XSL Test Suite: NIST Test Suite


Test Cases: NIST Test Cases

Test #renderingmodel1

test of an area that generates a background type of mark.

Test #renderingmodel2

test of an area that generates an image (gif) type of mark.

Test #renderingmodel3

test of an area that generates a glyph (letter "G") type of mark.

Test #renderingmodel4

test of an area that generates a border (solid) type of mark.

Test #renderingmodel5

test of an area with a visibility trait="hidden" (should not be visible).

Test #renderingmodel6

test of an area that overflows its parent area for which the "overflow" trait is not set to "scroll".

Test #renderingmodel7

test of an area that overflows its parent area for which the "overflow" trait is set to "scroll". When the target medium is "print" or "projection" the overflowing content must be printed. When the target is a computer screen, the scrolling mechanism should also be displayed.

Test #renderingmodel8

test of an area that overflows its parent area for which the "overflow" trait is set to "scroll" and the "clip" is set to "rect(some values)".

Test #renderingmodel9

test the rendering of the border-rectangle. use of nested block areas.

Test #basic1

the child areas of an area are assigned to the content-rectangle.

Test #basic2

the border and padding properties of an area are optional.

Test #recarea1

the content-rectangle of an area is bound by the size of the padding rectangle..

Test #recarea2

test the "block-progression-direction" by changing the "writing-mode" to "tb-rl" on the region-body.

Test #recarea3

test the "inline-progression-direction" by changing the "writing-mode" to "rl-tb" on the region-body.

Test #recarea4

test the "inline-progression-direction" by changing the "writing-mode" on the generating formatting object (block-container).

Test #recarea5

test the "block-progression-direction" by changing the "writing-mode" on the generating formatting object (block-container).

Test #recarea6

test the "alignment-baseline" trait of an inline-area (text) that is aligned with the "before-edge" of its parent.

Test #recarea7

test the "alignment-baseline" trait of an inline-area (text) that is aligned with the "after-edge" of its parent.

Test #recarea8

test the "inline-progression" trait of an "block-container", the block-progression-dimension is set to "auto".

Test #recarea9

test the "block-progression-dimension" trait of an "block-container", the inline-progression-dimension is set to "auto".

Test #refres1

the floor(numeric) function used to compute all four border widths of an area created by a block fo.

Test #blockarea1

test of the "space-after" trait using different values. a value of 'force' is used for precedence.

Test #blockarea2

test of the "space-before" trait using different values. a value of 'force' is used for precedence.

Test #blockarea3

test the size a block area (not a line-area type) increasing in the line progression direction by decreasing the "start-indent" and "after-indent".

Test #blockarea4

test the size a block area (not a line-area type) decreasing in the line progression direction by increasing the "start-indent" and "after-indent".

Test #blockarea5

test for properly stacked areas.

Test #blockarea6

test for block areas varying its block-progression dimension to accomodate its descendants.

Test #inline1

test of an inline area (within a block area) with no descendants.

Test #inline2

test of an inline area (within a block area) with another inline area as its descendant.

Test #line1

test that line areas do no have padding and border.

Test #line2

the allocation-rectangle of line areas is determined by the "line-stacking-strategy" trait (test for line-height).

Test #keepandbreak1

test of a break before condition with "break-before" set "page" (page context).

Test #keepandbreak2

test of a break before condition with explicit value set to "auto" (page context).

Test #keepandbreak3

test of a break after condition with "break-after" set to "page" (page context) and two formatting objects.

Test #keepandbreak4

test of a break after condition with explicit value set to "auto" (page context).

Test #keepandbreak5

test of a break after condition with "break-after" set to "page" (page context) and one formatting object.

Test #keepandbreak6

test of a break before condition with "break-before" set to "even-page" and no blank page generated (even-numbered page-reference-area context).

Test #keepandbreak7

test of a break before condition with "break-before" set to "even-page" (even-numbered page-reference-area context) and a blank page generated.

Test #keepandbreak8

test of a break after condition with "break-after" set to "even-page" (even-numbered page-reference-area context) and a no blank page generated.

Test #keepandbreak9

test of a break after condition with "break-after" set to "even-page" (even-numbered page-reference-area context) and one blank page generated.

Test #keepandbreak10

test of a break before condition with "break-before" set to "even-page" (even-numbered page-reference-area context) and one blank page generated.

Test #keepandbreak11

test of a break after condition with "break-after" set to "odd-page" (odd-numbered page-reference-area context) and one blank page generated.

Test #keepandbreak12

test of a break before condition interacting with each other and one blank page generated.

Test #keepandbreak13

test of a leading area b in an area p.

Test #keepandbreak14

test of a trailing area b in an area p.

Test #keepandbreak15

test a sequence of page-reference-areas generated by "page-sequence" formatting objects.

Test #keepandbreak16

test of "keep-with-previous" condition within a page and an "always" level of strength.

Test #keepandbreak17

test of "keep-with-next" condition within a page and an "always" level of strength.

Test #space1

test the overlapaing of areas by setting the "space-before.optimum" to a negative number with "force" precedence.

Test #space2

test the overlapaing of areas by setting the "space-before.minimum" to a negative number with "force" precedence.

Test #bcfobreakafter1

test the "block-container" fo with the "break-after" property set to "page".

Test #bcfobreakafter2

test the "block-container" fo with the "break-after" property set to "even-page" and no blank page generated.

Test #bcfobreakafter3

test the "block-container" fo with the "break-after" property set to "even-page" and a blank page is generated.

Test #bcfobreakafter4

test the "block-container" fo with the "break-after" property set to "odd-page" and a blank page is generated.

Test #bcfobreakafter5

test the "block-container" fo with the "break-after" property set to "odd-page" and no blank page is generated.

Test #bcfobreakbefore1

test the "block-container" fo with the "break-before" property set to "page" and no blank page is generated.

Test #bcfobreakbefore2

test the "block-container" fo with the "break-before" property set to "even-page" and no blank page is generated.

Test #bcfobreakbefore3

test the "block-container" fo with the "break-before" property set to "even-page" and one blank page is generated.

Test #bcfobreakbefore4

test the "block-container" fo with the "break-before" property set to "odd-page" and one blank page is generated.

Test #bcfoorientation90

test the "block-container" fo with the "reference-orientation" property set to 90 degrees.

Test #bcfoorientation180

test the "block-container" fo with the "reference-orientation" property set to 180 degrees.

Test #bcfoorientation270

test the "block-container" fo with the "reference-orientation" property set to 270 degrees.

