HTTP Meeting Notes Monday Dec 9th
Chair: Larry Masinter,
Note taker: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen
HTTP/1.1 Implementation Issues
Performance Evaluation of HTTP/1.1 pipelining
What should a server respond to an HTTP/1.0 request?
There are both clients and servers that choke on HTTP/1.1
It's too late to fix alrady existing implementations
If we don't say that we can do HTTP/1.1 then a client may
never find out that a HTTP server can speak 1.1 and we
can't make any progress.
It doesn't seem to be headers but merely that broken 1.0
apps look for th string "HTTP/1.0" in order to distinguish
it from HTTP/0.9
Another solution is to change the major version number
There was no overall consensus
Give a proposed filename for downloaded files.
It was considered too late to include a feature like this
now. It may be a part of a non-normative appendix
There is a generic security warning in the equivalent MIME
Alex Hopmann volunteered to write up a note about Content
Warning Headers
If you have cascaded proxies then warning headers may be
cached and passed to the client even though the document
has been revalidated and is valid. The rules for how and
when to strip warning headers should be made more explicit
Simon Spero has a pointer
305 Response code Underdefined?
The current draft does not define 305 probably.
If you are behind a firewall then a 305 response will fail
on all future requests. That is - it has to be a hop by hop
and not end to end return code.
There should be a proxy configuration mechanism so that it
can be handled with proxies
Ari volunteered to write up a spec about how to use
305. It will probably be a separate spec
We may want to take it out of the current spec.
Proxy Authentication Underdefined?
The issuse is that if you have cascaded proxies then the
"colapsing" of proxy authentication may fail
It is a differebt model that originally intended where
proxu authentication was a hop-by-hop mexchanism
Josh Cohen proposed a change to the current draft. He would
like to add a realm id. He committed to send a draft
to the mailing list
This would also have an impact on www-authenticate
There was overall concensus that we should find out exactly
what the changes would have to be
Available choises: we can make progress within or without
Should IMS and IUS be "==" or "<="
There may be race conditions where a client can get a stale
There are also problems in broken client and daylight
saving time and clock scew
There was a certain consencus that an equality check
instead of the current less than or equal. It seems to be
We could recommend that date stamps are not used at all but
this will not change existing clients
Clients may reformat the date/time stamp when revalidating
Who should close the Connection?
It is not clear at this point in time and we need more
implementation experience
We may want to come up with an implementation advice
Content Negotiation
Transparent Content Negotiation
Overview by Andy Mutz:
How to handle multiple variants is an important issue in
How does this interact with proxies and caches
Having the clients telling its preferences does not scale.
Instead the server can ennumerate the chioces
There are at least two implementations that can
Request for moving this to proposed standard in January and
hook up to HTTP/1.1? What should we do?
Implementation problems: charset, MIME types are not
It is still not clear how useful the current spec is in
It is problematic to specify the algorithm for how to do
content negotiation, q values should be relative and not
It was proposed to isolate the alternate part from the rest
of the current spec.
There are some open issues: Server rendering machanisms?,
Quality values on feature tags?
Feature Tag Registration
Overview by Anydu Mutz:
The current draft needs more comments and work
Larry committed to make sure that the draft is added to the
wg home page
User Agent Display Attributes
Where should this go? It could be part of a transparent
content negotiotaion or it can be part of a feature tage
Yaron (MS) referred to the draft issued by MS to describe
the feature tags that MS would like to have. It is not a
proposal for a core set
Continues tomorrow...
Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, December 9 1996
changes since then:
$Log: Notes-day1.html,v $
Revision 1.4 2005/04/28 13:30:05 connolly
tidied, added changelog
revision 1.3
date: 1997/08/09 17:56:23; author: fillault; state: Exp; lines: +207 -204
New layout