Closed Issues

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There are 221 closed issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-1 (edit) CLOSED px units 2008-03-22 CSS2.1 0
ISSUE-5 (edit)
fallback color
CLOSED A background color that is shown when background images fail to download 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-6 (edit)
required formats
CLOSED Are UAs required to support a minimum set of image formats? 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-7 (edit)
CLOSED Should there be values such as 'repeat-down' to tile a background over only part of an element? 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-8 (edit)
space distribution
CLOSED How is the space distributed at the edges for 'background-repeat: space'? 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-9 (edit)
CLOSED Splitting 'background-position' into -x and -y allows to quickly change one without the other 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-10 (edit)
position from right
CLOSED Positioning a background image a certain distance from the right and bottom edges 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-12 (edit)
position rect()
CLOSED Position and tile an image only in a certain area of the element 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-13 (edit)
CLOSED Remove 'background-origin' 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-14 (edit)
single bg-clip
CLOSED One background-clip value or many? 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-15 (edit)
clip bg color
CLOSED Clip the 'background-color'? 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-16 (edit)
no clip
CLOSED 'background-clip: no-clip' 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-17 (edit)
multicolor text
CLOSED Applying a (background) image to the foreground text 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-18 (edit)
bg-size rename
CLOSED Different name for 'background-size' 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-19 (edit)
bg-size <number>
CLOSED Multiply an image's intrinsic size 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-20 (edit)
stretch vs shrink
CLOSED Does 'backgound-repeat: round' shrink or stretch images? 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-21 (edit)
drop bg-size
CLOSED Allow four coordinates on 'background-position' 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-22 (edit)
bg-break bounding-box
CLOSED The position of a background on pages of unequal width 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-23 (edit)
each-box or discontinuous
CLOSED Is 'discontinuous' a better name than 'each-box' in 'background-break' 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-24 (edit)
clip and origin shorthand
CLOSED Does the 'background' shorthand needs both clip and origin? 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-25 (edit)
multiple borders
CLOSED Comma-separated values for 'border' 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-26 (edit)
% border-width
CLOSED Percentage values on 'border-width' 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-27 (edit)
border image width
CLOSED Relation between width of 'border-image' and 'border-width' 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-28 (edit)
centerless border image
CLOSED Add keyword to 'border-image' to suppress the center image 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-29 (edit)
too-large border-radius
CLOSED Is there a maximum 'border-radius' and what happens then? 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-30 (edit)
% border-radius
CLOSED Does 'border-radius' allow percentages? 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-31 (edit)
gradient corner
CLOSED Smooth or hard color change in corners of borders 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-32 (edit)
box shadow inside
CLOSED Is 'box-shadow' only drawn outside the border? 2008-04-04 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-33 (edit) CLOSED default styles do not properly allow vertical-align to inherit on table elements 2008-04-11 CSS2.1 0
ISSUE-35 (edit)
CLOSED page-break-inside inheritance 2008-04-16 CSS2.1 0
ISSUE-36 (edit)
TPAC 2008
CLOSED Our preferences for the Oct 2008 TPAC 2008-04-17 0
ISSUE-39 (edit)
CLOSED 'size' property conflicts with Media Queries 2008-04-23 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-40 (edit)
box-shadow grammar
CLOSED Should the <length> <length> offset be optional in a shadow? 2008-05-07 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-41 (edit)
shadow spread