Test #bcfoorientationneg90

test the "block-container" fo with the "reference-orientation" property set to -90 degrees.

Test #bcfoorientationneg180

test the "block-container" fo with the "reference-orientation" property set to -180 degrees.

Test #bcfoorientationneg270

test the "block-container" fo with the "reference-orientation" property set to -270 degrees.

Test #bcfoborderstyle1

test the "block-container" fo with the border style properties set to "dotted".

Test #bcfoborderstyle2

test the "block-container" fo with the border style properties set to "dashed".

Test #bcfoborderstyle3

test the "block-container" fo with the border style properties set to "double".

Test #bcfoborderstyle4

test the "block-container" fo with the border style properties set to "groove".

Test #bcfoborderstyle5

test the "block-container" fo with the border style properties set to "ridge".

Test #bcfoborderstyle6

test the "block-container" fo with the border style properties set to "inset".

Test #bcfoborderstyle7

test the "block-container" fo with the border style properties set to "outset".

Test #bcfoborderstyle8

test the "block-container" fo with the border style properties set to "solid".

Test #bcfoborderstyle9

test the "block-container" fo with the border style properties set to "inherit".

Test #bcfoborderstyle10

test the "block-container" fo with the only "border-before-style" properties set to "inherit".

Test #bcfoborderstyle11

test the "block-container" fo with the only "border-after-style" properties set to "inherit".

Test #bcfoborderstyle12

test the "block-container" fo with the only "border-start-style" properties set to "inherit".

Test #bcfoborderstyle13

test the "block-container" fo with the only "border-end-style" properties set to "inherit".

Test #bcfoborderwidth1

test the "block-container" fo with the border width properties set to a fixed length ("0.3in").

Test #bcfoborderwidth2

test the "block-container" fo with the border width properties set to "thin".

Test #bcfoborderwidth3

test the "block-container" fo with the border width properties set to "medium".

Test #bcfoborderwidth4

test the "block-container" fo with the border width properties set to "thick".

Test #bcfoborderwidth5

test the "block-container" fo with the border width properties set to "thick" and no before and after border style.

Test #bcfobackground1

test the "block-container" fo with the "background-color" property set to "yellow".

Test #bcfobackground2

test the "block-container" fo with the "background-color" property set to "inherit".

Test #bcfobordercolor1

test the "block-container" fo with the border color properties set to the same color ("red").

Test #bcfobordercolor2

test the "block-container" fo with the border color properties set to different colors.

Test #bcfobordercolor3

test the "block-container" fo with all border color properties set to "inherit".

Test #bcfobordercolor4

test the "block-container" fo with the only the "border-before-color" property set to "inherit".

Test #bcfobordercolor5

test the "block-container" fo with the only the "border-after-color" property set to "inherit".

Test #bcfobordercolor6

test the "block-container" fo with the only the "border-start-color" property set to "inherit".

Test #bcfobordercolor7

test the "block-container" fo with the only the "border-end-color" property set to "inherit".

Test #egfocontentheight

test the "external-graphic" fo with the "content-height" property set to a fixed length ("0.5in") and use of a gif image.

Test #egfocontentheightstf

test the "external-graphic" fo with the "content-height" property set to "scale-to-fit" and use of a gif image.

Test #egfocontentheightp

test the "external-graphic" fo with the "content-height" property set to a percentage value ("50%") and use of a gif image.

Test #egfocontentwidth

test the "external-graphic" fo with the "content-width" property set to a fixed value ("0.5in") and use of a gif image.

Test #egfocontentwidthstf

test the "external-graphic" fo with the "content-width" property set to "scale-to-fit" and use of a gif image.

Test #egfocontentwidthp

test the "external-graphic" fo with the "content-width" property set to a percentage value "50%" and use of a gif image.

Test #egfoborderstyle1

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border style properties set to "dotted" and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfoborderstyle2

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border style properties set to "dashed" and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfoborderstyle3

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border style properties set to "double" and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfoborderstyle4

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border style properties set to "groove" and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfoborderstyle5

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border style properties set to "ridge" and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfoborderstyle6

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border style properties set to "inset" and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfoborderstyle7

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border style properties set to "outset" and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfoborderstyle8

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border style properties set to "solid" and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfoborderwidth1

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border width properties set to "0.3in" and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfoborderwidth2

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border width properties set to "thin" and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfoborderwidth3

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border width properties set to "medium" and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfoborderwidth4

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border width properties set to "thick" and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfoborderwidth5

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border width properties set to "thick" and no style properties set for the before and after border and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfopadding1

test the "external-graphic" fo with the padding properties set to a fixed length "0.2in" and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfopadding2

test the "external-graphic" fo with the padding properties set to different lengths ("0.1in", "0.15in", "0.2in" and "0.25in") and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfobackground1

test the "external-graphic" fo with the "background-color" property set to "red" and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfobordercolor1

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border color properties set to same color (yellow) and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #egfobordercolor2

test the "external-graphic" fo with the border color properties set to different colors and use of a "jpg" image.

Test #lbfobreakafter1

test the "list-block" fo with the "break-after" property set to "page".

Test #lbfobreakafter2

test the "list-block" fo with the "break-after" property set to "even-page" and no blank page generated.

Test #lbfobreakafter3

test the "list-block" fo with the "break-after" property set to "even-page" and one blank page generated.

Test #lbfobreakafter4

test the "list-block" fo with the "break-after" property set to "odd-page" and one blank page generated.

Test #lbfobreakafter5

test the "list-block" fo with the "break-after" property set to "odd-page" and no blank page generated.

Test #lbfobreakbefore1

test the "list-block" fo with the "break-before" property set to "page".

Test #lbfobreakbefore2

test the "list-block" fo with the "break-before" property set to "even-page" and no blank page generated.

Test #lbfobreakbefore3

test the "list-block" fo with the "break-before" property set to "even-page" and one blank page generated.

Test #lbfobreakbefore4

test the "list-block" fo with the "break-before" property set to "odd-page" and one blank page generated.

Test #lbfoborderwidth1

test the "list-block" fo with all the border width properties set to a fixed value ("0.2in").

Test #lbfoborderwidth2

test the "list-block" fo with all the border width properties set "thin".

Test #lbfoborderwidth3

test the "list-block" fo with all the border width properties set "medium".

Test #lbfoborderwidth4

test the "list-block" fo with all the border width properties set "thick".

Test #lbfoborderwidth5

test the "list-block" fo with all the border width properties set "thick", however no "before" and "after" style is defined.

Test #lbfoborderstyle1

test the "list-block" fo with all the border style properties set "dotted".

