
Apply the following changes to selected action items:

There are 883 actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1 (edit) closed Find out which Members have posted to www-style Elika Etemad 2008-03-18
ACTION-2 (edit) closed Ask everybody if they want to change their W3C-wide profile or remove themselves from the WG because of tracker Bert Bos 2008-03-18
ACTION-3 (edit) closed Write 2n+1 conclusion up and ask designers for feedback Daniel Glazman 2008-03-18
ACTION-4 (edit) closed Update the text module with text-shadow change Elika Etemad 2008-03-25 CSS3 Text
ACTION-5 (edit) closed Review css2.1 issue 8 by 3/25 Arron Eicholz 2008-03-25 CSS2.1
ACTION-6 (edit) closed Get feedback from Opera on issue 8 Elika Etemad 2008-03-25 CSS2.1
ACTION-7 (edit) closed Ask Paul and Rishida about use cases for start/end background positioning Elika Etemad 2008-03-27 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders
ACTION-8 (edit) closed Answer Bert Bos 2008-03-27 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders
ACTION-9 (edit) closed Reply to Eric Meyer's background-origin proposal Elika Etemad 2008-04-07 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders
ACTION-10 (edit) closed Update bg-space.png to tile images to the edge. Bert Bos 2008-03-27 space distribution
ACTION-11 (edit) closed Ask Hyatt, Jason and Molly about the issue in 4.6, how many bg-clips need there be. Bert Bos 2008-03-27 single bg-clip
ACTION-12 (edit) closed Add language regarding advocates to roadmap Elika Etemad 2008-05-30
ACTION-13 (edit) closed Inform Svante to make decided upon edits Bert Bos 2008-04-03 CSS Mobile Profile 1.0 & 2.0
ACTION-14 (edit) open Write up requirements for logo contest Jason Cranford Teague 2008-04-09
ACTION-15 (edit) closed Update media queries - syntax, grammar, changes to parsing rules of HTML 4, grid feature Anne van Kesteren 2008-04-03 Media Queries
ACTION-16 (edit) closed Write block-align centering proposal Elika Etemad 2008-05-01
ACTION-17 (edit) closed Write child-block-align centering proposal Elika Etemad 2008-05-01
ACTION-18 (edit) closed Write up the four value proposal for vertical alignment for the block-align property. Alex Mogilevsky 2008-04-30 block-vertical-align
ACTION-19 (edit) closed And Anne to review test case for page break inside and report back with a recommendation to the group about how to move on Elika Etemad 2008-04-03
ACTION-20 (edit) closed Make changes to spec for Selectors to allow spaces as per David/Elika's proposal. Daniel Glazman 2008-04-04 Selectors Level 3
ACTION-21 (edit) closed Make change to CSS 2.1 as per Elika's proposal. Bert Bos 2008-04-04 CSS2.1
ACTION-22 (edit) closed Come up with more tests. for @-block error handling scenarios Arron Eicholz 2008-04-16 CSS2.1
ACTION-23 (edit) closed Report to HTML WG that def of style attr in HTML5 is incompatible with def in HTML4 and probably problematic from point of view of CSS parsing rules. Daniel Glazman 2008-04-04
ACTION-24 (edit) open Write testcase for CSS2.1 Elika Etemad 2008-05-23 CSS2.1
ACTION-25 (edit) closed Write empty attr selector testcases for CSS3, investigate :not() Elika Etemad 2008-05-23
ACTION-26 (edit) closed Post page-break-inside examples to www-style Elika Etemad 2008-04-04
ACTION-27 (edit) open Put link to CSS test page in CSSOM View spec Anne van Kesteren 2010-12-31 CSSOM View
ACTION-28 (edit) open Develop a list of the existing canonicalizations Anne van Kesteren 2010-12-31
ACTION-29 (edit) open E-mail the group with information on how to create and document the Object Model part of a module Anne van Kesteren 2010-12-31
ACTION-30 (edit) closed Propose a response to the XHTML2 WG comment on namespaces based on the e-mail log on this issue Bert Bos 2008-04-04 CSS Namespaces
ACTION-31 (edit) closed Update contribution guidelines to require agreement to BSD 3-clause Elika Etemad 2008-04-10
ACTION-32 (edit) closed Update scripts to generate BSD and non-BSD copies of test suite Elika Etemad 2008-04-12
ACTION-33 (edit) closed Update test suite documentation to reflect licensing Elika Etemad 2008-04-10
ACTION-34 (edit) open Ask Chris L to gather the information on compositing clamping are report that back to the WG. Bert Bos 2008-04-04 CSS3 Color
ACTION-35 (edit) closed Contact Andrew regarding joining group Daniel Glazman 2008-04-04
ACTION-36 (edit) closed Report back to Andrew re: tree proposal Daniel Glazman 2008-04-04
ACTION-37 (edit) closed Update proposal [dual-mode elements] Bert Bos 2008-04-04
ACTION-38 (edit) closed Post straw man proposal of constants and ask web designers "does this solve your use case, and if not, why not?" Daniel Glazman 2008-04-04
ACTION-39 (edit) closed Post Daniel's post to Elika Etemad 2008-04-16
ACTION-40 (edit) closed Write up Template Layout comments Elika Etemad 2008-04-04 CSS3 Template Layout
ACTION-41 (edit) closed Add names of "advocates" to each of the modules on the roadmap, see ftf minutes for the list. Bert Bos 2008-04-08
ACTION-42 (edit) closed box-sizing note does not mention HTML tables using border-box Arron Eicholz 2008-04-15 CSS3 Basic UI
ACTION-43 (edit) closed box-sizing note mentions images as being border-box should probably be content-box Arron Eicholz 2008-04-15 CSS3 Basic UI
ACTION-44 (edit) closed Write updated wording for CR drafts exit criteria Peter Linss 2008-04-19
ACTION-45 (edit) open Talk to contacts at Apple wrt supporting their reps' participation at F2F meetings Steve Zilles 2008-04-09
ACTION-46 (edit) closed Collect information on modules for next charter: advocate? , # implementors no/some/strong interest. Prepare anonymized report and post to www-style for feedback. Daniel Glazman 2008-04-09
ACTION-47 (edit) closed Fix wording of Anne van Kesteren 2008-04-16
ACTION-48 (edit) closed Look at Bert Bos 2008-04-16 page-break-inside
ACTION-49 (edit) closed Request /TR/CSS to point to /TR/CSS21 Bert Bos 2008-04-15 CSS2.1
ACTION-50 (edit) closed Republish REC-CSS2 and REC-CSS1 with text proposed in Elika's message added to the top (above, not in, the status section) (And don't forget to add <strong>!) Bert Bos 2008-04-15 CSS2.1
ACTION-51 (edit) closed Republish CSS2.1 with additional Previous Version link to REC-CSS2 Bert Bos 2008-04-15 CSS2.1
ACTION-52 (edit) closed Request /TR/CSS2 to point to /TR/CSS21 Bert Bos 2008-05-15 CSS2.1
ACTION-53 (edit) closed Edits [to Box module] as in Minutes F2F Monday 2007-11-05 [i.e., intrinsic size keywords] Bert Bos 2008-04-15
ACTION-54 (edit) closed Make CSS2.1 edits for ISSUE-1 Bert Bos 2008-04-16 ISSUE-1
ACTION-55 (edit) closed Review Backgrounds and Borders issues with Bert Elika Etemad 2008-04-30 CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders
ACTION-56 (edit) closed Edit ISSUE-33 Bert Bos 2008-04-23 ISSUE-33
ACTION-57 (edit) closed Write disclaimer for public IRC logs Peter Linss 2008-04-23
ACTION-58 (edit) closed Add caretRangeFromPoint to CSSOM and prepare for publication Anne van Kesteren 2008-05-30 CSSOM View
ACTION-59 (edit) closed Move selectors spec to Elika Etemad 2008-04-30 Selectors Level 3
ACTION-60 (edit) closed Write final wording for www-style description, get Bert to post Elika Etemad 2008-05-14
ACTION-61 (edit) closed Contact Chris about CSS3 WEb Fonts spec Peter Linss 2008-05-14
ACTION-62 (edit) closed Edit spec for pagination-related issues above Elika Etemad 2008-05-19
ACTION-63 (edit) closed Make algorithm 3 for ISSUE-29 normative. Bert Bos 2008-05-19
ACTION-64 (edit) closed Ask audience what they'd expect border-radius: 50% to mean Elika Etemad 2008-05-19
ACTION-65 (edit) closed Ask Eric Meyer what he thinks about renaming 'bg-origin' to 'bg-box' Bert Bos 2008-05-19 ISSUE-46
ACTION-66 (edit) closed Write up 2008-05-12 backgrounds and borders discussion Elika Etemad 2008-05-19
ACTION-67 (edit) closed Convert vertical alignment property action item to an issue Alex Mogilevsky 2008-06-18 block-vertical-align
ACTION-68 (edit) closed Put the text from ACTION-57 on and link to it from the #css topic Elika Etemad 2008-06-18
ACTION-69 (edit) open Ping Melinda about her CSS 2.1 issue Daniel Glazman 2008-06-18
ACTION-70 (edit) closed Make table template Elika Etemad 2008-07-02
ACTION-71 (edit) open Get Bert and his accessibility friend in contact Daniel Glazman 2008-07-09
ACTION-72 (edit) open Write blog entry on generated content, accesibility, and separation of content and style Bert Bos 2008-07-16
ACTION-73 (edit) open Talk with HCG about publishing css3-color Daniel Glazman 2008-07-09
ACTION-74 (edit) closed Talk with HCG about publishing css3-color Peter Linss 2008-07-09
ACTION-75 (edit) closed Add <br> to Cambridge F2F agenda Peter Linss 2008-07-09
ACTION-76 (edit) closed Update wiki page with advocates from March F2F list Peter Linss 2008-07-09
ACTION-77 (edit) closed File an issue about this Elika Etemad 2008-07-16
ACTION-78 (edit) open Talk with Chris about cross-group issues Peter Linss 2008-07-23
ACTION-79 (edit) open Update charter in response to Melinda's comment on CR crit and 2.1 ep Peter Linss 2008-07-23
ACTION-80 (edit) closed Prepare implementation report template for CSS3 Color David Baron 2008-07-23 CSS3 Color
ACTION-81 (edit) open Ask OMA what mobile world thinks about removing vertical text descriptions from Marquee Bert Bos 2008-07-30 CSS3 Marquee
ACTION-82 (edit) closed Add Note about vertical text terminology to F2F agenda Elika Etemad 2008-07-30
ACTION-83 (edit) closed Come up with wording for lang issue Elika Etemad 2008-07-30
ACTION-84 (edit) closed Propose exact wording, be less confusing than last time Elika Etemad 2008-08-13
ACTION-85 (edit) closed Combine dbaron's edits into proposal Elika Etemad 2008-08-13
ACTION-86 (edit) closed Clarify that space and round use the bg-clip rectangle Elika Etemad 2008-08-18
ACTION-87 (edit) open Review wording on CSS2.1 Issue 56 Sylvain Galineau 2008-08-20
ACTION-88 (edit) closed Review wording on CSS2.1 Issue 56 Elika Etemad 2008-08-20
ACTION-89 (edit) closed Get a testcase for css2.1 issue 53 Elika Etemad 2008-08-20
ACTION-90 (edit) closed Ping antennahouse about 'pages' implementation Håkon Wium Lie 2008-08-20
ACTION-91 (edit) open Write new proposed text for Issue 14 David Baron 2008-08-27 CSS2.1
ACTION-92 (edit) closed Draft a note Elika Etemad 2008-08-27
ACTION-93 (edit) closed Consult Jason, Molly, other web designers, about what is expected behavior for bolder + lighter, bolder+bolder+lighter Peter Linss 2008-08-27
ACTION-94 (edit) closed Set up redirects Elika Etemad 2008-08-28
ACTION-95 (edit) open Work out what is missing from Box Module and ask dbaron for it Bert Bos 2008-08-28
ACTION-96 (edit) closed Make that split and inform Bert Elika Etemad 2008-08-28
ACTION-97 (edit) open Come up with a proposal for implicit video controls Bert Bos 2008-08-29
ACTION-98 (edit) pending review Update CR Exit criteria to latest wording for CSS3 Template module Bert Bos 2008-08-29 CSS3 Template Layout
ACTION-99 (edit) closed Draw up parse-time constants counter-proposal Elika Etemad 2008-08-29
ACTION-100 (edit) open Draw up parse-time constants counter-proposal Peter Linss 2008-08-29
ACTION-101 (edit) open Make edits to Selectors Daniel Glazman 2008-09-10
ACTION-102 (edit) closed Evaluate LC comments for css3-color due two weeks David Baron 2008-09-16 CSS3 Color
ACTION-103 (edit) open contact Murakami-san and JLTF about relevant developments at August 2008 F2F Steve Zilles 2008-09-15
ACTION-104 (edit) open Ping jdaggett about David Baron 2008-09-17 CSS2.1
ACTION-105 (edit) closed Propose new syntax for 'background' shorthand. Bert Bos 2008-09-24 ISSUE-63
ACTION-106 (edit) closed Review text properties in svg draft Elika Etemad 2008-09-24
ACTION-107 (edit) open Review svg draft Bert Bos 2008-09-24
ACTION-108 (edit) open Take to HTCG/chairs Daniel Glazman 2008-09-24
ACTION-109 (edit) open Publish CSS3 Marquee as CR Bert Bos 2008-10-08
ACTION-110 (edit) open Return to WG with response about whether proposal is accepted Sylvain Galineau 2008-10-08