CLOSED Extend 'box-shadow' to specify the "spread" of the shadow 2008-05-12 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-42 (edit) CLOSED background-break continuous and bounding-box should be different for blocks due to multi-col 2008-05-12 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-43 (edit) CLOSED background-origin / background-clip keywords should be consistent with box-sizing 2008-05-12 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-44 (edit) CLOSED inner shadow 2008-05-12 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-45 (edit) CLOSED Add 'contain' and 'cover' as keywords for background-size 2008-05-12 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-46 (edit) CLOSED rename background-origin to background-box 2008-05-12 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-47 (edit) CLOSED vertical writing mode should attach broken backgrounds side-to-side not top-to-bottom 2008-05-14 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-49 (edit) CLOSED Replaced elements should clip to border-radius 2008-05-15 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-50 (edit) CLOSED Fix border-width computed value definition 2008-05-15 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-51 (edit) CLOSED more properties should apply to page and margin boxes 2008-05-21 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-54 (edit)
CLOSED Add example of good corner joins 2008-07-29 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-55 (edit)
border-radius border-collapse
CLOSED border-radius should apply to border-collapse table elements 2008-08-11 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-56 (edit)
background/border-break inheritance
CLOSED background-break and border-break should either both inherit or both not inherit 2008-08-11 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-57 (edit)
fixed backgrounds for paged media
CLOSED Define behavior of fixed backgrounds for paged media 2008-08-14 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-58 (edit) CLOSED Make CSS property/value syntax consistent throughout spec 2008-08-14 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-59 (edit)
c3bb computed-color
CLOSED Computed values for color inaccurate 2008-08-15 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-60 (edit)
border-break close
CLOSED Define 'close' value of border-break to treat each box as independent 2008-08-18 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-61 (edit)
bolder lighter
CLOSED Clarify computed value of font-weight wrt bolder/lighter 2008-08-20 CSS3 Fonts 0
ISSUE-62 (edit) CLOSED Review CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders for consistency with CSS2.1 2008-08-22 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-63 (edit) CLOSED new background shorthand requires 2-token lookahead 2008-09-15 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-65 (edit) CLOSED Does :hover apply to parent of hovered element? 2008-10-16 Selectors Level 3 0
ISSUE-66 (edit) CLOSED Add grammar for an+b notation in Selectors 2008-10-16 Selectors Level 3 0
ISSUE-68 (edit) CLOSED CSS2.1 issue 60 - Z index 2008-10-19 0
ISSUE-69 (edit) CLOSED Add notes about which properties/values are in CSS2 vs. CSS3 2008-10-23 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-70 (edit) CLOSED UNICODE-RANGE definitions 2008-10-29 CSS3 Fonts 0
ISSUE-71 (edit) CLOSED duplication and @font-face rules 2008-11-06 CSS3 Fonts 0
ISSUE-74 (edit)
CLOSED Which properties determine the # of layers? 2008-12-08 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-75 (edit) CLOSED More precision on white space processing rules and interaction with line breaking 2008-12-08 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-76 (edit) CLOSED Consider tab-size control 2008-12-08 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-78 (edit) CLOSED Angles should not be normalized 2008-12-09 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-79 (edit) CLOSED Add NEL to white space in Selectors 2008-12-09 Selectors Level 3 0
ISSUE-80 (edit) CLOSED Selectors Grammar Missing White Space 2008-12-09 Selectors Level 3 0
ISSUE-85 (edit) CLOSED Interaction of border-image and box-shadow? 2009-01-16 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-86 (edit) CLOSED Remove background-clip: content-box? 2009-01-29 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-90 (edit) CLOSED Various calc() issues 2009-02-10 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-91 (edit) CLOSED Editorial Issues for Angles 2009-02-10 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-92 (edit) CLOSED Length (mostly) editorial issues 2009-02-10 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-93 (edit) CLOSED Should 'border' shorthand reset 'border-image' 2009-02-17 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-94 (edit) CLOSED Syntax for fallback color unclear 2009-02-23 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-95 (edit) CLOSED Grouping @page selectors 2009-02-24 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-96 (edit) CLOSED Inconsistency between text and grammar w.r.t. HASH token 2009-02-24 CSS2.1 0