Test #lbfoborderstyle2

test the "list-block" fo with all the border style properties set "dashed".

Test #lbfoborderstyle3

test the "list-block" fo with all the border style properties set "double".

Test #lbfoborderstyle4

test the "list-block" fo with all the border style properties set "groove".

Test #lbfoborderstyle5

test the "list-block" fo with all the border style properties set "ridge".

Test #lbfoborderstyle6

test the "list-block" fo with all the border style properties set "inset".

Test #lbfoborderstyle7

test the "list-block" fo with all the border style properties set "outset".

Test #lbfoborderstyle8

test the "list-block" fo with all the border style properties set "solid".

Test #lbfobackground1

test the "list-block" fo with all the border color properties set to "red".

Test #lbfobackground2

test the "list-block" fo with all the border color properties set to different colors ("red", "aqua", "blue" and "green").

Test #lbfoprovisionaldbs1

test the "list-block" fo with the "provisional-distance-between-starts" property equal to "40pt".

Test #lbfoprovisionaldbs2

test two "list-block" fo's with their "provisional-distance-between-starts" property equal to "30pt" and "40pt" respectively.

Test #lbfoprovisionalls1

test the "list-block" fo with the "provisional-label-separation" property equal to "40pt".

Test #lbfomargintop1

test the "list-block" fo with the "margin-top" property equal to "0.5in".

Test #lbfomargintop2

test the "list-block" fo with the "margin-top" property equal to "inherit".

Test #lbfomarginbottom1

test the "list-block" fo with the "margin-bottom" property equal to "0.5in".

Test #lbfomarginbottom2

test the "list-block" fo with the "margin-bottom" property equal to "inherit".

Test #lbfomarginleft1

test the "list-block" fo with the "margin-left" property equal to "0.5in"

Test #lbfomarginleft2

test the "list-block" fo with the "margin-left" property equal to "inherit".

Test #lbfomarginright1

test the "list-block" fo with the "margin-right" property equal to "2.0in".

Test #lbfomarginright2

test the "list-block" fo with the "margin-right" property equal to "inherit".

Test #lbfospacebefore1

test the "list-block" fo with the "space-before" property equal to "1.0in".

Test #lbfospacebefore2

test the "list-block" fo with the "space-before" property equal to "inherit".

Test #lbfospaceafter1

test the "list-block" fo with the "space-after" property equal to "1.0in".

Test #lbfospaceafter2

test the "list-block" fo with the "space-after" property equal to "inherit".

Test #lbfostartindent1

test the "list-block" fo with the "start-indent" property set to "0.5in".

Test #lbfoendindent1

test the "list-block" fo with the "end-indent" property set to "0.5in".

Test #lifobreakafter1

test the "list-item" fo with the "break-after" property set to "page".

Test #lifobreakafter2

test "list-item" fo with the "break-after" property set to "odd-page" (blank page generated).

Test #lifobreakafter3

test the "list-item" fo with the "break-after" property set to "even-page" (no blank page generated).

Test #lifobreakafter4

test the "list-item" fo with the "break-after" property set to "even-page" (force empty page).

Test #lifobreakbefore1

test the "list-item" fo with the "break-before" property set to "page" (no blank pages generated).

Test #lifobreakbefore2

test the "list-item" fo with the "break-before" property set to "even-page" (no blank pages generated).

Test #lifobreakbefore3

test the "list-item" fo with the "break-before" property set to "even-page" (one blank page generated).

Test #lifobackground

test two "list-item" fo's with their "background-color" properties set to "aqua" and "red" respectivley.

Test #lifoborderstyle1

test a "list-item" fo with all four border style properties set to "dotted".

Test #lifoborderstyle2

test a "list-item" fo with all four border style properties set to "dashed".

Test #lifoborderstyle3

test a "list-item" fo with all four border style properties set to "double".

Test #lifoborderstyle4

test a "list-item" fo with all four border style properties set to "groove".

Test #lifoborderstyle5

test a "list-item" fo with all four border style properties set to "ridge".

Test #lifoborderstyle6

test a "list-item" fo with all four border style properties set to "inset".

Test #lifoborderstyle7

test a "list-item" fo with all four border style properties set to "outset".

Test #lifoborderstyle8

test a "list-item" fo with all four border style properties set to "solid".

Test #lifoborderstyle9

test a "list-item" fo with all four border style properties set to "inherit" ("solid" value). should also show table start border style

Test #lifoborderstyle10

test a "list-item" fo with with only the "border-before-style" property set to "inherit" ("dotted" value).

Test #lifoborderstyle11

test a "list-item" fo with with only the "border-after-style" property set to "inherit" ("dotted" value).

Test #lifoborderstyle12

test a "list-item" fo with with only the "border-start-style" property set to "inherit" ("dotted" value).

Test #lifoborderstyle13

test a "list-item" fo with with only the "border-end-style" property set to "inherit" ("dotted" value).

Test #lifoborderwidth1

test a "list-item" fo with all four border width properties set to a fixed length ("0.3in").

Test #lifoborderwidth2

test a "list-item" fo with all four border width properties set to "thin".

Test #lifoborderwidth3

test a "list-item" fo with all four border width properties set to "medium".

Test #lifoborderwidth4

test a "list-item" fo with all four border width properties set to "thick".

Test #lifoborderwidth5

test a "list-item" fo with all four border width properties set to "thick", with the before and after style specified as "none".

Test #lifoborderwidth6

test a "list-item" fo with all four border width properties set to "inherit".

Test #lifoborderwidth7

test a "list-item" fo with only the "border-before-width" property set to "inherit".

Test #lifoborderwidth8

test a "list-item" fo with only the "border-after-width" property set to "inherit".

Test #lifoborderwidth9

test a "list-item" fo with only the "border-start-width" property set to "inherit".

Test #lifoborderwidth10

test a "list-item" fo with only the "border-end-width" property set to "inherit".

Test #lifobordercolor1

test a "list-item" fo with all four border color properties set to "red".

Test #lifobordercolor2

test a "list-item" fo with all four border color properties set to different colors ("red", "aqua", "blue" and "green").

Test #lifobordercolor3

test a "list-item" fo with all four border color properties set to "inherit".

Test #lifobordercolor4

test a "list-item" fo with only the "border-before-color" property set to "inherit".

Test #lifobordercolor5

test a "list-item" fo with only the "border-after-color" property set to "inherit".

Test #lifobordercolor6

test a "list-item" fo with only the "border-start-color" property set to "inherit".

Test #lifobordercolor7

test a "list-item" fo with only the "border-end-color" property set to "inherit".

