CSS1 Test Suite: 3.2 Cascading Order

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Last Updated: 11 May 1998

The style declarations which apply to the text below are:

<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" HREF="linktest.css">
LI {color: purple;}
UL LI {color: blue;}
UL LI LI {color: gray;}
LI.red {color: green;}
UL LI.mar {color: #660000;}
UL LI#gre {color: green;}
.test {color: blue;}
.test {color: purple;}
.one {text-decoration: line-through;}

This sentence should be blue (STYLE attr.).

This sentence should be purple [class="test"].

This text should be stricken (overriding the imported underline; only works if LINKed sheets are supported).

  • This list item should be blue...
  • ...and so should this; neither should be purple.
    • This list item should be gray...
    • ...as should this....
    • ...but this one should be green.
  • This ought to be dark red...
  • ...this green...
  • ...and this blue.

This sentence should be blue (STYLE attr.).

This sentence should be purple [class="test"].

This text should be stricken (overriding the imported underline; only works if LINKed sheets are supported).

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