ISSUE-97 (edit) CLOSED Text-align-last: justify center; 2009-03-04 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-98 (edit) CLOSED Justification and aligning fullwidth+halfwidth chars 2009-03-04 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-100 (edit) CLOSED letter-spacing/word-spacing percentages 2009-03-04 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-101 (edit) CLOSED Remove/postpone 'border-break' & 'background-break' 2009-03-27 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-102 (edit) CLOSED Drop '/ border-width' from 'border-image 2009-03-27 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-103 (edit) CLOSED Drop 'no-clip' 2009-03-27 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-104 (edit) CLOSED Apply 'border-radius' also to images from 'border-image' 2009-03-27 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-105 (edit) CLOSED <Percentage> on 'border-radius' 2009-03-27 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-108 (edit)
CLOSED image and radius interaction unclear. 2009-05-26 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-110 (edit) CLOSED Clarify that vm/vh/vw must not include width of scrollbar. 2009-07-13 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-111 (edit) CLOSED clarify that 'ch' unit uses character advance width 2009-07-13 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-112 (edit) CLOSED Add min() and max() functions for length values 2009-07-13 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-114 (edit) CLOSED Allow border-image tiles to expand, not just shrink, when rescaling for 'round'ed. 2009-09-30 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-115 (edit) CLOSED Missing biblio links in section 1.2 2009-12-16 Selectors Level 3 0
ISSUE-116 (edit) CLOSED Allow whitespace inside parentheses in calc() 2010-01-21 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-117 (edit) CLOSED Define handling of negative and out-of-range values resulting from calc() 2010-01-21 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-119 (edit) CLOSED background-clip: content-box and shorthand 2010-03-17 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-120 (edit) CLOSED border-radius gradients 2010-03-17 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-122 (edit) CLOSED Define handling of images with multiple sizes 2010-03-22 CSS3 Image Values 0
ISSUE-128 (edit) CLOSED Media Queries needs clarification on what physical units correspond to 2010-06-23 Media Queries 0
ISSUE-130 (edit) CLOSED balanced columns in fixed-height 2010-07-07 CSS Multi-Column Layout 0
ISSUE-131 (edit) CLOSED Fix definition of blur radius for box-shadow 2010-07-15 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-133 (edit) CLOSED Consider painting inset box-shadow over replaced content 2010-08-03 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-135 (edit) CLOSED unit normalization and types 2010-08-04 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-138 (edit) CLOSED absolute positioning of children of flexbox 2010-08-23 CSS3 Flexbox 0
ISSUE-139 (edit) CLOSED pack:start in reverse direction 2010-08-23 CSS3 Flexbox 0
ISSUE-140 (edit) CLOSED max-height on flexbox children 2010-08-23 CSS3 Flexbox 0
ISSUE-141 (edit) CLOSED baseline of an inline-box 2010-08-23 CSS3 Flexbox 0
ISSUE-142 (edit) CLOSED Does box-ordinal-group change drawing order? 2010-08-23 CSS3 Flexbox 0
ISSUE-143 (edit) CLOSED Does "shrink-to-fit" width of a flexbox child depend on available space? 2010-08-23 CSS3 Flexbox 0
ISSUE-144 (edit) CLOSED distribution of negative available space 2010-08-23 CSS3 Flexbox 0
ISSUE-145 (edit) CLOSED inline-block children of flexbox 2010-08-23 CSS3 Flexbox 0
ISSUE-147 (edit) CLOSED Indenting pre-wrap lines 2010-09-22 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-149 (edit) CLOSED Require whitespace around binary "+" and "-" inside calc() 2010-10-12 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-150 (edit)
Daniel Weck
CLOSED voice-family grammar error: misuse of brackets for optionality 2010-12-11 CSS3 Speech 0