Test #lifopadding1

test a "list-item" fo with all four border padding properties set to a fixed length ("0.2in")

Test #lifopadding2

test a "list-item" fo with the four padding properties set to different lengths ("0.1in", 0.15in", "0.2in" and "0.25in")

Test #lilfostartindent1

test a "list-item-label" fo with the "start-indent" property set to "5pt".

Test #lilfostartindent2

test of two "list-item-label" fo's with their "start-indent" properties set to "5pt" and "10pt" respectively.

Test #libfostartindent1

test a "list-item-body" fo with the "start-indent" property set to "40pt".

Test #libfostartindent2

test of two "list-item-body" fo's with their "start-indent" properties set to "30pt" and "40pt" respectively.

Test #tafoheightwidth

test a single "table" fo with the "height" and "width" properties set to a fixed values (3.0in).

Test #tafowritingm1

test a single "table" fo with the "writing-mode" set to "tb-lr".

Test #tafoborderstyle1

test the "table" fo with the border style properties set to "dotted".

Test #tafoborderstyle2

test the "table" fo with the border style properties set to "dashed".

Test #tafoborderstyle3

test the "table" fo with the border style properties set to "double".

Test #tafoborderstyle4

test the "table" fo with the border style properties set to "groove".

Test #tafoborderstyle5

test the "table" fo with the border style properties set to "ridge".

Test #tafoborderstyle6

test the "table" fo with the border style properties set to "inset".

Test #tafoborderstyle7

test the "table" fo with the border style properties set to "outset".

Test #tafoborderstyle8

test the "table" fo with the border style properties set to "solid".

Test #tafoborderwidth1

test the "table" fo with the border width properties set to a fixed length ("0.3in").

Test #tafoborderwidth2

test the "table" fo with the border width properties set to "thin".

Test #tafoborderwidth3

test the "table" fo with the border width properties set to "medium".

Test #tafoborderwidth4

test the "table" fo with the border width properties set to "thick".

Test #tafoborderwidth5

test the "table" fo with the border width properties set to "thick" and no style set for the before and after borders.

Test #tafocolor1

test the "table" fo with the border color properties set to "red".

Test #tafocolor2

test the "table" fo with the border color properties set to different colors ("red", "blue", "green" and ""yellow").

Test #tcofowidth

test a "table-column" fo with the "column-width" property set to a fixed value (4.0in).

Test #tcofovisibilityh

test a "table-column" fo with the "visibility" property set to "hide" (force no showing of column).

Test #tcofobackground

test three "table-columns" fo's with the "background-color" property set different colors.

Test #trfoheight

test three "table-row" fo's with their "height" properties set to a fixed length ("0.5in",0.75in and "1.0in" respectively).

Test #trfobackground

test three "table-row" fo's with their "background-color" properties set to "red", "blue" and "yellow" respectively.

Test #trfobreakafter1

test of a "table-row" fo's with the "break-after" property set to "page".

Test #trfobreakafter2

test of a "table-row" fo's with the "break-after" property set to "even-page" and forcing generation of a blank page.

Test #trfobreakafter3

test of a "table-row" fo's with the "break-after" property set to "odd-page" and forcing generation of a blank page.

Test #trfobreakafter4

test of a "table-row" fo's with the "break-after" property set to "even-page" and no blank pages generated.

Test #trfobreakafter5

test of a "table-row" fo's with the "break-after" property set to "odd-page" and no blank pages generated.

Test #trfobreakbefore1

test of a "table-row" fo's with the "break-before" property set to "page".

Test #trfobreakbefore2

test of a "table-row" fo's with the "break-before" property set to "even-page" and no blank pages generated.

Test #trfobreakbefore3

test of a "table-row" fo's with the "break-before" property set to "even-page" and one blank page generated.

Test #trfobreakbefore4

test of a "table-row" fo's with the "break-before" property set to "odd-page" and one blank page generated.

Test #tcfobackground1

test a "table-cell" fo with the "background-color" property set to "red".

Test #tcfobackground2

test two "table-cell" fo's with their "background-color" properties set to "red" and respectively.

Test #tcfobackground3

test a "table-cell" fo with the "background-color" property set to "inherit".

Test #tcfocolumnsspanned

test two "table-cell" fo's with the "number-columns-spanned" property set to "1" and "2" respectively.

Test #tcforowsspanned

test two "table-cell" fo's with the "number-rows-spanned" property set to "1" and "2" respectively.

Test #tcfoheight

test two "table-cell" fo's with the "height" property set to "1.in" and "2.0in" respectively.

Test #tcfowidth

test two "table-cell" fo's with the "width" property set to "1.in" and "2.0in" respectively.

Test #tcfoempty1

test the "table-cell" fo with the "empty-cells" property set to "show" (force showing of empty cells).

Test #tcfoempty2

test the "table-cell" fo with the "empty-cells" property set to "hide" (hide empty cells).

Test #tcfocolumnnumber

test three "table-cell" fo's with the "column-number" property set to values other than its normal order.

Test #tcfoborderstyle1

test a "table-cell" fo with the "border-style" properties set to "dotted".

Test #tcfoborderstyle2

test a "table-cell" fo with the "border-style" properties set to "dashed".

Test #tcfoborderstyle3

test a "table-cell" fo with the "border-style" properties set to "double".

Test #tcfoborderstyle4

test a "table-cell" fo with the "border-style" properties set to "groove".

Test #tcfoborderstyle5

test a "table-cell" fo with the "border-style" properties set to "ridge".

Test #tcfoborderstyle6

test a "table-cell" fo with the "border-style" properties set to "inset".

Test #tcfoborderstyle7

test a "table-cell" fo with the "border-style" properties set to "outset".

Test #tcfoborderstyle8

test a "table-cell" fo with the "border-style" properties set to "solid".

Test #tcfoborderstyle9

test a "table-cell" fo with the "border-style" properties set to "inherit".

Test #tcfoborderstyle10

test a "table-cell" fo with the only the "border-before-style" properties set to "inherit".

Test #tcfoborderstyle11

test a "table-cell" fo with the only the "border-after-style" properties set to "inherit".

Test #tcfoborderstyle12

test a "table-cell" fo with the only the "border-start-style" properties set to "inherit".

Test #tcfoborderstyle13

test a "table-cell" fo with the only the "border-end-style" properties set to "inherit".

Test #tcfoborderwidth1

test a "table-cell" fo with the border width properties set to a fixed length (0.3in).

Test #tcfoborderwidth2

test a "table-cell" fo with the border width properties set to "thin".