ACTION-111 (edit) open Create note about how URL has its own syntax and parsing rules Peter Linss 2008-10-08
ACTION-112 (edit) open Propose text for CSS2.1 Issue 75 Sylvain Galineau 2008-10-08
ACTION-113 (edit) open Email w3c-css-wg with proposed dates and ask for comments/constraints Daniel Glazman 2008-10-26
ACTION-114 (edit) closed Propose a solution for allowing counter-properties on @page that doesn't require going through all the pages at the beginning to figure out what to reset on the root Elika Etemad 2008-10-28
ACTION-115 (edit) closed Write double-cascade proposal for ::selection Elika Etemad 2008-10-28
ACTION-116 (edit) closed Write rewording proposal for section CSS3 Selectors 6.6.4 Elika Etemad 2008-11-12
ACTION-117 (edit) closed Propose min/max-height text for 10.7 Alex Mogilevsky 2008-11-19 CSS2.1
ACTION-118 (edit) open Ask web-designers how list-item markers should behave in the presence of text-align != start Daniel Glazman 2008-12-03
ACTION-119 (edit) open Propose new wording Bert Bos 2008-12-03 CSS2.1
ACTION-120 (edit) open Write a proposal that allows for reasonable behavior Steve Zilles 2008-12-10
ACTION-121 (edit) open Think about this Steve Zilles 2009-01-21
ACTION-122 (edit) pending review Implement Elika's proposal for <image> type Håkon Wium Lie 2009-02-11
ACTION-123 (edit) open Write up the proposal on @import and unknown well formed @rules Sylvain Galineau 2009-03-04
ACTION-124 (edit) open Propose specific wording on complete text for what is inserted and deleted for bracket/quote parsing Bert Bos 2009-03-04
ACTION-125 (edit) closed Add this example to the spec Elika Etemad 2009-03-11
ACTION-126 (edit) closed Send message to www-style to explain rationale for && and see if somebody can come up with something better Elika Etemad 2009-03-12
ACTION-127 (edit) open Add to GCPM draft as a holding place until next Paged Media draft is started Håkon Wium Lie 2009-03-12
ACTION-128 (edit) closed Email www-style on whether web designers want fallback color Elika Etemad 2009-03-12
ACTION-129 (edit) open Specity @font-alias per 6 March 2009 minutes John Daggett 2009-03-13
ACTION-130 (edit) closed Publish namespaces CR and Selectors LC Elika Etemad 2009-03-13
ACTION-131 (edit) open Put text from into css3-2d-transforms and request publication. Bert Bos 2009-03-13
ACTION-132 (edit) closed Test how interoperable we are on for both floats and text-align David Baron 2009-03-13 CSS2.1
ACTION-133 (edit) open Write testcases for issue 101 (e.g., see if we're interoperable on content-box vs. border-box) and come up with a proposal David Baron 2009-03-13 CSS2.1
ACTION-134 (edit) closed Update Selectors with BCP47 Elika Etemad 2009-03-13
ACTION-135 (edit) closed Propose text for how box-shadow should work with border-image Chris Lilley 2009-03-13
ACTION-136 (edit) open Add UTF-8 header to build scripts Elika Etemad 2009-04-08
ACTION-137 (edit) open Fantasai : come up with proposal for multicol Håkon Wium Lie 2009-04-08
ACTION-138 (edit) open Respond to yves saying why ident is not an issue Daniel Glazman 2009-04-15
ACTION-139 (edit) open Make the changes in Bert Bos 2009-04-15
ACTION-140 (edit) open And arron to work on Saloni's 2.1 issues Sylvain Galineau 2009-04-22
ACTION-141 (edit) closed Work with hakon on spec text to define the column-break properties and interaction with page bbreak properties Elika Etemad 2009-05-06
ACTION-142 (edit) open Respond to agreeing there is a problem but asking for a better name Daniel Glazman 2009-05-06
ACTION-143 (edit) open Reply to Doug Daniel Glazman 2009-05-13
ACTION-144 (edit) open Come up with wider set of testcases Steve Zilles 2009-05-20
ACTION-145 (edit) open Ask i18n for their opinion Steve Zilles 2009-06-03
ACTION-146 (edit) closed Change "CSS px units" to "vector coordinates" Elika Etemad 2009-06-03
ACTION-147 (edit) closed Run the six new selectors tests on opera Chris Lilley 2009-06-10
ACTION-148 (edit) open Send email asking about standards for color codings and disposition of comments Daniel Glazman 2009-06-10
ACTION-149 (edit) closed Edit "style attribute syntax" to constrain to current syntax Elika Etemad 2009-09-15
ACTION-150 (edit) open Rewrite scope of character substitution; from batch processors to not requiring support from interactive rendering engines Håkon Wium Lie 2009-06-11
ACTION-151 (edit) closed Review GCPM CMYK (section 16) and suggest changes/improvements Chris Lilley 2009-06-11
ACTION-152 (edit) open Compare and reconcile GCPM border-clip syntax with border-image's Håkon Wium Lie 2009-06-11
ACTION-153 (edit) open Fantasai to move super-decimal counter type from GCPM to Lists Håkon Wium Lie 2009-06-11
ACTION-154 (edit) open Email plinss regarding the removal from CSS2.1 of 'without reliable resolution information' from intrinsic dimensions definition in section 3.1 Chris Lilley 2009-06-11
ACTION-155 (edit) open Post testcase to www-style Steve Zilles 2009-06-11
ACTION-156 (edit) open Write proposals for both order-dependent and order-independent vertical-alignment Steve Zilles 2009-06-11
ACTION-157 (edit) open Set up a list of criteria for fishing for layout reqs Molly Holzschlag 2009-06-12
ACTION-158 (edit) open Find a place to host feedback Molly Holzschlag 2009-06-12
ACTION-159 (edit) closed Add example showing what happens with background-color and image(.. or blue) Elika Etemad 2009-07-01
ACTION-160 (edit) closed Add intro to sprites section Elika Etemad 2009-07-01
ACTION-161 (edit) open Publish flexbox as FPWD Bert Bos 2009-07-08
ACTION-162 (edit) open Publish css3-images as FPWD Bert Bos 2009-07-08
ACTION-163 (edit) open Send feedback on anonymous table boxes to www-style Arron Eicholz 2009-07-08
ACTION-164 (edit) open Send emails to Opera and Apple requesting feedback on anonymous table boxes from their engineers Peter Linss 2009-07-08
ACTION-165 (edit) closed Revise the border-image-and-box-shadow proposal to make a border-shadow proposal, them make public Chris Lilley 2009-07-29
ACTION-166 (edit) closed Write up border-shadow proposal Chris Lilley 2009-07-29
ACTION-167 (edit) closed Draft a proposed combindation of the properties Elika Etemad 2009-08-05
ACTION-168 (edit) open Negotiatie with HL to update his module with the above additions Daniel Glazman 2009-08-05
ACTION-169 (edit) open Prepare new CR with the editorial changes Anne van Kesteren 2009-08-05
ACTION-170 (edit) closed Add a clarifying note to the selector to say multiple occurances are allowed and increase specificity Elika Etemad 2009-08-05
ACTION-171 (edit) open And fantasai solve this issue Bert Bos 2009-08-12
ACTION-172 (edit) open Come up with exact wording for CSS2.1 Issue 128 Bert Bos 2009-08-26
ACTION-173 (edit) open Figure out what he wants to do about CSS 2.1 issue 115 David Baron 2009-08-26 CSS2.1
ACTION-174 (edit) open Come up with full shadow proposal (not finalized, but to see where we're going) Brad Kemper 2009-09-09
ACTION-175 (edit) closed Draw up proposal for box-shadow modified by ideas posted here Elika Etemad 2009-09-09
ACTION-176 (edit) closed Respond to Toby Elika Etemad 2009-09-09
ACTION-177 (edit) open Ask how many members will need to call in Daniel Glazman 2009-09-30
ACTION-178 (edit) closed Discuss with SVG Elika Etemad 2009-09-30
ACTION-179 (edit) closed Add SVG equivalents to gradients proposal. Tab Atkins Jr. 2009-10-07
ACTION-180 (edit) closed Mark this as an issue Elika Etemad 2009-10-14
ACTION-181 (edit) closed Respond to Janina Elika Etemad 2009-10-28
ACTION-182 (edit) closed Remove Chapter 11 Elika Etemad 2009-10-28
ACTION-183 (edit) closed Drop :indeterminate from tests Elika Etemad 2009-10-28
ACTION-184 (edit) open Update CSS3 Values to fix ex definition Håkon Wium Lie 2009-11-04
ACTION-185 (edit) open Preserve CSS2.1 0.5em fallback in CSS3 Values Håkon Wium Lie 2009-11-04
ACTION-186 (edit) open Respond to Lachlan with WG new pseudo recommendation Daniel Glazman 2009-11-04
ACTION-187 (edit) open Add display:run-in discussion to TPAC wiki agenda Bert Bos 2009-11-04
ACTION-188 (edit) open Gather all interfaces that need to be obsoleted in DOM L2 Style Daniel Glazman 2009-11-04
ACTION-189 (edit) open Draft an FAQ on when the CSS WG adds a new property Bert Bos 2009-11-09
ACTION-190 (edit) open Capture the (text) selection question(s) related to text-overflow as outstanding questions/issues for CSS3-UI Tantek Çelik 2009-11-09
ACTION-191 (edit) open Check for examples in Hebrew books Daniel Glazman 2009-11-09
ACTION-192 (edit) closed Remove note from grid wrt table interaction sect 4.something Alex Mogilevsky 2009-11-10
ACTION-193 (edit) closed Add this stuff as notes in css3-text Elika Etemad 2009-11-10
ACTION-194 (edit) closed Check with HTML WG that untagged video can be treated as sRGB, or provide counter examples if not. David Singer 2009-11-10
ACTION-195 (edit) closed Create a template fr CSS 2.1 test suite reports Arron Eicholz 2009-11-10
ACTION-196 (edit) closed Send gradients feedback to www-style Simon Fraser 2010-02-28
ACTION-197 (edit) open Add implementation note in the spec about style update batches and their effect on transitions Simon Fraser 2010-03-21
ACTION-198 (edit) open Edit box model to add start and end to float Bert Bos 2009-12-09
ACTION-199 (edit) closed Make Disposition of Comments for Snapshot (even if it's empty) Elika Etemad 2009-12-09
ACTION-200 (edit) open Answer from CSS WG to public-web-security saying the issues are related to security model of the web and CSS cannot do a lot Daniel Glazman 2009-12-16
ACTION-201 (edit) open Respond that Tab's response is the official WG position Daniel Glazman 2010-01-20
ACTION-202 (edit) closed Write up pt px thread Tab Atkins Jr. 2010-01-20
ACTION-203 (edit) closed Write up a proposal for handling dbaron's rules Simon Fraser 2010-01-20
ACTION-204 (edit) open Review this issue Bert Bos 2010-01-20
ACTION-205 (edit) pending review Update proposal for min/max and divisions David Baron 2010-01-27 CSS4 Values and Units
ACTION-206 (edit) closed Post proposal for 3 to www-style Elika Etemad 2010-02-10
ACTION-207 (edit) open Respond to WAF Daniel Glazman 2010-03-17
ACTION-208 (edit) open Revise prose in an+b section of nth-child to specify comments and productions. Daniel Glazman 2010-03-31
ACTION-209 (edit) open Find or write note for issue 73 by this afternono Peter Linss 2010-04-05
ACTION-210 (edit) closed Write proposal for IE-Opera behavior for issue 26 David Baron 2010-04-05 CSS2.1
ACTION-211 (edit) closed Find tests for media queries and check into test repository Chris Lilley 2010-04-05
ACTION-212 (edit) open Make namespaces implementation reports Daniel Glazman 2010-04-05
ACTION-213 (edit) open Produce alternate proposal for handling animation and transition together Håkon Wium Lie 2010-04-06
ACTION-214 (edit) open And smfr to produce issues list for Transitions and Animations, including comments from dbaron and howcome. Dean Jackson 2010-04-06
ACTION-215 (edit) open Propose changes to character-transform to address above concerns Steve Zilles 2010-04-06
ACTION-216 (edit) closed Discuss font-family syntax with SVGWG Chris Lilley 2010-04-06
ACTION-217 (edit) closed Move issue to css3-lists Elika Etemad 2010-04-06
ACTION-218 (edit) closed Rewrite proposal for Issue 161 Tab Atkins Jr. 2010-04-06
ACTION-219 (edit) open Set up wiki page to list CSSOM constants for coordination Anne van Kesteren 2010-04-07
ACTION-220 (edit) open Produce concrete examples of complex properties and put it on the list Anne van Kesteren 2010-04-07
ACTION-221 (edit) closed Rewrite the paragraph in CSS color concerning gamuts and clipping Chris Lilley 2010-04-07
ACTION-222 (edit) closed Put border-clip into css4-backgrounds Elika Etemad 2010-04-07
ACTION-223 (edit) open Put transition/animation proposal document on the CVS server Håkon Wium Lie 2010-04-21
ACTION-224 (edit) closed , steve: write up a proposal for the start/end stuff. Elika Etemad 2010-04-21
ACTION-225 (edit) closed Write a proposal Tab Atkins Jr. 2010-04-28
