public void         setSize(String size)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getSpeak();
    public void         setSpeak(String speak)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getSpeakHeader();
    public void         setSpeakHeader(String speakHeader)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getSpeakNumeral();
    public void         setSpeakNumeral(String speakNumeral)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getSpeakPunctuation();
    public void         setSpeakPunctuation(String speakPunctuation)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getSpeechRate();
    public void         setSpeechRate(String speechRate)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getStress();
    public void         setStress(String stress)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getTableLayout();
    public void         setTableLayout(String tableLayout)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getTextAlign();
    public void         setTextAlign(String textAlign)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getTextDecoration();
    public void         setTextDecoration(String textDecoration)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getTextIndent();
    public void         setTextIndent(String textIndent)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getTextShadow();
    public void         setTextShadow(String textShadow)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getTextTransform();
    public void         setTextTransform(String textTransform)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getTop();
    public void         setTop(String top)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getUnicodeBidi();
    public void         setUnicodeBidi(String unicodeBidi)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getVerticalAlign();
    public void         setVerticalAlign(String verticalAlign)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getVisibility();
    public void         setVisibility(String visibility)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getVoiceFamily();
    public void         setVoiceFamily(String voiceFamily)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getVolume();
    public void         setVolume(String volume)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getWhiteSpace();
    public void         setWhiteSpace(String whiteSpace)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getWidows();
    public void         setWidows(String widows)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getWidth();
    public void         setWidth(String width)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getWordSpacing();
    public void         setWordSpacing(String wordSpacing)
                                      throws DOMException;
    public String       getZIndex();
    public void         setZIndex(String zIndex)
                                      throws DOMException;

D.6: Document Object Model Events



public abstract class EventException extends RuntimeException {
    public EventException(short code, String message) {
       this.code = code;
    public short   code;
    // EventExceptionCode
    public static final short   UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR = 0;




public interface EventTarget {
    public void         addEventListener(String type, 
                                         EventListener listener, 
                                         boolean useCapture);
    public void         removeEventListener(String type, 
                                            EventListener listener, 
                                            boolean useCapture);
    public boolean      dispatchEvent(Event evt)
                                      throws EventException;



public interface EventListener {
    public void         handleEvent(Event evt);



import org.w3c.dom.Node;

public interface Event {
    // PhaseType
    public static final short   CAPTURING_PHASE           = 1;
    public static final short   AT_TARGET                 = 2;
    public static final short   BUBBLING_PHASE            = 3;

    public String       getType();
    public EventTarget  getTarget();
    public Node         getCurrentNode();
    public short        getEventPhase();
    public boolean      getBubbles();
    public boolean      getCancelable();
    public void         stopPropagation();
    public void         preventDefault();
    public void         initEvent(String eventTypeArg, 
                                  boolean canBubbleArg, 
                                  boolean cancelableArg);



import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;

public interface DocumentEvent {
    public Event        createEvent(String eventType)
                                    throws DOMException;



import org.w3c.dom.views.AbstractView;

public interface UIEvent extends Event {
    public AbstractView getView();
    public int          getDetail();
    public void         initUIEvent(String typeArg, 
                                    boolean canBubbleArg, 
                                    boolean cancelableArg, 
                                    AbstractView viewArg, 
                                    int detailArg);



import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.views.AbstractView;

public interface MouseEvent extends UIEvent {
    public int          getScreenX();
    public int          getScreenY();
    public int          getClientX();
    public int          getClientY();
    public boolean      getCtrlKey();
    public boolean      getShiftKey();
    public boolean      getAltKey();
    public boolean      getMetaKey();
    public short        getButton();
    public Node         getRelatedNode();
    public void         initMouseEvent(String typeArg, 
                                       boolean canBubbleArg, 
                                       boolean cancelableArg, 
                                       AbstractView viewArg, 
                                       short detailArg, 
                                       int screenXArg, 
                                       int screenYArg, 
                                       int clientXArg, 
                                       int clientYArg, 
                                       boolean ctrlKeyArg, 
                                       boolean altKeyArg, 
                                       boolean shiftKeyArg, 
                                       boolean metaKeyArg, 
                                       short buttonArg, 
                                       Node relatedNodeArg);



import org.w3c.dom.Node;

public interface MutationEvent extends Event {
    public Node         getRelatedNode();
    public String       getPrevValue();
    public String       getNewValue();
    public String       getAttrName();
    public void         initMutationEvent(String typeArg, 
                                          boolean canBubbleArg, 
                                          boolean cancelableArg, 
                                          Node relatedNodeArg, 
                                          String prevValueArg, 
                                          String newValueArg, 
                                          String attrNameArg);