Test #tcfoborderwidth3

test a "table-cell" fo with the border width properties set to "medium".

Test #tcfoborderwidth4

test a "table-cell" fo with the border width properties set to "thick".

Test #tcfoborderwidth5

test a "table-cell" fo with the border width properties set to "thick" and no border style set for before and after borders.

Test #tcfobordercolor1

test a "table-cell" fo with the "border-color" properties set to "blue".

Test #tcfopadding1

test a "table-cell" fo with the four "padding" properties set to a fixed value (0.1in).

Test #cfp-font-family1

this test tests the font-family property value of serif.

Test #cfp-font-family2

this test tests the font-family property value of sans-serif.

Test #cfp-font-family3

this test tests the font-family property value of cursive.

Test #cfp-font-family4

this test tests the font-family property value of fantasy.

Test #cfp-font-family5

this test tests the font-family property value of monospace.

Test #cfp-font-family6

this test tests the font-family property value of (fantasy,sans-serif).

Test #cfp-font-family7

this test tests the font-family property value of (monospace,serif).

Test #cfp-font1

this test tests font property value of unstyled.

Test #cfp-font2

this test tests a "font" of 13pt helvetica small-caps italic.

Test #cfp-font3

this test tests a "font" of 150%/150% serif.

Test #cfp-font4

this test tests a "font" of 150%/150% sans-serif.

Test #cfp-font5

this test tests a "font" of small 20px cursive.

Test #cfp-font6

this test tests a "font" of italic small-caps 900 150%/150% sans-serif.

Test #cfp-font7

this test tests a "font" of italic small-caps 100 150%/300% sans-serif.

Test #cfp-font8

this test tests a "font" of italic small-caps 900 150%/2em monospace.

Test #cfp-font9

this test tests a "font" of italic small-caps 500 150%/1in sans-serif.

Test #cfp-font10

this test tests a "font" of oblique normal 700 18px/200% sans-serif.

Test #cfp-font11

this test tests a "font" of normal 400 80%/2.5 sans-serif.

Test #cfp-font-size1

this test tests the font-size property value of medium.

Test #cfp-font-size2

this test tests the font-size property value of larger.

Test #cfp-font-size3

this test tests the font-size property value of smaller.

Test #cfp-font-size4

this test tests the font-size property value of very small.

Test #cfp-font-size5

this test tests the font-size property value of rather small.

Test #cfp-font-size6

this test tests the font-size property value of small.

Test #cfp-font-size7

this test tests the font-size property value of large.

Test #cfp-font-size8

this test tests the font-size property value of rather large.

Test #cfp-font-size9

this test tests the font-size property value of very large.

Test #cfp-font-size10

this test tests the font-size property value of 0.5in.

Test #cfp-font-size11

this test tests the font-size property value of 1cm.

Test #cfp-font-size12

this test tests the font-size property value of 10mm.

Test #cfp-font-size13

this test tests the font-size property value of 18pt.

Test #cfp-font-size14

this test tests the font-size property value of 1.5pc.

Test #cfp-font-size15

this test tests the font-size property value of 2em.

Test #cfp-font-size16

this test tests the font-size property value of 10pt.

Test #cfp-font-size17

this test tests the font-size property value of 25px.

Test #cfp-font-size18

this test tests the font-size property value of 2x.

Test #cfp-font-size19

this test tests the font-size property value of -0.5.

Test #cfp-font-style1

this test tests the font-style property value of italic.

Test #cfp-font-style2

this test tests the font-style property value of oblique.

Test #cfp-font-style3

this test tests the font-style property value of normal.

Test #cfp-font-variant1

this test tests the font-variant property value of small-caps.

Test #cfp-font-variant2

this test tests the font-variant property value of normal.

Test #cfp-font-weight1

this test tests the font-weight property value of bold.

Test #cfp-font-weight2

this test tests the font-weight property value of bolder.

Test #cfp-font-weight3

this test tests the font-weight property value of lighter.

Test #cfp-font-weight4

this test tests the font-weight property value of 100.

Test #cfp-font-weight5

this test tests the font-weight property value of 300.

Test #cfp-font-weight6

this test tests the font-weight property value of 500.

Test #cfp-font-weight7

this test tests the font-weight property value of 700.

Test #cfp-font-weight8

this test tests the font-weight property value of 900.

Test #cfp-font-weight9

this test tests the font-weight property value of normal.

Test #crp-color1

this test tests the color property value of red.

Test #crp-color2

this test tests the color property value of green.

Test #crp-color3

this test tests the color property value of aqua.

Test #crp-color4

this test tests the color property value of black.

Test #crp-color5

this test tests the color property value of blue.

Test #crp-color6

this test tests the color property value of fuschia.

Test #crp-color7

this test tests the color property value of gray.

Test #crp-color8

this test tests the color property value of lime.

Test #crp-color9

this test tests the color property value of maroon.

Test #crp-color10

this test tests the color property value of navy.

Test #crp-color11

this test tests the color property value of olive.

Test #crp-color12

this test tests the color property value of purple.

Test #crp-color13

this test tests the color property value of silver.

Test #crp-color14

this test tests the color property value of teal.

Test #crp-color15

this test tests the color property value of white.

Test #crp-color16

this test tests the color property value of yellow.

Test #cbpbp-background-color1

this test tests the background color property value of green.

Test #cbpbp-background-color2

this test tests the background color property value of red.

Test #cbpbp-background-color3

this test tests the background color property value of transparent.

Test #cbpbp-background-color4

this test tests the background color property value of aqua.

Test #cbpbp-background-color5

this test tests the background color property value of black.

Test #cbpbp-background-color6

this test tests the background color property value of blue.

Test #cbpbp-background-color7

this test tests the background color property value of fuschia.

Test #cbpbp-background-color8

this test tests the background color property value of gray.

Test #cbpbp-background-color9

this test tests the background color property value of lime.

Test #cbpbp-background-color10

this test tests the background color property value of maroon.

Test #cbpbp-background-color11

this test tests the background color property value of navy.

Test #cbpbp-background-color12

this test tests the background color property value of olive.

Test #cbpbp-background-color13

this test tests the background color property value of purple.

Test #cbpbp-background-color14

this test tests the background color property value of silver.

Test #cbpbp-background-color15

this test tests the background color property value of teal.

Test #cbpbp-background-color16

this test tests the background color property value of yellow.

Test #blrp-text-align1

this test tests the text-align property value of left.

Test #blrp-text-align2

this test tests the text-align property value of right.

Test #blrp-text-align3

this test tests the text-align property value of center.

