OCTET = CHAR = UPALPHA = LOALPHA = ALPHA = UPALPHA | LOALPHA DIGIT = CTL = CR = LF = SP = HT = <"> = CRLF = CR LF LWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT ) TEXT = HEX = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | DIGIT token = 1* separators = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@" | "," | ";" | ":" | "\" | <"> | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "=" | "{" | "}" | SP | HT comment = "(" *( ctext | quoted-pair | comment ) ")" ctext = quoted-string = ( <"> *(qdtext | quoted-pair ) <"> ) qdtext = > quoted-pair = "\" CHAR HTTP-Version = "HTTP" "/" 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT http_URL = "http:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]] HTTP-date = rfc1123-date | rfc850-date | asctime-date rfc1123-date = wkday "," SP date1 SP time SP "GMT" rfc850-date = weekday "," SP date2 SP time SP "GMT" asctime-date = wkday SP date3 SP time SP 4DIGIT date1 = 2DIGIT SP month SP 4DIGIT ; day month year (e.g., 02 Jun 1982) date2 = 2DIGIT "-" month "-" 2DIGIT ; day-month-year (e.g., 02-Jun-82) date3 = month SP ( 2DIGIT | ( SP 1DIGIT )) ; month day (e.g., Jun 2) time = 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT ; 00:00:00 - 23:59:59 wkday = "Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thu" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun" weekday = "Monday" | "Tuesday" | "Wednesday" | "Thursday" | "Friday" | "Saturday" | "Sunday" month = "Jan" | "Feb" | "Mar" | "Apr" | "May" | "Jun" | "Jul" | "Aug" | "Sep" | "Oct" | "Nov" | "Dec" delta-seconds = 1*DIGIT charset = token content-coding = token transfer-coding = "chunked" | transfer-extension transfer-extension = token *( ";" parameter ) parameter = attribute "=" value attribute = token value = token | quoted-string Chunked-Body = *chunk last-chunk trailer CRLF chunk = chunk-size [ chunk-extension ] CRLF chunk-data CRLF chunk-size = 1*HEX last-chunk = 1*("0") [ chunk-extension ] CRLF chunk-extension= *( ";" chunk-ext-name [ "=" chunk-ext-val ] ) chunk-ext-name = token chunk-ext-val = token | quoted-string chunk-data = chunk-size(OCTET) trailer = *(entity-header CRLF) media-type = type "/" subtype *( ";" parameter ) type = token subtype = token product = token ["/" product-version] product-version = token qvalue = ( "0" [ "." 0*3DIGIT ] ) | ( "1" [ "." 0*3("0") ] ) language-tag = primary-tag *( "-" subtag ) primary-tag = 1*8ALPHA subtag = 1*8ALPHA entity-tag = [ weak ] opaque-tag weak = "W/" opaque-tag = quoted-string range-unit = bytes-unit | other-range-unit bytes-unit = "bytes" other-range-unit = token HTTP-message = Request | Response ; HTTP/1.1 messages generic-message = start-line *(message-header CRLF) CRLF [ message-body ] start-line = Request-Line | Status-Line message-header = field-name ":" [ field-value ] field-name = token field-value = *( field-content | LWS ) field-content = message-body = entity-body | general-header = Cache-Control ; Section 14.9 | Connection ; Section 14.10 | Date ; Section 14.18 | Pragma ; Section 14.32 | Trailer ; Section 14.40 | Transfer-Encoding ; Section 14.41 | Upgrade ; Section 14.42 | Via ; Section 14.45 | Warning ; Section 14.46 Request = Request-Line ; Section 5.1 *(( general-header ; Section 4.5 | request-header ; Section 5.3 | entity-header ) CRLF) ; Section 7.1 CRLF [ message-body ] ; Section 4.3 Request-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF Method = "OPTIONS" ; Section 9.2 | "GET" ; Section 9.3 | "HEAD" ; Section 9.4 | "POST" ; Section 9.5 | "PUT" ; Section 9.6 | "DELETE" ; Section 9.7 | "TRACE" ; Section 9.8 | "CONNECT" ; Section 9.9 | extension-method extension-method = token Request-URI = "*" | absoluteURI | abs_path | authority request-header = Accept ; Section 14.1 | Accept-Charset ; Section 14.2 | Accept-Encoding ; Section 14.3 | Accept-Language ; Section 14.4 | Authorization ; Section 14.8 | Expect ; Section 14.20 | From ; Section 14.22 | Host ; Section 14.23 | If-Match ; Section 14.24 | If-Modified-Since ; Section 14.25 | If-None-Match ; Section 14.26 | If-Range ; Section 14.27 | If-Unmodified-Since ; Section 14.28 | Max-Forwards ; Section 14.31 | Proxy-Authorization ; Section 14.34 | Range ; Section 14.35 | Referer ; Section 14.36 | TE ; Section 14.39 | User-Agent ; Section 14.43 Response = Status-Line ; Section 6.1 *(( general-header ; Section 4.5 | response-header ; Section 6.2 | entity-header ) CRLF) ; Section 7.1 CRLF [ message-body ] ; Section 7.2 Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF Status-Code = "100" ; Section 10.1.1: Continue | "101" ; Section 10.1.2: Switching Protocols | "200" ; Section 10.2.1: OK | "201" ; Section 10.2.2: Created | "202" ; Section 10.2.3: Accepted | "203" ; Section 10.2.4: Non-Authoritative Information | "204" ; Section 10.2.5: No Content | "205" ; Section 10.2.6: Reset Content | "206" ; Section 10.2.7 Partial Content | "300" ; Section 10.3.1: Multiple Choices | "301" ; Section 10.3.2: Moved Permanently | "302" ; Section 10.3.3: Found | "303" ; Section 10.3.4: See Other | "304" ; Section 10.3.5: Not Modified | "305" ; Section 10.3.6: Use Proxy | "307" ; Section 10.3.8: Temporary Redirect | "400" ; Section 10.4.1: Bad Request | "401" ; Section 10.4.2: Unauthorized | "402" ; Section 10.4.3: Payment Required | "403" ; Section 10.4.4: Forbidden | "404" ; Section 10.4.5: Not Found | "405" ; Section 10.4.6: Method Not Allowed | "406" ; Section 10.4.7: Not Acceptable | "407" ; Section 10.4.8: Proxy Authentication Required | "408" ; Section 10.4.9: Request Time-out | "409" ; Section 10.4.10: Conflict | "410" ; Section 10.4.11: Gone | "411" ; Section 10.4.12: Length Required | "412" ; Section 10.4.13: Precondition Failed | "413" ; Section 10.4.14: Request Entity Too Large | "414" ; Section 10.4.15: Request-URI Too Large | "415" ; Section 10.4.16: Unsupported Media Type | "416" ; Section 10.4.17: Requested range not satisfiable | "417" ; Section 10.4.18: Expectation Failed | "500" ; Section 10.5.1: Internal Server Error | "501" ; Section 10.5.2: Not Implemented | "502" ; Section 10.5.3: Bad Gateway | "503" ; Section 10.5.4: Service Unavailable | "504" ; Section 10.5.5: Gateway Time-out | "505" ; Section 10.5.6: HTTP Version not supported | extension-code extension-code = 3DIGIT Reason-Phrase = * response-header = Accept-Ranges ; Section 14.5 | Age ; Section 14.6 | ETag ; Section 14.19 | Location ; Section 14.30 | Proxy-Authenticate ; Section 14.33 | Retry-After ; Section 14.37 | Server ; Section 14.38 | Vary ; Section 14.44 | WWW-Authenticate ; Section 14.47 entity-header = Allow ; Section 14.7 | Content-Encoding ; Section 14.11 | Content-Language ; Section 14.12 | Content-Length ; Section 14.13 | Content-Location ; Section 14.14 | Content-MD5 ; Section 14.15 | Content-Range ; Section 14.16 | Content-Type ; Section 14.17 | Expires ; Section 14.21 | Last-Modified ; Section 14.29 | extension-header extension-header = message-header entity-body = *OCTET Accept = "Accept" ":" #( media-range [ accept-params ] ) media-range = ( "*/*" | ( type "/" "*" ) | ( type "/" subtype ) ) *( ";" parameter ) accept-params = ";" "q" "=" qvalue *( accept-extension ) accept-extension = ";" token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ] Accept-Charset = "Accept-Charset" ":" 1#( ( charset | "*" )[ ";" "q" "=" qvalue ] ) Accept-Encoding = "Accept-Encoding" ":" 1#( codings [ ";" "q" "=" qvalue ] ) codings = ( content-coding | "*" ) Accept-Language = "Accept-Language" ":" 1#( language-range [ ";" "q" "=" qvalue ] ) language-range = ( ( 1*8ALPHA *( "-" 1*8ALPHA ) ) | "*" ) Accept-Ranges = "Accept-Ranges" ":" acceptable-ranges acceptable-ranges = 1#range-unit | "none" Age = "Age" ":" age-value age-value = delta-seconds Allow = "Allow" ":" #Method Authorization = "Authorization" ":" credentials Cache-Control = "Cache-Control" ":" 1#cache-directive cache-directive = cache-request-directive | cache-response-directive cache-request-directive = "no-cache" ; Section 14.9.1 | "no-store" ; Section 14.9.2 | "max-age" "=" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3, 14.9.4 | "max-stale" [ "=" delta-seconds ] ; Section 14.9.3 | "min-fresh" "=" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3 | "no-transform" ; Section 14.9.5 | "only-if-cached" ; Section 14.9.4 | cache-extension ; Section 14.9.6 cache-response-directive = "public" ; Section 14.9.1 | "private" [ "=" <"> 