D.7: Document Object Model Traversal


package org.w3c.dom.traversal;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

public interface NodeIterator {
    public int          getWhatToShow();
    public NodeFilter   getFilter();
    public boolean      getExpandEntityReferences();
    public Node         nextNode()
                                 throws DOMException;
    public Node         previousNode()
                                     throws DOMException;
    public void         detach();


package org.w3c.dom.traversal;

import org.w3c.dom.Node;

public interface NodeFilter {
    // Constants returned by acceptNode
    public static final short   FILTER_ACCEPT             = 1;
    public static final short   FILTER_REJECT             = 2;
    public static final short   FILTER_SKIP               = 3;

    // Constants for whatToShow
    public static final int     SHOW_ALL                  = 0x0000FFFF;
    public static final int     SHOW_ELEMENT              = 0x00000001;
    public static final int     SHOW_ATTRIBUTE            = 0x00000002;
    public static final int     SHOW_TEXT                 = 0x00000004;
    public static final int     SHOW_CDATA_SECTION        = 0x00000008;
    public static final int     SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE     = 0x00000010;
    public static final int     SHOW_ENTITY               = 0x00000020;
    public static final int     SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = 0x00000040;
    public static final int     SHOW_COMMENT              = 0x00000080;
    public static final int     SHOW_DOCUMENT             = 0x00000100;
    public static final int     SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE        = 0x00000200;
    public static final int     SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT    = 0x00000400;
    public static final int     SHOW_NOTATION             = 0x00000800;

    public short        acceptNode(Node n);


package org.w3c.dom.traversal;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

public interface TreeWalker {
    public int          getWhatToShow();
    public NodeFilter   getFilter();
    public boolean      getExpandEntityReferences();
    public Node         getCurrentNode();
    public void         setCurrentNode(Node currentNode)
                                   throws DOMException;
    public Node         parentNode();
    public Node         firstChild();
    public Node         lastChild();
    public Node         previousSibling();
    public Node         nextSibling();
    public Node         previousNode();
    public Node         nextNode();


package org.w3c.dom.traversal;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

public interface DocumentTraversal {
    public NodeIterator createNodeIterator(Node root, 
                                           int whatToShow, 
                                           NodeFilter filter, 
                                           boolean entityReferenceExpansion);
    public TreeWalker   createTreeWalker(Node root, 
                                         int whatToShow, 
                                         NodeFilter filter, 
                                         boolean entityReferenceExpansion)
                                         throws DOMException;

D.8: Document Object Model Range


package org.w3c.dom.range;

public abstract class RangeException extends RuntimeException {
    public RangeException(short code, String message) {
       this.code = code;
    public short   code;
    // RangeExceptionCode
    public static final short   BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR    = 1;
    public static final short   INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR     = 2;



package org.w3c.dom.range;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

public interface Range {
    public Node         getStartContainer()
                                         throws DOMException;
    public int          getStartOffset()
                                         throws DOMException;
    public Node         getEndContainer()
                                         throws DOMException;
    public int          getEndOffset()
                                         throws DOMException;
    public boolean      getIsCollapsed()
                                         throws DOMException;
    public Node         getCommonAncestorContainer()
                                         throws DOMException;
    public void         setStart(Node refNode, 
                                 int offset)
                                 throws RangeException, DOMException;
    public void         setEnd(Node refNode, 
                               int offset)
                               throws RangeException, DOMException;
    public void         setStartBefore(Node refNode)
                                       throws RangeException, DOMException;
    public void         setStartAfter(Node refNode)
                                      throws RangeException, DOMException;
    public void         setEndBefore(Node refNode)
                                     throws RangeException, DOMException;
    public void         setEndAfter(Node refNode)
                                    throws RangeException, DOMException;
    public void         collapse(boolean toStart)
                                 throws DOMException;
    public void         selectNode(Node refNode)
                                   throws RangeException, DOMException;
    public void         selectNodeContents(Node refNode)
                                           throws RangeException, DOMException;

    public static final int StartToStart = 1;
    public static final int StartToEnd   = 2;
    public static final int EndToEnd     = 3;
    public static final int EndToStart   = 4;

    public short        compareBoundaryPoints(int how, 
                                              Range sourceRange)
                                              throws DOMException;
    public void         deleteContents()
                                       throws DOMException;
    public DocumentFragment extractContents()
                                            throws DOMException;
    public DocumentFragment cloneContents()
                                          throws DOMException;
    public void         insertNode(Node newNode)
                                   throws DOMException, RangeException;
    public void         surroundContents(Node newParent)
                                         throws DOMException, RangeException;
    public Range        cloneRange()
                                   throws DOMException;
    public String       toString()
                                 throws DOMException;
    public void         detach()
                               throws DOMException;


package org.w3c.dom.range;

public interface DocumentRange {
    public Range        createRange();

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