Test #blrp-text-align4

this test tests the text-align property value of justify.

Test #blrp-text-indent1

this test tests the text-indent property value of 0.5in.

Test #blrp-text-indent2

this test tests the text-indent property value of 2cm.

Test #blrp-text-indent3

this test tests the text-indent property value of 20mm.

Test #blrp-text-indent4

this test tests the text-indent property value of 24pt.

Test #blrp-text-indent5

this test tests the text-indent property value of 2pc.

Test #blrp-text-indent6

this test tests the text-indent property value of 2em.

Test #blrp-text-indent7

this test tests the text-indent property value of 2in.

Test #blrp-text-indent8

this test tests the text-indent property value of 50%.

Test #blrp-text-indent9

this test tests the text-indent property value of 25px.

Test #blrp-text-indent10

this test tests the text-indent property value of 0.5in.

Test #blrp-line-height1

this test tests the line-height property value of 0.5in.

Test #blrp-line-height2

this test tests the line-height property value of 2cm.

Test #blrp-line-height3

this test tests the line-height property value of 20mm.

Test #blrp-line-height4

this test tests the line-height property value of 24pt.

Test #blrp-line-height5

this test tests the line-height property value of 2pc.

Test #blrp-line-height6

this test tests the line-height property value of 2em.

Test #blrp-line-height7

this test tests the line-height property value of 3in.

Test #blrp-line-height8

this test tests the line-height property value of 0.5in.

Test #blrp-line-height9

this test tests the line-height property value of 2.

Test #blrp-line-height10

this test tests the line-height property value of 50px.

Test #cmpb-margin-top1

This test tests the space-before property value of 0in.

Test #cmpb-margin-top2

This test tests the space-before property value of 0.5in.

Test #cmpb-margin-top3

This test tests the space-before property value of 25px.

Test #cmpb-margin-top4

This test tests the space-before property value of 5em.

Test #cmpb-margin-top5

This test tests the space-before property value of 50mm.

Test #cmpb-margin-top6

This test tests the space-before property value of 25px.

Test #cmpb-margin-top7

This test tests the space-before property value of -10px.

Test #cmpb-margin-bottom1

This test tests the space-after property value of 0in.

Test #cmpb-margin-bottom2

This test tests the space-after property value of 0.5in.

Test #cmpb-margin-bottom3

This test tests the space-after property value of 25px.

Test #cmpb-margin-bottom4

This test tests the space-after property value of 5em.

Test #cmpb-margin-bottom5

This test tests the space-after property value of50mm.

Test #cmpb-margin-bottom6

This test tests the space-after property value of 25px.

Test #cmpb-margin-bottom7

This test tests the space-after property value of -10px.

Test #cmpb-margin-bottom8

This test tests the space-after property value of 0px.

Test #cmpb-margin-left1

This test tests the margin-left property value of 0in.

Test #cmpb-margin-left2

This test tests the margin-left property value of 0.5in.

Test #cmpb-margin-left3

This test tests the margin-left property value of 25px.

Test #cmpb-margin-left4

This test tests the margin-left property value of 5em.

Test #cmpb-margin-left5

This test tests the margin-left property value of 50mm.

Test #cmpb-margin-left6

This test tests the margin-left property value of 0px.

Test #cmpb-margin-left7

This test tests the margin-left property value of -10px.

Test #cmpb-margin-right1

This test tests the margin-right property value of 0in.

Test #cmpb-margin-right2

This test tests the margin-right property value of 0.5in.

Test #cmpb-margin-right3

This test tests the margin-right property value of 25px.

Test #cmpb-margin-right4

This test tests the margin-right property value of 5em.

Test #cmpb-margin-right5

This test tests the margin-right property value of 50mm.

Test #cmpb-margin-right6

This test tests the margin-right property value of -10px.

Test #cbpbp-padding-bottom1

this test tests the padding-bottom property value of 0in.

Test #cbpbp-padding-bottom2

this test tests the padding-bottom property value of 0.5in.

Test #cbpbp-padding-bottom3

this test tests the padding-bottom property value of 25px.

Test #cbpbp-padding-bottom4

this test tests the padding-bottom property value of 5em.

Test #cbpbp-padding-bottom5

this test tests the padding-bottom property value of 25%.

Test #cbpbp-padding-bottom6

this test tests the padding-bottom property value of 0in.

Test #cbpbp-padding-bottom7

this test tests the padding-bottom property value of 50pt.

Test #cbpbp-padding-left1

this test tests the padding-left property value of 0in.

Test #cbpbp-padding-left2

this test tests the padding-left property value of 05in.

Test #cbpbp-padding-left3

this test tests the padding-left property value of 25px.

Test #cbpbp-padding-left4

this test tests the padding-left property value of 5em.

Test #cbpbp-padding-left5

this test tests the padding-left property value of 25%.

Test #cbpbp-padding-left6

this test tests the padding-left property value of 80mm.

Test #cbpbp-padding-right1

this test tests the padding-right property value of 0in.

Test #cbpbp-padding-right2

this test tests the padding-right property value of 0.5in.

Test #cbpbp-padding-right3

this test tests the padding-right property value of 25px.

Test #cbpbp-padding-right4

this test tests the padding-right property value of 5em.

Test #cbpbp-padding-right5

this test tests the padding-right property value of 25%.

Test #cbpbp-padding-right6

this test tests the padding-right property value of 3pc.

Test #cbpbp-padding-top1

this test tests the padding-top property value of 0in.

Test #cbpbp-padding-top2

this test tests the padding-top property value of 0.5in.

Test #cbpbp-padding-top3

this test tests the padding-top property value of 25px.

Test #cbpbp-padding-top4

this test tests the padding-top property value of 5em.

Test #cbpbp-padding-top5

this test tests the padding-top property value of 25%.

Test #cbpbp-padding-top6

this test tests the padding-top property value of 36pc.

Test #cbpbp-border-bottom-width1

this test tests the border-bottom-width property value of 0in.

Test #cbpbp-border-bottom-width2

this test tests the border-bottom-width property value of 50px.

Test #cbpbp-border-bottom-width3

this test tests the border-bottom-width property value of thick.

Test #cbpbp-border-bottom-width4

this test tests the border-bottom-width property value of medium.

Test #cbpbp-border-bottom-width5

this test tests the border-bottom-width property value of thin.

Test #cbpbp-border-bottom-width6

this test tests the border-bottom-width property value of 25px.

Test #cbpbp-border-bottom-width7

this test tests the border-bottom-width property value of 0in.

