This line should be green ([title|="foo"] matches title="foo")

This line should be green ([title|="foo-bar"] matches title="foo-bar")

This line should be green ([title|="-foo"] matches title="-foo")

This line should be green ([title|="foo-"] matches title="foo-")

This line should be green ([title|="foo-"] matches title="foo--")

This line should be green ([title|="foo"] matches title="foo-")

This line should be green ([title|="foo"] matches title="foo-bar")

This line should be green ([title|="fo"] does not match title="foo")

This line should be green ([title|="foo"] does not match title="bar-foo")

This line should be green ([title|="foo"] does not match title="-foo")

This line should be green ([title|="␣"] matches title="␣-foo")

This line should be green ([title|="␣␣"] matches title="␣␣-foo")

This line should be green ([title|="␣"] does not match title="␣␣-foo")

This line should be green ([title|="␣␣"] does not match title="␣-foo")

This line should be green ([title|="foo"] does not match title="␣foo-bar")