ACTION-226 (edit) closed And glazou Write a proposal David Baron 2010-05-05 Media Queries
ACTION-227 (edit) closed Ping anne about the MQ stuff re: empty media and ignore medias. Tab Atkins Jr. 2010-05-12
ACTION-228 (edit) open Port font-name tests to SVG Chris Lilley 2010-06-03 CSS2.1
ACTION-229 (edit) open Figure out opinion on issue 129 Arron Eicholz 2010-05-26
ACTION-230 (edit) open Figure out opinion on issue 129 Simon Fraser 2010-05-26
ACTION-231 (edit) closed Write proposed text Elika Etemad 2010-05-26
ACTION-232 (edit) closed Write proposal for issue 138 Tab Atkins Jr. 2010-06-02
ACTION-233 (edit) open Write proposal for issue 118. Bert Bos 2010-06-02
ACTION-234 (edit) closed Propose text for resolving issue 122. Tab Atkins Jr. 2010-06-02
ACTION-235 (edit) closed Write text for 153. Elika Etemad 2010-06-02
ACTION-236 (edit) open Add example about clearance for issue 157. Bert Bos 2010-06-02
ACTION-237 (edit) closed Suggest text to resolve issue 158. Tab Atkins Jr. 2010-06-02
ACTION-238 (edit) closed Propose text to resolve 114. Elika Etemad 2010-06-02
ACTION-239 (edit) open Write proposal for process for marking sections of spec as implementable without prefixes for discussion at August 2010 F2F Daniel Glazman 2010-08-05
ACTION-240 (edit) open Ping Thunderbird for their input on how the changes to the spec around pre/pre-wrap and justification may affect email. Daniel Glazman 2010-06-30
ACTION-241 (edit) closed Produce a proposal for issue 153. David Baron 2010-06-30 CSS2.1
ACTION-242 (edit) open Look over Zack's proposal for issue 167, ensure that it doesn't have any unwanted effects. Daniel Glazman 2010-06-30
ACTION-243 (edit) closed Write some tests for issue 170, to see which option seems closest to impls. Tab Atkins Jr. 2010-06-30
ACTION-244 (edit) closed Propose wording for issue 172. Elika Etemad 2010-06-30
ACTION-245 (edit) open Contact AlexMog to see if changing things for Issue 138 will hurt web compat for IE. Sylvain Galineau 2010-07-21
ACTION-246 (edit) closed Write proposal to deal with abspos in table box generation according to bz's proposal Elika Etemad 2010-07-28
ACTION-247 (edit) open Write updated proposal for 118 Bert Bos 2010-08-11
ACTION-248 (edit) closed Send a proposal by next wednesday. Elika Etemad 2010-08-30
ACTION-249 (edit) open Make the above edit for issue 183. Bert Bos 2010-08-30
ACTION-250 (edit) open Find normative statement in appendix G that should now be written elsewhere. David Baron 2010-08-30 CSS2.1
ACTION-251 (edit) closed Propose note for issue 191 making marker box stacking level undefined. Elika Etemad 2010-08-30
ACTION-252 (edit) closed Write up a proposal for issue 195. Elika Etemad 2010-08-30
ACTION-253 (edit) open Fix the prose for issue 196 to match the grammar. Bert Bos 2010-08-30
ACTION-254 (edit) closed And Bert, clarify spec for CSS2.1 197 Elika Etemad 2010-08-30
ACTION-255 (edit) closed Propose text for CSS2.1 Issue 199 Tab Atkins Jr. 2010-08-30
ACTION-256 (edit) closed Make said wiki page Elika Etemad 2010-08-30
ACTION-257 (edit) open Examine stack stacking, line box contain, and suggest a way out of the problem. Steve Zilles 2010-08-31
ACTION-258 (edit) closed Tell SVG about planned work on pointer-events in CSS WG. Chris Lilley 2010-08-31
ACTION-259 (edit) closed Send response to SVG comments about exponential notation. Elika Etemad 2010-08-31
ACTION-260 (edit) closed Talk to coworker about proposed clearance changes. Arron Eicholz 2010-08-31
ACTION-261 (edit) open Respond to yourself about issue 198. Steve Zilles 2010-08-31
ACTION-262 (edit) closed Add this as an issue to the spec. John Daggett 2010-09-01
ACTION-263 (edit) open Send proposal on "margin:out(10px);" and similar to the list for discussion. Alex Mogilevsky 2010-09-01
ACTION-264 (edit) open At next telcon, remind people about Tantek's request for impl claims for UI stuff. Daniel Glazman 2010-09-01
ACTION-265 (edit) closed Make a list of at-risk features, and list of features that should be dropped for rapid movement to CR David Baron 2010-09-01 CSS2.1
ACTION-266 (edit) closed Post updated proposal to the list. Tab Atkins Jr. 2010-09-22
ACTION-267 (edit) open Sanity-check the issue 199 proposal. David Baron 2010-09-22 CSS2.1
ACTION-268 (edit) open Ping MikeSmith about getting IPDF people at TPAC. Bert Bos 2010-10-06
ACTION-269 (edit) open Propose note for multicol explaining the problem with column lengths longer than the viewport Daniel Glazman 2010-10-27
ACTION-270 (edit) closed Write example to clarify adjoining margins Elika Etemad 2010-11-03
ACTION-271 (edit) open Write a spec example to clarify that a collapsed margin is considered adjoining to another maring if any of its component margin is adjoining to that margin Elika Etemad 2010-11-03
ACTION-272 (edit) open Update links from W3C to implementation reports and test suite releases Elika Etemad 2010-11-08
ACTION-273 (edit) closed Write requirements document on gradients and how they work in HTML as related to SVG Tab Atkins Jr. 2010-11-11
ACTION-274 (edit) open See if the intrinsic width change is acceptable for Webkit. Simon Fraser 2010-11-17
ACTION-275 (edit) closed Ping jdaggett about Writing Modes to make sure it all looks okay. David Baron 2010-11-17 CSS3 Writing Modes
ACTION-276 (edit) open Send an email to the list with suggested wording for transform change. Simon Fraser 2010-11-17
ACTION-277 (edit) open Check first-page-selectors-003 to make sure it's valid. Håkon Wium Lie 2010-12-01
ACTION-278 (edit) open Review WOFF Daniel Glazman 2010-12-15
ACTION-279 (edit) open Send response to WAI PF Daniel Glazman 2010-12-15
ACTION-280 (edit) closed Publish RC4 asap, push remaining fixes to RC5 Elika Etemad 2010-12-15
ACTION-281 (edit) closed Propose wording Elika Etemad 2010-12-15
ACTION-282 (edit) open Move first-page-selectors-004 and first-page-selectors-004 to css3-page TS Elika Etemad 2010-12-15
ACTION-283 (edit) closed Edit draft: fix grammar for ISSUE-150 (+ find similar issues) Daniel Weck 2010-12-30 CSS3 Speech
ACTION-284 (edit) closed Write proposal to handle position of float inside relpos'd inline David Baron 2010-12-29 CSS2.1
ACTION-285 (edit) open Create a note for the errata Peter Linss 2010-12-29
ACTION-286 (edit) closed Update CSS3 references to corresponding CSS2.1 (for anything other than the Values and Units Module) Daniel Weck 2011-01-12 CSS3 Speech
ACTION-287 (edit) closed Proposal to add "text-decoration-skip: decoration-boundary" Elika Etemad 2011-01-20 CSS3 Text
ACTION-288 (edit) closed text-justify:distribute behavior Elika Etemad 2011-01-20 CSS3 Text
ACTION-289 (edit) closed text-orientation property is described as "non-native only" but also affects native Elika Etemad 2011-01-20 CSS3 Writing Modes
ACTION-290 (edit) closed Underline should not go through the body of ideographs Elika Etemad 2011-01-20 CSS3 Text
ACTION-291 (edit) open Propose CSS2.1 edit to remove run-in and move to CSS3 Box Bert Bos 2011-02-09
ACTION-292 (edit) closed Review and update the CSS21 open issues list Elika Etemad 2011-02-09
ACTION-293 (edit) open Finish outstanding 2.1 edits Bert Bos 2011-02-16
ACTION-294 (edit) open Review edits Elika Etemad 2011-02-16
ACTION-295 (edit) open Write text for issue C. Elika Etemad 2011-02-16
ACTION-296 (edit) closed Run prince on blocking tests with no prince result Chris Lilley 2011-02-16 CSS2.1
ACTION-297 (edit) open Read the minutes from today and confirm if he agrees or not with the Multicol algo consensus. Håkon Wium Lie 2011-02-23
ACTION-298 (edit) closed Report back to the group on the progress of this issue. Tab Atkins Jr. 2011-02-23
ACTION-299 (edit) open Where is Opera on their fixes? If it's not fixed in their nightlies, I propose we remove the test. Address in errata. Håkon Wium Lie 2011-03-09
ACTION-300 (edit) open Make background-intrinsic-004 and background-intrinsic-005 optional for CSS2.1, required css3-background Elika Etemad 2011-03-09
ACTION-301 (edit) open Remove remaining white-space processing portion of test Elika Etemad 2011-03-09
ACTION-302 (edit) open Re-edit 215 to take into account bidi-reordered boxes on the same line. Bert Bos 2011-03-14
ACTION-303 (edit) open Check the rest of Bert's edits Elika Etemad 2011-03-14
ACTION-304 (edit) open Write a proposal for David Baron 2011-03-14
ACTION-305 (edit) open Edit 232 and review for correctness. Bert Bos 2011-03-14 CSS2.1
ACTION-306 (edit) open Reply to Alan's message w.r.t that (a) this testcase is exercising "The bottom margin of an in-flow block box with..." and therefore all browsers other than Gecko are correct and (b) add a test to the CSS 2.1 test suite for post-PR. David Baron 2011-03-14
ACTION-307 (edit) open Write such a note for issue 192. David Baron 2011-03-14
ACTION-308 (edit) open Find margin-collapse-clear-005 issue and make sure it's in the issues list for editing Elika Etemad 2011-03-14
ACTION-309 (edit) open Verify that once issue 215 is edited, that the case for issue 247 is also undefined David Baron 2011-03-14
ACTION-310 (edit) open Write a proposed text for issue 259 Elika Etemad 2011-03-15
ACTION-311 (edit) closed Propose a solution for block-in-inline-relpos-002 Arron Eicholz 2011-03-15
ACTION-312 (edit) open Make publication Bert Bos 2011-03-15
ACTION-313 (edit) open Come up with a precise spec (reference or reference + prose) for the hyphenation format Håkon Wium Lie 2011-03-17
ACTION-314 (edit) closed 'speakability' not an ideal property name ? Daniel Weck 2011-04-12 CSS3 Speech
ACTION-315 (edit) open Respond to mailing list on this issue Daniel Glazman 2011-04-13
ACTION-316 (edit) closed Publish CSS3 Speech as WD Bert Bos 2011-04-13
ACTION-317 (edit) open Ping Leif and i18n about CSS Namespaces issue 3 Daniel Glazman 2011-04-27
ACTION-318 (edit) open Ping svg with no comments from CSSWG Daniel Glazman 2011-04-27
ACTION-319 (edit) open Let Ian Jacobs know we want to put a special announcement for the PR/Rec. Daniel Glazman 2011-04-27
ACTION-320 (edit) closed Start mailing list discussion on trimming css3-images Elika Etemad 2011-05-11
ACTION-321 (edit) closed Edit the spec per above and check with smontagu Elika Etemad 2011-06-09
ACTION-322 (edit) open Mention compat characters in mapping table request Elika Etemad 2011-06-10
ACTION-323 (edit) closed "even if hyphenation is turned off or otherwise restricted" Elika Etemad 2011-06-10
ACTION-324 (edit) closed Add CSS to the hanging-punctuation example Elika Etemad 2011-06-10
ACTION-325 (edit) open Edit charter per notes above Bert Bos 2011-06-10
ACTION-326 (edit) open Publish css3-regions as FPWD Bert Bos 2011-06-10
ACTION-327 (edit) open Define pagination behavior across different-sized pages Elika Etemad 2011-06-10
ACTION-328 (edit) open Add 3 questions above to draft Rune Lillesveen 2011-06-11
ACTION-329 (edit) open And bert to update the preprocessor template to match boilerplate. Elika Etemad 2011-06-11
ACTION-330 (edit) closed Regions spec. editors to specify a model for breaking flow content Vincent Hardy 2011-06-22
ACTION-331 (edit) closed Do the above Elika Etemad 2011-06-29
ACTION-332 (edit) open Send no comments comment for DOM3 Events Daniel Glazman 2011-06-29
ACTION-333 (edit) closed Make change list for css3-images similar to CSS3 Text etc. Tab Atkins Jr. 2011-06-29
ACTION-334 (edit) closed Post message to mailing list about neutral punctuation resolution Elika Etemad 2011-06-29
ACTION-335 (edit) open Ask Eric to review current draft Steve Zilles 2011-06-29
ACTION-336 (edit) closed Post summary of proposal to www-style Elika Etemad 2011-07-06
ACTION-337 (edit) closed Update css3-color errata to handle issues 1, 2 in Chris Lilley 2011-07-13
ACTION-338 (edit) open Rewrite proposal to not reference bidi because it's confusing Elika Etemad 2011-07-20
ACTION-339 (edit) open Outline the questions we need to address with regards to text orientation in writing-modes. John Daggett 2011-07-20
ACTION-340 (edit) open Add issues listing the remaining discussion points to be resolved in css animation and css transitions before they can be published. Dean Jackson 2011-07-20