Test #cbpbp-border-left-width1

this test tests the border-left-width property value of 0in.

Test #cbpbp-border-left-width2

this test tests the border-left-width property value of 50px.

Test #cbpbp-border-left-width3

this test tests the border-left-width property value of thick.

Test #cbpbp-border-left-width4

this test tests the border-left-width property value of medium.

Test #cbpbp-border-left-width5

this test tests the border-left-width property value of thin.

Test #cbpbp-border-left-width6

this test tests the border-left-width property value of 25px.

Test #cbpbp-border-right-width1

this test tests the border-right-width property value of 0in.

Test #cbpbp-border-right-width2

this test tests the border-right-width property value of 25px.

Test #cbpbp-border-right-width3

this test tests the border-right-width property value of thick.

Test #cbpbp-border-right-width4

this test tests the border-right-width property value of medium.

Test #cbpbp-border-right-width5

this test tests the border-right-width property value of thin.

Test #cbpbp-border-right-width6

this test tests the border-right-width property value of 100px.

Test #cbpbp-border-top-width1

this test tests the border-top-width property value of 0in.

Test #cbpbp-border-top-width2

this test tests the border-top-width property value of 25px.

Test #cbpbp-border-top-width3

this test tests the border-top-width property value of thick.

Test #cbpbp-border-top-width4

this test tests the border-top-width property value of medium.

Test #cbpbp-border-top-width5

this test tests the border-top-width property value of thin.

Test #cbpbp-border-top-width6

this test tests the border-top-width property value of 25px.

Test #adp-width1

this test tests the width property value of 50px.

Test #adp-width2

this test tests the width property value of 200px.

Test #adp-width3

this test tests the width property value of 400px.

Test #adp-width4

this test tests the width property value of 0.5in.

Test #misc-comments1

this test tests the commenting of stylesheet.

Test #misc-comments2

this test tests more commenting issues of stylesheet.

Test #crp-color-units1

this test tests the color property value of maroon.

Test #crp-color-units2

this test tests the color property value of #800.

Test #crp-color-units3

this test tests the color property value of #008000.

Test #crp-color-units4

this test tests the color property value of rgb(0,128,0).

Test #crp-color-units5

this test tests the color property value of rgb(0%,50%,0%).

Test #crp-color-units6

this test tests the color property value of rgb(0.0%,50.0%,0.0%).

Test #crp-color-units7

this test tests the color property value of green.

Test #crp-color-units8

this test tests the color property value of invalidvalue.

Test #crp-color-units9

this test tests the color property value of rgb(255,-10,0).

Test #crp-color-units10

this test tests the color property value of rgb(0,128,255).

Test #crp-color-units11

this test tests the color property value of rgb(100%,%0,0%) as per the CSS2 Specs.

Test #crp-color-units12

this test tests the color property value of rgb(50%,0%,60%).

Test #crp-color-units13

this test tests the color property value of blue.

Test #misc-perc-units1

this test tests the percentage property values of margin-left(25%),margin-right(25%).

Test #misc-perc-units2

this test tests the percentage property values of margin-left(50%),margin-right(0).

Test #misc-perc-units3

this test tests the percentage property values of margin-left(25%).

Test #misc-len-units1

this test tests the length property value of margin-left(0).

Test #misc-len-units2

this test tests the length property value of margin-left(3em).

Test #misc-len-units3

this test tests the length property value of margin-left(2.5in).

Test #misc-len-units4

this test tests the length property value of margin-left(36px).

Test #misc-len-units5

this test tests the length property value of margin-left(0.5in).

Test #misc-len-units6

this test tests the length property value of margin-left(1.27cm).

Test #misc-len-units7

this test tests the length property value of margin-left(12.7mm).

Test #misc-len-units8

this test tests the length property value of margin-left(36pt).

Test #misc-len-units9

this test tests the length property value of margin-left(3pc).

Test #misc-len-units10

this test tests the length property value of margin-left(+3pc).

Test #misc-len-units11

this test tests the length property value of border-left(1in solid purple).

Test #misc-parsing1

this test tests the parsing property of rotation.

Test #misc-parsing2

this test tests the color property value of "maroon".

Test #misc-parsing3

this test tests the parsing property of quoted values.

Test #misc-parsing4

this test tests the color property value using the keyword "red".

Test #misc-parsing5

this test tests the color property using the keyword "black".

Test #misc-parsing6

this test tests duplicate rule characteristics.

Test #misc-parsing7

this test tests "garbage" rule characteristics.

Test #misc-hformatting1

this test tests some horizontal formatting property values.

Test #misc-hformatting2

this test tests more horizontal formatting property values.

Test #misc-hformatting3

this test tests still more horizontal formatting property values.

Test #misc-hformatting4

this test tests additional horizontal formatting property values.

Test #misc-hformatting5

this test tests more additional horizontal formatting property values.

Test #misc-hformatting6

this test tests still more additional horizontal formatting property values.

Test #misc-hformatting7

this test tests special horizontal formatting property values.

Test #misc-hformatting8

this test tests more special horizontal formatting property values.

Test #misc-hformatting9

this test tests still more special horizontal formatting property values.

Test #misc-hformatting10

this test tests the last of the horizontal formatting property values.

Test #adp-height1

this test tests an image height of 50px.

Test #adp-height2

this test tests an image height of 100px.

Test #adp-height3

this test tests an image height of 200px.

Test #blrp-heightoflines1

this test tests placement of an image relative to line height.

Test #blrp-heightoflines2

this test tests another placement of an image relative to line height.

Test #misc-replelem1

This test set the value of the content-width to "50px".

Test #misc-replelem2

This test tests placement of a 50px(height) image.

Test #misc-replelem3

This test tests placement of an image resized to 50% of the width.

Test #misc-replelem4

This test tests placement of an image resized to 50% of the height.

Test #misc-replelem5

This test sets the height value of an image to "50px".

Test #cmpi-margin-top-inline1

this test tests margin top inline value of 25px.

Test #cmpi-margin-top-inline2

this test tests margin top inline value of -10px.

Test #cmpi-margin-bottom-inline1

this test tests margin bottom inline value of 25px.

Test #cmpi-margin-bottom-inline2

this test tests margin bottom inline value of -10px.

Test #cmpi-margin-left-inline1

this test tests margin left inline value of 25px.

Test #cmpi-margin-left-inline2

this test tests margin left inline value of -10px.

Test #cmpi-margin-right-inline1

this test tests margin right inline value of 25px.

Test #cmpi-margin-right-inline2

this test tests margin right inline value of -10px.

