
Appendix C: IDL Definitions

This appendix contains the complete OMG IDL for the Level 1 Document Object Model definitions. The definitions are divided into CSS , Events , Filters and Iterators , and Range .

C.1: Document Object Model Level 2 CSS


// File: css.idl
#ifndef _CSS_IDL_
#define _CSS_IDL_

#include "dom.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module css
  typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;
  typedef dom::Node Node;

  interface CSSRuleCollection;
  interface CSSRule;
  interface CSSStyleDeclaration;

  interface StyleSheet {
    readonly attribute  DOMString            type;
             attribute  boolean              disabled;
    readonly attribute  Node                 owningNode;
    readonly attribute  StyleSheet           parentStyleSheet;
    readonly attribute  DOMString            href;
    readonly attribute  DOMString            title;
    readonly attribute  DOMString            media;

  interface StyleSheetCollection {
    readonly attribute  unsigned long        length;
    StyleSheet                item(in unsigned long index);

  interface CSSStyleSheet : StyleSheet {
    readonly attribute  CSSRuleCollection    cssRules;
    unsigned long             insertRule(in DOMString rule, 
                                         in unsigned long index)
    void                      deleteRule(in unsigned long index)

  interface CSSRuleCollection {
    readonly attribute  unsigned long        length;
    CSSRule                   item(in unsigned long index);

  interface CSSRule {
    // RuleType
    const unsigned short      UNKNOWN_RULE       = 0;
    const unsigned short      STYLE_RULE         = 1;
    const unsigned short      IMPORT_RULE        = 2;
    const unsigned short      MEDIA_RULE         = 3;
    const unsigned short      FONT_FACE_RULE     = 4;
    const unsigned short      PAGE_RULE          = 5;

    readonly attribute  unsigned short       type;
             attribute  DOMString            cssText;
    readonly attribute  CSSStyleSheet        parentStyleSheet;

  interface CSSStyleRule : CSSRule {
             attribute  DOMString            selectorText;
    readonly attribute  CSSStyleDeclaration  style;

  interface CSSMediaRule : CSSRule {
             attribute  DOMString            mediaTypes;
    readonly attribute  CSSRuleCollection    cssRules;
    unsigned long             insertRule(in DOMString rule, 
                                         in unsigned long index)
    void                      deleteRule(in unsigned long index);

  interface CSSFontFaceRule : CSSRule {
    readonly attribute  CSSStyleDeclaration  style;

  interface CSSPageRule : CSSRule {
             attribute  DOMString            selectorText;
    readonly attribute  CSSStyleDeclaration  style;

  interface CSSImportRule : CSSRule {
             attribute  DOMString            href;
             attribute  DOMString            media;
    readonly attribute  CSSStyleSheet        styleSheet;

  interface CSSUnknownRule : CSSRule {

  interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
             attribute  DOMString            cssText;
    DOMString                 getPropertyValue(in DOMString propertyName);
    DOMString                 getPropertyPriority(in DOMString propertyName);
    void                      setProperty(in DOMString propertyName, 
                                          in DOMString value, 
                                          in DOMString priority)
    readonly attribute  unsigned long        length;
    DOMString                 item(in unsigned long index);