ACTION-341 (edit) open Send the list of HTML5 comments to the CSS WG before the next F2F (Seattle) Daniel Glazman 2011-07-20
ACTION-342 (edit) closed "display-inside" Specify use case that will go as an issue in CSS3-box Tab Atkins Jr. 2011-07-31
ACTION-343 (edit) closed Provide use cases illustrating value of abs case in context of ISSUE 10 Tab Atkins Jr. 2011-07-31
ACTION-344 (edit) closed Check on the invitation of Anton to WG Daniel Glazman 2011-07-31
ACTION-345 (edit) open List use cases for each white-space value Elika Etemad 2011-07-31
ACTION-346 (edit) open Poll for best options on naming Elika Etemad 2011-07-31
ACTION-347 (edit) open Write collection of serialization heuristics Daniel Glazman 2011-08-01
ACTION-348 (edit) closed Send MQ test suite bugs to mailing list Arron Eicholz 2011-08-01 Media Queries
ACTION-349 (edit) open Collect feedback from webdev community for CSSOM and put it on the wiki Daniel Glazman 2011-08-01
ACTION-350 (edit) open Alexmog to add an api to find out which element is in a named flow Alex Mogilevsky 2011-08-01 CSS3 Regions
ACTION-351 (edit) closed Rework the issue of resolved sizes for regions and come up with an alt solution for the group along with use cases and examples Vincent Hardy 2011-08-01
ACTION-352 (edit) closed for this version we are limiting regions to be block containers; will add a note that this may be expanded in future levels Vincent Hardy 2011-08-01
ACTION-353 (edit) open Answer if paged media each page should be considered a column? Håkon Wium Lie 2011-08-01
ACTION-354 (edit) closed Come up with a proposal for breaks either a page-break or a general type of break or both and related use cases Vincent Hardy 2011-08-01
ACTION-355 (edit) closed Look at seamless iframes and reconcile it with what we have in the spec. We should add the security consideration into iframe paragraph. Alex Mogilevsky 2011-08-01
ACTION-356 (edit) closed Make the default value for wrap-mode be auto. Vincent Hardy 2011-08-01
ACTION-357 (edit) open Add syntax examples Elika Etemad 2011-08-01
ACTION-358 (edit) open Edit as above Elika Etemad 2011-08-01
ACTION-359 (edit) open Write a paragraph linking to this bug so plinss can send it Elika Etemad 2011-08-10
ACTION-360 (edit) closed Write up a comment on seamless Tab Atkins Jr. 2011-08-10
ACTION-361 (edit) open Write up a process document on the wiki for how you actually publish something. Elika Etemad 2011-09-07
ACTION-362 (edit) open Contact Unicode about the greek upercasingissue Chris Lilley 2011-09-14
ACTION-363 (edit) closed Post wording proposals John Daggett 2011-09-14
ACTION-364 (edit) open Investigate Opera's precise behavior around consecutive colspans, to see if they match Elika's "they're just wrapped in an anonymous BFC" proposal is accurate. Håkon Wium Lie 2011-09-28
ACTION-365 (edit) closed Investigate WebKit's precise behavior around consecutive colspans, to see if they match Elika's "they're just wrapped in an anonymous BFC" proposal is accurate. Tab Atkins Jr. 2011-09-28
ACTION-366 (edit) open Prepare publication Chris Lilley 2011-10-05
ACTION-367 (edit) open Post to mailing list asking for input on margin-collapsing col-span issue Håkon Wium Lie 2011-10-05
ACTION-368 (edit) open Post testcase Håkon Wium Lie 2011-10-05
ACTION-369 (edit) open Create examples of Animatable: lines so we can put in template for copy/tweaking Simon Fraser 2011-10-05
ACTION-370 (edit) closed Email Brad (on public ML) asking Brad to respond within 2 weeks Chris Lilley 2011-10-12
ACTION-371 (edit) open Invite Bill McCoy to CSS Working group's meeting at TPAC to discuss coordination with IDPF Daniel Glazman 2011-10-12
ACTION-372 (edit) open Fix indexer to be speech-friendly Bert Bos 2011-10-26
ACTION-373 (edit) closed Send an email to people who requested observer status Daniel Glazman 2011-11-02
ACTION-374 (edit) closed Move template layout to Bert Bos 2011-11-06
ACTION-375 (edit) closed Bring a proposal for interaction between multicol and region Vincent Hardy 2011-11-06
ACTION-376 (edit) closed need new proposal about the behavior of iframe or a different way to create named flow from url Alex Mogilevsky 2011-11-06 CSS3 Regions
ACTION-377 (edit) closed Make a use case appendix Vincent Hardy 2011-11-06 CSS3 Regions
ACTION-378 (edit) open Review Unicode UTR#50 and compare to existing implementation Theresa O'Connor 2011-11-06
ACTION-379 (edit) open Review Unicode UTR#50 and compare to existing implementation Sylvain Galineau 2011-11-06
ACTION-380 (edit) open And Elika: discuss improvements to syntax within this set of features Tab Atkins Jr. 2011-11-06
ACTION-381 (edit) open Teach Tracker to give actions to multiple people Peter Linss 2011-11-06
ACTION-382 (edit) open And Tab: discuss improvements to syntax within this set of features Elika Etemad 2011-11-06
ACTION-383 (edit) open Make attr() function do the right thing wrt resolving relative URLs Elika Etemad 2011-11-06
ACTION-384 (edit) open Finish implementation report and tests Arron Eicholz 2011-11-06
ACTION-385 (edit) open Publish test suite and implementation report on Elika Etemad 2011-11-06
ACTION-386 (edit) open Post use-case on www-style. Then we'l look at actual fonts. Koji Ishii 2011-11-07
ACTION-387 (edit) open : details issues further and come up with use cases and solve them better (for values and units) and pull page positionin out of WD. Arron Eicholz 2011-11-07
ACTION-388 (edit) closed Write proposed example text for CORS Tab Atkins Jr. 2011-11-07
ACTION-389 (edit) closed Write up description of how animations of properties only in some keyframes work Simon Fraser 2011-11-07
ACTION-390 (edit) open Check with smaug about firing DOM events on disconnected elements David Baron 2011-11-07
ACTION-391 (edit) open Reword how same-origin is described to talk only about HTTP John Daggett 2011-11-07
ACTION-392 (edit) open Talk with Anne about how to reference the same-origin things "correctly" John Daggett 2011-11-07
ACTION-393 (edit) open Put proposal B for page-break collapsing into specs Elika Etemad 2011-11-07
ACTION-394 (edit) open Create issue against CSS 2.1 corresponding to ACTION-393. Bert Bos 2011-11-07
ACTION-395 (edit) open Draft note on DOM Level 2 Style Tab Atkins Jr. 2011-11-08
ACTION-396 (edit) open Detail the algorithm options for position of color transitions on rounded borders, and produce mockups for lots of corner cases. Elika Etemad 2011-11-08
ACTION-397 (edit) closed Make post with the options, just two options. Elika Etemad 2011-11-08
ACTION-398 (edit) closed Update current work page with more granularity by stability rather than priority. Elika Etemad 2011-11-08
ACTION-399 (edit) closed Add warning (with link) about seizures to Transitions and Animations specs David Baron 2011-11-08
ACTION-400 (edit) open Investigate automated tools for detecting seizure-inducing animations/transitions. John Jansen 2011-11-08
ACTION-401 (edit) open Contact some consumer electronics people about contributing testcases for Marquee Kimberly Blessing 2011-11-23
ACTION-402 (edit) closed Ask Ming about the CSS Print Profile. Elika Etemad 2011-11-23
ACTION-403 (edit) closed Ping jdaggett to send a status update on Fonts to the list Elika Etemad 2011-11-23
ACTION-404 (edit) open Summarize this discussion onto somewhere public (Current Work and wiki) Elika Etemad 2011-11-23
ACTION-405 (edit) closed And Kimberly to write a blog post about multicol spanning margins. Elika Etemad 2011-11-23
ACTION-406 (edit) open Add animation cancellation event per TPAC 2011 Monday Dean Jackson 2011-12-01
ACTION-407 (edit) closed Provide recommended hotels for Bucharest meeting ASAP Vincent Hardy 2011-12-14
ACTION-408 (edit) closed Make wiki page for Bucharest with location of meeting, etc. Vincent Hardy 2011-12-14
ACTION-409 (edit) open Repost his message to www-style Håkon Wium Lie 2011-12-14
ACTION-410 (edit) open Propose wording for column-spanning elements can only span when the closest ancestor BFC is established by the multicol (whether by the columns or the multicol) Rossen Atanassov 2011-12-14
ACTION-411 (edit) closed Update the current-work page Elika Etemad 2011-12-14
ACTION-412 (edit) open Fix the grammar per dbaron's post Bert Bos 2011-12-21
ACTION-413 (edit) closed And Tab to look at functional notation extensibility in general Elika Etemad 2011-12-21
ACTION-414 (edit) open Review css3-ui pointer-events issues list David Baron 2011-12-21
ACTION-415 (edit) closed Propose the prose he wants to see in Exclusions David Baron 2011-12-21
ACTION-416 (edit) open Write testcases for testing !important in at-rules Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-01-11
ACTION-417 (edit) open Create a concrete proposal to address the color tweaking requirement. Chris Lilley 2012-02-01
ACTION-418 (edit) open With Tantek to write a FAQ for www-style Elika Etemad 2012-02-13
ACTION-419 (edit) open Investigate if we can change functional notation in steps() in line with Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-02-13
ACTION-420 (edit) open Work with howcome and AntennaHouse to see if we can change attr() as suggested in Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-02-13
ACTION-421 (edit) open Add example of background-position with calc() Elika Etemad 2012-02-13
ACTION-422 (edit) closed Draft a page template proposal for the May f2f Vincent Hardy 2012-02-14
ACTION-423 (edit) open Create a shared directory to post the bug helper script and document it on the wiki Vincent Hardy 2012-02-14
ACTION-424 (edit) closed Make a generic use-case page linking to proposed markup solutions Alan Stearns 2012-02-14 CSS3 Regions
ACTION-425 (edit) closed Make item 4 a multicolumn overflow Alan Stearns 2012-02-14
ACTION-426 (edit) closed Move the issue to css3-break and remove the text from Regions Vincent Hardy 2012-02-14
ACTION-427 (edit) open Update region styling Vincent Hardy 2012-02-14
ACTION-428 (edit) closed Mark the nested selector spec. as a proposal. Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-02-14
ACTION-429 (edit) open Publish snapshot 2012 ASAP> Elika Etemad 2012-02-14
ACTION-430 (edit) closed Publish a new snapshot of the MQ test suite. Elika Etemad 2012-02-14
ACTION-431 (edit) open Provide an implementation report for the MQ test suite. David Baron 2012-02-14
ACTION-432 (edit) closed Provide an implementation report for the MQ test suite. Florian Rivoal 2012-02-28 Media Queries
ACTION-433 (edit) open Provide an implementation report for the MQ test suite. Simon Fraser 2012-02-14
ACTION-434 (edit) open If animating from none to inset shadow, need none to behave as '0 0 transparent inset' Elika Etemad 2012-02-14
ACTION-435 (edit) closed Record these two issues and the conclusion, point to these minutes, write a next-action to propose text. Anton Prowse 2012-02-14 CSS2.1
ACTION-436 (edit) open Write proposed text and testcases Anton Prowse 2012-02-14
ACTION-437 (edit) closed Check with Opera that it is ok not to treat the root element as a BFC Florian Rivoal 2012-02-15 CSS2.1
ACTION-438 (edit) open Create tests for Anton Prowse 2012-02-15
ACTION-439 (edit) closed File an issue on MQ4 about adding the other resolution (for monochrome printing) Florian Rivoal 2012-02-15
ACTION-440 (edit) closed Add issue about handling visible content as a shape for Exclusions. Vincent Hardy 2012-02-15
ACTION-441 (edit) closed Add a note to Exclusions that animated images use the first frame (in SVG, render the image without animations). Vincent Hardy 2012-02-15
ACTION-442 (edit) open Investigate using the content of an <img> for wrapping without duplicating the url, in light of earlier discussion about shaping from rendered content. Vincent Hardy 2012-02-15
ACTION-443 (edit) open Investigate the processing model of Exclusions further, and report results/figure out what to put in the spec for various layout modes. Vincent Hardy 2012-02-15
ACTION-444 (edit) open Add background-image support to the Exclusions spec Vincent Hardy 2012-02-15