Test #cbpbp-padding-top-inline1

this test tests padding top inline value of 25px.

Test #cbpbp-padding-top-inline2

this test tests padding top inline value of 1mm.

Test #cbpbp-padding-bottom-inline1

this test tests padding bottom inline value of 25px.

Test #cbpbp-padding-bottom-inline2

this test tests padding bottom inline value of 1mm.

Test #cbpbp-padding-left-inline1

this test tests padding left inline value of 25px.

Test #cbpbp-padding-left-inline2

this test tests padding left inline value of 40mm.

Test #cbpbp-padding-right-inline1

this test tests padding right inline value of 25px.

Test #cbpbp-padding-right-inline2

this test tests padding right inline value of 80pt.

Test #cbpbp-border-top-width-inline1

this test tests border top width inline value of thin.

Test #cbpbp-border-top-width-inline2

this test tests border top width inline value of 25px.

Test #cbpbp-border-bottom-width-inline1

this test tests border bottom width inline value of thin.

Test #cbpbp-border-bottom-width-inline2

this test tests border bottom width inline value of 25px and no style set.

Test #cbpbp-border-left-width-inline1

this test tests border left width inline value of thin.

Test #cbpbp-border-left-width-inline2

this test tests border left width inline value of 25px.

Test #cbpbp-border-right-width-inline1

this test tests border right width inline value of thin.

Test #cbpbp-border-right-width-inline2

this test tests border right width inline value of 25px.

Test #inl-inline-elem1

this test tests one combination of inline elements.

Test #inl-inline-elem2

this test tests another combination of inline elements.

Test #cas-cascading1

this test tests one cascading combination of elements.

Test #cas-cascading2

this test tests another cascading combination of elements.

Test #cas-cascading3

This test tests one cascading feature of elements.

Test #cas-cascading4

This test tests another cascading feature of elements.

Test #misc-linking1

this test tests the linking of an xsl stylesheet.

Test #misc-list

this test tests the list style image functionality.

Test #misc-list1

this test tests more list style image functionality.

Test #misc-list2

this test tests more text in each list item.

Test #cbpbp-border1

this test tests invidual border values.

Test #cbpbp-border2

this test tests more individual border values.

Test #cbpbp-border3

this test tests still more individual border values.

Test #cbpbp-border4

this test tests another combination of individual border values.

Test #cbpbp-border5

this test tests more individual border values.

Test #cbpbp-border6

this test tests still more individual border values.

Test #cbpbp-border7

this test tests another combination of individual border values.

Test #cbpbp-border-color1

this test tests invidual border color values.

Test #cbpbp-border-color2

this test tests more individual border color values.

Test #cbpbp-border-color3

this test tests more individual border color values.

Test #cbpbp-border-width1

this test tests invidual border width values.

Test #cbpbp-border-width2

this test tests more individual border width values.

Test #cbpbp-border-width3

this test tests invidual border width values.

Test #cbpbp-border-width4

this test tests more individual border width values.

Test #cbpbp-border-width5

this test tests invidual border width values.

Test #cbpbp-border-width6

this test tests more individual border width values.

Test #cbpbp-border-style1

this test tests invidual border style values.

Test #cbpbp-border-style2

this test tests more individual border style values.

Test #cbpbp-border-style3

this test tests invidual border style values.

Test #cbpbp-border-style4

this test tests more individual border style values.

Test #cbpbp-border-style5

this test tests invidual border style values.

Test #cbpbp-border-style6

this test tests more individual border style values.

Test #cbpbp-border-style7

this test tests invidual border style values.

Test #cbpbp-border-style8

this test tests more individual border style values.

Test #cbpbp-border-style9

this test tests invidual border style values.

Test #cbpbp-border-style10

this test tests more individual border style values.

Test #cbpbp-border-style11

this test tests more individual border style values.

Test #cbpbp-margin1

this test tests invidual margin values.

Test #cbpbp-margin2

this test tests more individual margin values.

Test #cbpbp-margin3

this test tests invidual margin values.

Test #cbpbp-margin4

this test tests more individual margin values.

Test #cbpbp-margin5

this test tests invidual margin values.

Test #cbpbp-margin6

this test tests more individual margin values.

Test #cbpbp-margin7

this test tests invidual margin values.

Test #cbpbp-margin8

this test tests more individual margin values.

Test #cbpbp-margin9

this test tests invidual margin values.

Test #cbpbp-margin10

this test tests more individual margin values.

Test #cbpbp-margin11

this test tests more individual margin values.

Test #cbpbp-padding1

this test tests invidual padding values.

Test #cbpbp-padding2

this test tests invidual padding values.

Test #cbpbp-padding3

this test tests invidual padding values.

Test #cbpbp-padding4

this test tests invidual padding values.

Test #cbpbp-padding5

this test tests invidual padding values.

Test #cbpbp-padding6

this test tests invidual padding values.

Test #cbpbp-border-top1

this test tests invidual border top values.

Test #cbpbp-border-top2

this test tests more individual border top values.

Test #cbpbp-border-left1

this test tests invidual border left values.

Test #cbpbp-border-left2

this test tests more individual border left values.

Test #cbpbp-border-bottom1

this test tests invidual border bottom values.

Test #cbpbp-border-bottom2

this test tests more individual border bottom values.

Test #cbpbp-border-right1

this test tests invidual border right values.

Test #cbpbp-border-right2

this test tests more individual border right values.

Test #cbpbp-padding-inline1

this test tests invidual padding inline values.

Test #cbpbp-padding-inline2

this test tests more individual padding inline values.

Test #cmpi-margin-inline1

this test tests invidual margin inline values.

Test #cmpi-margin-inline2

this test tests more individual margin inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-inline1

this test tests invidual border inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-inline2

this test tests more individual border inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-right-inline1

this test tests invidual border right inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-right-inline2

this test tests more individual border right inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-left-inline1

this test tests invidual border left inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-left-inline2

this test tests more individual border left inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-top-inline1

this test tests invidual border top inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-top-inline2

this test tests more individual border top inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-bottom-inline1

this test tests invidual border bottom inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-bottom-inline2

this test tests more individual border bottom inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-style-inline1

this test tests invidual border style inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-style-inline2

this test tests more individual border style inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-style-inline3

this test tests more individual border style inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-color-inline1

this test tests invidual border color inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-color-inline2

this test tests more individual border color inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-color-inline3

this test tests more individual border color inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-width-inline1

this test tests invidual border width inline values.

Test #cbpbp-border-width-inline2

this test tests more individual border width inline values.