ISSUE-151 (edit) CLOSED Split punctuation-trim so that start can be controlled independently. 2011-01-11 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-152 (edit) CLOSED First-line Alignment 2011-01-11 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-153 (edit) CLOSED speak: none; usage incompatible with other values of speak 2011-01-11 CSS3 Speech 0
ISSUE-154 (edit) CLOSED Proposal to add "text-decoration-skip: decoration-boundary" 2011-01-13 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-155 (edit) CLOSED text-justify:distribute behavior 2011-01-13 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-156 (edit) CLOSED text-orientation property is described as "non-native only" but also affects native 2011-01-13 CSS3 Writing Modes 0
ISSUE-157 (edit) CLOSED Underline should not go through the body of ideographs 2011-01-13 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-158 (edit) CLOSED text-combine change requests from EPUB JP 2011-01-13 CSS3 Writing Modes 0
ISSUE-159 (edit) CLOSED Whehter text-trim should default to force-start or keep-start 2011-01-16 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-160 (edit) CLOSED 'mark' property doesn't relate to styling 2011-01-19 CSS3 Speech 0
ISSUE-161 (edit) CLOSED 'phonemes' property breaks principle of content/presentation separation 2011-01-19 CSS3 Speech 0
ISSUE-165 (edit) CLOSED "sequence of spaces unbroken by an element boundary" implies breakpoints at element boundaries 2011-03-02 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-166 (edit) CLOSED Better guidance on handling control chars in document 2011-03-02 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-173 (edit) CLOSED Define required ranges for CSS 2011-03-04 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-175 (edit)
CLOSED What should text-shadow color default to ? 2011-03-07 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-178 (edit) CLOSED Define which page is :first when page-break-before is set on the root 2011-04-01 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-179 (edit) CLOSED Provide note or example for system font keywords vs. family names 2011-04-02 CSS3 Fonts 0
ISSUE-180 (edit) CLOSED 'speakability' not an ideal property name ? 2011-04-05 CSS3 Speech 0
ISSUE-181 (edit) CLOSED handling of lists (e.g. numbered list items) is under-specified. 2011-04-05 CSS3 Speech 0
ISSUE-182 (edit) CLOSED Should box-decoration-break also apply to bidi reordering splits? 2011-05-03 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-183 (edit) CLOSED writing-mode property should become shorthand or change its name 2011-06-23 CSS3 Writing Modes 0
ISSUE-185 (edit) CLOSED bidi-style resolution of neutral characters wrt text orientation 2011-07-01 CSS3 Writing Modes 0
ISSUE-186 (edit) CLOSED Move value serialization from CSSOM to CSS3 Values 2011-07-27 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-188 (edit) CLOSED Specify color space of box-shadow blur 2011-09-29 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-189 (edit) CLOSED Corner transition point define in spec is wrong 2011-09-29 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-190 (edit) CLOSED Remove vm unit 2011-10-12 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-191 (edit) CLOSED Implying types for attr() 2011-10-12 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-192 (edit) CLOSED Move Stages of Value Computation to CSS3 Cascade 2011-10-12 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-193 (edit) CLOSED Remove <fraction> and <grid> types from CSS3 Values and Units 2011-10-12 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-194 (edit) CLOSED vh/vw should use 1.0 factor not 1% factor 2011-10-26 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-196 (edit) CLOSED Aliases for radial-gradient() keywords: cover/contain vs farthest-corner/nearest-side 2011-11-07 CSS3 Image Values 0
ISSUE-197 (edit) CLOSED clarify computed value of background-position 2011-11-07 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-200 (edit) CLOSED Replace unicode-bidi: isolate bidi-override with unicode-bidi: isolate-override 2011-11-29 CSS3 Writing Modes 0