ACTION-445 (edit) open Clarify in css3-break what other specs are supposed to say about fragmentation Elika Etemad 2012-02-15
ACTION-446 (edit) open Add pictures to Fragmentation Elika Etemad 2012-02-15
ACTION-447 (edit) closed Ensure variables is published as FPWD Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-02-29
ACTION-448 (edit) closed Publish css3-transforms Chris Lilley 2012-02-29
ACTION-449 (edit) open Review transform-origin Elika Etemad 2012-02-29
ACTION-450 (edit) open Ask roc on how/whether to make intersecting elements normative David Baron 2012-02-29
ACTION-451 (edit) closed Ask opera how/whether to make intersecting elements normative Florian Rivoal 2012-02-29
ACTION-452 (edit) open Tell WAIPF that they need to give feedback asap for image values Bert Bos 2012-02-29
ACTION-453 (edit) open Publish flexbox wd Chris Lilley 2012-03-07
ACTION-454 (edit) open Something about a11y group Molly Holzschlag 2012-04-04
ACTION-455 (edit) open Make text-size-adjust more accurate definition of font inflation Tantek Çelik 2012-04-04
ACTION-456 (edit) closed And Bert, finish edits and update DoC Elika Etemad 2012-04-11
ACTION-457 (edit) closed Respond to Lea's email on the mailing list. Florian Rivoal 2012-04-11 Media Queries
ACTION-458 (edit) closed Fix flex-basis percentage line in propdef table Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-05-17
ACTION-459 (edit) open Publish test results etc. Elika Etemad 2012-05-17
ACTION-460 (edit) closed Run multicol tests in Chrome Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-05-17
ACTION-461 (edit) open Read new version of spec and provide feedback to phil Peter Linss 2012-05-17
ACTION-462 (edit) open Get together with phil and bert and work out how to resolve the templating specifications to remove overlap Markus Mielke 2012-05-17
ACTION-463 (edit) open Figure out text-decoration interaction with font-variant-position John Daggett 2012-05-17
ACTION-464 (edit) open Define what scopes the run of things falling back John Daggett 2012-05-17
ACTION-465 (edit) open Propose less confusing wording Elika Etemad 2012-05-17
ACTION-466 (edit) open Review css3-fonts wording on font-family syntax Elika Etemad 2012-05-17
ACTION-467 (edit) closed Work with Alan to work on overflow repeat nd consider how int intercts with slot pseduo elt. Florian Rivoal 2012-05-18
ACTION-468 (edit) closed Add 2 issues to more clearly define issue 1 Alan Stearns 2012-05-18
ACTION-469 (edit) open Add background exclusion. Alan Stearns 2012-05-18
ACTION-470 (edit) open Run the "justification of mixed full/half-width chars" proposal past Nat. Vincent Hardy 2012-05-18
ACTION-471 (edit) closed Discuss with stevez about how line layout and line snapping should work in flexbox Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-05-18
ACTION-472 (edit) open Talk to dbaron about possible reasons for surprising behavior Steve Zilles 2012-05-18
ACTION-473 (edit) open Update v&u with resolutions Elika Etemad 2012-05-18
ACTION-474 (edit) open Finalize errata language for font-family and keywords John Daggett 2012-05-30
ACTION-475 (edit) open Check css3-break against Elika Etemad 2012-07-18 CSS3 Fragmentation
ACTION-476 (edit) closed Summarize discussion Elika Etemad 2012-06-27
ACTION-477 (edit) open Make a testcase Simon Fraser 2012-06-27
ACTION-478 (edit) closed Ask Opera Florian Rivoal 2012-06-27
ACTION-479 (edit) closed Check Gecko wrt bg-attach and transforms David Baron 2012-06-27
ACTION-480 (edit) open Check bg-attach with transforms Sylvain Galineau 2012-06-27
ACTION-481 (edit) closed Write a proposal about fixed background and transforms Simon Fraser 2012-07-04
ACTION-482 (edit) closed Review appendix E and table cells, in relation to flexbox David Baron 2012-07-11
ACTION-483 (edit) open Send followup to v&u issue 22 Elika Etemad 2012-07-18
ACTION-484 (edit) open Follow up on invited expert issue: ask about employment status Chris Lilley 2012-07-25
ACTION-485 (edit) closed Make that edit Florian Rivoal 2012-07-25 CSS Device Adaptation
ACTION-486 (edit) open Supply fonts and tests John Daggett 2012-07-25
ACTION-487 (edit) closed Publish Compositing FPWD Bert Bos 2012-08-08
ACTION-488 (edit) closed Send Flexbox CR transition request Bert Bos 2012-08-08
ACTION-489 (edit) open Email www-style Daniel Glazman 2012-08-20
ACTION-490 (edit) closed Email www-style about the possiblities Elika Etemad 2012-08-20
ACTION-491 (edit) open Summarize all issues raised here into the draft Elika Etemad 2012-08-20
ACTION-492 (edit) open Fill out Changes from CSS 2.1 Core Grammar section, intro etc. Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-08-20
ACTION-493 (edit) closed And jdaggett to discuss case-sensitivity at the break Elika Etemad 2012-08-20
ACTION-494 (edit) open Define root fragmenting element Elika Etemad 2012-08-20
ACTION-495 (edit) open Write a proposal for how to modify the float placement rules for the presence of fragmentation -- in particular, saying that the continued fragments of floats continued from the previous (or earlier) fragment are placed in the current fragment in the original order, and figuring out whether it's allowed to place the top of a float (a) when there's a continued float that could be placed in the current fragment but hasn't been placed yet [consens Elika Etemad 2012-08-20
ACTION-496 (edit) open Summarize the issue of missing mechanism(s) to handle collision handling, preventing things from disappearing off the page Florian Rivoal 2012-08-21
ACTION-497 (edit) open Come up with examples illustrating the issues on exclusions as noted in previous action 496 Florian Rivoal 2012-08-21
ACTION-498 (edit) open Write a draft proposal for the 'collision' property with values: auto | avoid | allow Florian Rivoal 2012-08-21
ACTION-499 (edit) open Address issue of where to put an SVG image for high resolution and low bandwidth in image-set. Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-08-21
ACTION-500 (edit) open Add note Florian proposes to the spec Phil Cupp 2012-08-21
ACTION-501 (edit) closed Draft note Florian proposes and send it to pcupp Peter Linss 2012-08-21
ACTION-502 (edit) open Add errata to css3-color errata ist about currentcolor, (as in above URL) Bert Bos 2012-08-22
ACTION-503 (edit) open Put examples of text-justify in the spec. Elika Etemad 2012-08-22
ACTION-504 (edit) open Look into history of text-justify in IE 5+ Sylvain Galineau 2012-08-22
ACTION-505 (edit) closed Mark this as an issue Dirk Schulze 2012-08-22
ACTION-506 (edit) open Write a proposal for vector interpolation for rotate3d() Vincent Hardy 2012-08-22
ACTION-507 (edit) open Propose case-comparison proposal John Daggett 2012-08-22
ACTION-508 (edit) open : contact Cameron on new 1 week delay Daniel Glazman 2012-09-26
ACTION-509 (edit) open No comment on DOM 3 Events Daniel Glazman 2012-09-26
ACTION-510 (edit) open Schedule a joint meeting with I18N Daniel Glazman 2012-10-10
ACTION-511 (edit) open Write this up, with examples Elika Etemad 2012-10-10
ACTION-512 (edit) open Bug the W3C webmaster about setting up redirects for the Great CSSWG Renaming (immediately before LC, natch) Elika Etemad 2012-11-04
ACTION-513 (edit) closed Propose handling for making progress in fragmentation Alan Stearns 2012-11-04
ACTION-514 (edit) closed Add inset-rectangle(top, right, bottom, left) to the Shapes spec. (or just inset()). Alan Stearns 2012-11-05
ACTION-515 (edit) open Propose wording how you flatteen 3d subtree into normal CSS 2s rendering. Dean Jackson 2012-11-06
ACTION-516 (edit) open Fix text-overflow example in the spec to not ellipse the last line, but an earlier line Tantek Çelik 2012-11-06
ACTION-517 (edit) open Send the test cases to the list Tantek Çelik 2012-11-06
ACTION-518 (edit) open Send the test cases to the list Tantek Çelik 2012-11-06
ACTION-519 (edit) open Make tantek send the test cases to the list David Baron 2012-11-06
ACTION-520 (edit) open Make tantek fix text-overflow example in the spec to not ellipse the last line, but an earlier time Elika Etemad 2012-11-06
ACTION-521 (edit) closed Organise brainstorming call about grid Rossen Atanassov 2012-11-06
ACTION-522 (edit) open And fantasai to update object negotiation algorithm in css4-images to handle <iframe seamless> Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-11-06
ACTION-523 (edit) open Come back with an explanation of WebKit's animation model, and why it makes more sense for users. Dean Jackson 2012-11-06
ACTION-524 (edit) closed Provide test case Dirk Schulze 2012-12-05
ACTION-525 (edit) open Edit the spec Elika Etemad 2012-12-05
ACTION-526 (edit) open Loko at text-decoration spec and object or agree to LC John Daggett 2012-12-12
ACTION-527 (edit) open List types of tests needed for case insensitivity David Baron 2012-12-12
ACTION-528 (edit) open Contact i18n Daniel Glazman 2012-12-12
ACTION-529 (edit) open Add errata to 2.1 about non-ascii from 0x80 Bert Bos 2013-02-06
ACTION-530 (edit) closed Ask Håkon to edit this resolution for column rule painting order Rossen Atanassov 2013-02-11 ISSUE-300
ACTION-531 (edit) closed Publish editor's draft of CSS2.1 Bert Bos 2013-02-12
ACTION-532 (edit) open Investigate handling of percentage margins on flex items Elika Etemad 2013-02-12
ACTION-533 (edit) open Update errata, CSS2.1 spec for bug 15392 Bert Bos 2013-02-12
ACTION-534 (edit) open Edit publish Transitions David Baron 2013-02-12
ACTION-535 (edit) closed Assign actions David Baron 2013-02-12
ACTION-536 (edit) closed Meet with smfr and dino to come up with a proposed model for transitions/animations cascading and interaction David Baron 2013-02-12 CSS Transitions
ACTION-537 (edit) open (with help from jdaggett) to move the css3 module preprocessor scripts from the member-only css3-src tree into the hg public tree due 2013-06-01 Bert Bos 2013-02-13
ACTION-538 (edit) open Figure out how to link web components templates for using regions via CSS Steve Zilles 2013-02-13
ACTION-539 (edit) open Propose text for the resolution above Bert Bos 2013-02-13
ACTION-540 (edit) open Write-up CSS design principle of defining CSS features to allow implementations to potentially do as high fidelity layout / presentation as possible. Bert Bos 2013-02-13
ACTION-541 (edit) open Write-up CSS design principle of defining baseline CSS features with deterministic algorithm(s) that reflect interoperable implementation behaviors and compatibility with web content Elika Etemad 2013-02-13
ACTION-542 (edit) open Work with Elika remove material on sizing in Box module and incorporate equivalent material into Sizing module. Bert Bos 2013-02-13
ACTION-543 (edit) open Propose wording for David Baron 2013-02-27
ACTION-544 (edit) open Send proposal for updated findRules API for animations keyframe rules Daniel Glazman 2013-02-27
ACTION-545 (edit) closed Update CSSOM to throw SyntaxError on insertRule with above weirdness as argument Simon Pieters 2013-02-27
ACTION-546 (edit) closed Start process for CR for css3-conditional Bert Bos 2013-02-27
ACTION-547 (edit) closed Update drop-down widget image to use 语言 Elika Etemad 2013-03-07 CSS3 Writing Modes
ACTION-548 (edit) open With plh, to coordinate on issue of addition new MIME types for image types with IETF. Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-03-13
ACTION-549 (edit) open Ask systeam if subscribing only to certain tags on www-style is possible Bert Bos 2013-03-13
ACTION-550 (edit) closed Ask about @host grammar: ruleset vs. declarations Simon Sapin 2013-03-27
ACTION-551 (edit) open Clarify interaction of viewport units and scroll Elika Etemad 2013-04-03
ACTION-552 (edit) open Edit in Simon's issue Elika Etemad 2013-04-03
ACTION-553 (edit) open Add Liam's line-breaking proposal to Text 4. Elika Etemad 2013-04-17
ACTION-554 (edit) open Help fantasai add his line-breaking proposal to Text 4. Liam Quin 2013-04-17
ACTION-555 (edit) open Look for data on non-ident hash usage. Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-04-17
