W3C Workshop on Strong Authentication & Identity

and ; Location Microsoft Building 27, Redmond, WA

Sponsoring the W3C Workshop on Strong Authentication & Identity

This workshop will look to provide an existing standards landscape, roadmap and potential future work for how strong identity and strong authentication should work on the web. A successful workshop will be how to align recent W3C specifications (WebAuthn, Verifiable Claims, Web Payments) and work that is ongoing in the W3C Credentials Community Group (DID, DIDAuth) along with IETF and ISO, as well as other existing community standards such as Open ID Connect, Oauth, SAML, etc.

For more details on the workshop, see the W3C Workshop on Strong Authentication & Identity.

Inquiries about sponsorship can be sent to Alan Bird at abird@w3.org.

Why Sponsor This Workshop?

The cost to hold a workshop includes costs for venue (including setup and custodial costs), AV requirements (optionally including recording), catering (lunch and breaks), materials, travel and staffing, and other considerations.

Most of the planning, coordination, agenda building, and writing outcome reports are done for no cost by W3C staff or volunteers. But without sponsorships, W3C cannot hold workshops.

If you see value in discussing further improvement on improving identity and authentication, and believe it will help your business, sponsoring is the best way to ensure that this conversation happens, and that you are seen as a leader and a forward-looking enabler of the technical evolution of the Web.

The more sponsorships we get, the better the amenities will be, including options like recording and transcription for spreading and preserving what was discussed, T-shirts for attendees, and better meals.

Sponsorship Packages

W3C has general guidelines for our workshop sponsorship. For this workshop, we have 3 levels of sponsorship: Platinum, Gold, and Silver.

W3C Members get a 25% discount on all sponsorship packages; costs listed reflect the W3C Member discount.

All sponsorships offer the following considerations:

The deadline for becoming a sponsor are:

The deadline for becoming a sponsor are:

Platinum Sponsorship: $7,500 ($10,000 for non-Members)

Gold Sponsorship: $5,000 ($6,700 for non-Members)

Silver Sponsorship: $3,000 ($4,000 for non-Members)