  interface CSS2Properties {
             attribute  DOMString            azimuth;
             attribute  DOMString            background;
             attribute  DOMString            backgroundAttachment;
             attribute  DOMString            backgroundColor;
             attribute  DOMString            backgroundImage;
             attribute  DOMString            backgroundPosition;
             attribute  DOMString            backgroundRepeat;
             attribute  DOMString            border;
             attribute  DOMString            borderCollapse;
             attribute  DOMString            borderColor;
             attribute  DOMString            borderSpacing;
             attribute  DOMString            borderStyle;
             attribute  DOMString            borderTop;
             attribute  DOMString            borderRight;
             attribute  DOMString            borderBottom;
             attribute  DOMString            borderLeft;
             attribute  DOMString            borderTopColor;
             attribute  DOMString            borderRightColor;
             attribute  DOMString            borderBottomColor;
             attribute  DOMString            borderLeftColor;
             attribute  DOMString            borderTopStyle;
             attribute  DOMString            borderRightStyle;
             attribute  DOMString            borderBottomStyle;
             attribute  DOMString            borderLeftStyle;
             attribute  DOMString            borderTopWidth;
             attribute  DOMString            borderRightWidth;
             attribute  DOMString            borderBottomWidth;
             attribute  DOMString            borderLeftWidth;
             attribute  DOMString            borderWidth;
             attribute  DOMString            bottom;
             attribute  DOMString            captionSide;
             attribute  DOMString            clear;
             attribute  DOMString            clip;
             attribute  DOMString            color;
             attribute  DOMString            content;
             attribute  DOMString            counterIncrement;
             attribute  DOMString            counterReset;
             attribute  DOMString            cue;
             attribute  DOMString            cueAfter;
             attribute  DOMString            cueBefore;
             attribute  DOMString            cursor;
             attribute  DOMString            direction;
             attribute  DOMString            display;
             attribute  DOMString            elevation;
             attribute  DOMString            emptyCells;
             attribute  DOMString            cssFloat;
             attribute  DOMString            font;
             attribute  DOMString            fontFamily;
             attribute  DOMString            fontSize;
             attribute  DOMString            fontSizeAdjust;
             attribute  DOMString            fontStretch;
             attribute  DOMString            fontStyle;
             attribute  DOMString            fontVariant;
             attribute  DOMString            fontWeight;
             attribute  DOMString            height;
             attribute  DOMString            left;
             attribute  DOMString            letterSpacing;
             attribute  DOMString            lineHeight;
             attribute  DOMString            listStyle;
             attribute  DOMString            listStyleImage;
             attribute  DOMString            listStylePosition;
             attribute  DOMString            listStyleType;
             attribute  DOMString            margin;
             attribute  DOMString            marginTop;
             attribute  DOMString            marginRight;
             attribute  DOMString            marginBottom;
             attribute  DOMString            marginLeft;
             attribute  DOMString            markerOffset;
             attribute  DOMString            marks;
             attribute  DOMString            maxHeight;
             attribute  DOMString            maxWidth;
             attribute  DOMString            minHeight;
             attribute  DOMString            minWidth;
             attribute  DOMString            orphans;
             attribute  DOMString            outline;
             attribute  DOMString            outlineColor;
             attribute  DOMString            outlineStyle;
             attribute  DOMString            outlineWidth;
             attribute  DOMString            overflow;
             attribute  DOMString            padding;
             attribute  DOMString            paddingTop;
             attribute  DOMString            paddingRight;
             attribute  DOMString            paddingBottom;
             attribute  DOMString            paddingLeft;
             attribute  DOMString            page;
             attribute  DOMString            pageBreakAfter;
             attribute  DOMString            pageBreakBefore;
             attribute  DOMString            pageBreakInside;
             attribute  DOMString            pause;
             attribute  DOMString            pauseAfter;
             attribute  DOMString            pauseBefore;
             attribute  DOMString            pitch;
             attribute  DOMString            pitchRange;
             attribute  DOMString            playDuring;
             attribute  DOMString            position;
             attribute  DOMString            quotes;
             attribute  DOMString            richness;
             attribute  DOMString            right;
             attribute  DOMString            size;
             attribute  DOMString            speak;
             attribute  DOMString            speakHeader;
             attribute  DOMString            speakNumeral;
             attribute  DOMString            speakPunctuation;
             attribute  DOMString            speechRate;
             attribute  DOMString            stress;
             attribute  DOMString            tableLayout;
             attribute  DOMString            textAlign;
             attribute  DOMString            textDecoration;
             attribute  DOMString            textIndent;
             attribute  DOMString            textShadow;
             attribute  DOMString            textTransform;
             attribute  DOMString            top;
             attribute  DOMString            unicodeBidi;
             attribute  DOMString            verticalAlign;
             attribute  DOMString            visibility;
             attribute  DOMString            voiceFamily;
             attribute  DOMString            volume;
             attribute  DOMString            whiteSpace;
             attribute  DOMString            widows;
             attribute  DOMString            width;
             attribute  DOMString            wordSpacing;
             attribute  DOMString            zIndex;


#endif // _CSS_IDL_

C.2: Document Object Model Level 2 Events


// File: events.idl
#ifndef _EVENTS_IDL_
#define _EVENTS_IDL_

#include "dom.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module events
  typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;
  typedef dom::Node Node;

  interface EventCapturer {
    void                      captureEvent(in DOMString type);
    void                      releaseEvent(in DOMString type);
    void                      routeEvent();

  interface Event {
             attribute  DOMString            type;
             attribute  Node                 target;
             attribute  boolean              cancelBubble;
             attribute  boolean              returnValue;

  interface UIEvent : Event {
             attribute  long                 screenX;
             attribute  long                 screenY;
             attribute  long                 clientX;
             attribute  long                 clientY;
             attribute  boolean              altKey;
             attribute  boolean              ctrlKey;
             attribute  boolean              shiftKey;
             attribute  unsigned long        keyCode;
             attribute  unsigned long        charCode;
             attribute  unsigned short       button;


#endif // _EVENTS_IDL_

C.3: Document Object Model Level 2 Filters and Iterators


// File: fi.idl
#ifndef _FI_IDL_
#define _FI_IDL_

#include "dom.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module fi
  typedef dom::Node Node;

  interface NodeIterator {
    Node                      nextNode();
    void                      reset();

  interface NodeFilter {
    boolean                   acceptNode(in Node n);


#endif // _FI_IDL_

C.4: Document Object Model Level 2 Range


// File: range.idl
#ifndef _RANGE_IDL_
#define _RANGE_IDL_

#include "dom.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module range
  typedef dom::Node Node;
  typedef dom::DocumentFragment DocumentFragment;
  typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;

  exception RangeException {
    unsigned short   code;

  // RangeExceptionCode
  const unsigned short      BAD_ENDPOINTS_ERR  = 201;
  const unsigned short      INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR = 202;
  const unsigned short      NULL_PARENT_ERR    = 203;

  interface Range {
    readonly attribute  Node                 startParent;
    readonly attribute  long                 startOffset;
    readonly attribute  Node                 endParent;
    readonly attribute  long                 endOffset;
    readonly attribute  boolean              isCollapsed;
    readonly attribute  Node                 commonParent;
    void                      setStart(in Node parent, 
                                       in long offset)
    void                      setEnd(in Node parent, 
                                     in long offset)
    void                      setStartBefore(in Node sibling)
    void                      setStartAfter(in Node sibling)
    void                      setEndBefore(in Node sibling)
    void                      setEndAfter(in Node sibling)
    void                      collapse(in boolean toStart);
    void                      selectNode(in Node n)
    void                      selectNodeContents(in Node n)
    typedef enum CompareHow_ {
    } CompareHow;
    short                     compareEndPoints(in CompareHow how, 
                                               in Range sourceRange)
    void                      deleteContents()
    DocumentFragment          extractContents()
    DocumentFragment          cloneContents();
    void                      insertNode(in Node n)
                                         raises(DOMException, RangeException);
    void                      surroundContents(in Node n)
                                               raises(DOMException, RangeException);
    Range                     cloneRange();
    DOMString                 toString();


#endif // _RANGE_IDL_