ACTION-556 (edit) open Add an issue to GCPM to say that paged-x/paged-y won't be on 'overflow-style' but something else. Håkon Wium Lie 2013-04-24
ACTION-557 (edit) open Clarify definition of :blank selector in relation to fixed positioning Simon Sapin 2013-05-01
ACTION-558 (edit) open Figure out example of subgrid growing pains Rossen Atanassov 2013-05-02
ACTION-559 (edit) closed And fantasai: create concrete proposal for subgrids (resolve issues one way or another and come up with algorithm for size/positioning thme) Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-05-02
ACTION-560 (edit) open Ping jdaggett to request his formal opinion, then reply to Addison Daniel Glazman 2013-05-08
ACTION-561 (edit) open Figure out what to do in the frag spec, though no change to multicol spec Rossen Atanassov 2013-05-08
ACTION-562 (edit) open With Tab, draw up proposal for using stroke and fill for CSS text Elika Etemad 2013-06-12
ACTION-563 (edit) open Check that variables and @supports have identical allowances David Baron 2013-06-12
ACTION-564 (edit) open Investigate those two questions John Daggett 2013-06-14
ACTION-565 (edit) closed Submit tests etc. for nav-{up, down, left, right} Leif Arne Storset 2013-07-19 CSS3 Basic UI
ACTION-566 (edit) closed Send relevant prose to plh Florian Rivoal 2013-06-26
ACTION-567 (edit) closed Propose text for elementsFromPoint Alan Stearns 2013-06-26 CSSOM View
ACTION-568 (edit) open Add diagrams to this section Elika Etemad 2013-07-24
ACTION-569 (edit) closed Have /TR/css-variables/ alias to /TR/css-variables-1/ Philippe Le Hégaret 2013-07-31
ACTION-570 (edit) open Review CSS2.1 errata Elika Etemad 2013-07-31
ACTION-571 (edit) open Look into tests for CSS2.1 errata Rebecca Hauck 2013-07-31
ACTION-572 (edit) open Define zooming, 2 types, for insertion into either MQ or device-adapt Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-08-07
ACTION-573 (edit) open Explain msft's back-compat problem with changing initial value of 'grid-auto-flow' Elika Etemad 2013-08-29
ACTION-574 (edit) open Clarify spanning across implicit subgrid tracks Elika Etemad 2013-09-02
ACTION-575 (edit) open Add example of empty named lines paren Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-09-02
ACTION-576 (edit) open Send transition request Chris Lilley 2013-09-11
ACTION-577 (edit) open Add examples to implicit named lines. Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-09-18
ACTION-578 (edit) open Add spec text to multicol specifying that text draws over column rules. Rossen Atanassov 2013-09-18
ACTION-579 (edit) closed Get text about sticky into position spec. Rossen Atanassov 2013-09-19
ACTION-580 (edit) open Move device-cmyk() to colors 4. Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-09-19
ACTION-581 (edit) open Move page marks and bleed area to css3 page Elika Etemad 2013-09-19
ACTION-582 (edit) open Update that Koji Ishii 2013-09-19
ACTION-583 (edit) open Check if it's ok to drop support for text-combine-horizontal: digits 1 Rossen Atanassov 2013-09-19
ACTION-584 (edit) open Email ab wrt rechartering woes Daniel Glazman 2013-09-20
ACTION-585 (edit) open Ping bert to see if have reservation Daniel Glazman 2013-10-09
ACTION-586 (edit) open Post options to list Elika Etemad 2013-10-16
ACTION-587 (edit) open Ask koji and jdaggett to come to a stop-gap measure Daniel Glazman 2013-10-23
ACTION-588 (edit) open Write up canvas for css4 images Dirk Schulze 2013-11-17
ACTION-589 (edit) open And matt to write a proposed resolution to resolve the proposal about device resolution (using unambiguous terms) Theresa O'Connor 2013-11-17
ACTION-590 (edit) open Work on shepherd to make it produce indexes (including selectors) for a "snapshot" or live index Peter Linss 2013-11-17
ACTION-591 (edit) open Create wiki page to list tests needed for errata, ppl can sign up to work on them Bert Bos 2013-11-17
ACTION-592 (edit) open And fantasai to note that in the spec Rossen Atanassov 2013-11-17
ACTION-593 (edit) open And csswg to review user context module Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-11-18
ACTION-594 (edit) open Ask korea about css Daniel Glazman 2013-11-18
ACTION-595 (edit) closed Update the list of deliverables in the charter Bert Bos 2013-11-19
ACTION-596 (edit) open Send a proposal for async decisions David Baron 2013-11-19
ACTION-597 (edit) open Mail www-style with the text-align shorthand issue Elika Etemad 2013-11-19
ACTION-598 (edit) open Put something somewhere Elika Etemad 2013-11-19
ACTION-599 (edit) open Write up with tab potential changes to transform-origin to reduce/alter inconsistencies with background-position Elika Etemad 2013-11-19
ACTION-600 (edit) open Send email wrt dates for september f2f Daniel Glazman 2013-12-04
ACTION-601 (edit) open Make that edit Daniel Glazman 2013-12-04
ACTION-602 (edit) open Add :sorted to selectors 4 Daniel Glazman 2013-12-18
ACTION-603 (edit) open Work on cr publication Chris Lilley 2014-02-03
ACTION-604 (edit) open Ping google engineer working on variables, ask to formally review mozilla's tests Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-02-03
ACTION-605 (edit) closed Prepare disposition of comments, complete syntax edits for tomorrow Simon Sapin 2014-02-03
ACTION-606 (edit) closed Cut down changes section to just the changes from css2.1rec2011 Bert Bos 2014-02-03
ACTION-607 (edit) open Make sure timeline is defined for speech Elika Etemad 2014-02-04
ACTION-608 (edit) open And tab to investigate :moz-ui-valid Elika Etemad 2014-02-04
ACTION-609 (edit) open Fix :blank's definition to make sense Elika Etemad 2014-02-04
ACTION-610 (edit) open Review dbaron's test Chris Lilley 2014-02-04
ACTION-611 (edit) open Share transform testcases with the group Simon Fraser 2014-02-04
ACTION-612 (edit) open Send update to mailing list Simon Fraser 2014-02-04
ACTION-613 (edit) open Clarify how omitted values are handled for display shorthand (and other shorthands he might've forgotten to handle) Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-02-04
ACTION-614 (edit) closed Create cascading l4 draft via copy-pasted of css3-cascade and region styling chapter Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-02-05
ACTION-615 (edit) open Talk to the performance wg about will-change Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-02-05
ACTION-616 (edit) closed Action rik to provide more css examples in the compositing spec. Dirk Schulze 2014-02-05
ACTION-617 (edit) closed Change the abstract link to svg 1.1 in compositing. Dirk Schulze 2014-02-05
ACTION-618 (edit) closed Action rik to reduce the doc to only the issues from this lc. Dirk Schulze 2014-02-05
ACTION-619 (edit) closed Update namedspaces and figure out what we need to put it on to tr Elika Etemad 2014-02-26
ACTION-620 (edit) closed Take this resolution to svg Dirk Schulze 2014-03-12
ACTION-621 (edit) closed Update namespaces spec Bert Bos 2014-03-19
ACTION-622 (edit) open Look at the proposal for css ruby Elika Etemad 2014-04-02
ACTION-623 (edit) closed Add will-change to charter Philippe Le Hégaret 2014-04-09
ACTION-624 (edit) open Investigate the opinons of other browsers Sylvain Galineau 2014-04-09
ACTION-625 (edit) open Fantasai add an example to section 2.2.2 Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-05-27
ACTION-626 (edit) open Poll on the author option for replacements to ::content Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-05-27
ACTION-627 (edit) open Get usage data Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-05-27
ACTION-628 (edit) open Draft a concrete proposal Elika Etemad 2014-05-27
ACTION-629 (edit) open Draft a concrete proposal Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-05-27
ACTION-630 (edit) open Post slides to www-archive Dave Cramer 2014-05-27
ACTION-631 (edit) open Work on the baseline stuff Steve Zilles 2014-05-27
ACTION-632 (edit) open Figure out if inhancing url works Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-05-28
ACTION-633 (edit) closed Ping bert or clilly about budgeting for the sept f2f Philippe Le Hégaret 2014-07-02
ACTION-634 (edit) open Address the text suite Elika Etemad 2014-07-23
ACTION-635 (edit) open Ask authors for feedback on this Daniel Glazman 2014-09-15
ACTION-636 (edit) closed Write up proposal for www-style Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-09-16
ACTION-637 (edit) open And koji to make a poll on which options are most live-withable for universal justification. Elika Etemad 2014-09-17
ACTION-638 (edit) open Clarify that ko-han is different from ko-hangul Elika Etemad 2014-09-17
ACTION-639 (edit) open Ask i18n for help in setting up and maintaining the jsutification references Elika Etemad 2014-09-17
ACTION-640 (edit) closed Turn css tv profile 1.0 into a note. Bert Bos 2014-09-17
ACTION-641 (edit) closed Turn css presentation levels into a note Bert Bos 2014-09-17
ACTION-642 (edit) closed Turn css reader media type into a rescinded note, remove all contents other than status. Bert Bos 2014-09-17
ACTION-643 (edit) closed Turn css hyperlinks into a rescinded note, remove all contents other than status. Bert Bos 2014-09-17
ACTION-644 (edit) open Republish css3-box with obnoxious note pointing to css2.1 Bert Bos 2014-09-17
ACTION-645 (edit) closed Sort out tr listing of css3-grid, which was superseded by css-grid-layout Bert Bos 2014-09-17
ACTION-646 (edit) closed Becss republished as gutted note Bert Bos 2014-09-17
ACTION-647 (edit) closed Css marquee republished as gutted note Bert Bos 2014-09-17 CSS3 Marquee
ACTION-648 (edit) closed Republish mobile profile as (regular) note Bert Bos 2014-09-17 CSS Mobile Profile 1.0 & 2.0
ACTION-649 (edit) open Bug rune about css device adaptation spec, what to do about it Simon Pieters 2014-09-17
ACTION-650 (edit) closed Deal with fullscreen Theresa O'Connor 2014-09-17
ACTION-651 (edit) open Republish dommatrix as gutted note, replaced by geometry interfaces Bert Bos 2014-09-17
ACTION-652 (edit) open E-mail the list about lifting restrictions on nesting image set Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-10-01
ACTION-653 (edit) closed Research changing the overwriting of an important style Rossen Atanassov 2014-10-01
ACTION-654 (edit) closed research changing the overwriting of an important style Rossen Atanassov 2014-10-01
ACTION-655 (edit) closed Reply to boris' e-mail Simon Pieters 2014-10-08
ACTION-656 (edit) closed Find steven pemberton and ask him about impl Bert Bos 2014-11-03 CSS3 Basic UI
ACTION-657 (edit) open Add text-shadow Elika Etemad 2014-11-03
ACTION-658 (edit) open Review pseudo spec based on edits. Daniel Glazman 2014-11-03
ACTION-659 (edit) open Spec their float layout for intrinisic sizes Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-11-03
ACTION-660 (edit) closed Spec their float layout for intrinisic sizes David Baron 2014-11-03
ACTION-661 (edit) open Put ie's nearest-scrollable-box behavior into orthogonal flows spec Elika Etemad 2014-11-03
ACTION-662 (edit) closed Ping the whatwg on the above resolution Florian Rivoal 2014-12-03 CSS3 Basic UI
ACTION-663 (edit) open Extend the zakim bridge allocation Chris Lilley 2014-12-17
ACTION-664 (edit) open Write ::placeholder in pseudo spec Elika Etemad 2015-01-14
ACTION-665 (edit) open Propose errata for @charset in 2.1 that brings it into alignment with css3 syntax David Baron 2015-02-15
ACTION-666 (edit) open Propose errata for margin collapsing issue Elika Etemad 2015-02-15
ACTION-667 (edit) closed Edit css 2.1 @charset tests to make them compliant with css3 syntax Simon Pieters 2015-02-15
ACTION-668 (edit) open Review performance characteristics of parent and previous-sibling combinator, potentially combinable David Baron 2015-02-16
ACTION-669 (edit) open And astearns to try fleshing out spec for wrap-inside wrap-before wrap-after in css-text-4 Elika Etemad 2015-02-16
ACTION-670 (edit) open Figure out what it was wrt percentage sizing Elika Etemad 2015-02-16
