Class w3c.jigsaw.auth.DigestAuthFilter
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Class w3c.jigsaw.auth.DigestAuthFilter


public class DigestAuthFilter
extends AuthFilter
DigestAuthFilter provides for both IP and basic authentication. This is really a first implementation. It looses on several points: However, this provides for the basic functionnalities.

Variable Index

Attribute index - The list of allowed groups.
Attribute index - The list of allowed nonces.
Attribute index - The list of allowed users.
 o catalog
The catalog of realms that make our scope.
 o ipmatcher
The IPMatcher to match IP templates to user records.
 o loaded_realm
The nam of the realm we cache in realm.
 o realm
Our associated realm.

Constructor Index

 o DigestAuthFilter()

Method Index

 o acquireRealm()
Get a pointer to our realm, and initialize our ipmatcher.
 o authenticate(Request)
Authenticate the given request.
 o checkDigestAuth(DigestAuthContext, String)
Check the given Digest context against our database.
 o checkIP_Nonce(InetAddress, Vector)
Checks to see whether or not the a valid preexisting nonce is coming in from a specific IP.
 o checkNonce(DigestAuthContext, InetAddress)
Checks the clients nonce to see whether or not it is the correct one from that client/user.
 o checkRealm()
Check that our realm does exist.
 o checkTime(Date, Date)
Checks the timestamp of the nonce to see whether or not its valid.
 o checkUser(AuthUser)
Is this user allowed in the realm ? First check in the list of allowed users (if any), than in the list of allowed groups (if any).
 o getAllowedGroups()
Get the list of allowed groups.
 o getAllowedUsers()
Get the list of allowed users.
 o getNonces()
Gets the list of allowed nonces.
 o initialize(Object[])
Initialize the filter.
 o lookupUser(InetAddress)
Lookup a user by its IP address.
 o lookupUser(String)
Lookup a user by its name.


  protected static int ATTR_ALLOWED_USERS
Attribute index - The list of allowed users.
  protected static int ATTR_ALLOWED_GROUPS
Attribute index - The list of allowed groups.
  protected static int ATTR_ALLOWED_NONCES
Attribute index - The list of allowed nonces.
 o ipmatcher
  protected IPMatcher ipmatcher
The IPMatcher to match IP templates to user records.
 o catalog
  protected RealmsCatalog catalog
The catalog of realms that make our scope.
 o realm
  protected AuthRealm realm
Our associated realm.
 o loaded_realm
  protected String loaded_realm
The nam of the realm we cache in realm.


 o DigestAuthFilter
  public DigestAuthFilter()


 o acquireRealm
  protected synchronized void acquireRealm()
Get a pointer to our realm, and initialize our ipmatcher.
 o checkIP_Nonce
  public Vector checkIP_Nonce(InetAddress ip,
                              Vector allowed_nonces)
Checks to see whether or not the a valid preexisting nonce is coming in from a specific IP.
ip - The clients ip address.
s A Vector containing two objects, a boolean specifying whether or not it succeeded, and a nonce if it did succeed and is null if it didn't.
 o checkRealm
  protected synchronized boolean checkRealm()
Check that our realm does exist. Otherwise we are probably being initialized, and we don't authenticate yet.
A boolean true if realm can be initialized.
 o getAllowedUsers
  public String[] getAllowedUsers()
Get the list of allowed users.
 o getAllowedGroups
  public String[] getAllowedGroups()
Get the list of allowed groups.
 o getNonces
  public Vector getNonces()
Gets the list of allowed nonces.
 o lookupUser
  public synchronized AuthUser lookupUser(InetAddress ipaddr)
Lookup a user by its IP address.
ipaddr - The IP address to look for.
An AuthUser instance or null.
 o lookupUser
  public synchronized AuthUser lookupUser(String name)
Lookup a user by its name.
name - The user's name.
An AuthUser instance, or null.
 o checkTime
  public boolean checkTime(Date date,
                           Date Nonce_date)
Checks the timestamp of the nonce to see whether or not its valid.
date - The current date.
Nonce_date - The nonce's date.
boolean specifying whether the nonce's date was within time limits.
 o checkNonce
  public boolean checkNonce(DigestAuthContext ctxt,
                            InetAddress ip)
Checks the clients nonce to see whether or not it is the correct one from that client/user.
ctxt - The Digest auth context
ip - The client's IP address.
boolean whether or not the nonce succeeded.
 o checkDigestAuth
  protected AuthUser checkDigestAuth(DigestAuthContext ctxt,
                                     String method)
Check the given Digest context against our database.
ctxt - The Digest auth context to check.
method - The method used to access this resource.
A AuthUser instance if check succeeded, null otherwise.
 o checkUser
  protected boolean checkUser(AuthUser user)
Is this user allowed in the realm ? First check in the list of allowed users (if any), than in the list of allowed groups (if any). If no allowed users or allowed groups are defined, than simply check for the existence of this user.
A boolean true if access allowed.
 o authenticate
  public void authenticate(Request request) throws HTTPException
Authenticate the given request. We first check for valid authentication information. If no authentication is provided, than we try to map the IP address to some of the ones we know about. If the IP address is not found, we challenge the client for a password.

If the IP address is found, than either our user entry requires an extra password step (in wich case we challenge it), or simple IP based authentication is enough, so we allow the request.

request - The request to be authentified.
authenticate in class AuthFilter
 o initialize
  public void initialize(Object values[])
Initialize the filter.
initialize in class ResourceFilter

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