ISSUE-204 (edit) CLOSED Drop comma in attr() syntax to match CSS value syntax principles 2011-12-12 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-207 (edit) CLOSED border-image <number> slicing for SVG 2011-12-19 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-208 (edit) CLOSED border-image SVG slicing and viewBox 2011-12-19 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-210 (edit) CLOSED Add Animatable field to css3-background 2011-12-19 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-211 (edit) CLOSED Missing rule for background-size: auto auto; and only one intrinsic dimension 2011-12-19 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-212 (edit) CLOSED background-position grammar is kinda awkward 2011-12-20 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-214 (edit) CLOSED Default shadow color 2011-12-20 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-215 (edit) CLOSED Animatability of box-shadow: none to box-shadow: <shadow> 2011-12-20 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-217 (edit) CLOSED Define undefinedness of breaking inlines with curved corners 2011-12-20 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-219 (edit) CLOSED Define location of break opportunity within collapsed whitespace 2012-01-10 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-220 (edit) CLOSED Scope of line-breaking controls wrt non-U+0020 spaces (Zs) 2012-01-12 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-221 (edit) CLOSED text-emphasis-color can't recompute color to match text on descendants 2012-01-12 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-222 (edit) CLOSED Computed value of 'box-shadow' if no color is specified 2012-01-12 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-223 (edit) CLOSED Should Selectors adopt MQ-style invalidation (per comma-separated group)? 2012-02-09 Selectors Level 4 0
ISSUE-226 (edit) CLOSED Fix definition of canvas painting area in css3-page 2012-03-07 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-227 (edit) CLOSED Canvas obfuscates margin box content 2012-03-07 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-229 (edit) CLOSED Allow pre-wrap to justify 2012-03-16 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-230 (edit) CLOSED text-align: start and bidi issues 2012-03-20 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-234 (edit) CLOSED Clarify breaking of replaced and scrollable elements 2012-03-30 CSS3 Fragmentation 0
ISSUE-236 (edit) CLOSED Define aliasing of word-wrap and overflow-wrap 2012-03-30 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-237 (edit) CLOSED Drop <resolution> as a possible value for resolution in @viewport 2012-04-19 CSS Device Adaptation 0
ISSUE-238 (edit) CLOSED device-pixel-ratio issue 2012-04-19 CSS Device Adaptation 0
ISSUE-239 (edit) CLOSED Fractional and minimal used lengths 2012-04-19 CSS Device Adaptation 0
ISSUE-240 (edit) CLOSED Should 'text-transform' capitalize apply to letters after hyphen or underscore? 2012-04-21 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-242 (edit) CLOSED disallow combinations in text-transform 2012-04-21 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-243 (edit) CLOSED graphical effects and text-decoration 2012-04-21 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-244 (edit) CLOSED currentColor and Inheritance 2012-04-21 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-245 (edit) CLOSED apply letter-spacing at element boundaries 2012-04-21 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-246 (edit) CLOSED Rename text-wrap: none to text-wrap: nowrap 2012-04-21 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-247 (edit) CLOSED Should symbols case-shift due to 'text-transform' 2012-04-21 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-248 (edit) CLOSED text-combine-mode incompatible with WebKit 2012-04-21 CSS3 Writing Modes 0
ISSUE-251 (edit) CLOSED pull ruby-position into css3-text 2012-05-10 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-252 (edit) CLOSED Where should the OM for MQ be defined? 2012-05-25 Media Queries 0
ISSUE-253 (edit) CLOSED List priority of legacy meta tags and doctypes (normatively?) 2012-05-25 CSS Device Adaptation 0
ISSUE-254 (edit) CLOSED Should 'not', 'and' and 'only' be valid names for media types? 2012-05-25 Media Queries 0
ISSUE-255 (edit) CLOSED Variable Size Margin Box rules are too complex 2012-06-11 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-256 (edit) CLOSED Switch css3-page over to new intrinsic sizing terminology 2012-06-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-257 (edit) CLOSED Define what happens with @page { counter-increment: none; } 2012-06-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-258 (edit) CLOSED Rename margin boxes to page-margin boxes 2012-06-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-260 (edit) CLOSED CSSOM for @page 2012-06-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-261 (edit) CLOSED add recto/verso values to page-break properties 2012-06-12 CSS3 Fragmentation 0
ISSUE-262 (edit) CLOSED Add :blank page pseudo 2012-06-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-263 (edit) CLOSED @page grammar is not LL(k) 2012-06-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-264 (edit) CLOSED Should the constraining procedure be tied to media queries 2012-06-13 CSS Device Adaptation 0