ACTION-671 (edit) open Break the web behind a flag in webkit Dean Jackson 2015-02-16
ACTION-672 (edit) open Figure out what options are sensible for the html/body dir thing. Greg Whitworth 2015-02-16
ACTION-673 (edit) open Make page of all form controls Florian Rivoal 2015-02-17
ACTION-674 (edit) open & fantasai - clarify in 9.8 and make sure definition of 'auto' is also clear about this exception Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-03-09
ACTION-675 (edit) open & fantasai: add sentence about not clamping flex base size back to spec to clarify this point Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-03-09
ACTION-676 (edit) closed See about .cur and .ico Rossen Atanassov 2015-03-25
ACTION-677 (edit) pending review Collect and send webvtt feddback Bert Bos 2015-04-08
ACTION-678 (edit) open And fantasai to update box alignment spec per resolution, propose wording for css2.1 errata Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-04-08
ACTION-679 (edit) open Provide more info to jdaggett Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-04-15
ACTION-680 (edit) open Ping the editing taskforce Elika Etemad 2015-04-22
ACTION-681 (edit) open Write a proposal for the mailing list Florian Rivoal 2015-04-29
ACTION-682 (edit) open Write a proposal for the mailing list Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-04-29
ACTION-683 (edit) open Edit css image and specify how to determine the coordinate system of the image Elika Etemad 2015-05-06
ACTION-684 (edit) open File an issue against tab for bikeshed to include csswg status codes Elika Etemad 2015-05-25
ACTION-685 (edit) open Investigate which data needs to be added and how to automate current-work Daniel Glazman 2015-05-25
ACTION-686 (edit) open Ping Léonie regarding accessibility with the zoom Daniel Glazman 2015-05-25
ACTION-687 (edit) open Investigate web compat of not propagating writing-mode from body to html Greg Whitworth 2015-05-26
ACTION-688 (edit) open Investigate web compat of not propagating writing-mode from body to html Simon Fraser 2015-05-26
ACTION-689 (edit) open Ping groups and leonie about ui 3 review Tantek Çelik 2015-05-27
ACTION-690 (edit) closed Add a note to user-select:none about it's use in template-based editting. Florian Rivoal 2015-05-27
ACTION-691 (edit) closed Come up with a resolution for user-select:none being included or not when selecting across. Florian Rivoal 2015-05-27
ACTION-692 (edit) open Talk with webapps about a reordering api Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-05-27
ACTION-693 (edit) open Find out why including system fonts behavior of check and trivial case behavior of check Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-05-27
ACTION-694 (edit) closed Email krit about resolution item 1 Daniel Glazman 2015-06-24
ACTION-695 (edit) open Write a note about authoring tools supporting the must requirement to re-order the dom in a logical way Elika Etemad 2015-06-24
ACTION-696 (edit) closed Ping tantek for reason the ua may treat unsupported values as auto. Florian Rivoal 2015-06-24
ACTION-697 (edit) closed Handle publication for css ui 3 Florian Rivoal 2015-07-01
ACTION-698 (edit) open Add position: fixed as s full stacking context to positioning Rossen Atanassov 2015-07-08
ACTION-699 (edit) open Take rossen text and export it to level 2 Bert Bos 2015-07-08
ACTION-700 (edit) open Contact daniel weck to see if there's any evolution on speak and speak-as so we can see if we can extract it Daniel Glazman 2015-07-08
ACTION-701 (edit) closed Write a summary e-mail about the discussion on overflow:clip to move the conversation forward Florian Rivoal 2015-07-15
ACTION-702 (edit) open Write some language for lch Chris Lilley 2015-08-12
ACTION-703 (edit) open Look at the last issue in fragmenetation Dave Cramer 2015-09-01
ACTION-704 (edit) open Get people on a call to make a decision about % inside flex items with min size auto Elika Etemad 2015-09-01
ACTION-705 (edit) open Figure out with the editing tf if there are and what are the requirements for caret-animation Florian Rivoal 2015-09-01
ACTION-706 (edit) closed Fix value line of polar-angle propdef Hyojin Song 2015-09-02 CSS Round Display
ACTION-707 (edit) closed Fix percentages line of polar-angle propdef Hyojin Song 2015-09-02 CSS Round Display
ACTION-708 (edit) closed Remove "for" line from polar-angle propdef Hyojin Song 2015-09-02 CSS Round Display
ACTION-709 (edit) closed Make polar-angle animatable as an angle Hyojin Song 2015-09-02 CSS Round Display
ACTION-710 (edit) closed Make polar-distance animatable as an angle Hyojin Song 2015-09-02 CSS Round Display
ACTION-711 (edit) closed Make position polar apply to the element rather than the parent Hyojin Song 2015-09-02 CSS Round Display
ACTION-712 (edit) closed Make polar-distance percentages relative to distance from center to edge of containing block (or mark this as an issue) so that it works for non-circular shapes as well Hyojin Song 2015-09-02 CSS Round Display
ACTION-713 (edit) closed Remove "for" line from polar-distance propdef Hyojin Song 2015-09-02 CSS Round Display
ACTION-714 (edit) closed Add issue about positioning items to the edge of the containing block without overflowing it; potentially solved by polar-anchor: <position> | auto Hyojin Song 2015-09-02 CSS Round Display
ACTION-715 (edit) closed Find unhappy dude at google who dislikes hyphenation properties and have him send email explaining his unhappiness to www-style Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-09-02
ACTION-716 (edit) open Add rfc2119 optional wording to svg writing-modes keywords Elika Etemad 2015-09-03
ACTION-717 (edit) open Add note about baseline-table property Elika Etemad 2015-09-03
ACTION-718 (edit) open Add value selector to level 5 Elika Etemad 2015-09-03
ACTION-719 (edit) open Work on the algorithm problem with the team yo have assembled Elika Etemad 2015-09-03
ACTION-720 (edit) open Review the keyframes proposal David Baron 2015-09-03
ACTION-721 (edit) open Make clarifications of what prefixing is in 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 Elika Etemad 2015-09-16
ACTION-722 (edit) closed Improve the note explaining why the prefixing policy change is good Florian Rivoal 2015-09-23
ACTION-723 (edit) open Fix up the termonology around 'unstable' Elika Etemad 2015-09-23
ACTION-724 (edit) open Publish snapshot 2015 Elika Etemad 2015-10-14
ACTION-725 (edit) open Update bikeshed to spit out new wording Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-10-14
ACTION-726 (edit) closed Try and implement some approximation of the outline algorithm using selectors, for bookmark-level. Florian Rivoal 2015-11-02
ACTION-727 (edit) open Write poll about naming of "true" keyword, using suggestions in the minutes. Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-11-02
ACTION-728 (edit) open Propose color profile feature for css Chris Lilley 2015-11-02
ACTION-729 (edit) open Drop color-correction property Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-11-02
ACTION-730 (edit) open Update grid with this resolution Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-11-02
ACTION-731 (edit) open Clarify polar-distance percentages when origin is not the center Hyojin Song 2015-11-03
ACTION-732 (edit) closed Work on polar-distance: contain; keyword proposal Hyojin Song 2015-11-03 CSS Round Display
ACTION-733 (edit) open Republish speech Bert Bos 2015-11-03
ACTION-734 (edit) open Publish update wd to box model in 4 weeks Bert Bos 2015-11-03
ACTION-735 (edit) closed Remove cssom-values and redirect to houdini typed om Peter Linss 2015-11-03
ACTION-736 (edit) open Publish variables as cr Chris Lilley 2015-11-03
ACTION-737 (edit) open Publish will change as cr Chris Lilley 2015-11-03
ACTION-738 (edit) closed Review status of device adaptation Florian Rivoal 2015-11-03
ACTION-739 (edit) closed Review changes in device-adaptation to see if we need a new wd or just a date bump Florian Rivoal 2015-11-03 CSS Device Adaptation
ACTION-740 (edit) closed Republish mq4 Florian Rivoal 2015-11-03 Media Queries
ACTION-741 (edit) open Figure out status of non-element selectors Alan Stearns 2015-11-03
ACTION-742 (edit) open Update flexbox doc Elika Etemad 2015-11-12
ACTION-743 (edit) closed Work with chris or bert on publication Florian Rivoal 2015-11-18
ACTION-744 (edit) closed Add jis-b4 and jis-b5 values to the page spec. Florian Rivoal 2015-11-18
ACTION-745 (edit) closed Write a note on user-select for multi-range Florian Rivoal 2015-11-25
ACTION-746 (edit) open Update v&u to accept unitless angles Elika Etemad 2016-02-07
ACTION-747 (edit) open Ask authoring tool people how authors can specify colors outside srgb Steve Zilles 2016-02-08
ACTION-748 (edit) open Look over writing modes test failures Elika Etemad 2016-02-08
ACTION-749 (edit) open Look into unprefixing text-combine-upright Greg Whitworth 2016-02-08
ACTION-750 (edit) open Look into unprefixing writing modes features in webkit Theresa O'Connor 2016-02-08
ACTION-751 (edit) open Add @viewport switch for opting into full round display size as viewport Hyojin Song 2016-02-09
ACTION-752 (edit) closed Make proposal for round display media query Florian Rivoal 2016-02-09 CSS Round Display
ACTION-753 (edit) open Change bikeshed to: there should be a hyperlink in applies to: <a>all elements</a> with the anchor linking to something that says "all elements" includes ::before and ::after Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-02-09
ACTION-754 (edit) open Look into allowing min-width on tables to work, and auto to work like it currently does - will require test cases for l2 of tables and possibly sizing as dbaron said it's helpful for intrinsic sizing beyond tables Greg Whitworth 2016-02-09
ACTION-755 (edit) open Investigate the paint order of the glyphs with respect to shadow and stroke and fill Elika Etemad 2016-02-09
ACTION-756 (edit) open Investigate dropping mask-type property Brian Birtles 2016-02-10
ACTION-757 (edit) open Ask his implementor about layout containment and overflow Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-02-24
ACTION-758 (edit) closed Determine set of -webkit-user-select values to spec Florian Rivoal 2016-02-24
ACTION-759 (edit) open figure out what's needed for webkit-user-select Rossen Atanassov 2016-02-24
ACTION-760 (edit) open Review wording changes for nesting calc() to avoid unintended changes Elika Etemad 2016-03-23
ACTION-761 (edit) open Clarify the thing dbaron wrote above in the spec Elika Etemad 2016-03-30
ACTION-762 (edit) open Work with print related impl to find the best minimum for this mq Florian Rivoal 2016-04-06
ACTION-763 (edit) open Draw up a proposal for overflow mq Elika Etemad 2016-04-13
ACTION-764 (edit) open Write up a proposal for rastar mq Florian Rivoal 2016-04-13
ACTION-765 (edit) open Review flexbox isse 3 Rossen Atanassov 2016-04-13
ACTION-766 (edit) open Get rid of the build as we have it and see where that leaves us Sam Sneddon 2016-04-20
ACTION-767 (edit) open Write a proposal for @page with use cases Florian Rivoal 2016-05-11
ACTION-768 (edit) open Review issue 39 of the grid spec Rossen Atanassov 2016-05-16
ACTION-769 (edit) closed File an issue against the tag to fix the general pushstate / url reference problem Peter Linss 2016-05-16
ACTION-770 (edit) open Look into supports on mq Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-05-16
ACTION-771 (edit) open Flip auto-resubmitted tests back to needs work if needs work was not auto-flagged Peter Linss 2016-05-17
ACTION-772 (edit) open Write basic contrib Greg Whitworth 2016-05-17
ACTION-773 (edit) closed Come up with a syntax for shepherd to be able to get the issues Sam Sneddon 2016-05-17
ACTION-774 (edit) open Get the automatic tagging setup - figure it out Sam Sneddon 2016-05-17
ACTION-775 (edit) open Get the github issues reflected in shephard Peter Linss 2016-05-17
ACTION-776 (edit) open Work with fantasai to figure out what non-cjk keywords need to exist for hanging-punctuation Dave Cramer 2016-05-18