1#field-name <"> ] ; Section 14.9.1 | "no-cache" [ "=" <"> 1#field-name <"> ]; Section 14.9.1 | "no-store" ; Section 14.9.2 | "no-transform" ; Section 14.9.5 | "must-revalidate" ; Section 14.9.4 | "proxy-revalidate" ; Section 14.9.4 | "max-age" "=" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3 | "s-maxage" "=" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3 | cache-extension ; Section 14.9.6 cache-extension = token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ] Connection = "Connection" ":" 1#(connection-token) connection-token = token Content-Encoding = "Content-Encoding" ":" 1#content-coding Content-Language = "Content-Language" ":" 1#language-tag Content-Length = "Content-Length" ":" 1*DIGIT Content-Location = "Content-Location" ":" ( absoluteURI | relativeURI ) Content-MD5 = "Content-MD5" ":" md5-digest md5-digest = Content-Range = "Content-Range" ":" content-range-spec content-range-spec = byte-content-range-spec byte-content-range-spec = bytes-unit SP byte-range-resp-spec "/" ( instance-length | "*" ) byte-range-resp-spec = (first-byte-pos "-" last-byte-pos) | "*" instance-length = 1*DIGIT Content-Type = "Content-Type" ":" media-type Date = "Date" ":" HTTP-date ETag = "ETag" ":" entity-tag Expect = "Expect" ":" 1#expectation expectation = "100-continue" | expectation-extension expectation-extension = token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) *expect-params ] expect-params = ";" token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ] Expires = "Expires" ":" HTTP-date From = "From" ":" mailbox Host = "Host" ":" host [ ":" port ] ; Section 3.2.2 If-Match = "If-Match" ":" ( "*" | 1#entity-tag ) If-Modified-Since = "If-Modified-Since" ":" HTTP-date If-None-Match = "If-None-Match" ":" ( "*" | 1#entity-tag ) If-Range = "If-Range" ":" ( entity-tag | HTTP-date ) If-Unmodified-Since = "If-Unmodified-Since" ":" HTTP-date Last-Modified = "Last-Modified" ":" HTTP-date Location = "Location" ":" absoluteURI Max-Forwards = "Max-Forwards" ":" 1*DIGIT Pragma = "Pragma" ":" 1#pragma-directive pragma-directive = "no-cache" | extension-pragma extension-pragma = token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ] Proxy-Authenticate = "Proxy-Authenticate" ":" 1#challenge Proxy-Authorization = "Proxy-Authorization" ":" credentials ranges-specifier = byte-ranges-specifier byte-ranges-specifier = bytes-unit "=" byte-range-set byte-range-set = 1#( byte-range-spec | suffix-byte-range-spec ) byte-range-spec = first-byte-pos "-" [last-byte-pos] first-byte-pos = 1*DIGIT last-byte-pos = 1*DIGIT suffix-byte-range-spec = "-" suffix-length suffix-length = 1*DIGIT Range = "Range" ":" ranges-specifier Referer = "Referer" ":" ( absoluteURI | relativeURI ) Retry-After = "Retry-After" ":" ( HTTP-date | delta-seconds ) Server = "Server" ":" 1*( product | comment ) TE = "TE" ":" #( t-codings ) t-codings = "trailers" | ( transfer-extension [ accept-params ] ) Trailer = "Trailer" ":" 1#field-name Transfer-Encoding = "Transfer-Encoding" ":" 1#transfer-coding Upgrade = "Upgrade" ":" 1#product User-Agent = "User-Agent" ":" 1*( product | comment ) Vary = "Vary" ":" ( "*" | 1#field-name ) Via = "Via" ":" 1#( received-protocol received-by [ comment ] ) received-protocol = [ protocol-name "/" ] protocol-version protocol-name = token protocol-version = token received-by = ( host [ ":" port ] ) | pseudonym pseudonym = token Warning = "Warning" ":" 1#warning-value warning-value = warn-code SP warn-agent SP warn-text [SP warn-date] warn-code = 3DIGIT warn-agent = ( host [ ":" port ] ) | pseudonym ; the name or pseudonym of the server adding ; the Warning header, for use in debugging warn-text = quoted-string warn-date = <"> HTTP-date <"> WWW-Authenticate = "WWW-Authenticate" ":" 1#challenge MIME-Version = "MIME-Version" ":" 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT content-disposition = "Content-Disposition" ":" disposition-type *( ";" disposition-parm ) disposition-type = "attachment" | disp-extension-token disposition-parm = filename-parm | disp-extension-parm filename-parm = "filename" "=" quoted-string disp-extension-token = token disp-extension-parm = token "=" ( token | quoted-string )