ISSUE-268 (edit) CLOSED Does word-spacing: normal compute to 0? 2012-07-12 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-270 (edit) CLOSED text-decoration-skip value for border/padding/margin 2012-07-19 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-273 (edit) CLOSED Interaction of text-decoration longhands and blink 2012-08-06 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-275 (edit) CLOSED constant vs. varying text-decoration positions 2012-08-14 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-276 (edit) CLOSED Split Text Decoration into separate module? 2012-08-14 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-285 (edit) CLOSED Clarifications and cross-link-fixing for text decoration line positions 2012-11-13 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-286 (edit) CLOSED Clarifications to text-align in overflowing cases 2012-11-13 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-287 (edit) CLOSED Dissociating <background-clip> and <background-origin> in 'background' shorthand 2012-11-26 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-288 (edit) CLOSED add relative selectors definitions to Selectors 4 2012-11-28 Selectors Level 4 0
ISSUE-290 (edit) CLOSED letter-spacing doesn't normatively define how spacing is applied 2012-12-03 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-294 (edit) CLOSED spacing limits are not interoperable 2012-12-04 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-295 (edit) CLOSED text-justify needs to be fundamentally rethought 2012-12-04 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-299 (edit) CLOSED orthogonal flows rules should look through non-BFCs for directional comparison 2013-01-29 CSS3 Writing Modes 0
ISSUE-301 (edit) CLOSED Why aren't all currency symbols included in line-break rules 2013-02-06 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-302 (edit) CLOSED Multiple pseudo-classes in page selectors 2013-02-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-303 (edit) CLOSED Default z order of page-margin boxes 2013-02-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-305 (edit) CLOSED Add examples of comma-separated selectors and multiple pseudo-classes per selector 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-306 (edit) CLOSED Page selector specificity with multiple pseudo-classes 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-310 (edit) CLOSED Can the first page be "named"? 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-311 (edit) CLOSED Merge Section 7 and Appendix A 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-312 (edit) CLOSED "spilling onto other page sheets" is not defined. 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-313 (edit) CLOSED "position the page box in the upper left corner" even in ltr? 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-314 (edit) CLOSED Make z-index support not optional on page-margin boxes 2013-02-24 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-316 (edit) CLOSED #ident vs #1hash for ID selectors 2013-04-03 Selectors Level 4 0
ISSUE-321 (edit) CLOSED Discontinuous behavior of box-shadow at rounded corners exposes implementation precision 2013-04-06 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-324 (edit) CLOSED use of overflow-style for paged-x/-y 2013-04-17 Generated Content for Paged Media 0
ISSUE-326 (edit) CLOSED "The preceding paragraph seems inconsistent with Flexbox. In Flexbox, auto margins effectively "turn off" stretch entirely, so underflowing items get aligned per the margins and overflowing items overflow the line (rather than being shrunk to the size of 2013-04-25 0
ISSUE-341 (edit) CLOSED text-combine-horizontal and auto-scaling 2013-07-05 CSS3 Writing Modes 0
ISSUE-342 (edit) CLOSED 'text-combine-horizontal' and font features 2013-07-16 CSS3 Writing Modes 0
ISSUE-345 (edit) CLOSED 'text-combine-horizontal' and 'digits 1' value 2013-08-16 CSS3 Writing Modes 0
ISSUE-346 (edit) CLOSED text-combine-horizontal example 20 is incorrect 2013-08-26 CSS3 Writing Modes 0
ISSUE-347 (edit)
CLOSED MQ Level 4: tv is said to not match anything, but it is used in scan example 2013-12-04 Media Queries 0
ISSUE-348 (edit) CLOSED What does resolution mean for 'speech'? 2013-12-04 Media Queries 0
ISSUE-349 (edit) CLOSED Put something useful here. 2015-01-24 0
ISSUE-350 (edit) CLOSED Https:// 2018-02-28 0

Raise an issue .

Alan Stearns <>, Rossen Atanassov <>, Chairs, Chris Lilley <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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