ACTION-777 (edit) open Look into naming of float-start and -end for next call Florian Rivoal 2016-06-08
ACTION-778 (edit) open Look into naming of float-start and -end for next call Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-06-08
ACTION-779 (edit) open Put together the information on specs by eod Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-06-22
ACTION-780 (edit) closed Make the edits to have your proposed rec dates in the charter Alan Stearns 2016-06-29
ACTION-781 (edit) open Move offset- properties to motion-path spec Jihye Hong 2016-06-29
ACTION-782 (edit) open Figure out if there's compat risk on rgb() should be extended to allow an optional alpha. likewise hsl() Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-07-20
ACTION-783 (edit) open Start collecting namespaces history and future plans on a wiki so we can show the community and allow input. Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-07-27
ACTION-784 (edit) open Follow upw ith rossen and shane about houdini and tpac Greg Whitworth 2016-08-10
ACTION-785 (edit) closed Check if variables test coverage is from many browsers Sam Sneddon 2016-08-10
ACTION-786 (edit) open Do the transation request for grid Chris Lilley 2016-08-10
ACTION-787 (edit) closed Get back to editing tf and do research on Florian Rivoal 2016-08-31
ACTION-788 (edit) closed Continue with the shorthand/longhand idea for user-select Florian Rivoal 2016-08-31
ACTION-789 (edit) closed Report to epub about the mathml mq being approved. Daniel Glazman 2016-09-26 Media Queries
ACTION-790 (edit) closed Write the mathml mq. Florian Rivoal 2016-09-26
ACTION-791 (edit) open Identify the things in xsl-fo that are hard to do in css, and write up some results. Liam Quin 2016-09-26
ACTION-792 (edit) open Do the transforms split/reform. Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-09-26
ACTION-793 (edit) open Change offset shorthand to use || instead of && Jihye Hong 2016-09-27
ACTION-794 (edit) open Take a look at the 13 failing writing mode tests Elika Etemad 2016-09-27
ACTION-795 (edit) open File these writing mode test failures on the browsers Koji Ishii 2016-09-27
ACTION-796 (edit) open Prepare doc for writing modes transition Koji Ishii 2016-09-27
ACTION-797 (edit) open Put the bit about should/must/may tests in the documentation Alan Stearns 2016-10-19
ACTION-798 (edit) open Come up with the prose fix for the definition of line-height calculations contradicts itself issue (391) Elika Etemad 2016-10-19
ACTION-799 (edit) open document CSS3 Text changes (new text features, changes to existing properties) since CSS2.1 Elika Etemad 2016-10-26 CSS3 Text
ACTION-800 (edit) closed Organize the mq4 work Florian Rivoal 2016-11-23 Media Queries
ACTION-801 (edit) closed Set up an issue for the selectors 4 change David Baron 2016-11-23
ACTION-802 (edit) closed Poke people about getting transforms edits done. Alan Stearns 2016-11-23
ACTION-803 (edit) open Make sure that rename offset-rotation to be offset-rotate isn't a problem for the blink team Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-11-30
ACTION-804 (edit) open Make the change to 2.1 for the abspos resolution Bert Bos 2016-12-07
ACTION-805 (edit) open Figure out how to move the fxtf spec while preserving issues Rossen Atanassov 2016-12-14
ACTION-806 (edit) open List all the specs not currently listed in snapshot 2016 Chris Lilley 2016-12-28
ACTION-807 (edit) open Get more feedback on Bo Campbell 2017-01-11
ACTION-808 (edit) open Get the a11y tf people to look at the appropriate issues. Rossen Atanassov 2017-01-11
ACTION-809 (edit) closed Create a a11y tag on github. Elika Etemad 2017-01-11
ACTION-810 (edit) open Ask about case for left in i18n review Elika Etemad 2017-01-18
ACTION-811 (edit) closed Change from used value time to computed value time the resolution of current color for color property only Florian Rivoal 2017-01-18
ACTION-812 (edit) closed Reread old om spec to see what to take from it Florian Rivoal 2017-01-18
ACTION-813 (edit) open Test border-color:transparent to see if its different Florian Rivoal 2017-01-18
ACTION-814 (edit) open Work with chris to figure out what to do with the epc for dci p3 Alan Stearns 2017-01-18
ACTION-815 (edit) open Drop at-risk features that were not implemented (with possibly a "soft-drop") and publish updated l3, and republish what we have now as l4 Elika Etemad 2017-01-19
ACTION-816 (edit) open Compile impl report for writing-modes Koji Ishii 2017-01-19
ACTION-817 (edit) open Create snapshot of writing modes test suite Peter Linss 2017-01-19
ACTION-818 (edit) open Fix bikeshed errors in css-values-4 Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-01-19
ACTION-819 (edit) open Add example to offset from different anchor points Elika Etemad 2017-01-19
ACTION-820 (edit) open Propose within-bfc line grid declaration François Remy 2017-01-19
ACTION-821 (edit) open Deal with issues on font-loading so it can go to cr Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-01-19
ACTION-822 (edit) open Write a wiki page describing this process Elika Etemad 2017-01-20
ACTION-823 (edit) open Review css3 ui test suite to see how complete it is, if there are substantial parts missing Sam Sneddon 2017-01-20
ACTION-824 (edit) closed Doc for css3 ui for new cr Florian Rivoal 2017-01-20
ACTION-825 (edit) open And tab to rename "fill-available sizing" to "stretch sizing". Elika Etemad 2017-01-20
ACTION-826 (edit) closed Commit the edits and publish Florian Rivoal 2017-01-21
ACTION-827 (edit) open Help florian with index issue Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-02-01
ACTION-828 (edit) open Find cascade tests Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-02-22
ACTION-829 (edit) open Find cascade tests Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-02-22
ACTION-830 (edit) open Come up with list of things to trim from test level 3 Chris Lilley 2017-03-01
ACTION-831 (edit) open Determine what is more interop (on use flex-order first or document-order first item's baseline?) and bring to group for resolution Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-03-01
ACTION-832 (edit) open Update the issue on [css-display] what are "form controls"? and bring it to next week's call Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-03-01
ACTION-833 (edit) open Comment on the percentage [max-]width|height and intrinsic sizes thread David Baron 2017-03-08
ACTION-834 (edit) open Ping emilio about the have display:contents treated as dsiaply:none for replaced elements and form controls resolution David Baron 2017-03-08
ACTION-835 (edit) open T review #765 in github Greg Whitworth 2017-03-08
ACTION-836 (edit) closed Extend applies to for baseline-shift to match alignment-baseline Elika Etemad 2017-03-22
ACTION-837 (edit) open Write bugs on other browsers to get a responce on if they can change to match spec (for issue #1112) François Remy 2017-03-29
ACTION-838 (edit) open Respond to the dwrite issue and chrisl's asks for font edits. Myles Maxfield 2017-04-12
ACTION-839 (edit) open Look at <position> edits Simon Fraser 2017-04-12
ACTION-840 (edit) open Update motion draft Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-04-12
ACTION-841 (edit) open Replace svg integration spec with a note pointing to svg2 to indicate that it is now obsolete Chris Lilley 2017-04-13
ACTION-842 (edit) open Clarify that subgrids with orthogonal flows have rows and column axes flipped within the subgrid Elika Etemad 2017-04-26
ACTION-843 (edit) open Port gecko font variant tests into wpt Chris Lilley 2017-04-26
ACTION-844 (edit) open Put this into the min/max section of the spec Myles Maxfield 2017-04-26
ACTION-845 (edit) open Add font-lang-override descriptor to fonts level 4 Myles Maxfield 2017-04-26
ACTION-846 (edit) open Look for gecko tests for various font things John Daggett 2017-04-26
ACTION-847 (edit) open Ping ojan about this issue Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-04-26
ACTION-848 (edit) open Talk with gregwhitworth & fremy about how this interacts with table spec. Florian Rivoal 2017-04-27
ACTION-849 (edit) open Make wording Elika Etemad 2017-04-28
ACTION-850 (edit) open Verify what is done by each browser (by checking edge and putting on wg to-do list for everyone else) Rossen Atanassov 2017-04-28
ACTION-851 (edit) closed Clarify the scripting section as per fantasai description in minutes. Florian Rivoal 2017-05-24 Media Queries
ACTION-852 (edit) open Open new issue on what we are doing with the syntax equivalencies and linking back to this issue so we can revisit this resolution Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-06-07
ACTION-853 (edit) open Revert change in ed Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-08-09
ACTION-854 (edit) open Review current state of selectors 4 and determine what if anything is blocking publishing a new wd Elika Etemad 2017-08-09
ACTION-855 (edit) closed Follow-up on the issue Florian Rivoal 2017-08-09 Selectors Level 4
ACTION-856 (edit) closed See which ones are from should and consider whether to change to may. Florian Rivoal 2017-08-10
ACTION-857 (edit) open Investigate changing letter-spacing impl to match spec regarding spacing at start/end of element. Myles Maxfield 2017-08-11
ACTION-858 (edit) open Write test cases Elika Etemad 2017-08-11
ACTION-859 (edit) closed File bugs with each case Florian Rivoal 2017-08-11
ACTION-860 (edit) open Make a blog post to get feedback on Elika Etemad 2017-08-23
ACTION-861 (edit) open Ask raul to re-raise in a seperate issue Chris Lilley 2017-08-23
ACTION-862 (edit) closed Add the proposed text in to the spec Florian Rivoal 2017-08-30
ACTION-863 (edit) closed Write tests for the resolution " add max-height as well as height to the conditions that define the height for resolution of orthogonal flow sizing" Florian Rivoal 2017-10-04
ACTION-864 (edit) closed Propose text to resolve issue 1828 Florian Rivoal 2017-10-11
ACTION-865 (edit) open Add a test case Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-10-25
ACTION-866 (edit) open Get a description of the behavior for issue #2006 Theresa O'Connor 2017-12-27
ACTION-867 (edit) open Make the edits in Tab Atkins Jr. 2018-02-21
ACTION-868 (edit) closed Come up with new tags for new edits Alan Stearns 2018-02-21
ACTION-869 (edit) open Investigate specifying specified values Tab Atkins Jr. 2018-04-16
ACTION-870 (edit) open Add note about things planning to change, e.g. cssstylevalue expansions Tab Atkins Jr. 2018-04-16
ACTION-871 (edit) open Make updates to css 2.1 errata Tantek Çelik 2018-04-17
ACTION-872 (edit) open Send the image of discussion to archives Rossen Atanassov 2018-04-17
ACTION-873 (edit) open Compile doc for masking and bring it back for cr publication resolution Dirk Schulze 2018-04-19
ACTION-874 (edit) open Review the scroll-animations spec Elika Etemad 2018-10-29
ACTION-875 (edit) open put it unconditionally negative padding adjust content box and file and issue to discuss further Elika Etemad 2018-12-05
ACTION-876 (edit) open : open an issue to define getcomputedstyle Amelia Bellamy-Royds 2019-03-05
ACTION-877 (edit) open Open issues against outline on all the aforementioned issues Greg Whitworth 2019-03-05
ACTION-878 (edit) closed Write up options Florian Rivoal 2019-05-15
ACTION-879 (edit) open Add a note about the font-size: 0px vs min font-size web-compat issue Myles Maxfield 2019-06-11
ACTION-880 (edit) open Fpwd animation worklet Majid Valipour 2019-06-14
ACTION-881 (edit) open And fantasai develop spec text for Tab Atkins Jr. 2019-06-26
ACTION-882 (edit) open Send out publication announcements... Elika Etemad 2019-07-24
ACTION-883 (edit) open And tink to draft a proposal Amelia Bellamy-Royds 2019-09-24

Add a new action item. See all the action items

Alan Stearns <>, Rossen Atanassov <>, Chairs, Chris Lilley <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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